Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2023

TEST: Morgan PR12

 The Ultimate Tone! There is probably no other scene in which sound and tone are discussed as much as in the electric guitar scene, although there is probably no other scene that deals with acoustic instruments where so many tonal modifications can be achieved. Just take the ERG disciples with 8 strings and more on the one hand, which also like to penetrate into maximum high-gain areas, and on the other hand Chet Atkins-style fingerpickers with Telecaster or Hollowbody. What's not in between. In addition to channel monsters such. B. the Hughes & Kettner Triamp MK3, there is another diametrically opposed orientation, which ignores any form of flexibility and is only dedicated to one, as "pure" and original sound as possible. One of these representatives is the Morgan PR12, which is guaranteed to split the guitar community in its concept.

The Morgan PR12, structure and concept

A single-channel amp with 12 watts, priced at just under 2,000 euros, does that make sense? In order to be able to answer this question better, you have to look at the key data of the amplifier. In the Morgan PR12, there are several components that inevitably drive up the retail price.

For one, the all-tube combo is hand built in the USA. Furthermore, the combo has a reverb spiral on the bottom of the housing, which is managed with 2 controls (reverb and dwell). Reverb controls the amount of reverberation, while Dwell is a mixture of the length of the reverberation and how much "boom" the reverberation develops. Otherwise a volume control, a bass control, a treble control, that's it. I call that spartan.

In terms of components, the combo is a top loader, meaning the amplifier section is accessible from above. Unfortunately, this also implies the usual fumbling work in terms of speaker, foot switch and power cable connections, which, as expected, are accessible on the back of the amplifier, i.e. from below behind the open rear panel. This means get on your knees, crane your neck, shine a flashlight inside, or put the amp on your face. Not nice, but technically there is no other way to implement this concept.

With the dimensions (W x D x H): 457 mm x 254 mm x 527 mm and a weight of 17.2 kg, the Morgan PR12 has to be attested to be easy to handle in the field of all-tube combos.

The Morgan PR12, the speaker

When it comes to sound shaping, the Morgan PR12 relies on proven components such as B. a Celestion G12H Greenback. Personally, I still think this speaker is the best choice in combination with underpowered amps, as it responds very well even at low volumes and, thanks to its filigree design as a combo single speaker, has a very mature sound even at low volumes.

The Morgan PR12, the amplifier part

In the amplifier part, in addition to the standard preamp tubes, the 12AX7 (ECC83), and the rectifier tube, which is also used less frequently, the somewhat more unusual 6V6 are used as output stage pairs. 12 watts, reverb, 6V6, hardly a special that does not match the Think of the legendary Fender Princeton Reverb, which saw the light of day in 1964, but was equipped with a 10 inch Jensen speaker and was only delivered from 1982 with a 12 inch speaker, either from Fender, Eminence or Electrvoice. It is therefore not surprising if the manufacturer advertises the product with the words "Black Face" and "based on a classic American 12 watt combo", especially since Fender no longer has the 12 inch version of the Princeton in its range.

The Morgan PR12, the case

Special attention should be paid to the case of the Morgan PR12. The housing made of birch is considered to be very resonant, which should be reflected in the bass reproduction in particular. More on that later in the practical test. The example presented to us is covered with a durable fabric in the "Twilight" look, which represents a menagerie of black, gray and white in the subtle Stresemann look. Everything is perfect in terms of workmanship, but for transport I would recommend at least a lined hood, better still a case.
The Morgan PR12 in action

First something basic. The structure of the amplifier already gives an idea in advance that the amplifier will focus on the clean area. In order to be able to play with the greats of this guild, you need an excellent basic sound and, above all, a lot of headroom in order to be able to cushion both the different output power of the pickups and the different dynamics of the individual musicians.

One or the other may be surprised at the only two-band tone control, but this makes sense in the clean area. The more the distortion increases, the more important the mid-range becomes, which, depending on the controller design, is responsible for the assertiveness in the band structure, from the "middle nock" to the scoop hub. In the clean range, on the other hand, a tastefully fixed middle band is sufficient, here points such as the sound's own compression count significantly more. Well then, let's go.

After switching on the amplifier, a subtle mains hum can be heard from the loudspeaker. Not that it would be noticeable in a band that even plays quietly, but I'm a little surprised that an amplifier in this price range reproduces a mains hum at all with a clean sound. OK, treble 12 o'clock, bass 12 o'clock, reverb disabled, volume 9 o'clock. And the sun rises!

That's what I call a clean sound! Wonderfully smooth, warm with tons of headroom, which also reproduces percussive sounds in full dynamics and still inserts a touch of compression, just as one would expect from a top-class amp. In this area, the Morgan PR12 really does not need to fear any comparison to the top performers of the capital "F", on the contrary.

It also seems that the cabinet plays a big part in the Morgan PR12's voluminous sound. It appears very resonant and gives the amp a significantly higher bass portion in the room sound than one is normally used to from a Greenback. Especially when using the neck pickup, the amp pushes very well in the low mids and gives the sound an unusually high bass component.

Even the output power of only 12 watts, which many criticized, does not pose any problems. You can even accompany an average dynamic drummer with this amp in clean mode. Especially in the club area, where practically every amp seems to be too loud anyway, the Morgan PR12 can score over the full broadside. The two tone controls work interactively, i. H. you turn e.g. For example, if you add treble, the bass component automatically decreases and vice versa. In this way, the control ranges of the tone control can be made even more intensive.

