Dienstag, 5. November 2019

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #live #gravedigger

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #live #gravedigger #gravediggerband

via Tumblr https://axelritt.tumblr.com/post/188837080444

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #vegan @hughesandkettner @ldsyst

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #vegan @hughesandkettner @ldsystems @framus @digitech @cordialcables #sennheiser #deeflexx @emgpickups #musicstoreprofessional @ineargermany #koenigundmeyer @loxxbyschaeffertec
#brennereiziegler #splelectronics @pedaltrain #zoomdeutschland #gravitystands #beyerdynamic @pushkingpedals #herculesstands #eveaudio #stonewood @heilsound #zaorfurniture

via Tumblr https://axelritt.tumblr.com/post/188830567039

Montag, 4. November 2019

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger

#axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #live

via Tumblr https://axelritt.tumblr.com/post/188817854264

Samstag, 2. November 2019

#Repost @gravediggerband with @get_repost ・・・ Within just one...

#Repost @gravediggerband with @get_repost
Within just one day, drummer #marcuskniep finished the drum đŸ„ recordings of the upcoming abum. Holy cow! #gravedigger #gravediggerband (hier: Principal-Studios)

via Tumblr https://axelritt.tumblr.com/post/188761228154

Montag, 14. Oktober 2019

A very nice looking and very well sounding small Jupiter stack...

A very nice looking and very well sounding small Jupiter stack of #kochamps at my studio. Great for small club stages! #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger

via Tumblr https://axelritt.tumblr.com/post/188350724129

Mittwoch, 18. September 2019

#Repost @bestofvegan with @get_repost ・・・ ROASTED GARLICY...

#Repost @bestofvegan with @get_repost
ROASTED GARLICY NOODLES by @alexafuelednaturally 🧡

1 lb pasta noodles of choice (I used Long Fusilli)
1 large garlic head
4 tbsp olive oil
1 bunch fresh herbs (like parsley or cilantro) or micro greens
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper (Optional) .
2 cups chopped oyster mushrooms
1. Preheat oven to 400F/200C. Slice off top of the head of garlic. Drizzle with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and season with a pinch of salt and pepper. Wrap in foil and place in a shallow dish. 
2. Roast until golden and soft, about 40 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, cook pasta noodles according to directions on package.
4. Once the pasta is done cooking, drain then return pasta to pot.
5. If you would like to add any other ingredients like veggies do this now… I sautĂ©ed mushrooms in 1 tbsp EVOO and seasoned with a pinch of salt. Then added them to the pasta!
6. Once the garlic is out of the oven, let cool then squeeze out garlic cloves. Place garlic cloves in a small bowl and add 3 tbsp olive oil. Mash the garlic with a fork to infuse oil.
7. Drizzle all of the garlic oil over the noodles, add a good pinch of salt and pepper, and chopped fresh herbs or micro greens! *also vegan parm is amazing on top too. #bestofvegan

via Tumblr https://axelritt.tumblr.com/post/187786058419

Montag, 16. September 2019

Today it‘s Put-On-Security-Locks-On-My-New-Straps day....

Today it‘s Put-On-Security-Locks-On-My-New-Straps day. @richterstraps and @loxx_by_schaeffertec , best of both worlds! 🎾 #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger

via Tumblr https://axelritt.tumblr.com/post/187756431304