#thatsthewayitis #thinkaboutit #vegan #dontkillanimals #dontkillanimalsforfood #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger
via Tumblr https://axelritt.tumblr.com/post/652678487836180480
#thatsthewayitis #thinkaboutit #vegan #dontkillanimals #dontkillanimalsforfood #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger
10 albums that influenced me the most - 5th place out of 10
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
- Atmospheres for eternity -
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
If you look at the documentaries, which are now abundant on YouTube, with what means and with what ingenuity the band recorded this album, you can at least partially understand the unearthly success of the album (3rd place of the most successful albums of all time , almost 17 years in the Top 200 Billboard Charts). I was only 12 years old when I heard the album for the first time and I was blown away by the sound collages, which, in terms of production technology of the time, eclipsed everything that had rank and name. I also got the vinyl record in white (!), which was the absolute exception at the time.
#pinkfloyd #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger
10 albums that influenced me the most - 6th place out of 10
AC / DC - Back In Black
- 2nd place of the most successful albums of all time -
What has not already been written about this album. Everything! For me it is the perfection of the raw energy of a real rock ’n‘ roll band, captured by the most perfect pop producer in the world, Mutt Lange. Even if for many all AC / DC songs only consist of any order of G5, A5 and D5 power chords and the vocals are like a Marge Simpson imitation (the original American voice), there is almost no one on this planet, who doesn’t like this band.
Today, it‘s moving day of our #pottedplants 🪴 from our #greenhouses to the #terrace .
It‘s a dirty job, but someone got to do it!
#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #gardening #heavyweight
10 albums that influenced me the most - 7th place out of 10
Def Leppard - Hysteria
- The zenith of the eighties -
Apart from the programmed drums, which had to be introduced due to the serious accident of the drummer Rick Allen, the album represents the zenith of the heavy pop of the eighties. Mutt Lange stuck to his compositional work on his three AC / DC albums due to the powerful personalities in the form of the Young brothers, he lifts the British band, which sounded like an AC / DC clone in their early days, to the zenith of their careers with his great skills. I was in the same studio with my band DOMAIN at the time (Wissellord Studios) and was able to experience the sweep of the album.
A total of 2 years of recording and an unparalleled material battle let the band finally take off shortly before total bankruptcy with the fourth single “Pour Some Sugar On Me”, as the American Stripper Association chose this title as their favorite. A story to kneel down :-)
#Repost @hughesandkettner
The Grave Digger presets for the high gain sounds are basically composed of 2 setups.
The Classic section is used for the old Grave Digger songs and uses my Ironfinger Distortion Pedal for the distortion, because in these days, most of the times a pedal was used for higher gain settings. The Modern section takes the distortion from the BS200 and is used for all songs that are 10 years or younger.
The clean sounds apply to both eras.
Check out the Coud Of Tone on our website!
#hughesandkettner #cloudoftone #framus #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #gravedigger #gravediggerband #hellryder #domainband #monstergroove
#Repost @hellryderofficial
#hellryder goes South-America! Awesome!
A special package containing the new album and a poster will be in the online store soon!
10 albums that influenced me the most - 8th place out of 10
ZZTOP - Tres Hombres
- the living comic -
I had my first contact with ZZTOP at the legendary Rockpalast Night in 1980, which probably made the bearded ones accessible to a large part of the German audience for the first time. Fixed by the independent sound and especially by the look, I got the complete back catalog of the band, whereby the green Tres Hombres appealed to me the most. I was lucky enough to get the dry mixed, original version on vinyl and was just horrified when the CD version that was released later appeared in a completely exaggerated Reverb Galore version, especially with regard to the drums.
#Repost @hellryderofficial
The #hellryder #merchandise has arrived! Check out your package at emp.de!
#axelritt #chrisboltendahl #timbreideband #stevenwussow
10 albums, that influenced me the most - 9th place out of 10
Tommy Emmanuel, Live At The Sheldon Concert Hall St. Louis
- The humiliation of every guitarist turned into sound -
The ultimate death knell for any kind of self-confidence that has been painstakingly built up over the past decades. I was about to make a couple of recordings for my band Grave Digger, which I had to record in the Principal Studios, when sound engineer Jörg Umbreit asked me if I actually knew Tommy Emmanuel. I said no and he pushed a DVD of his into my hand for entertainment, which I briefly looked into. Then I could have killed Jörg. In a nutshell, not only the whole day, but also the following time was completely in the bucket from a musical point of view, because I considered myself unworthy to pick up a guitar even once. Compared to what the Australian pulled on the guitar, everything else that I had heard from guitarists to date seemed like a single child’s birthday. Should I have to name the best guitarist in the world, which is known to be impossible, he would be.
