Bis die Ohren bluten …
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Bis die Ohren bluten …
got the #gibson SG with a #tronical tuning system, awesome concept, like it a lot! #axelritt #metal #guitar
The SeaWorld Bowl! | PETA’s 2015 Super Bowl Ad -
Dairy and animal sourced milk is acidifying to human bodies and actually makes our bodies excrete calcium from our bones in order to balance out the acidifying effects of the animal based calcium. We cannot absorb it. Because of this, bones become weaker and it can lead to issues like osteoporosis. It is NOT the same as the calcium found in human breast milk or plants. Yes, the dairy industry is blatantly lying to you. So eat your greens and get adequate vitamin D!
10 dairy free foods packed with calcium
#gibson sent over some nice SG stuff, an all time classic, I can hear the hells bells #axelritt