Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2024

TEST: SPL Marc One

 Monitor and recording controllers are essential components of every project and professional studio, resulting in a vast selection of products on the market. However, when focusing on sound quality, the overwhelming number of options quickly narrows down to a more manageable pool. The German flagship company SPL once again aims to make its mark in this segment with the SPL Marc One, as this review will demonstrate. The One series focuses on providing a cost-effective alternative to the company's high-end products without compromising on the "Made in Germany" quality.

A Subtle Difference

At first glance, it's evident that the SPL Marc One shares many similarities with its smaller sibling, the Control One. The elegant form in a black layout, with the interior packaged in a solid steel housing featuring a slightly textured surface, is immediately recognizable. If this product weren't primarily intended for studio environments, the controller would even pass the scrutiny of the most discerning interior design critic, thanks to its attractive rounded housing.

The dimensions of 210 mm x 49.6 mm x 220 mm are compact, allowing for multiple placement options. Weighing just under 1.5 kg and equipped with high-quality rubber feet, the SPL Marc One maintains a secure position even on glass surfaces, providing sufficient grip for stable operation. The product is designed exclusively for desktop use, with no provision for rack mounting.

Unlike the Control One, the Marc One features a built-in interface, which sets the two products apart in different categories. This interface doesn't boast an extensive number of I/O channels, offering only two inputs and two outputs. Instead, it shines with the AKM AK4490 chip, which supports 32-bit at 768 kHz, as well as DSD4 and DSD256.

The Structure of the SPL Marc One

A brief touch of the product's controls and switches hints at why the SPL Marc One comes with a retail price of €699. As with the converter section, only the finest components are used. Firmly gripping, defined switches, tactile potentiometers, and solid sockets provide the desired haptic experience. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, SPL opts for an external multi-voltage power supply instead of an IEC connector. This once again blocks a socket on the power strip, but at least the transformer is located directly on the plug and not halfway along the power cable as with many other products.

All controls of the SPL Marc One are located on the front of the unit. Starting from the left is a triple mini-switch that toggles between the two selectable monitor paths or mutes both outputs, followed by the product's volume control. If the input level is very high, the input sensitivity can be reduced by -10 dB using a DIP switch on the rear panel. Another mini-switch allows for standard stereo playback, mono summed, or left/right swapped.

Three small red LEDs follow, indicating the product's status and potential overloads of the two channels in the interface. Next are three small knobs, beginning with the monitor control, which determines the mix ratio between input and USB signals due to latency-free playback. This is followed by the headphone volume control and a crossfeed control, similar to the one found in the company's Phonitor Matrix, which simulates the "crosstalk" of speakers in regular monitor playback to enable a more spatial representation.

The Rear Panel of the SPL Marc One

For primary I/Os, the Marc One uses balanced TRS connections, while secondary I/Os use unbalanced TS jacks for signal routing, primarily to keep the space requirements low, which would not be possible with XLR connectors. The second DIP switch on the rear panel allows for selection in recording management. When switched up, it is in the "Off" mode and enables recording of Line Input 1 via USB. In the down position (On mode), inputs 1 and 2 are summed and recorded via USB.

The controller offers 2 and 2.1 monitor functionality, with the subwoofer for Monitor A receiving a separate output. An additional Line Out provides the mix of Line inputs and USB playback, has unity gain, and is independent of the volume control. The specified values of the SPL Marc One truly suggest very high quality. For the number enthusiasts, here are some specifications:

- Frequency response: 10 Hz to 200 kHz at -3 dB
- Dynamic range of 120 dB
- A-weighted noise of -99 dB at 600 Ohms
- Total harmonic distortion of 0.002% (0 dBu, 10 Hz–22 kHz, 600 Ω)
- Crosstalk below 75 dB @ 1 kHz

Headphone amplifier:
- 0.013% THD at maximum output power
- Power: 2 x 190 mW (1 kHz, 600 Ω), 2 x 330 mW (1 kHz, 250 Ω), and 2 x 400 mW (1 kHz, 47 Ω)

Whether a USB-B port is still appropriate nowadays is ultimately for the consumer to decide. As the entire industry is slowly moving towards USB-C, some users might miss a corresponding port. On the other hand, this port allows for greater compatibility, especially since the USB-C realm is backward compatible via appropriate adapters.

In Practice

As always, the description of a product's sound is purely subjective and does not speak for the general public. However, I am quite certain that every user of the SPL Marc One can agree on the sonic description of "excellent." The product has an extremely stable basic sound with outstanding resolution and plenty of headroom for any type of headphone. The above-mentioned values speak a clear language regarding the performance in the headphone area and, in conjunction with the crossfeed control, enable excellent flexibility, as otherwise only provided by top-class dedicated headphone amplifiers.

All sound material is resolved very finely and experiences the maximum sound quality that can come to a signal flow through the components used. The product impresses not only with outstanding audio values but also with its "unexcited" appearance and simple yet effective haptics, which make working with this product a real highlight. Whether by chance or not, the SPL Marc One fits exactly under the foot of my 27" iMac and would thus perfectly integrate into a large number of studios. Otherwise, it also fits very well beside the foot.

