Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015

Daily News by AXEL RITT

Daily News by AXEL RITT

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our mascot for my new side project #monstergroove It looks like...

our mascot for my new side project #monstergroove It looks like a spaceship, but it’s still a car #axelritt #stingray

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Daily News by AXEL RITT

Daily News by AXEL RITT

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Animal Captivity Is Slavery!(via...

Animal Captivity Is Slavery!


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peta2: Locking animals in cages is only teaching future...


Locking animals in cages is only teaching future generations to lock animals in cages.

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Arcadia Bar

veganfoody: Reasons to Go Vegan


Reasons to Go Vegan

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Samstag, 30. Mai 2015

Hey PETA, surely with a rapidly declining number of bees we should do anything to help. Doesn't this mean buying honey from RELIABLE (possibly local) sources rather than not supporting them by shunning beekeepers and farmers etc? How can I help bees?

Really great question and so true! Bees are absolutely essential.

This is why vegans choose to avoid honey: 

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I care strongly about animal rights , and absolutely hate animal testing and using animals for entertainment ( like in a circus). However , I am not a vegetarian or vegan . I would like to try these ways of eating when I am older, but what can I do now to try and help animals ?

Thank you so much for your compassion!!

We have a Street Team where younger people can get involved in animal rights, you should check it out! -

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hm … what can this be? Something about wood … but...

hm … what can this be? Something about wood … but a pretty strange one … so who is able to solve the puzzle? #axelritt #wood #luthier

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Okay sup so basically you showed a picture of humans front teeth and said we didn't have canine teeth. Obviously humans are omnivorous naturally, I respect vegans but not when they're dumb and suggest that our canine teeth don't exist when they certainly do. It's pretty basic anatomy. =/

You’re right, it IS basic anatomy! :)

Humans have short, soft fingernails and teensy “canine” teeth. In contrast, carnivores all have sharp claws and large canine teeth that are capable of tearing flesh.

Carnivores’ jaws move only up and down, requiring them to tear chunks of flesh from their prey and swallow them whole. Humans and other herbivores can move their jaws up and down and from side to side, allowing them to grind up fruit and vegetables with their back teeth. Like other herbivores’ teeth, humans’ back molars are flat for grinding fibrous plant foods. Carnivores lack these flat molars.

Dr. Richard Leakey, a renowned anthropologist, summarizes, “You can’t tear flesh by hand, you can’t tear hide by hand. Our anterior teeth are not suited for tearing flesh or hide. We don’t have large canine teeth, and we wouldn’t have been able to deal with food sources that require those large canines.”

Carnivores swallow their food whole, relying on their extremely acidic stomach juices to break down flesh and kill the dangerous bacteria in meat that would otherwise sicken or kill them. Our stomach acids are much weaker in comparison because strong acids aren’t needed to digest pre-chewed fruits and vegetables.

Carnivores have short intestinal tracts and colons that allow meat to pass through the animal relatively quickly, before it can rot and cause illness. Humans’ intestinal tracts are much longer than those of carnivores of comparable size. Longer intestines allow the body more time to break down fiber and absorb the nutrients from plant-based foods, but they make it dangerous for humans to eat meat. The bacteria in meat have extra time to multiply during the long trip through the digestive system, increasing the risk of food poisoning. Meat actually begins to rot while it makes its way through human intestines, which increases the risk of colon cancer.

Read author John Robbins’ discussion of the anatomical differences between humans and carnivores or review Dr. Milton Mills’ entire article on the topic to learn more.

Humans also lack the instinct that drives carnivores to kill animals and devour their raw carcasses. While carnivores take pleasure in killing animals and eating their raw flesh, any human who killed an animal with his or her bare hands and ate the raw corpse would be considered deranged. Carnivorous animals are excited by the scent of blood and the thrill of the chase. Most humans, on the other hand, are revolted by the sight of blood, intestines, and raw flesh and cannot tolerate hearing the screams of animals being ripped apart and killed. The bloody reality of eating animals is innately repulsive to us, another indication that we weren’t designed to eat meat.

Carnivorous animals in the wild virtually never suffer from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, strokes, or obesity, ailments that are caused in humans in large part by the consumption of the saturated fat and cholesterol found in meat.

Studies have shown that even when fed 200 times the amount of animal fat and cholesterol that the average human consumes each day, carnivores do not develop the hardening of the arteries that leads to heart disease and strokes in humans.

Human bodies, on the other hand, weren’t designed to process animal flesh, so all the excess fat and cholesterol from a meat-based diet makes us sick. Heart disease, for example, is the number one killer in the U.S., according to the American Heart Association, and medical experts agree that this ailment is largely the result of the consumption of animal products. Meat-eaters have a 32 percent higher risk of developing heart disease than vegetarians do!

