Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2023

TEST: Olympus LS-100

 Olympus LS-100 or "from the microcassette to the handheld champions league". Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when the name of the Japanese manufacturer is mentioned is always cameras. Nevertheless, the inventor of the microcassette has developed into one of the global players in the field of handheld digital recorders through a consistent model policy. With the products LS-12 and LS-14, the Asian company achieved more than just a respectable success due to the consistently very good sound, which they now want to top with the current successor LS-100.


Like its predecessors, the Olympus LS-100 is small and handy. With the dimensions (W x H x D): 70 x 159 x 33.5 mm and a weight of just under 280 grams, it is above the data of its predecessors, but can still be easily held in the hand for a longer time. For tripod use, the Olympus LS-100 has a screw thread on the back of the housing. With the included Camera Connection Kit, the Olympus LS-100 can be screwed onto the hot shoe of an appropriate camera to add the right sound to a high-quality video.


In contrast to the other representatives of the LS series from Olympus, the LS-100, which is manufactured in China, has an elaborate microphone circuit, which is reflected, among other things, in the provision of two different phantom voltages (24V / 48V) for the use of external condenser microphones. In general, I welcome a choice of options, but why Olympus includes the outdated standard of 24V phantom power in its setup is not really clear to me. I've also had colleagues confirm that some 48V condenser mic types work quite well with 24V, but I still see the choice as more of a mismatch than a real gain. Oh well, a power saving and an associated increase in battery life puts this circuit in a better light.

While the XLR connectors have been placed at the bottom of the case, the internally installed condenser microphones are on the top. The microphones are screwed tightly at a 90 degree angle and cannot be rotated or changed in angle.


If you open the packaging, you'll find a comparatively spartan basic configuration. Besides a USB 2.0 cable, there is also a small USB adapter, a multilingual manual and a short stereo mini jack cable. The corresponding lithium-ion battery is also included, but an additional memory card and a power supply for the charging process are missing. Fortunately, the Olympus LS-100 has an internal flash memory of 3.2 GB, which is completely sufficient for the first activities. Additional SD/SDHC cards can be used via a card slot for a larger recording capacity.

In terms of charger, however, you have to resort to the included products its smartphones / tablets or the USB port of its computer. Further extras like a windshield or a remote control are not included and can only be ordered in the Olympus store for a hefty surcharge.


The fact that the Olympus LS-100 is in the premier league of handheld recording is not only evident from the variety of connections around the housing. The product also knows how to please in terms of looks. The plastic case is not too clumsy and yet of high quality in terms of stability. In addition, unlike many of its competitors, the product has a color display, which makes work a lot easier and prevents signs of fatigue.

In addition to an obligatory control pad, the top of the Olympus LS-100 has three additional navigation buttons, two playback speed buttons and three freely configurable function buttons, which enable a personalized working environment.

recording formats

The Olympus LS-100 works with the standard values of 24-bit word length at a sample rate of 96 kHz. With the internally built-in memory, you can achieve a recording time of almost 90 minutes. However, if you can manage with lower values (44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, mono), you can get up to about 10 hours (44.1 kHz mono). With an MP3 recording format, on the other hand, the recording times explode. At 320 kbps, 22 hours can already be realized, at 64 kbps mono it is almost 114 hours. If you now add an optional 64 GB memory card, you can theoretically record 1081 hours at 128 kbps. Makes music or voice messages non-stop for almost 45 days. The NSA is looking forward to a hole in the stomach.

As an added bonus, Olympus has also given its protégé a chromatic tuner, a metronome and the option of a Lissajous measurement. With the latter you can check the phase purity of the microphones by emitting a sinusoidal tone.


The correct recording level can now be set using the two potentiometers on the right-hand side of the housing. Even if you can choose between two compressor and limiter algorithms at the factory, it is still advisable to set an optimized level using the rotary controls. If you were looking forward to the multitracking area, you will unfortunately have to lower your expectations a bit. Unfortunately, real multi-track recordings are not possible, additional tracks can only be generated in the overdub process, which leads to a maximum of 8 stereo tracks, which can then be mixed together with optimized volume and panorama.

Alternatively, you can also use the sync mode, with which Rekorder immediately combines the overdub with an existing file. A voice sync mode sets a threshold for the start of the recording if required, and a pre-recording function records the last 2 seconds before the actual recording starts.

In terms of sound, the Olympus LS-100 really knows how to impress. The internally installed microphones offer a transparent, neutral sound without unpleasant resonances or other tonal coloring. Due to the 45-degree arrangement of the microphone capsules, the recorder offers a very wide recording field, which also captures the outside area over 180 degrees very nicely. A rehearsal room recording should not pose any problems if the recorder is placed appropriately.

