Samstag, 17. Juni 2023

TEST: Looptrotter Sa2rate 2

 It's always refreshing to see that even in countries that you wouldn't think would be in the top tier of music manufacturers, there are small but fine manufacturers that are building a name for themselves and want to take on the manufacturing superiority from China. The company Looptrotter Audio Engineering is located in Poland with its development and manufacturing department and presents with the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2 the successor of the first model, which of course hits the same nucleus as its predecessor. Let's go!

The concept of the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2

The Looptrotter Sa2rate 2 is, as you can see from the pun, a "saturator", i.e. a product that is supposed to drive the delivered signal into saturation. The circuit is once again modeled on the classic tape machines, where the unwritten law of driving every recorded instrument more or less into tape saturation originated. In return for this technically questionable undertaking, the signal receives a mixture of compression, compression and overtone saturation, which gives almost every instrument a slight "fatness".

Whereas in the early days of DAWs, the extremely time-consuming process of "looping in" a tape machine along with its recording behavior was sometimes still inserted into the recording process, in recent years a lot has happened in the plug-in area in terms of quality, so that seibigerous process has lost much of its importance. However, as in the guitar sector, for example, some manufacturers are asserting themselves with purely analog outboard technology for sonic reasons, as is the case with the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2, which comes with a 19-inch, 1 U format and a weight of just under 2.5 kilograms.

In contrast to some competitors, however, the Poles do not go the way of a tube circuit, which is due to its construction sonically just for the saturation term, but consistently rely on semiconductor technology within the product. The device is designed in stereo and has 2x of the same controls.

The construction of the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2

Those who, like me, have had a wasp-filled summer will probably have a similar association when they hold the product in their hands for the first time. Depending on the embossing, the black and yellow appearance reminds of the winged insect or possibly also of motorized rally missions of bygone days, which means a discreet placement in the visually styled control room is impossible.

The workmanship of the product is clean and very solid. Especially the front panel leaves a lasting impression with its 2 millimeter thickness. A few years ago, the comparison to Russian military technology would have been made here, but this seems inappropriate nowadays. Especially the mini-switches and the power switch leave an excellent impression due to their haptic design and suggest a long life span. The product doesn't have any feet and was only designed for pure rack use.

In direct comparison to the predecessor model, version 2 has received some very useful features that expand the product's range of application many times over. While the control options of version 1 were limited to a drive and output control, version 2 now has an individually adjustable mixing ratio of dry and wet signal. In addition, the product has two switches with which on the one hand the bass can be taken out of the saturation path and on the other hand the treble can be boosted.

Regarding the bass behavior, one knows the effect from the bass recordings. As soon as you also send the low bass range through a distortion pedal / plug-in etc., they very often swallow the entire other frequency range and lose a lot of assertiveness. To prevent this, the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2 leads a soft ascending curve up to just under 800 Hz, but which the saturation level rises sharply. The Hi smooth, on the other hand, boosts high frequencies before the saturation circuit and attenuates them afterwards, resulting in a deeper saturation of higher frequencies, according to the manufacturer.

As is well known, a saturation is also a half-wave cut-off, but in contrast to an overdrive or even distortion, it is comparatively subtle in its effect. To monitor the degree of saturation, the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2 has 2 LEDs, which are located above the true bypass switch. A yellow LED defines the 4% THD, a red LED the 8% THD threshold.

The back of the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2

The rear of the device has a very good equipment regarding the connection possibilities. In addition to the studio standard XLR jacks (lockable!), the device also has balanced TRS jacks and, as a further special feature, unbalanced jack inputs, which have been set with an input sensitivity of -10 dB. This means that the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2 can also be used both in the studio and for live as a preamp, for example, for an electric bass or a keyboard to generate a saturated sound before the signal is fed into the DAW / PA. Apart from the obligatory cold-device socket, there are no other connections or control options on the back of the housing.

In practice

In terms of connection and control options, the device is understood within a short time, although one should pay special attention to the Dry and Wet controls. Here ultimately decides how strong the aggressiveness of the signal should look, in my eyes even far more than with the Drive control.

Sonically, the product leaves a double-edged impression. The device can score strongly with completely clean signals, which have a discreetly sterile character under ambient hours and which may be a little weak in the level. Here, the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2 is perfectly suited as a catch-up amplifier, which also brings a personal sound note on board. If, on the other hand, you already have a "dirty", vintage signal that is already in the LoFi range, you quickly run the risk of adding a fuzz sound to the original signal than a saturation. Especially with strong impulses and corresponding lighting of the 8% THD LED, we are already clearly in the distortion range, which in my opinion comes out a bit harsh

The saturation effect of an analog tape machine propagated by the company is not really achieved in my opinion, because the softly rising magnetic saturation applies to the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2 only in subtle settings, but this in high quality. At higher saturation, the signal goes personally too quickly into the distortion range, which does not quite meet my taste, but in the avant-garde realm will certainly find its friends.

