Dienstag, 25. Mai 2021

10 albums, that influenced me the most - 9th place out of...

10 albums, that influenced me the most - 9th place out of 10
Tommy Emmanuel, Live At The Sheldon Concert Hall St. Louis
- The humiliation of every guitarist turned into sound -

The ultimate death knell for any kind of self-confidence that has been painstakingly built up over the past decades. I was about to make a couple of recordings for my band Grave Digger, which I had to record in the Principal Studios, when sound engineer Jörg Umbreit asked me if I actually knew Tommy Emmanuel. I said no and he pushed a DVD of his into my hand for entertainment, which I briefly looked into. Then I could have killed Jörg. In a nutshell, not only the whole day, but also the following time was completely in the bucket from a musical point of view, because I considered myself unworthy to pick up a guitar even once. Compared to what the Australian pulled on the guitar, everything else that I had heard from guitarists to date seemed like a single child’s birthday. Should I have to name the best guitarist in the world, which is known to be impossible, he would be.

via Tumblr https://axelritt.tumblr.com/post/652141811853393920

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