Montag, 19. Juni 2023


 There are products that immediately remind you of a manufacturer due to their appearance or color scheme, which is what happened to me with the MÄAG PREQ2 that I was testing, which immediately reminded me of earlier Midas products with its "Villa Kunterbunt" color scheme. Red, yellow, green, blue and black on a two-tone blue background revive the seventies. To what extent the two-channel preamp with EQ, which is manufactured with 1 U in the USA and is suitable for recording and mixing functions, justifies its ambitious retail price of 3,399, - €, this test will show.

The concept of the MÄAG PREQ2

Mäag Audio may well be a household name to specialists in the genre, but for most, the company launched by Cliff Mäag will likely represent uncharted territory. The unique selling point for Mäag Audio is once again the very popular Air Band Shelving Equalizer, which was first introduced in 1993 with the NTI EQ3 and is also built into the MÄAG PREQ2. The MÄAG PREQ2 is largely based on the Stereo Mastering EQ4M, also from Mäag Audio, which enjoys an excellent reputation in the scene, with its range of functions, specifications and performance features.

The PREQ2's two matched channels handle either line or mic signal levels, with separate line-level input and mic XLR connectors on the rear panel. The rear panel also features XLR output connectors for each channel and an IEC on/off/fuse power switch. A look inside the solid steel chassis, which due to its construction still manages to weigh 4 kg, reveals plenty of Wima capacitors, two large Mäag Audio MA02 transformers with nickel cores and a flat toroidal transformer. The construction is very neatly arranged on a single PCB, using mainly surface mount devices. There are THAT Corp. line-input receivers and line drivers (op amps), and three regulators with three connections each, one for 48-volt phantom power and two for the 18-volt ± rails, all fitted with suitable heat sinks.

The MÄAG PREQ2 microphone preamplifier section delivers up to 71 dB of total gain through a discrete Class-A (FET) transistor preamplifier, which operates with +27 dBu of headroom and a noise floor of -128 dB. Two optimized gain ranges are selectable on the front panel, +20 dB to +42 dB and +42 to +71 dB, with the +25 dB gain switch on the front panel. The maximum microphone input level without using the 20 dB attenuator is +8 dB. The microphone input section also features front-panel switches for +48-volt phantom power, -20-dB attenuator pad, +25-dB gain, a green signal LED, +26-dBu peak LEDs, and a phase switch. Microphone gain is continuously adjustable with a single, large red gain control.

The line switch on the front panel switches the XLR line input connectors on the rear panel instead of the mic preamp. It is possible to keep both mic and line level sources connected to the PREQ2 at all times and switch each channel separately. This allows you to use one channel as a mic preamp and the other as a line level amp to record another instrument at the same time.

Also in the mic input section are 1/4-inch TS jacks for high-impedance instrument inputs, with a 1/4-inch instrument mic thru jack. The Thru jack simultaneously provides an isolated, buffered output of the channel's instrument input signal or XLR mic input with a set gain of +34 dB. This is an unbalanced signal for running a long line out to a guitar amp in the studio for live reamping, for example, or for using a stomp pedal effect with the PREQ2. When the Instrument Input TS jack is connected, the MÄAG PREQ2 automatically detects the circuit to route the unbalanced 1/4-inch input signal to the microphone input transformer. This circuit also prevents the 48 volt phantom power from reaching the 1/4 inch or XLR line input even if it is already switched on.

The EQ section

The Mäag Audio PREQ2 has a triple filter section whose layout and controls are identical for both channels. After the microphone input section, the first control is a high-pass filter with 12 dB/octave. Here you can select the frequency range from 20 Hz to 200 Hz via a very fine grid. The MÄAG PREQ2 has only one classic bass control, which works only as a booster with 6 dB / octave and processes as a bandpass the frequencies 10 Hz (called SUB), 40 Hz, 65 Hz, 100 Hz, 125 Hz and 165 Hz. To what extent one can still speak of bandpass at 10 Hz is another matter. The maximum boost is +10 dB.

The treble range is covered by the legendary AIR BAND, which also allows a boost function of up to +10 dB as a shelving filter and is divided into the ranges 2.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz, 15 kHz, 20 kHz and 40 kHz.

The MÄAG PREQ2 in practice

Before I go into the sound of the MÄAG PREQ2, one should first consider the special feature of the product, which is undoubtedly to be found in the use of the signal branching from the first to the second channel. Here, especially reamping for guitar recordings and the integration of pedal effects, for example, for vocal recordings can be integrated by parallel operation of the two channels. The special feature is not only the adoption of the otherwise usual D.I. box functions, but also the fact that the second channel has a complete tone control if required. The combination of the two channels offers a very large variation possibility of the different sounds, especially later in the mix.

By the way, the best distorted FX sounds for vocals are still made by an analog guitar amp or its colleagues from the pedal front, which you should gladly check once in an A/B comparison with the corresponding plugins. What is very interesting especially when using FX pedals on the vocals for the later live area, if you record effects, whatever kind, in pedal form, you can easily take these effects later on a pedalboard with you to the show and use the sound there again. What singer doesn't know the problem of being completely dependent on the FOH, hoping to reproduce the FX sound created in the studio as authentically as possible at the right time.

As always with reamping, it is important to keep an eye on the output level, especially with extensive active signal processing as is the case here. The inputs of a guitar amp are designed for the very low-level signals of an electric guitar, which means that unconsciously "blowing" the amp may generate an increase in voluminosity at first glance, but on closer listening it also raises the ambient noise and massively impairs the transparency of the sound. From there, eyes away from the LED chain and trust only on the ears.

