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Posts mit dem Label vegan werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 8. Mai 2022

Had some great tasting #vegan #muffins today. Simple exchange...

Had some great tasting #vegan #muffins today. Simple exchange eggs to #bananas or #applesauce and you’re done.

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #veganmuffins

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Donnerstag, 14. April 2022

Dienstag, 15. März 2022

#Repost @petauk ・・・ Don’t look away. Here’s why...

#Repost @petauk
Don’t look away. Here’s why 👇

Images of slaughted animals may be hard to look at, trust us, we know. But if you feel sadness when you look at these images then you must align your lifestyle with that feeling and #govegan.

If you already are, then take that sadness and use it to educate those around you about the horrors that animals endure to end up on a plate for a meal that will last them a few minutes - but cost an animal their entire life that was filled with fear and unimgainable physical and emotional pain.

There’s a link to order a free vegan starter kit in our bio - if you’re not vegan already then order now and get started.

And if you’re vegan now? Order one for someone you know who needs to make the change to a kinder, more healthy, animal-friendly lifestyle.


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Freitag, 11. März 2022

Puh, to be honest, that was pretty difficult. It looked like...

Puh, to be honest, that was pretty difficult. It looked like meat, it smelled like meat, it tasted like meat and it bleeded like meat, but it was plant meat. I tasted it, because I wanted to check out if there are still arguments left for meat eaters regarding all the points I metioned. There are no arguments anymore, it’s identical. So dear friends, what are you arguments for supporting animal suffer right now?

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #vegan #plantmeat #vpartei #veganfood #veganfoodporn

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Freitag, 4. März 2022

I’m very proud to announce that I’m a part of the...

I’m very proud to announce that I’m a part of the new #weltveganmagazin issue 01/22. I did an interview and some great pics have been published in the magazine. Get your copy at your local newsagents.

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #vegan #veganmagazine #vegannewspaper #veganlife #vpartei

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Sonntag, 13. Februar 2022

Highest quality grade made in Germany! Please check out my...

Highest quality grade made in Germany! Please check out my #vegan custom shop guitar strap and many other vegan #guitarstraps at Richter Straps.

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #gravedigger #gravediggerband #hellryder #monstergroove #domainband #guitarstrap

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Samstag, 13. November 2021

Wie abartig und pervers kann die Einstellung zu einem Lebewesen...

Wie abartig und pervers kann die Einstellung zu einem Lebewesen sein? Werdet vegan und unterstĂźtzt nicht weiter solch widerwärtigen Ansichten und Praktiken!⠀

#vegan #lebenseinstellung #huhn #ei #ausbeutung #massentierhaltung #kĂźkenvergasen #vpartei

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Sonntag, 19. September 2021

We had an awesome #vegan #chocolatecake at the catering for our...

We had an awesome #vegan #chocolatecake at the catering for our #gravedigger shows at the #altespinnereiglauchau . Delicious 🤤 😋!

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #showtime #vpartei

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Freitag, 6. August 2021

Ein neuer Brotaufstrich, genau mein Ding! 😋 #axelritt...

Ein neuer Brotaufstrich, genau mein Ding! 😋

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #brotaufstrich #vegan #veganerbrotaufstrich

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Montag, 19. Juli 2021

Montag, 31. Mai 2021

Dienstag, 30. März 2021

Absolut sehenswert, einfach bei #youtube unter “V LIKE...

Absolut sehenswert, einfach bei #youtube unter “V LIKE VICTORY - Der Film” suchen!

#vegan veganmovie #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #spitzensport #leistungssport #vegansport

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Sonntag, 28. Februar 2021

#govegan #vegan #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger...

#govegan #vegan #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #stopkillinganimals #torture #torment #suffering #vpartei @_vpartei_ @vparteihessen @vpartei_saarland @vparteiniedersachsen @vpartei_bayern @v.partei_oberfranken @v.partei_baden_wuerttemberg @vpartei_mfr @vparteischleswigholstein @vparteihamburg

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