As expected, pinpoint individual recordings can be recorded a little less precisely, an XY arrangement might be a little more suitable here.


With the Olympus LS-100, Japan's flagship manufacturer sets a strong mark in the field of handheld recorders. A very good sound, complex connection peripherals and a visually attractive concept allow the product to seamlessly secure a place in the top league. If it were now possible to combine several inputs in the form of a real multi-track recording, the overall impression would be perfect.

Additional Informations:

Comprehensive Report on Olympus Corporation

Olympus Corporation is a globally recognized company operating in the fields of precision technology and imaging solutions. With a rich history dating back to its establishment in [insert year], the company has established itself as a leading manufacturer of optical and digital products. This report provides a comprehensive overview of Olympus Corporation, covering its history, product range, industry reputation, and future prospects.

Company History:
Olympus Corporation traces its roots back to its founding as a microscope and thermometer manufacturing company. Over the years, the company diversified its product portfolio and expanded into various fields, including optics, medical devices, and imaging solutions. Olympus has consistently focused on developing innovative technologies and products that improve people's lives and contribute to society.

Product Range:
3.1 Medical Systems:
Olympus is widely recognized for its cutting-edge medical systems. The company offers a comprehensive range of endoscopy equipment, including endoscopes, surgical tools, and imaging systems. Olympus' medical devices are known for their exceptional image quality, advanced features, and reliability, making them the preferred choice for healthcare professionals worldwide. Additionally, the company provides innovative diagnostic systems and therapeutic solutions that contribute to advancements in medical treatments.

3.2 Imaging and Audio Products:
Olympus has a strong presence in the imaging industry, offering a diverse range of digital cameras, lenses, and accessories. The company's cameras, such as the OM-D and PEN series, are renowned for their exceptional image quality, compact designs, and advanced features. Olympus' lenses provide exceptional optical performance, catering to the needs of professional photographers and enthusiasts alike. In addition, the company produces high-quality audio recording devices, including voice recorders and dictation systems.

3.3 Scientific Solutions:
Olympus Corporation also provides scientific solutions, including microscopes, industrial testing equipment, and non-destructive testing systems. The company's microscopes are known for their precision, optical clarity, and advanced imaging capabilities, catering to various scientific and research applications. Olympus' industrial testing equipment and non-destructive testing systems are widely used in fields such as materials science, manufacturing, and quality control, ensuring accurate analysis and reliable results.

Industry Reputation:
Olympus Corporation has established a strong reputation within the industries it operates in. The company is recognized for its commitment to technological innovation, product quality, and customer satisfaction. Olympus' products have received numerous awards and accolades for their performance, design, and user-friendly features. The company's long-standing presence in the medical field, in particular, has earned it a trusted reputation among healthcare professionals globally.

Research and Development:
Olympus Corporation prioritizes research and development (R&D) to drive innovation and maintain its competitive edge. The company invests significantly in R&D activities to develop new technologies, enhance product performance, and explore emerging markets. By collaborating with academic institutions, medical professionals, and industry experts, Olympus stays at the forefront of technological advancements, continuously introducing new products that address evolving market needs.

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility:
Olympus Corporation is committed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company aims to minimize its environmental impact through eco-friendly manufacturing processes, product design, and recycling initiatives. Additionally, Olympus actively engages in philanthropic activities, supporting initiatives in education, healthcare, and environmental conservation. The company's commitment to CSR enhances its reputation and strengthens its relationship with customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Market Presence and Future Prospects:
Olympus Corporation has a global presence, with a well-established distribution network spanning various regions. The company's products are sold in numerous countries, and it maintains strategic partnerships with distributors, retailers, and healthcare institutions worldwide. As the demand for advanced medical equipment, imaging solutions, and scientific instruments continues to grow, Olympus is poised to capitalize on these opportunities and expand its market share.

Looking ahead, Olympus Corporation aims to leverage its expertise in precision technology and imaging to drive further growth. The company plans to invest in research and development, exploring new applications of its technologies and expanding into emerging markets. Additionally, Olympus aims to enhance its digital imaging and audio product lines, embracing advancements such as artificial intelligence and connectivity to meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Olympus Corporation has established itself as a leading provider of precision technology and imaging solutions. With a rich history, diverse product portfolio, and strong industry reputation, the company is positioned for continued success. Through its dedication to innovation, quality, and corporate social responsibility, Olympus remains committed to improving people's lives through its advanced products and solutions. As technology advances and market demands evolve, Olympus is poised to remain at the forefront of the industries it serves, driving further advancements and shaping the future of precision technology.

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