The discerning reader will also have noticed that the controller is primarily designed for solo operation. Both the solitary headphone output and the fact that the monitors and headphone output can only be fed with the same signal indicate that the target group is the individual producer who places great value on the highest fidelity both through the speakers and the headphones.

However, one should always keep in mind that the SPL Marc One can only fully play out its strengths in cooperation with the corresponding components. It makes no sense to invest in a high-quality controller if, on the other hand, the equivalent value of the monitors, possibly even including the headphones, only amounts to the same amount as the controller alone. As always in the signal flow, it only takes one "weak" component to make the entire construct wobble and equalize all other high-quality products. Therefore, I recommend investing at least 5 times, preferably 7 times, the amount for the acquisition of equally high-quality speaker or headphone material to be able to use the full performance range of the controller. The end result will justify the investment.

Extended Information

Integration with Studio Environments

The SPL Marc One is designed to seamlessly integrate into various studio setups. Its compact size and sleek design make it an ideal choice for both home studios and professional environments. The controller can be easily placed on a desk or mounted in a custom studio furniture setup, providing easy access to its controls.

For studios that frequently switch between different monitoring systems, the Marc One's dual monitor outputs prove particularly useful. This feature allows for quick comparisons between different speaker setups, enhancing the mixing and mastering process.

Digital-to-Analog Conversion

The heart of the SPL Marc One's digital capabilities lies in its AKM AK4490 chip. This high-performance DAC is known for its excellent sound quality and low distortion characteristics. The chip's ability to handle high-resolution audio formats, including DSD4 and DSD256, makes the Marc One future-proof for evolving audio standards.

The 32-bit/768 kHz capability ensures that even the most demanding audiophile recordings can be reproduced with utmost fidelity. This level of resolution allows for the capture of subtle nuances and micro-dynamics that might be lost with lesser converters.

Crossfeed Technology

One of the standout features of the SPL Marc One is its crossfeed control, borrowed from SPL's renowned Phonitor series. This technology aims to simulate the natural crosstalk that occurs when listening to speakers in a room, but applied to headphone listening.

The crossfeed function can be particularly beneficial for mixing engineers who need to switch between speaker and headphone monitoring. It helps create a more natural and spacious soundstage when using headphones, potentially reducing ear fatigue during long mixing sessions.

USB Interface Functionality

While the USB interface of the Marc One is limited to two inputs and two outputs, its implementation is focused on quality rather than quantity. The USB connection allows for direct recording and playback from a computer, making it an excellent choice for project studios or mobile recording setups.

The ability to sum inputs 1 and 2 for USB recording provides flexibility for capturing stereo sources or two mono sources simultaneously. This feature can be particularly useful for recording interviews, podcasts, or stereo instrument performances.

Build Quality and Longevity

SPL has a reputation for building equipment that lasts, and the Marc One is no exception. The use of high-quality components, from the potentiometers to the internal circuitry, ensures that the unit will maintain its performance over years of use.

The solid steel housing not only contributes to the product's durability but also helps in shielding the sensitive audio components from electromagnetic interference. This attention to detail in construction translates to cleaner, more accurate audio reproduction.

Comparison with Competitors

In the competitive landscape of monitor controllers, the SPL Marc One positions itself as a high-end option for discerning users. When compared to similarly priced competitors, the Marc One often stands out for its build quality and sound performance.

However, it's worth noting that some competitors in this price range may offer additional features such as talkback functionality or more extensive I/O options. The Marc One's strength lies in its focus on core functionality and audio quality rather than an extensive feature set.

User Experience and Workflow Integration

The intuitive layout of the SPL Marc One contributes significantly to its user-friendliness. The straightforward control scheme allows for quick adjustments during recording or mixing sessions without interrupting the creative flow.

For producers and engineers who frequently switch between different monitoring scenarios – such as comparing mixes on different speaker sets or transitioning from speakers to headphones – the Marc One's design facilitates these workflows efficiently.

Potential Limitations

While the SPL Marc One excels in many areas, potential buyers should be aware of its limitations. The lack of a built-in talkback microphone might be a drawback for some studio setups, particularly those involved in voice-over work or requiring frequent communication between the control room and recording space.

Additionally, the reliance on an external power supply, while common in this product category, may be seen as a minor inconvenience by some users, particularly those with limited power outlet availability in their studio space.


The SPL Marc One represents a high-end monitor and recording controller in the German manufacturer's portfolio. The product impresses with its excellent build quality, top-tier hardware components, aesthetic appeal, and a converter concept that extracts the maximum from the signal flow with 32-bit at 768 kHz capabilities.

The controller's operation is intuitive, self-explanatory, and characterized by a simplicity that is often desired, especially in the monitoring realm. The timeless appearance, combined with excellent internal values, is convincing across the board, particularly for the solitary producer who doesn't need to route independent mixes to additional listeners.

While the SPL Marc One comes with a premium price tag, its performance and build quality justify the investment for those seeking uncompromising audio quality in their studio setup. It stands as a testament to SPL's commitment to delivering professional-grade audio equipment that meets the exacting standards of modern music production.

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