Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016

I apologize about this image and wish there was a way to...

I apologize about this image and wish there was a way to actually post a Graphic Warning, but IG scrolls image first.
Please Repost&Sign to bring justice for this đŸˆđŸ±& his family ➡ June of 2015 a grand jury declined to indict Kristen Lindsey for animal cruelty after Ms. Lindsey, using Facebook, posted an incriminating photo along with her admission that she killed a cat with a bow and arrow. A June 24 press release by the Austin County District Attorney announcing the grand jury’s decision noted that “[w]ithout more information, the State lacks proof that this incident even occurred in the state of Texas.” The district attorney also said that because the cat was feral, Lindsey did not need the consent of an owner before killing the cat. ➡The Animal Legal Defense Fund has been pushing for criminal prosecution of Lindsey since her Facebook post last spring, and testified before the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (TBVME) urging revocation of her veterinary license. Now, in the interest of seeing justice served, the Animal Legal Defense Fund is calling to the attention of the Austin County District Attorney a copy of Ms. Lindsey’s affidavit (PDF) that she voluntarily signed and filed as part of her appeal of the TBVME’s decision to revoke her license. In Ms. Lindsey’s affidavit she states, “The shooting of the feral cat which is the subject of the TBVME’s charges occurred on my property which is in a rural area.” This admission confirms that the cruel killing occurred in the state of Texas—and therefore jurisdiction and venue are no longer barriers to prosecution. ➡The case that was dropped against Ms. Lindsey contained multiple additional legal errors that warrant further investigation, as detailed in the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s letter to the Austin County District Attorney. Animal cruelty is a viable charge for Ms. Lindsey’s admitted actions, and ALDF and its supporters strongly encourage the Austin County District Attorney to prosecute this case to the fullest extent of the law. ➡We, the undersigned, ask that the Austin County District Attorney please reopen this case and resubmit it to the grand jury in light of this new supporting evidence. by alissawhitegluz May 12, 2016 at 04:16AM

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