Freitag, 26. Juni 2015

peta2: One night, an activist snuck onto a pig farm with his...


One night, an activist snuck onto a pig farm with his camera to bear witness to these animals’ lives. Here’s what he found:

“We could not bear to remain in the small room for very long at all as the air was thick with ammonia. The stench was outrageous. The camera lens rapidly fogged due to the humidity, and the pigs shared the room with hundreds of black flies. This was sickening abuse. Within minutes of having been in this room my throat began to hurt and I developed cold symptoms, which lasted nearly two days. The animals are kept in sickeningly cruel conditions, with not an ounce of straw to be seen anywhere – only bare, hard floors in dark over-crowded sheds. Home is a tiny cage for each of these non-human people. There is insufficient room for them to even turn around. Many pigs displayed multiple long scratches over their bodies. I’m glad I didn’t have the misfortune to be born a factory farmed pig. This is how they spend their lives; in filthy overcrowded pens within dark sheds.”

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