Samstag, 5. September 2015

You know how they say it’s hard to re-adapt to...

You know how they say it’s hard to re-adapt to “normal” society for musicians? Well … It totally is. #whereami #whatsgoingon
This is actually the longest break I’ve had since March 2013, even though I still don’t have more than two weeks off at a time between gigs and shoots! Very excited to be home!
We have 5 weeks off the road!!! We’re a bit confused and lost at home. Luckily, Andre (our tour manager extraordinaire) has already emailed us a day sheet with instructions! ‪#‎TourLifeVSrealLife‬ ‪#‎wareternal‬ by alissawhitegluz September 04, 2015 at 07:50PM

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