Samstag, 25. Februar 2023

TEST: Beyerdynamic T1

 There are no longer many traditional German companies, which had and have the staying power within the music business against the mostly Asian competition. The "Made in Germany" label, which was actually intended as a devaluation when it was introduced and is now obligatory in terms of quality, is unfortunately always accompanied by corresponding manufacturing and ancillary wage costs, so that many manufacturers have gone over to developing in Germany but having it completely manufactured in China. One of the few exceptions is the Beyerdynamics company from Heilbronn, which, with very few exceptions, has everything from development to final production done in Germany and has a real battleship in terms of headphones on offer with the Beyerdynamic T1.

A retail price of just under 1,000 Euros then also addresses the targeted clientele right away. It's unlikely that a budget or home studio owner will spend such an amount on a product that experience has shown to be indispensable for work, but which can only be operated in conjunction with one or more monitor systems. Do I hear the first voices that mix only through headphones? Or are there even some who, in cooperation with the SPL Phonitor, have consciously decided against near-field monitors? The same should read the following lines very meticulously, it could pay off economically.


We all know headphones and earphones from various fields of application. Primarily, everyone will have the classic image of the acting musician in the recording room in front of him, while the sound engineer together with the producer sits in the control room in front of the monitor. In times of flexibility and mobility, however, the trend towards high-end headphones is clearly on the rise. Whether for a silent session, while traveling, or as a second or third monitor, the importance of a serious alternative to a near-field monitor has grown steadily in recent years, not to mention the loyal community of hi-fi enthusiasts.

With the Beyerdynamic T1, the Heilbronn-based company presents the top model of its Tesla series, which are newly developed transducers with a drive power of over one Tesla (unit of measurement for magnetic flux density) for higher efficiency.


The Beyerdynamic T1 uses a semi-open design, as found on its sister model, the DT 880 Pro. It is a dynamic headphone where the ear cups are completely enclosed. The overall appearance of the Beyerdynamic T1 can be considered downright classy. The color combination, which ranges from matte silver to classic black, combined with solid-looking speaker mounts and absolutely impeccable workmanship flash German engineering skills not only at first glance.

Compared to many competitors, the included cable has the rather rare double cable routing, which leads to a more even pull on both halves of the head, if one can speak of pull at all. Both earpiece cable plugs are pluggable and gold-plated, on the other side there is a likewise gold-plated 6.35 mm plug, which can also be reduced to 3.5 mm minister stereo jack by means of a screw connection. In order to protect the cable ends during transport or generally in the unplugged state, there are a total of 3 plastic sleeves over the cable, which can be pulled over the plug ends if necessary.

Even though the mini-jack operation would be ideal for mobile devices, the comparatively high impedance of 600 ohms restricts the direct use considerably due to the significantly lower maximum volume. In order to be able to feed the headphone in high quality according to its design, a serious headphone amplifier has to be used. On the other hand, those who are willing to spend a four-digit amount for a top headphone will almost certainly also own a corresponding amplifier. The Beyerdynamic T1 is transported in a sturdy yet very light hard case, which fits the headphones and cables perfectly.

Open, semi-open, closed

According to the product description, the Beyerdynamic T1 is described as semi-open headphones, which implies a reduction of sound in both directions (inside out, outside in). I honestly cannot comprehend this designation, as there was in fact no reduction of ambient noise once the headphones were put on. The headphones are rather to be understood as open headphones, but this does not negatively affect their use on the desk in any way. Only for use in the recording room is this design a disadvantage, but the Beyerdynamic T1 was not designed for this purpose.

Wearing comfort

Once the earpieces have been optimized for the shape of the head, it's only the headband and the ear pads that can reduce the wearing comfort of the headphones. Here, the Beyerdynamic T1 positively stands out from the list of competitors. The headband, covered in protein-coated leatherette, rests very softly on the head, with the large velour ear pads clinging to the sides of the head in an almost impalpable way. The result is a headphone that, despite weighing 356 grams (without cable), feels seemingly weightless and yet fits securely on the head. Highest perfection in wearing comfort.

Even after several hours of wearing, no fatigue of the head could be determined. The effect of the massive, but also comparatively heavy cable is debatable. Some colleagues complained about a certain tensile load if you let the cable slide to the floor in its entire length, which only decreases as soon as you move the cable relatively close to the headphones, for example as a relief over the work desk. I can't share this assessment. In my opinion, the stiffness of the cable provides a cushioning of the tensile load more like a flexible stick when it is placed on the floor. However, everyone should form their own opinion here, especially since the demands on one's own workstation vary greatly from person to person.

Sound behavior

If you look inside the ear pads, you can see that the respective sound transducers have been positioned slightly slanted towards the front. Whether this is due to the natural shape of the ear or to prevent the extreme stereo image of headphones remains a secret of the engineers, but the fact is that the Beyerdynamic T1 delivers excellent performance in terms of spatial imaging. The depth gradation is impressive for a headphone, which increases even more with a special headphone amplifier with crossfeed setting, such as the SPL Phonitor series.

At the same time, the coloration of the sonic material remains very subtle. The bass range remains tight, dry and transparent even with strong impulses, the midrange linear and analytical, far from the scoop characteristic of those products that want to offer the ear a still non-existent euphony. Only the treble reproduction shows a discreet overemphasis, which should be considered especially in high-gain guitar-heavy productions.

The Beyerdynamic T1 also sets new standards in terms of impulse response. The aforementioned Tesla technology with its ultra-fine voice coil contributes significantly to this sound behavior. The material used is extremely fast in conversion and thus ensures a fine and ultra-compact response.