10 albums that influenced me the most - 10th place out of 10
Kings X - Faith Hope Love
- The end of the flagpole in the area of interaction -
A trio always has the problem that it sounds too thin without technical aids? Not once you’ve seen the Texan trio live. Even today, the concert in the Colossaal in Aschaffenburg around 15 years ago is the best concert I have ever heard in my life. Craftsmanship perfection and three-part vocals like from the Vocalizer could not be topped to this day. Faith Hope Love was the first album I got to hear from the band and the ability to pair Beatles-lesque chants with hard alternative-pounding fascinated me right away. It is true that the choirs on the record are impossibly puffed up for the live implementation, but that doesn’t detract from the overall impression.
#bestalbums #axelritt #ironfinger #therealironfinger #kingsx
The online magazine amazona.de published an article about me called “10 music albums that changed my life”. I present you the places 1 to 10 in individual posts.
How time flies … the picture on the left was taken about 35 years ago and shows me while my backline is being dismantled, dressed in a beautiful yellow towel that I had left over from my “tennis career”. My father had a well-running architecture office, which is why I also studied music and architecture, but decided to take up music as an office successor despite the significantly better economic prospects. Decades full of humiliation, fraud, economic hardships and being sold for stupid should lie in front of me, but in the end I managed to establish myself in the business, as the picture on the right from one of the last Wacken Open Airs shows.
#Repost @hellryderofficial
WOW! Over 100.000 views on #youtube in just one week!
Thanks a lot for your support!
#hellryder #nightrider #axelritt #chrisboltendahl #timbreideband #stevenwussow
#vegan #veganfood #veganpeople #thinkaboutit #vpartei
I don‘t know who or why this rabbit 🐰 has been put there, but I found him deep in the woods while I did my walk the dog 🐕.
Maybe the keeper of the 🌳? Would be a good thing, I got lots of murderous hunter creeping around, looking for their next victim to kill 😡.
#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #thekeeperoftheforest #rabbit #animalkiller #tohellwithhunting
best buddies 😎
#chrisboltendahl #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #recordingstudio #gravedigger #gravediggerband #hellryder
Waiting for the Covid-19 😷 shot … finally!
#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #fuckcovid #backinbusiness
Anyone who claims that DIRTY KISS ASS HEAVY METAL ain’t hot and sexy, we like to prove the opposite! Ladies and gentlemen, our damn hot and hellish sexy beauty is here to remind you of coming Friday … second HELLRYDER blow! Be prepared for another incredible ride through hell!
All about us and all the links to pre-order our upcoming debut album:
⫸ bit.ly/hellryder_the_devil_is_a_gambler
Teaser pic: © by DOLLHOUSE Photography (https://www.dollhousephotography.co.uk)
#Repost @hellryderofficial
#Repost @myrevelations.de
HELLRYDER The Devil Is A Gambler || Fazit: Gefällt mir besser als manche der letzten Grabschaufler Scheiben! || 11 von 15 | Gut
Link in Bio
#Repost @rockofangelsrecords
German Heavy Metal supergroup @hellryderofficial presents a teaser as hellish appetizer for the release of their second single next week Friday, May 14, 2021!
Packed with greats of the German Metal scene and with members of well-known bands like Grave Digger, Orden Ogan, Gregorian etc., these four gentlemen out of underworld are on their way to present something uniquely powerful, straightforward, metallically hard, diabolical and uncompromising … in short: DIRTY KICK ASS HEAVY METAL at its purest! All signs point to a true assault and not just only on record, plans of playing live are already being forged eagerly. Stay tuned: The ride through hell will pick up speed next week with the second single “Night Rider”!
Watch the video here on YouTube using the link in our bio! 👆
The debut album “The Devil Is A Gambler” will be released worldwide via ROAR! Rock Of Angels Records on May 28, 2021 and is available as:
• Digipack Audio CD
• Limited CD/T-Shirt Bundle
• Black Vinyl (limited to 150 copies) incl. signed A3 poster
• Transparent Yellow Vinyl (limited to 150 copies) incl. autograph card
• Orange/Red Splatter Vinyl (limited to 200 copies) incl. autograph card
• Digital download/stream
All the links to the band and to pre-order “The Devil Is A Gambler”:
⫸ https://bit.ly/hellryder_the_devil_is_a_gambler
Hellryder is:
Chris Boltendahl (Vocals)
Axel Ritt (Guitar)
Steven Wussow (Bass)
Timmi Breideband (Drums)
Website: https://www.hellryder.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hellryderofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hellryderofficial
ROAR! detail page: https://roar.gr/artists/hellryder
Working on some #cryptocurrency strategies for Q2 in my office. Got some interesting news regarding #staking possibilities today. Yes, that‘s my second me … 🤑😎
#finance #financialfreedom #financies #crypto #bitcoins #etherium #cardano #polkadot #kava #banking #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #proofofstake #proofofwork
no words …
#vegan #govegan #animalcruelty
I rearranged the amp setup in my @meadow_studios and set up one more amp shelf to get some more flexibility regarding tone and sound.
Combos by @fender aso. are in the record room. I guess I‘m done, what do you think?
#englamps #marshallamps #hughesandkettner #victoryamps #palmeramps #randallamps #kochamps #soundcityamps #zaorfurniture #spl #fameamps #luxoramps #soldanoamps #dvmarkamps #harleybentonamps