Sonntag, 4. Februar 2024

TEST: Behringer U-Phoria UMC 404

 As a musician, what didn't you have to listen to when you picked up a Behringer product more than a decade ago? Avoided by professional users like holy water due to the sometimes quite dubious quality of preamps, filters and processing, it was the company around mastermind Uli Behringer that for the first time gave many amateur and young musicians audio tools for very small budgets .

What at the time culminated in stage instructions with the note “NO Behringer” has been put into perspective in many areas by the company's current product policy. At first glance, the Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD available for testing fits seamlessly into the significantly increased product quality at Behringer in recent years. The brand, which belongs to the Music Group based in Manila / Philippines and headed by Uli Behringer, was able to make up a lot of ground in terms of audio quality, particularly by incorporating the Pioneer Midas console.

Let's see whether the Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD leaves a similarly good impression as its sister models, for example the Behringer U-Phoria UMC1820.


In contrast to the Behringer U-Phoria UMC1820 model, the Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD is a pure desktop device despite its identical 1U height. The workmanship can generally be described as very good, especially since the device comes in a solid metal design, which is absolutely torsion-resistant and cannot be compared to previous plastic housings.

Due to its extended width of almost 29 cm, unfortunately no standard half 19" adapter can be used to screw the product into the rack. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether they can cope with a tabletop device whose inputs and outputs are distributed on the front and back, thereby imposing a correspondingly diametrical cable routing. Four well-adhering rubber feet ensure a firm stand on smooth surfaces.

As expected, the term “HD” in the product name makes the reader sit up and take notice. While the UMC sister models usually run at a sample rate of 96 kHz, the Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD can go one step further with a maximum sample rate of 192 kHz. I would like to avoid a debate between “necessary” and “unnecessary”, let’s just note that it is available if needed.

Conceptually, the Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD leaves out the extensive digital input range of its big 1820 sister and focuses primarily on the analog input range. The same is ensured by 4 lockable combination sockets in XLR / TRS - microphone / line signal routing, whereby all inputs also accept high-impedance signals using a pressure switch and have a PAD switch. A small slider on the back of the housing can be used to switch all channels to 48 V phantom power for the use of condenser microphones.

The four input channels are very spartan in their control options. Only a green and a red LED provide information about an applied signal and the overloading of the input. Four pleasantly stiff potentiometers regulate the input volume.

The mix control on the front also proves to be very practical, as it allows the signal to be continuously monitored before it is fed into the DAW, thus reducing the latency to zero. You can also use a switch to choose whether the signal should be mixed to mono. to eliminate any phase problems. The Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD also has an adjustable headphone output on the front of the case.

On the back, the Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD has two playback outputs, which are available as TRS and RCA and are switched via a pressure switch on the front of the housing. Connecting two different monitors is correspondingly easy. The device also has two main outs, also in TRS and XLR form, which can be used to connect headphone amplifiers or other monitors.

There are also 4 inserts for the individual channels for connecting external signal processors as well as a Kensington anti-theft device. The MIDI interface is also very nice, with two in/out LEDs on the front of the device providing information about its activity in terms of data flow.


When it comes to installing the drivers, the Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD is the same as almost always with the different platforms. Apple's OS

When it comes to sound, the product presents us with a fait accompli. It's hard to believe that this interface is available for just 111 euros retail price. The Midas preamps guarantee a really good sound, which doesn't have the shine of the much higher priced competition, but is almost unrivaled for this price. A new standard in terms of price/performance ratio!


With the Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD, the entrepreneur Global Music is setting a very, very bold fragrance brand. As far as I know, such a combination of workmanship and sound at a retail price of just over 100 euros is sought after, for example. Currently his equal and will have a hard time giving the competition a run for his money.

Be sure to check it out!


Additional Informations:

**The Early Years**

Uli Behringer was born in 1961 in Switzerland. He showed an early interest in electronics and music, and by the age of 16 he had built his first synthesizer prototype. While studying to be an audio engineer at the Fachhochschule Düsseldorf, Behringer worked as a pianist and built mixing consoles.

In 1989, Behringer founded his own company, Behringer Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH, in Willich, Germany. The company's first products were a digital noise gate and a compressor. Behringer quickly gained a reputation for high-quality, affordable products, and the company's product line soon expanded to include mixers, synthesizers, amplifiers, and other audio equipment.

**The 1990s and 2000s**

In the 1990s, Behringer continued to grow rapidly. The company opened its first overseas office in the United States in 1994, and it began manufacturing products in China in 1997. Behringer also made a number of strategic acquisitions during this period, including the British loudspeaker manufacturer Turbosound in 1999 and the American audio company Midas in 2001.

By the early 2000s, Behringer had become one of the largest manufacturers of audio equipment in the world. The company's products were used by professional musicians and audio engineers around the globe, and Behringer had won numerous awards for its products and innovations.

**The 2010s and Beyond**

In the 2010s, Behringer continued to expand its product line and its global reach. The company introduced a number of new products, including the X32 digital mixing console, the DeepMind 12 synthesizer, and the WING digital audio workstation. Behringer also opened new offices and manufacturing facilities in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Today, Behringer is one of the most successful audio equipment companies in the world. The company's products are sold in over 130 countries, and Behringer employs over 3,000 people worldwide. Behringer is known for its high-quality, affordable products, and its commitment to innovation. The company continues to be a leader in the audio industry, and it is sure to continue to grow and succeed in the years to come.