With the Beyerdynamic T1, the traditional company from Heilbronn has a pair of headphones of the absolute top class on the market. In terms of workmanship, the product scores points across the board in terms of design, construction, wearing comfort and especially sound. The high impulse fidelity of the product and its excellent spatial resolution sometimes reveal subtleties in the sound material that can be lost even in a high-quality near-field monitor.

Equipped with tight and dry basses, linear mids and a clear treble definition, the Beyerdynamic T1 allows for fatigue-free work, which also invites for expansive sessions due to an outstanding fit. The delivered sound material sounds extremely lively over its entire frequency spectrum without coloring nicely.

An absolute top product in every respect, which leaves only the highest mark!

Additional informations:

- Beyerdynamic: A Legacy of Excellence in Audio Technology

Beyerdynamic is a German-based company that has been a leading manufacturer of high-quality audio equipment for over 90 years. Founded in 1924 by Eugen Beyer in Berlin, the company has established a reputation for producing some of the finest headphones, microphones, and other audio equipment in the world.

Early Days

In its early days, Beyerdynamic was primarily focused on creating microphones for use in broadcasting, as well as for public address systems. However, it soon expanded its product line to include headphones and other audio equipment.

One of the company's most significant contributions to the world of audio technology was the introduction of the first dynamic headphone in 1937. This innovation changed the game for music lovers and professionals alike, as it allowed them to experience high-quality sound without the need for bulky and expensive electrostatic headphones.

Post-War Innovations

After World War II, Beyerdynamic continued to innovate and refine its products, introducing new models of headphones and microphones that were widely used in the music, broadcasting, and film industries. One of the most significant achievements during this period was the creation of the M 88 dynamic microphone, which became one of the most popular microphones used in studios and on stages around the world.

In the 1960s, Beyerdynamic released the DT 48 headphones, which were the first open-back headphones designed for studio use. These headphones quickly became popular with recording engineers and musicians due to their accurate sound reproduction and comfortable fit.

Modern Era

Today, Beyerdynamic continues to be at the forefront of audio technology, with a wide range of products that cater to both professional and consumer markets. Its headphones are renowned for their outstanding sound quality, durability, and comfort, and are used by musicians, recording engineers, and audiophiles around the world.

One of the company's most notable recent releases is the DT 1990 PRO headphones, which are widely regarded as some of the best headphones for studio use. They feature an open-back design that allows for a spacious and detailed soundstage, as well as a comfortable and durable build that can withstand the rigors of professional use.

Another notable release from Beyerdynamic is the TG 1000 wireless microphone system, which offers a level of audio quality and reliability that is unmatched in the industry. This system is ideal for use in large venues and events, where high-quality audio is essential.


Throughout its history, Beyerdynamic has been committed to producing audio equipment that delivers the highest level of quality and performance. Its products are renowned for their durability, comfort, and outstanding sound quality, and are used by professionals and enthusiasts alike. With a legacy of excellence that spans over 90 years, Beyerdynamic continues to be a leader in the audio technology industry and a trusted name for those who demand the best.

Headphones: A Comprehensive Guide to the World of Personal Audio

Headphones have become an integral part of our lives, whether we are commuting to work, working out at the gym, or just enjoying our favorite music at home. They provide a personal audio experience that allows us to immerse ourselves in the music and block out the distractions of the outside world. In this article, we will explore the world of headphones, from their history and development to the latest trends and technologies.

History and Development

Headphones were first developed in the late 19th century as a way for telephone operators to listen to calls without disturbing others. Over time, they became more widespread, with early models used primarily in radio communication and broadcasting.

In the 1960s, the introduction of the transistor led to the development of smaller, more portable headphones that could be used with personal music players like the Sony Walkman. This marked the beginning of the modern era of headphones, with companies like Sennheiser, Beyerdynamic, and AKG leading the way in innovation and design.

Types of Headphones

There are several types of headphones available today, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
Over-Ear Headphones: Also known as circumaural headphones, these are the largest and most comfortable type of headphones. They fit over the ears and provide excellent sound isolation, making them ideal for use in noisy environments. However, they can be bulky and heavy, making them less portable than other types of headphones.

On-Ear Headphones: Also known as supra-aural headphones, these fit on top of the ears rather than over them. They are generally smaller and more portable than over-ear headphones, but they may not provide as much sound isolation.

In-Ear Headphones: Also known as earbuds or in-ear monitors, these fit directly into the ear canal. They are the most portable and lightweight type of headphones, but they may not provide as much sound quality or comfort as other types.

Wireless Headphones: These are headphones that connect to your device via Bluetooth or other wireless technologies. They are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and lack of cables.
Noise-Cancelling Headphones: These headphones use active noise cancellation technology to block out external sounds, making them ideal for use in noisy environments like airplanes or public transport.

Choosing the Right Headphones

When choosing headphones, there are several factors to consider, including:
Sound Quality: The sound quality of headphones can vary significantly, so it's important to choose a pair that provides the level of audio fidelity that you require.
Comfort: Since you will be wearing your headphones for extended periods, it's important to choose a pair that is comfortable and doesn't cause fatigue or discomfort.
Portability: If you plan to use your headphones while traveling or on the go, it's important to choose a pair that is lightweight and easy to carry.
Price: Headphones can range in price from a few dollars to several thousand dollars. It's important to choose a pair that fits within your budget but still provides the features and performance that you need.


Headphones have come a long way since their inception, with advances in technology and design leading to a wide range of options for consumers. Whether you are looking for headphones that provide excellent sound quality, portability, or noise cancellation, there is a pair of headphones that will meet your needs. By understanding the different types of headphones and the factors to consider when choosing a pair, you can find the perfect set of headphones to enjoy your favorite music and audio content.

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