Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015

YOU’RE WELCOME for not posting a graphic picture to...

YOU’RE WELCOME for not posting a graphic picture to demonstrate what most of you probably know; the #Yulin dog meat festival recently begun in China. Please sign this petition to show China that the world is watching and they need to stop. There is no telling what future effect the petition will have since China is very independent with their politics and policies but at least we can create a movement. ▶Change.org petition(clickable link in bio)

2 things to consider, however:

1- Before anyone comments with “fuck china” or something to that extent, realize that not ALL Chinese approve of this practise. Many people in China find this just as repulsive as you do. Just like we can’t condemn all of Canada for the seal slaughter, all of Japan for the dolphin slaughter nor all of the Faroe Islands for the whale slaughter, slandering the entire nation of China is not appropriate.
2- If seeing these beautiful dogs in this sorrowful condition disgusts and disturbs you, please consider that cows, pigs, chickens & every other livestock animal go through EXACTLY the same thing in YOUR country. There is no “oh but dogs are smart and cute” or “but they are bred for that” or any other excuse: it is EXACTLY as horrific whether the victim is a dog, cat, human, cow or fish.
If you like resting on IQ as a basis for how much an animal deserves to live, well, pigs have been found to be smarter than dogs. If you think emotions are a basis for deserving to live, cows form strong maternal bonds with their calves and mourn their babies just as any mother would when they are separated. These are all conscious, aware, sentient, emotional beings with a strong will to live and they each experience fear, love, pain and sorrow the same way you do. We are not superior to ANYONE else, regardless of race or species or anything else. It takes a lot of ego to think we are superior to animals: our brains are definitely more advanced in certain ways, but as a human you cannot echolocate like a dolphin, sprint like a cheetah, climb a tree like a squirrel or survive a blistering winter like a bear. ⬇️Continued in the first comment⬇️ by alissawhitegluz http://ift.tt/1GksmYu June 22, 2015 at 07:15PM

via Tumblr http://ift.tt/1Ng9luV

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