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Posts mit dem Label warwick werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 30. Juli 2017

do you remember the #woodingravediggerwhisky experiment, we did...

do you remember the #woodingravediggerwhisky experiment, we did 8 months ago to build a guitar/bass of this woods and create a groundbreaking new #whisky 🥃? Today, the #barrels have been emptied and the story’s going on. There will be some awesome news to come, stay tuned. #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #framus #warwick (hier: Brennerei Ziegler)

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Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2016

a warm welcome for the “barrel-fill-up” #event at...

a warm welcome for the “barrel-fill-up” #event at the #brennereiziegler last week. #axelritt #the_real_ironfinger #gravedigger #party #whisky #whiskey #sınglemalt #sınglemaltwhiskey #sınglemaltwhisky #barrel #freudenberg #distillery #framus #warwick (hier: Brennerei Ziegler)

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Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2016

at the signing session while the Framus / Warwick barrel-fill-up...

at the signing session while the Framus / Warwick barrel-fill-up event at the Zlegler distillery. #axelritt #the_real_ironfinger #coffin #gravedigger #distillery #gravediggerwhisky #brennereiziegler #freudenberg #framus #warwick #barrel #signingsession (hier: Brennerei Ziegler)

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Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2016

Me at the “barrel-fill-up” event at the...

Me at the “barrel-fill-up” event at the #brennereiziegler #germany . This was awesome, please check our for more informations! #the_real_ironfinger #axelritt #gravedigger #whisky #whiskey #distillery #barrel #barrels #whiskybarrel #sınglemalt #guitar #bass #framus #warwick (hier: Brennerei Ziegler)

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Montag, 11. Juli 2016

READY FOR THE ATTACK! #framusguitars sent over 2 awesome samples...

READY FOR THE ATTACK! #framusguitars sent over 2 awesome samples to get an impression of their actual craftmenship. Great instruments! #guitar #axelritt #the_real_ironfinger #warwick #herculesstands #gravitystands #digitech #zaor #zaorfurniture #goldenageproject #panthera #framuspanthera

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Montag, 4. Juli 2016

#framusguitars double time. The original in my hands, the photo...

#framusguitars double time. The original in my hands, the photo at the calender in 2006. #axelritt #the_real_ironfinger #framus #warwick #guitar #guitars #6string

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