We consume twice as much protein as we need when we eat a meat-based diet, and this contributes to osteoporosis and kidney stones. According to peer-reviewed studies, animal protein raises the acid level in our blood, causing calcium to be excreted from the bones in order to restore the blood’s natural pH balance. This calcium depletion leads to osteoporosis, and the excreted calcium ends up in the kidneys, where it can form kidney stones or even trigger kidney disease.

Consuming animal protein has also been linked to cancer of the colon, breast, prostate, and pancreas. According to nutrition expert T. Colin Campbell, the director of the Cornell-China-Oxford Project on Nutrition, Health, and Environment, “In the next ten years, one of the things you’re bound to hear is that animal protein … is one of the most toxic nutrients of all that can be considered.”

Eating meat can also have negative consequences for stamina and sexual potency. One Danish study indicated that “[m]en peddling on a stationary bicycle until muscle failure lasted an average of 114 minutes on a mixed meat and vegetable diet, 57 minutes on a high-meat diet, and a whopping 167 minutes on a strict vegetarian diet.” Besides having increased physical endurance, vegan men are also less likely to suffer from impotence.

Since we don’t have strong stomach acids like carnivores to kill all the bacteria in meat, dining on animal flesh can also give us food poisoning. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, meat is a significant cause of foodborne illnesses in the U.S. because it’s often contaminated with dangerous bacteria such as E. coli, listeria, and campylobacter. Every year in the U.S. alone, food poisoning sickens more than 48 million people and kills more than 3,000.

Dr. William C. Roberts, editor of the authoritative American Journal of Cardiology, sums it up this way: “[A]lthough we think we are one and we act as if we are one, human beings are not natural carnivores. When we kill animals to eat them, they end up killing us because their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated fat, was never intended for human beings, who are natural herbivores.” Learn more about how meat damages human health.

If it’s so unhealthy and unnatural for humans to eat meat, why did our ancestors sometimes turn to flesh for sustenance?

During most of our evolutionary history, we were largely vegetarian: Plant foods, such as yams, made up the bulk of our ancestors’ diet. The more frequent addition of modest amounts of meat to the early human diet came with the discovery of fire, which allowed us to lower the risk of being sickened or killed by parasites in meat. This practice didn’t turn our ancestors into carnivores but rather allowed early humans to survive during periods in which plant foods were unavailable.

Modern Humans

Until recently, only the wealthiest people could afford to feed, raise, and slaughter animals for meat, and less wealthy and poor people ate mostly plant foods. Consequently, prior to the 20th century, only the rich were plagued routinely with diseases such as heart disease and obesity.

Since 1950, the per capita consumption of meat has almost doubled. Now that animal flesh has become relatively cheap and is easily available (thanks to the cruel, cost-cutting practices of factory farming), deadly ailments such as heart disease, strokes, cancer, and obesity have spread to people across the socio-economic spectrum. And as the Western lifestyle spills over into less developed areas in Asia and Africa, people there, too, have begun to suffer and die from diseases associated with meat-based diets.

For more info, check out this article recently published by the Mayo Clinic! -

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today, I got a very thick and heavy parcel from #russia ,...

today, I got a very thick and heavy parcel from #russia , containing a copy of the award winning fotobook “Best Of Russia 2014”. I’m one of the lucky ones who’s printed in the book. Special thanks to Natalia Stupnikova, who took this picture, which has taken at the Moscow Metal Meeting 2014 #axelritt #gravedigger #moscow #live #fameguitars

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peta2: Baby elephants in the circus are often separated from...


Baby elephants in the circus are often separated from their mothers and trained using ropes, bullhooks (sharp instruments that resemble a fireplace poker), and electric prods.

Please don’t go to circuses that use animals.

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The Choice Is Yours!(via...

The Choice Is Yours!


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(via Rabbit Killed on Air by Radio Host Deserves Justice |...

(via Rabbit Killed on Air by Radio Host Deserves Justice | ForceChange)

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Freitag, 29. Mai 2015


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my new car? #axelritt #monstergroove #lagguitars #stingray

my new car? #axelritt #monstergroove #lagguitars #stingray

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veganfoody: 10 Different Healthy Meals From Just 5 Ingredients...


10 Different Healthy Meals From Just 5 Ingredients or Less

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Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015

peta2: Tell me more about your “canine” teeth. ;)


Tell me more about your “canine” teeth. ;)

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just hit the number of 900 followers at instagram!Let’s get up to 1000! Check out...

just hit the number of 900 followers at instagram!

