Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2023

TEST: Kali Audio IN-8

I don't know if everyone has already noticed, but the product policy in the audio sector has changed significantly in recent years. Similar to the software segment, where the user expects a major operating system update at least once a year, the hardware market of the audio sector has also adapted to this expectation of the user and brings in almost the same time interval the versions MKII or whatever you want to call the updated versions on the market. The goal is mostly to fix minor bugs and respond to customer requests, but the main reason is to stay in the conversation in our extremely fast-paced times and to bring the trademark to the user's attention at regular intervals. The California-based developer Kali Audio has also launched the second model series in its IN-8 series and given it the euphonious model name Kali Audio IN-8 2nd Wave.

Structure and further development of the Kali Audio IN-8 2nd Wave

Already the first version of the Kali Audio IN-8 enjoyed great interest in the budget and home recording sector. The reason was probably mainly in the thanks to Chinese manufacturing low retail price of just under 350, - € per box to look for, especially since the reproduction is a 3-way system. Similarly designed systems often start above the 2-way systems and accordingly demand a higher retail price, from therefore a 3-way system in this price segment appears as a real bargain. The Kali Audio IN-8 2nd Wave version puts a price increase of almost 12% on the day, but in return also offers a system upgrade, which goes well beyond the sometimes small "attention updates".

Let's first start with the optical area. The dimensions (H x W x D) of 441 mm x 285 mm x 254 mm in combination with a comparatively low weight of 10.4 kg for this system class has been retained by the box, but the appearance of the speakers has been changed. While the membranes of the 8-inch woofers and 4-inch midrange drivers in the first version were kept in a gloss finish, the 2nd Wave version relies on a classic matte, somewhat more discreet look. Everyone may decide for themselves which finish they like better. The 1-inch tweeter was again due to better phase fidelity and delay alignment in the coaxial principle on the same axis as the midrange and is not visible from the outside. The cabinet retains the combination of MDF, plastic and metal materials, is cleanly finished and gives no reason for criticism.

On the front, the comparatively large bass reflex port catches the eye in addition to the visually appealing concept. A look inside reveals no damping material, but also shows the overall very clean workmanship of the product. A small status LED lights up blue during startup.

In the electronics, Kali Audio has turned several screws to give the 2nd Wave version an advantage over the MKI version. The power of 140 watts (60 watt woofer, 40 watt midrange, 40 watt tweeter) has remained the same, but with a maximum level of 117 dB, the updated version has 3 dB more sound pressure than the first version of the IN-8, which was limited to 114 dB. The frequency range of 37 - 25000 Hz (-10 dB), or 45 - 21000 Hz (+/- 3 dB) has remained the same. Likewise, the generous connection range of XLR (+4 dBu input sensitivity), TRS (+4 dBu input sensitivity) and RCA (-10 dBu input sensitivity) has been retained, which continues to allow maximum compatibility even with simple sound generators in the analog range.

An additional development was made in the area of ambient noise. Some users had complained about the comparatively high background noise level of the system in the MKI version, which, although not unduly high, was clearly audible in very quiet control rooms and thus brought with it a certain restriction in user-friendliness. This has now been remedied with a new amplifier technology, which made it possible to reduce the background noise by 12 dB.

The rear panel

As with other Kali Audio products, the Kali Audio IN-8 2nd Wave has a rich selection of presets, which can be called up using several DIP switches. A total of 8 DIP switches can be used to make very extensive room adjustments, which visually assist the inexperienced beginner in small pictures. DIP switch number 8 activates the RCA jack, which is deactivated in the delivery state for noise reasons. The extensive adjustments make sense, because especially in home recording you rarely have acoustically optimized rooms and you almost never have enough space for optimized speaker placement. The following presets can be activated with the first three DIP switches:

1.) Positioning loudspeaker on speaker stand, distance loudspeaker at least 50 cm from the nearest wall.
2) Positioning loudspeaker on speaker stand, distance loudspeaker less than 50 cm from the nearest wall
3) Positioning loudspeaker on speaker stand, positioning loudspeaker directly on the wall
4.) Positioning loudspeaker directly on the meter bridge
5.) Positioning loudspeakers on the desk with at least 50 cm distance from the nearest wall
6.) Positioning loudspeakers on the desk with less than 50 cm distance from the nearest wall
7) Positioning loudspeakers on the desk directly against the wall
8) Positioning loudspeaker lying on the meter bridge

The DIP switches 4 and 5 can also be used to adjust the low frequency range, respectively 6 and 7 the high frequency range. In addition to a neutral reproduction, you can lower or raise the bass range from approx. 280 Hz by 2 dB each, or raise or lower the treble range from approx. 2800 Hz by 2 dB each. Which frequencies are exactly processed with which DIP circuit and which range, can unfortunately not be seen from the printed pictograms on the back. A somewhat shakily running volume control with o dB rastering and a power socket together with On / Off switch, finished is the rear panel description. Oh yes, the input sensitivity of the system was lowered by 3 dB to ensure better controllability at high output levels.

Although the extensive DIP circuit attracts a lot of attention, as a speaker with an 8 inch woofer really only a stand operation comes into question. For my part, I honestly can not imagine a monitor of this size on the meter bridge or on a desk.

