Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2015

peta2:Waffle Taco With ‘Sausage,’ ‘Eggs,’ and...


Waffle Taco With ‘Sausage,’ ‘Eggs,’ and ‘Cheese’


  • 1/2 cup tofu scramble (from your fave recipe)

  • 1 homemade vegan waffle (try Bisquick mix) or 1 frozen vegan waffle (if using a mix, replace the egg with ¼ cup applesauce and the cow’s milk with almond or soy milk)

  • 1 vegan sausage patty (try Gardein brand)

  • 1 vegan cheese slice (try GO Veggie! or Daiya brand)

  • Maple syrup, to taste


  1. Prepare 1/2 cup of tofu scramble according to your favorite recipe—try this one!

  2. Prepare the waffle and vegan sausage patty according to the package instructions.

  3. Top the waffle with the vegan sausage patty, tofu scramble, maple syrup, and vegan cheese.

  4. Fold and NOM!

For more recipes:

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