Let’s get up to 1000! Check out the_real_ironfinger

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peta2: Avocado ToastIngredients2 large avocados½ cup cherry...


Avocado Toast


  • 2 large avocados
  • ½ cup cherry tomatoes
  • ¼ cup garbanzo beans
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp. parsley
  • 1 tsp. red pepper flakes
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • 2 slices whole grain bread


• Slice avocado in half, and remove the pit. Cut into cubes, and pour the cubes into a bowl. Add salt and pepper, and squeeze lemon juice into the bowl. Mix thoroughly.
• Begin to toast the bread.
• Once the bread is toasted, drizzle olive oil on the bread before adding other ingredients.
• Scoop the avocado mixture onto the bread.
• Garnish with cherry tomatoes, garbanzo beans, minced parsley, and red pepper flakes.
• Enjoy!

For more recipes: 

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Füchsin schwer verletzt: Tierquäler gesucht

Füchsin schwer verletzt: Tierquäler gesucht:

Am 9. Mai entdeckten Spaziergänger in einem Wald bei Holdorf (Niedersachsen) eine schwer verletzte Füchsin. Das Tier hatte offene Knochenbrüche an beiden Vorderbeinen und konnte sich nur noch mit den Hinterläufen über den Waldboden schieben. via Pocket

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TOTALLY MAKES SENSE. 😐😑 #NoMoreExcuses #GoVeg #BeTheChange...

TOTALLY MAKES SENSE. 😐😑 #NoMoreExcuses #GoVeg #BeTheChange #peta2life [Photo credit: @VeganSidekick] by officialpeta2 May 27, 2015 at 05:41PM

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#Repost @jjjordynjones with @repostapp. ・・・ loved visiting...

#Repost @jjjordynjones with @repostapp.
loved visiting @officialpeta2 today 😍 can’t wait to start working with you 💕 by officialpeta2 May 28, 2015 at 12:04AM

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fire on stage … or something similar? #axelritt...

fire on stage … or something similar? #axelritt #gravedigger #stage #live #fameguitars

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Daily News by AXEL RITT

Daily News by AXEL RITT

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The Pet Trade in 60 Seconds Flat(via...

The Pet Trade in 60 Seconds Flat


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Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2015

peta2: Hopefully one day humanity realizes how alike we truly...


Hopefully one day humanity realizes how alike we truly are!

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Tierquaelerei mit Gottes Gnaden(via...

Tierquaelerei mit Gottes Gnaden


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Daily News by AXEL RITT

Daily News by AXEL RITT

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SO TRUE. 💜 if you agree with @RickyGervais! 🐥🐻🐙 #RickyGervais...

SO TRUE. 💜 if you agree with @RickyGervais! 🐥🐻🐙 #RickyGervais #Inspiration #Empathy #peta2life by officialpeta2 May 26, 2015 at 10:28PM

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Did you know? Cows are forcefully impregnated in order to...

Did you know? Cows are forcefully impregnated in order to produce milk for the dairy industry. When they give birth to males, those baby calves are sold for veal. They are violently slaughtered at only a few months old. #truth #animalrights #activism #vegan #vegansofig #SpeakUp by mercyforanimals May 27, 2015 at 12:47AM

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#brazil the whole way through! #axelritt #gravedigger...

#brazil the whole way through! #axelritt #gravedigger #fameguitars #live #stage

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Dienstag, 26. Mai 2015

living-consciously: They feel pain, agony, fear…but also love...


They feel pain, agony, fear…but also love and friendship. Let them free.

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Daily News by AXEL RITT

Daily News by AXEL RITT

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the week starts with some #jogging in the morning. Now #smoothie...

dennsokagi:John Holcroft’tan dünya gerçekleri


John Holcroft’tan dünya gerçekleri

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Montag, 25. Mai 2015

France is making supermarkets donate all of their unsold food.

5 barn swallow nestlings on a pretty small place in our horse...

5 barn swallow nestlings on a pretty small place in our horse stable. Very cute! #bird #horse #stable

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Favorite tweet by @ironfinger


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BuddyGuard: Smarter Home Security. Easy and Affordable. -...

BuddyGuard: Smarter Home Security. Easy and Affordable. - BuddyGuard’s Flare is a complete, independent Home Security System in a single device. It protects you and your home all by itself. -

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awesome shot from #saopaulo #brazil . Although it looks like a...

awesome shot from #saopaulo #brazil . Although it looks like a laser show, it’s not. #axelritt #gravedigger #stage #live #fameguitars

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