Dienstag, 21. März 2023

TEST: Cordial Metal Cable

 It is what it is, some product groups captivate the inclined user already because of their outer appearance, while other products are perceived more as a necessity than as acoustic jewelry. Who hasn't been fascinated by a quintuple maple top or stood in awe in front of a fat fullstack? And what do all these products have in common? They depend on the most inconspicuous and at the same time the most important element of the signal chain, the cable.

Apart from the fact that cables significantly determine the quality of the sound, they are also the 95% that cause a defect. Therefore, the sound quality and workmanship of a cable can not be emphasized enough in terms of practicality. So far, so good, in fact up to here not really something new for the experienced musician.

However, up to now there was a kind of "speed of light" in the unbalanced instrument cable sector, or rather a cable length, which led to a merciless devaluation of the sound after exceeding the same, whereby one must say for the sake of fairness that this was used by some blues musicians as a welcome aid to curb the biting highs of their vintage single coils. Normally, however, due to the capacity of a cable, anything above 6 meters was accompanied by a reduction in treble.

The maximum of feelings was represented by the 9 meter cable, which slightly scratched the height barrier, but basically still corresponded to 90% of the original sound of the pickups. Cable lengths longer than that could no longer be bought as ready-made, if at all you had to solder the length yourself, or have it soldered by the screwdriver of your choice.

Why do I keep using the past tense in my test so far? Well, the German company Cordial has brought with the Cordial CSI 15 PP-Metal for the first time a ready-made 15 meter cable on the market, which apparently does not want to adhere to the empirical values from physics and the associated economy. Daring, one might think, or maybe not?


To clarify it right away, who now follows the test with his EMG axe a bit incredulous in the sense of "I've never noticed that with the cable length", may lean back relaxed and trust his ears again. The capacity analysis described above only applies to passive, i.e. high-impedance pickups. EMG, the most popular representatives of active pickups, work with low impedance signals, which allows the use of cables with a length of up to 30 meters without any loss of sound. The same "only" need to pay attention to the processing of the instrument cables, the capacity is of secondary importance here.

The classic rock, pop and blues guitarist, on the other hand, most likely uses passive pickups, which so far have stretched the sails at said 9 meters. Attention, not to forget, if one operates a pedalboard, which is equipped exclusively with true bypass switch and one has placed no buffer amp in the signal path, also already 2 pieces of 6 meter cable can grow by the addition to 12 meters!

Well then, how can the Cordial CSI 15 PP-Metal cable help us solve the problem? Cordial has gone and maxed out the copper content in their Metal series. The Conductive Plastic covered cable, which is based on the Cordial CGK 175 meter cable, has an extremely low capacitance of only 88pF / m due to the use of oxygen-free copper and the unusually high number of 42 inner conductor strands. Matching the copper base color of the cable, a special edition of gold-plated Neutrik connectors was also installed. The processing is, as always with Cordial cable in this league absolute top class.


OK, the first question, why do you need 15 meters of cable at all? Wacken, ok, Rock am Ring, also clear, but even at an average open air stage, the guitarist / bassist is hardly more than 9 meters away from his amp / floorboard, right? And then he surely has a transmitter, right? Regarding the transmitter, here there are simply 2 camps, some love transmitters, others hate them. The sonic and technical differences would go beyond the scope of this test, so we'll just leave it at that and devote ourselves to the camp that wants to play with cable.

If you just want to plug the cable between guitar and amp, shorter lengths may be enough, but then the good piece lies across the stage and the great friend of the guitarist, the agile front man, traps on the same at every opportunity and thus promotes the wear of the product. If you want to prevent this, lay the cable at the edge of the stage around the entire stage and lead it back to the amp. The same applies to the output floorboard connection to the amp.

It's also nice if the guitar tech has its place on the other side of the stage. If there's a problem during the show, it's always easier to run to the tech with a long cable than to draw his attention with wild hand-waving movements.


This is explained very quickly. I don't know how Cordial managed it, but there is virtually NO difference in sound between the 9, 12 and 15 Metal cables of the Cordial CSI 15 PP-Metal series! The 6 meter variant still has a little tick'n more treble in the basic sound, but from there the sound actually remains identical, although it should decrease purely mathematically in quality. Fantastic!


With the Cordial CSI 15 PP-Metal, Cordial brings by far the best-sounding 15 meter instrument cable to the market. What previously seemed unfeasible in terms of sound, the German company has managed due to their vast experience and using the best materials. Sound differences can no longer be perceived between the 9, 12 and 15 meter versions, which in the future will allow increased use of the length that is often more useful in practice.

Top rating, definitely test it!

Additional Informations:

- Cordial Cables is a German company that has been manufacturing high-quality audio and video cables for over two decades. Founded in 1995 by Manfred Niederauer, Cordial Cables has become a leading name in the audio and video industry, delivering top-notch products to professional musicians, recording studios, and broadcasting companies all over the world.