**Behringer's Impact on the Music Industry**

Behringer has had a major impact on the music industry. The company's affordable products have made it possible for more people to make music, and Behringer's innovations have helped to advance the state of audio technology.

Behringer's products have been used by some of the biggest names in music, including Metallica, Lady Gaga, and Coldplay. The company's products have also been used in major motion pictures and television shows.

Behringer is committed to making music more accessible to everyone. The company's products are designed to be easy to use and affordable, and Behringer offers a wide range of educational resources to help people learn how to make music.

**Behringer's Future**

Behringer is a company that is constantly looking to the future. The company is always innovating and developing new products. Behringer is also committed to sustainability, and the company is working to reduce its environmental impact.

Behringer is a company that is on the rise. The company is poised for continued growth and success in the years to come. Behringer is a company that is changing the way people make music.

**Here are some additional details about Behringer's history:**

* In 1990, Behringer released the UB-5000 Ultrabass, a rackmount bass amplifier that quickly became a popular choice for bassists around the world.
* In 1993, Behringer released the MDX2200 compressor/limiter, which was praised for its high-quality sound and affordable price.
* In 1995, Behringer released the EURORACK MX802 mixer, which was one of the first affordable 8-channel mixers on the market.
* In 1997, Behringer released the TRUTH B2031A studio monitors, which were praised for their accurate sound and affordable price.
* In 1999, Behringer acquired Turbosound, a British loudspeaker manufacturer.
* In 2001, Behringer acquired Midas, an American audio company.
* In 2002, Behringer released the X32 digital mixing console, which was praised for its powerful features and affordable price.
* In 2012, Behringer released the DeepMind 12 synthesizer, which was praised for its analog sound and affordable price.

## Behringer: Controversies and Challenges

In addition to Behringer's impressive success story, there have also been some controversies and challenges that the company has faced over the course of its history.


* **Trademark infringement:** In the early years of the company, Behringer was often criticized for copying products from other manufacturers. The company was even sued for copying products that had been patented by companies like Yamaha and Roland.
* **Working conditions:** Behringer has also been criticized for the working conditions in its factories in China. There have been reports of long working hours, low wages, and unsafe working conditions.
* **Quality control:** In recent years, there have been isolated reports of quality control issues with some Behringer products.


* **Competition:** The audio industry is a highly competitive market, and Behringer faces strong competition from established companies like Yamaha, Fender, and Gibson.
* **Innovation:** In order to stay ahead of the competition, Behringer must continue to develop and market innovative products.
* **Brand image:** Behringer must continue to work on improving its brand image and distancing itself from the negative headlines of the past.


Despite the challenges, Behringer is a company with strong potential for the future. The company has an impressive track record and a strong product portfolio.

In order to be successful in the long term, Behringer must address the following points:

* **Investment in research and development:** In order to stay ahead of the competition, Behringer must continue to invest in research and development and bring innovative products to market.
* **Improvement of quality assurance:** In order to improve the quality of its products, Behringer must optimize its quality assurance processes.
* **Sustainable production:** Behringer must continue to commit to sustainable production methods and fair working conditions in its factories.

Behringer is a company with a remarkable success story. The company has revolutionized the music industry with its innovative and affordable products.

In order to secure its success in the future, Behringer must address the challenges mentioned above and focus on innovation, quality, and sustainability.

## Behringer: Impact on the Music Industry

Behringer has had a significant impact on the music industry in a number of ways:

**Democratization of music production:** By developing and selling affordable audio equipment, Behringer has made music production accessible to a wider audience. In the 1990s, products like the UB-5000 bass amplifier and the MDX2200 compressor/limiter allowed even hobby musicians and small studios to achieve high-quality results.

**Driving innovation:** Behringer is known for its innovative spirit and the development of new products and technologies. The company has helped to push the boundaries of what is possible in audio technology and set new trends. Examples include the development of digital mixing consoles such as the X32 and the introduction of synthesizers like the DeepMind 12, which combine analog sounds with modern technology.

**Expanding product diversity:** Behringer offers a wide range of audio equipment, from microphones and headphones to speakers and amplifiers. This diversity allows the company's customers to find individual solutions for their needs.

**Improving the price-performance ratio:** Behringer has driven competition in the audio industry through its products and led to a better price-performance ratio for customers.

**Impact on music culture:** Behringer products are used by musicians of all genres and at all levels. From hobbyists to professionals, the company's products contribute to the creation and distribution of music.


In addition to the positive effects, there are also criticisms of Behringer's impact on the music industry:

* **Promotion of product piracy:** In the early years of the company, Behringer was criticized for imitating products from other manufacturers. This contributed to the spread of product piracy in the music industry.

* **Homogenization of sound:** Behringer products are often criticized for their generic sound. There is a fear that the dominance of the company could lead to a standardization of music culture.

**In conclusion, Behringer has had both positive and negative impacts on the music industry.** The company has democratized music production, driven innovation, and improved the price-performance ratio.

**However, it is important to consider the negative effects such as product piracy and the homogenization of sound.** Behringer should continue to strive to promote fair competition and support diversity in the music industry.

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