Montag, 17. November 2014

avianawareness: Turkeys like to eat breakfast and dinner...


  • Turkeys like to eat breakfast and dinner together as a family. They have two main meal times, one mid-morning, the other mid-afternoon. Family units often come together for meals.

  • Mother turkeys are fiercely protective of their young, and will risk their lives to save their babies. If she senses a threat, a mother turkey sounds a specific warning cry to her brood that means only one thing: run for cover. She may also attack, or pretend to be wounded to distract the predator from her offspring.

  • When trust has been established, turkeys love to be stroked, snuggled and petted for long periods of time. When receiving such affection, many turkeys make a sound that can only be described as “purring.”

  • Benjamin Franklin proposed the turkey as the United States national bird.

  • Turkeys like to listen to music, especially classical, and will often sing along!

  • It is difficult to sneak up on a turkey. They have excellent vision and hearing, even though they have no external ears.

  • Male turkeys, called toms, love to feel noticed and admired. Toms on sanctuaries are known to follow busy human caretakers from chore to chore, standing off to the side, puffing out their exquisite feathers in a blast of scalloped ruffles, quietly and patiently waiting for the prospect of attention.(4)

via Woodstock Farm Sanctuary

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