 What might be worth considering for stationary use would be an additional / alternative possibility to move the jack sockets to the back of the MÄAG PREQ2 and to integrate them into the internal cabling via a patchbay. Especially with high-quality cables, a mostly massive jack plug is always part of the scope of supply, which in combination with the corresponding cable generates quite a mess on the front panel, depending on the rack setup.

Now then, what (doesn't) catch my eye during commissioning is a status LED. Unfortunately, the only way to tell if the MÄAG PREQ2 is powered or not is to activate a push button switch. What is hidden behind this layout is unfortunately not clear to me, I would have liked to see a corresponding display. However, if you apply the first signals, you immediately hear why Mäag Audio enjoys such a good reputation among specialists.

First of all, the preamp sounds completely neutral over the entire control range in the best sense. In addition, even large dynamic jumps or massive bass load do not cause it to sweat at any time, the very large headroom cushions all currents almost calmly and does not drive into any form of saturation at any time. It is interesting that the MÄAG PREQ2 extends its function as a microphone preamplifier by a very wide range of applications, despite its only two-band tone control. Of course, the sound shaping possibilities cannot be compared with a multi-band EQ, but these are also not the tasks of the product.

Both in reamp mode as well as in the classic catch-up amplifier function, the two bands convince with an absolutely non-coloring approach, whereby the AIR band indeed offers a very finely resolving treble range when required, which has both assertive mids as well as finely purring highs on offer, depending on the frequency range. An all-around convincing preamp, which also scores with an excellent sound.


With the MÄAG PREQ2 Dual-Channel Strip, the American manufacturer has a top-class recording / mixing channel in its portfolio. In its reamp function it can indeed be described as unrivaled, especially since it is also convincing in classic two-channel operation.

Definitely test it once.

Additional Informations:

Company Report: MÄAG Audio
Introduction: MÄAG Audio is a renowned audio equipment manufacturer that specializes in developing high-quality audio processors, equalizers, and preamplifiers. The company has gained a stellar reputation in the professional audio industry for its innovative designs and superior sound quality. This report provides an in-depth analysis of MÄAG Audio, including its history, products, technologies, market position, and future prospects.

History: MÄAG Audio was founded in 2010 by Cliff Maag, a highly experienced audio engineer and designer. Cliff Maag's passion for audio processing led him to establish the company with the vision of creating innovative, high-performance audio gear. With his extensive industry knowledge and dedication to excellence, MÄAG Audio quickly gained recognition and carved out a niche for itself in the market.

Products and Technologies: MÄAG Audio offers a wide range of cutting-edge audio equipment designed to meet the needs of professional recording studios, live sound engineers, and musicians. The company is best known for its signature product, the MÄAG EQ4, a 500 Series equalizer module that combines vintage tone with modern precision. The EQ4 features the renowned Air Band® technology, which enhances the high-frequency spectrum, resulting in a unique and open sound.

In addition to the EQ4, MÄAG Audio has expanded its product line to include other notable offerings such as the MÄAG EQ2, PREQ4, and MAGNUM-K. These products exemplify the company's commitment to delivering exceptional sound quality, intuitive user interfaces, and robust build quality. MÄAG Audio's innovative designs and meticulous attention to detail have made their gear highly sought after by audio professionals worldwide.

Market Position: MÄAG Audio has established a strong presence in the professional audio market, positioning itself as a leader in the field of equalization and audio processing. The company's products are widely acclaimed for their transparency, musicality, and versatility, making them suitable for a diverse range of applications, including music production, broadcasting, post-production, and live sound reinforcement.

MÄAG Audio has successfully built strategic partnerships with renowned recording studios, live sound venues, and audio professionals. Their client list includes Grammy-winning engineers, top-tier music producers, and influential artists who rely on MÄAG Audio's gear to achieve exceptional sound quality in their work. This extensive network of satisfied customers has contributed to the company's growth and solidified its position as a trusted industry leader.

Innovation and Research: MÄAG Audio places a strong emphasis on research and development to stay at the forefront of audio technology. The company's team of experienced engineers continuously explores new concepts, designs, and manufacturing techniques to push the boundaries of audio processing. By leveraging the latest advancements in circuitry and digital signal processing, MÄAG Audio consistently introduces innovative products that meet the evolving needs of the audio industry.

MÄAG Audio's commitment to innovation is further exemplified by its involvement in industry conferences, trade shows, and collaborations with other audio professionals and manufacturers. By actively engaging with the audio community, the company remains responsive to market trends and customer feedback, ensuring that its products remain relevant and competitive.
Future Prospects: Looking ahead, MÄAG Audio is poised for continued success and growth in the professional audio industry. The company's unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional sound quality and innovative designs positions it favorably in an increasingly competitive market. With the rapid advancements in audio technology and the growing demand for high-quality audio gear, MÄAG Audio is well-positioned to capitalize on these opportunities and expand its product offerings.

Furthermore, MÄAG Audio's dedication to customer satisfaction, evidenced by its responsive customer support and commitment to product reliability, will contribute to the company's ongoing success. By fostering strong relationships with its customers and maintaining a reputation for excellence, MÄAG Audio can expect to maintain its market leadership and continue to be a go-to choice for audio professionals worldwide.

Conclusion: MÄAG Audio has firmly established itself as a prominent player in the professional audio industry, renowned for its innovative designs, superior sound quality, and commitment to customer satisfaction. With a strong product lineup, strategic partnerships, and a forward-thinking approach to technology, MÄAG Audio is well-positioned to thrive in the ever-evolving audio market. As the company continues to push the boundaries of audio processing, we can expect MÄAG Audio to maintain its status as a leader in the field and contribute to the advancement of audio technology as a whole.

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