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Posts mit dem Label fameamps werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 2. Mai 2021

I rearranged the amp setup in my @meadow_studios and set up one...

I rearranged the amp setup in my @meadow_studios and set up one more amp shelf to get some more flexibility regarding tone and sound.

Combos by @fender aso. are in the record room. I guess I‘m done, what do you think?

#englamps #marshallamps #hughesandkettner #victoryamps #palmeramps #randallamps #kochamps #soundcityamps #zaorfurniture #spl #fameamps #luxoramps #soldanoamps #dvmarkamps #harleybentonamps

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Mittwoch, 5. April 2017

the #soundcentral of my new studio has been set up! Still tons...

the #soundcentral of my new studio has been set up! Still tons if work left to do … 💪👊 #axelritt #the_real_ironfinger #ironfinger #kochamps #hughesandkettner #marshallamps #randallamps #fameamps #luxoramps

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