Quality and Innovation

Cordial Cables is known for its commitment to quality and innovation. The company uses only the best materials and production techniques to create its cables. Each cable is hand-assembled and tested by skilled technicians to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. This attention to detail has earned Cordial Cables a reputation for producing some of the best audio and video cables in the industry.

In addition to its dedication to quality, Cordial Cables is also known for its innovative approach to cable design. The company has developed a range of patented technologies that improve the performance and durability of its cables. For example, Cordial Cables' "Anti-Kink" technology prevents cables from becoming twisted or tangled, while its "Triple Shielding" technology minimizes interference and noise.

Product Line

Cordial Cables offers a wide range of audio and video cables to meet the needs of professional musicians, recording studios, and broadcasting companies. Its product line includes:
Instrument Cables: Cordial Cables' instrument cables are designed to provide high-quality sound transmission and durability. The company offers a range of cables for different instruments, including electric guitars, basses, and keyboards.

Microphone Cables: Cordial Cables' microphone cables are designed to deliver clear, accurate sound with minimal interference and noise. The company offers a range of cables for different microphone types and applications.

Speaker Cables: Cordial Cables' speaker cables are designed to deliver high-quality sound with minimal loss or distortion. The company offers a range of cables for different speaker types and applications.

Patch Cables: Cordial Cables' patch cables are designed to provide reliable connections between audio equipment. The company offers a range of cables for different applications, including effects pedals, studio equipment, and rack-mounted gear.

Video Cables: Cordial Cables' video cables are designed to provide high-quality image transmission with minimal interference and noise. The company offers a range of cables for different video formats, including HDMI, VGA, and DVI.

Custom Cables: Cordial Cables also offers custom cable design and production services. The company can create custom cables to meet the specific needs of individual customers.

Cordial Cables is committed to sustainability and social responsibility. The company uses environmentally friendly materials and production techniques wherever possible, and it takes steps to minimize its impact on the environment. Cordial Cables also supports charitable organizations and community projects in its local area.


Cordial Cables is a leading name in the audio and video industry, known for its commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. The company's dedication to creating high-quality, reliable cables has earned it a reputation as one of the best in the industry. Whether you're a professional musician, recording studio, or broadcasting company, Cordial Cables has a wide range of products to meet your needs.

- Copper: Properties, Uses, and History

Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu and atomic number 29. It is a soft, ductile metal that has excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, making it a valuable resource in modern technology. In this article, we will explore the properties, uses, and history of copper.

Properties of Copper

Copper is a reddish-orange metal that is soft and malleable. It has a relatively low melting point of 1,984°F (1,083°C) and a boiling point of 5,301°F (2,927°C). Copper is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, and it is highly resistant to corrosion.
In its pure form, copper is relatively soft and malleable, making it easy to work with. However, when it is alloyed with other metals, such as zinc or tin, it becomes stronger and more durable. Copper alloys are used in a wide range of applications, from electrical wiring to construction materials.

Uses of Copper

Copper has been used for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and the Romans. It was prized for its beauty and durability, and it was often used to make decorative objects, jewelry, and weapons.

Today, copper is used in a wide range of applications, including:
Electrical Wiring: Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity, which makes it the ideal material for electrical wiring. It is used in everything from power grids to household appliances.

Plumbing: Copper is also commonly used in plumbing because of its excellent corrosion resistance and durability. It is often used to make pipes, fittings, and valves.

Construction Materials: Copper is used in construction materials such as roofing, gutters, and flashing. It is also used in architectural features such as sculptures, statues, and domes.
Industrial Applications: Copper is used in a wide range of industrial applications, including heat exchangers, radiators, and boilers. It is also used in the production of alloys, such as brass and bronze.

Medical Applications: Copper is used in medical applications such as dental fillings, surgical instruments, and prosthetics. It is also used in some medications and dietary supplements.

History of Copper
Copper has been used by humans for thousands of years. The oldest known copper artifacts date back to the 8th millennium BC and were found in present-day Iraq. Copper was also used in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where it was prized for its beauty and durability.

During the Industrial Revolution, copper became even more important as a resource. It was used in the production of steam engines, telegraphs, and electrical wiring. The demand for copper continued to grow throughout the 20th century as new technologies such as automobiles and computers were developed.

Today, copper remains a valuable resource in modern technology. It is used in everything from smartphones to solar panels. The global demand for copper continues to grow, and it is estimated that the world will need over 40 million metric tons of copper by 2035.


Copper is a valuable resource that has been used by humans for thousands of years. It has excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, making it ideal for a wide range of applications in modern technology. Copper is used in everything from electrical wiring to medical applications, and its demand continues to grow as new technologies are developed. As one of the most versatile and useful elements on the periodic table, copper will undoubtedly continue to play a vital role in our lives for many years to come.

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