The Kali Audio IN-8 2nd Wave in practice

As always, as a tester, you compare the first sounds that come out of the speakers with your personal reference monitor, to which you are attuned. Secondly, other pairs of speakers are used, often in the low budget range, so that one has a good overview of excellent to grotty. The whole thing is compared with different test tones, voice recordings, reference mixes and own productions.

The Kali Audio IN-8 2nd Wave also leave a first listening impression that is appropriate for their price. The reproduction is quite neutral, although the midrange comes across a bit "hollow", or "bony". What means a corresponding incentive for one and in the classic NS-10 style "What sounds good here, sounds good everywhere" a real challenge, will possibly mean a lack of well-being for the other. The slightly "throaty" basic sound of the Kali Audio IN-8 2nd Wave may generate a linear sound image, but is quite exhausting from the listening impression.

The focus is, as with many other 3-way systems, on the more concise midrange, especially since the well-known midrange hole, which is sometimes noted in the 2-way range, does not occur here. On the other hand, some listeners will be surprised by the correspondingly altered sound, which is much harsher than most other manufacturers are used to.

Interestingly, the system has a rather restrained bass content for an 8 inch woofer, which may be due to the rather tightly clamped cone. At low listening volumes, the woofer shows its strengths, but is overtaken by the low midrange with increasing volume. The low frequency response is good, the stereo imaging satisfactory. It should also be mentioned that the coaxial speaker combination of midrange and tweeter have a very precise radiation, so it's important to make sure that the speakers are at a sufficient distance from the ear, for example in stand mode, or are slightly tilted, otherwise a significant drop in treble is noticeable.


With the Kali Audio IN-8 2nd Wave, the American company introduces a 3-way system for the small purse in its portfolio. The sound is comparatively neutral, the processing options extensive and the connection options very good. If you like the sound of the system, you will get an inexpensive 3-way system for the ambitious budget studio.

Additional informations:

Kali Audio is a renowned company that has made significant strides in the audio industry with its commitment to innovation, exceptional product quality, and customer satisfaction. Since its inception, the company has been at the forefront of revolutionizing audio technology, providing professional-grade audio equipment to a wide range of customers, including music producers, audio engineers, content creators, and audio enthusiasts. This comprehensive report delves into the history, product range, technological advancements, market position, and future prospects of Kali Audio.

Company Overview Kali Audio was founded in 2018 with a clear vision to disrupt the audio industry by creating high-quality, affordable audio equipment. The company is headquartered in Southern California, USA, and boasts a team of passionate audio professionals who are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of audio technology. With an emphasis on transparency, open communication, and user-centric design, Kali Audio has garnered a reputation for delivering exceptional value to its customers.

Product Range Kali Audio offers a diverse range of audio equipment that caters to different segments of the market. The company's product portfolio includes studio monitors, headphones, subwoofers, and other accessories. Kali Audio's studio monitors, such as the LP-6 and LP-8, have gained immense popularity due to their accurate sound reproduction, detailed imaging, and affordability. These monitors utilize advanced DSP technology and custom-designed drivers to deliver an unparalleled listening experience.

Technological Advancements One of the key factors that set Kali Audio apart from its competitors is its relentless pursuit of technological advancements. The company leverages cutting-edge engineering techniques, such as waveguides, acoustic tuning, and Class D amplification, to optimize the performance of its products. Additionally, Kali Audio incorporates digital signal processing (DSP) into its studio monitors, allowing users to tailor the sound output according to their specific preferences and room acoustics.

Market Position and Customer Satisfaction Kali Audio has rapidly gained recognition and market share since its establishment. The company has successfully positioned itself as a trusted brand, providing professional-grade audio equipment at affordable price points. By bridging the gap between affordability and quality, Kali Audio has attracted a diverse customer base, ranging from amateur musicians and podcasters to professional studios and sound engineers. Positive customer reviews and testimonials further solidify the company's reputation for exceptional product performance and customer satisfaction.

Industry Partnerships and Collaborations Kali Audio actively collaborates with industry professionals and organizations to foster innovation and improve its product offerings. The company works closely with renowned audio engineers, music producers, and content creators to gain valuable insights and feedback that inform the development of their products. Furthermore, Kali Audio has partnered with leading technology companies to integrate their products seamlessly with popular digital audio workstations (DAWs) and other audio software.

Future Prospects Looking ahead, Kali Audio is poised for continued success and growth. The company's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction positions it favorably in an ever-evolving audio market. Kali Audio's future endeavors include expanding its product line, exploring emerging technologies such as immersive audio and wireless connectivity, and further enhancing its global distribution network to reach a wider customer base.

Conclusion Kali Audio has emerged as a disruptive force in the audio industry, challenging the status quo by delivering professional-grade audio equipment at affordable prices. Through its relentless focus on innovation, technological advancements, and customer satisfaction, the company has garnered a loyal following of audio enthusiasts and professionals alike. With a promising future ahead, Kali Audio is set to continue pushing the boundaries of audio technology and redefine the audio experience for users worldwide.

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