Another special feature of the Morgan PR12 is the reverb spiral, which is attached to the bottom of the housing. The dwell control in particular enables control options that are otherwise only accustomed to from a digital reverb. Everyone has to find out for themselves to what extent the setting options match their personal sound, but the system is way ahead in terms of flexibility and sound.

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From around 12 o'clock on with the volume control, the amp begins to add the first crunch to the sound. The sound of the 6V6 with its treble-oriented basic orientation is very clear and creates a very authentic sixties distortion without having to endure the dreaded scratchy presences that some representatives of this decade liked to produce. It should be mentioned that the amp, like many single-channel models, harmonises excellently with distortion pedals of all kinds, be it booster, overdrive, distortion or fuzz. If you take z. B. an overdrive and a distortion of your choice and switch them in front of the amp, you have a three-channel amp in no time at all, which has an outstanding clean sound and 2 individually tuned distortion sounds.

All in all, the amp convinces in every area for which it was built. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether they are willing to spend almost 2000 euros on a single-channel amplifier.


With the Morgan PR12 there is an amp with an excellent clean sound on the market that need not fear comparison to the clean godfather Fender. The basic sound of the amplifier is excellent and impresses with a soft, voluminous and impressive sound. The internally built-in reverb spiral also provides an authentic sixties flair and allows me an above-average flexibility with its 2 controls. An amplifier for connoisseurs and experts.

Additional Informations:

Morgan Amplifiers: A Comprehensive Company Report
Abstract: This report provides an extensive analysis of Morgan Amplifiers, a highly respected company in the guitar amplifier industry. The report covers the company's background, product portfolio, market presence, technological innovations, business strategies, and future prospects. Morgan Amplifiers has built a strong reputation for producing boutique, handcrafted amplifiers that deliver exceptional tone, versatility, and craftsmanship.
Introduction: Morgan Amplifiers is a renowned company that specializes in the design, manufacturing, and distribution of boutique guitar amplifiers. With a focus on producing high-quality, handcrafted amplifiers, the company has gained recognition among musicians, collectors, and enthusiasts worldwide.

Company Background: Morgan Amplifiers was founded in 2006 by Joe Morgan, a passionate guitarist and engineer. The company is based in Los Angeles, California and has established a reputation for creating meticulously crafted amplifiers that combine vintage-inspired designs with modern features and reliability. From its inception, Morgan Amplifiers aimed to provide musicians with amplifiers that deliver rich, harmonically complex tones and exceptional build quality.
Product Portfolio: Morgan Amplifiers offers a diverse range of amplifiers, each carefully designed to cater to different playing styles, genres, and tonal preferences. The company's product portfolio includes:

Guitar Amplifiers: Morgan Amplifiers produces a variety of guitar amplifiers, including heads, combos, and speaker cabinets. These amplifiers are known for their hand-wired construction, premium components, and meticulous attention to detail. They cover a wide tonal spectrum, ranging from vintage-inspired cleans to dynamic overdrive and high-gain tones.
Bass Amplifiers: In addition to guitar amplifiers, Morgan Amplifiers also offers a selection of bass amplifiers that provide bassists with powerful, articulate, and versatile tone. These amplifiers deliver exceptional low-end response, clarity, and headroom, making them suitable for various musical genres and playing styles.

Technological Innovations: Morgan Amplifiers combines vintage-inspired designs with modern technological advancements to achieve its unique sonic characteristics. The company leverages premium components, including high-quality transformers, capacitors, and tubes, to ensure optimal signal purity and tonal integrity. With a focus on point-to-point hand-wired circuitry, Morgan Amplifiers achieves superior signal flow and reduced noise, resulting in amplifiers that are highly responsive, dynamic, and articulate.

Market Presence: Morgan Amplifiers has established a strong presence in the guitar amplifier market. Their amplifiers have garnered widespread acclaim from professional musicians, studio engineers, and tone aficionados. The company actively participates in industry events, trade shows, and collaborations with renowned artists, showcasing its amplifiers and engaging with a dedicated community of players and enthusiasts.
Business Strategies: Morgan Amplifiers implements several key strategies that contribute to its success:

Craftsmanship and Attention to Detail: The company is renowned for its meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each amplifier is meticulously handcrafted, using high-quality materials and components, to ensure superior build quality and tonal excellence.

Customization Options: Morgan Amplifiers offers customization options, allowing musicians to tailor their amplifiers to their specific preferences. From selecting different speaker configurations to custom finishes and control layouts, the company provides a personalized experience for its customers.
Artist Collaborations: Morgan Amplifiers collaborates with renowned artists and professionals in the music industry to develop signature amplifiers and gain valuable insights for product improvement. These collaborations not only enhance the company's reputation but also showcase the versatility and quality of their amplifiers.

Future Prospects: Morgan Amplifiers' future prospects are promising. With its dedication to craftsmanship, tonal excellence, and customer satisfaction, the company is well-positioned to expand its market presence and capture new opportunities. As the demand for boutique amplifiers continues to grow, Morgan Amplifiers can leverage its strong brand reputation, technological innovations, and commitment to quality to further establish itself as a leading player in the guitar amplifier industry.

Conclusion: Morgan Amplifiers has earned a well-deserved reputation as a respected manufacturer of boutique guitar amplifiers. Through its dedication to craftsmanship, technological innovation, and customer satisfaction, the company has created a loyal customer base and gained recognition among musicians and enthusiasts. With a diverse product range, customization options, and collaborations with artists, Morgan Amplifiers is poised for continued success in the guitar amplifier market, offering musicians amplifiers that combine vintage-inspired designs with modern reliability and exceptional tone.

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