You should also always keep in mind that especially the compression effect creates a certain addictive behavior, which also leads to the fact that the individual signals subtly gain in the solo area, but lose assertiveness in the later mix. Here it is always important to have an ear for the later mix and not to compress the individual tracks too much in advance.

From the two toggle switches Lo Save and Hi smooth I would have wished a little more efficiency. While the Lo Safe is discreet but audible, I personally have a hard time even noticing the sonic difference when the Hi smooth switch is activated. With such a discreet alignment, one's gaze keeps darting to the switch to check the switch position, which is always a bad sign for me personally. I prefer more effectiveness here, or better leave it out altogether, especially since extremely subtle differences can't be made out later in the mix.

In direct comparison to included plug-ins from the compressor or saturation area, the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2 already convinced with a sonic analog note and a certain independence, but whether this is enough to invest the corresponding additional costs, everyone must decide for themselves. Especially in a mastered mix processors like the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2 have a hard time to show their sonic advantages, unless the delivered material of the mix are accordingly airy.


With the Looptrotter Sa2rate 2, the Polish company has an independent saturation processor in its program, which helps especially sterile-sounding signals in terms of warmth and saturation. The workmanship is excellent, the individual components are of very high quality.

To what extent the analog solid state solution of compressor and overtone saturation can be meaningfully placed in one's own sound material, everyone must find out for themselves.

Additional informations:

Looptrotter Audio is a renowned company at the forefront of audio processing technology. With a strong emphasis on innovation and quality, the company has established itself as a leading provider of professional audio equipment. This comprehensive report aims to provide a detailed overview of Looptrotter Audio, including its history, product range, technological advancements, industry impact, and future prospects.

History and Background: Looptrotter Audio was founded in 2010 by Andrzej Starzyk, a highly skilled audio engineer with a passion for developing cutting-edge audio equipment. Based in Poland, the company started as a small operation with a focus on producing high-quality analog gear. Over the years, Looptrotter Audio has expanded its product line and gained international recognition for its innovative solutions.

Product Range: Looptrotter Audio offers a diverse range of audio processing equipment designed for professional studios, producers, and musicians. Their product lineup includes:
Analog Compressors: Looptrotter Audio is widely acclaimed for its innovative analog compressors. Models like the Sa2Rate and Monster Compressor have garnered praise for their unique sound characteristics, versatility, and precise control over dynamics.

b. Analog Equalizers: The company's analog equalizers, such as the Emperor and Amethyst, are highly regarded for their transparent sound shaping capabilities. These equalizers provide exceptional tonal control and are known for their musicality.

c. Analog Saturation and Harmonic Distortion Units: Looptrotter Audio's line of saturation and harmonic distortion units, such as the SATurAMP and SATurAMP2, are revered for their ability to add warmth, color, and character to audio signals. These units are widely used in both tracking and mixing stages.

d. Audio Mixers and Summing Devices: Looptrotter Audio also offers high-quality analog mixers and summing devices that provide an enhanced audio mixing experience. These products, like the ZIMO MX123, offer pristine sound quality and intuitive workflow.

Technological Advancements: Looptrotter Audio is known for pushing the boundaries of audio processing technology. The company continuously invests in research and development to create groundbreaking solutions. Some notable technological advancements by Looptrotter Audio include:

Variable Mu Compression Technology: The Sa2Rate compressor introduced a groundbreaking feature known as "Variable Mu." This technology allows users to adjust the compressor's compression curve dynamically, providing unprecedented control and flexibility.

b. Hybrid Analog-Digital Designs: Looptrotter Audio has successfully integrated analog and digital technologies to create hybrid products. This approach combines the warmth and character of analog circuitry with the precision and convenience of digital control, resulting in unique audio processing capabilities.

c. Customization Options: Looptrotter Audio offers customization options for their products, allowing customers to tailor the gear to their specific needs. This level of flexibility ensures that professionals can achieve their desired sound and workflow.

Industry Impact: Looptrotter Audio's products have made a significant impact on the audio industry. Their innovative designs and commitment to sound quality have earned them a loyal customer base worldwide. Professionals in recording studios, mastering facilities, and live sound environments appreciate the company's dedication to preserving the integrity of the audio signal while providing powerful processing tools.
Future Prospects: With a strong foundation and a track record of innovation, Looptrotter Audio is well-positioned for future success. The company continues to explore new technologies and expand its product line to meet the evolving needs of the audio industry. Looptrotter Audio's commitment to quality, attention to detail, and customer-centric approach ensures that they will remain a key player in the audio processing market.

Looptrotter Audio has established itself as a leading provider of high-quality analog audio processing equipment. Through their commitment to innovation, technological advancements, and dedication to sound quality, the company has made a significant impact on the audio industry. With a diverse product range, Looptrotter Audio continues to empower professionals with the tools they need to achieve exceptional audio production results. As the company looks to the future, it is well-positioned to continue pushing the boundaries of audio processing technology and maintaining its status as a pioneer in the field.

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