Sonntag, 19. März 2023

TEST: Electro Harmonix 5MM

There are products where every author first asks himself the question: "What's that about", whereby the statement is by no means meant disrespectfully. On the other hand, if the product is a pedal from Electro Harmonix, experience shows that you should be very careful with this statement. How often has a little box from the company of Mike Matthews already at second glance and the first listening impression caused great astonishment and even greater admiration, especially among guitarists. Whether the Electro Harmonix 5MM Power Amp from the forge of the characteristic showcase entrepreneur, who according to his own statement still sells a Big Muff every 11 minutes, will again trigger these associations, will be shown in this test.

The construction of the Electro Harmonix 5MM

The Electro Harmonix 5MM is a tiny power amplifier, which in terms of its approach, however, can do much more than a classic guitar power amplifier of the upper power class. Current power amplifiers for guitarists as individual components are available in 2 variants, on the one hand in pedal form for the personal pedalboard, or as a 19 inch plug-in unit for the rack. In addition, almost all amplifiers, which have a serial FX loop, can run in pure power amp mode, if one considers this useful.

However, the goal and purpose of power amps of this type is almost always to be able to produce an appropriate volume in a practical stage or rehearsal room setup, i.e. below a power class of about 20 watts upwards, you actually have no chance of being able to hold your own against a dynamically playing drummer. Occasionally, single-digit wattages are used for tube power amps in order to drive them into saturation without having to build room-in-room constructions due to the immense volume. But what drives an entrepreneur to bring a transistor power amplifier of only 2.5 watts on the market?

Before we get to the actual test, a self-explanatory statement, but nevertheless extremely important. The Electro Harmonix 5MM is a power amp, NOT an FX PEDAL! RUNNING THE PEDAL IN FRONT OF A REGULAR AMP MEANS THE IMMEDIATE DEATH OF THE AMP! The only thing that is allowed behind the Electro Harmonix 5MM from the wiring point of view is a speaker cabinet (8 - 16 ohms) or else a load resistor!

The construction of the Electro Harmonix 5MM

The Electro Harmonix 5MM is small, very small not to say ridiculously small, at least for a power amp. Small even for a pedal, the cast case has just the dimensions (W x D x H): 70 mm x 114 mm x 51 mm and a weight of just under 180 grams. I own bottlenecks that weigh more! The case itself rests on 4 comparatively soft rubber feet, which provide an excellent grip even on a glass plate, from the arrangement, however, are glued a bit shirt-sleeved. Otherwise, we still have input / output, a volume control and a Bright switch, which gives additional treble on the signal.

The scope of delivery also includes a 9V / 500 mA multi-voltage power supply, which somewhat uncharitably forms an EU plug from the US plug with a simple EU attachment. You can do that, but it can't be beaten as a cheap solution. After all, which product with a retail price of only 69 € still has its own power supply nowadays. May be due to the required 500 mA, which are rather unusual in the pedal range, if you leave older Digitech pedals with their crazy 1.4 amp demands aside.

The power amp practice

Now then, what do you want to use a power amp with such a tiny output power for anyway? In principle, you can give yourself the answer, for all areas where high volumes are not only not needed, but counterproductive. If at the beginning of rock'n'roll you always had the problem that all amplifiers were always too quiet, nowadays you always have the problem that due to highly effective PA systems all amplifiers are always too loud. The personal sweet spot in terms of the moving air of a speaker and the final volume, of course, everyone must find for themselves, the idea of a quiet but adult sounding power amp is as old as the bedroom amp fashion movement itself.

Even before the first sound swells out of the speaker, you have to briefly consider the "transportability" (can you actually still speak of "transport" at 180 grams ...) of the Electro Harmonix 5MM. This amp not only fits into any gig bag, the part can even be transported in the back pocket, depending on how much play you allow your butt in your jeans. This dwarf plus guitar plus 2 cables and off to rehearsal or to the garden party gig, if the rest of the band was gracious enough to pack a suitable cabinet. A setup, which is not to be surpassed in transportability.

One or the other will now, however, rightly fall into my written word. "Wait a minute, doesn't a power amp normally require a preamp, or at least an upstream pedal, to boost the level of the instrument accordingly?" Totally true, but here the typical EHX genius hits the notch with full force. The Electro Harmonix 5MM is sold as a power amp, but it can do much more despite its lack of control options.

In fact, you can also go directly into the pedal with the guitar and get up to about 9 o'clock, depending on the installed pickup, a more or less clean tone, which is comparatively unspectacular, but usable. From about 11 o'clock, the power amp now goes into saturation, which behaves very "power amp-like", that is, with a high compression ratio and incredibly soft in sound. Especially considering the fact that it is a transistor circuit, this is an unexpected plus point. From 3 o'clock we have to do with a powerful crunch, which already allows a powerful classic rock board and above all hangs quite excellent on the volume control of the guitar.

Due to the Kemper preset switcher culture, many guitarists of the "next generation" have not even been given the opportunity to get to grips with the interactive effect of the individual guitar parameters. From there I can only urgently recommend everyone, take for example a crunch or lead sound on your setup and turn back the volume control of the guitar. If you then do not get a very good clean, respectively cruchy sound, your setup is garbage!

The Electro Harmonix 5MM, on the other hand, hangs very well on the volume control and can actually be turned down from crunch to clean, meaning you already have 2 sounds at the start and that only with the volume control. If you want, you can now switch an overdrive / distortion pedal in front of the Electro Harmonix 5MM and thus has 4 (!) Different sounds at the start. Especially for small gigs, where in principle everything is always too loud, such a setup can work wonders.

The attached sounds were all recorded only with my 79' Anniversary Strat, equipped with an EMG DG set in the setup guitar - instrument cable - Electro Harmonix 5MM - speaker cable - cabinet. In my opinion, the flexibility speaks for itself. It's impressive what you can achieve with just a few position changes on the controls.

The only minus point can be the on and off cracking of the pedal, since it was probably no longer enough for a corresponding delay circuit in this price segment. Due to the low power output of the power amplifier, the crackling is very moderate and does not endanger the speaker at any time. By the way, the Electro Harmonix 5MM does not have an on/off switch.


With the Electro Harmonix 5MM, the company around guitar legend Mike Matthews has landed a real hit. The inconspicuous little box turns out to be the ultimate solution when it comes to transportability. Placed in any tiny bag, you can easily carry the pedal for small gigs, rehearsal with moderate volume or but as an emergency backup.

The pedal hangs like a "grown-up" power amp excellently on the guitar's volume control and convinces with a pleasing sound depending on the speaker used. In addition, the pedal scores with a very reasonable price.

In any case, test it!

Additional informations:

Electro Harmonix: The Innovators of Effect Pedals

Founded in 1968 by Mike Matthews, Electro Harmonix (EHX) is a New York-based company that specializes in manufacturing guitar effects pedals and other musical instruments. The company has been a pioneer in the effects industry, and its pedals have been used by musicians of all genres, from classic rock legends like Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton to modern-day guitar virtuosos like John Mayer and Ed Sheeran.

EHX is known for creating some of the most iconic pedals in music history, such as the Big Muff Pi, Small Clone, Memory Man, and many others. In addition to pedals, the company also produces amplifiers, synthesizers, and other musical equipment. EHX has always been at the forefront of innovation, and its products have helped shape the sound of music for over 50 years.

History of Electro Harmonix

- Mike Matthews founded Electro Harmonix in 1968, after working at IBM as an engineer. Matthews was passionate about music and wanted to create equipment that could produce unique and interesting sounds. His first product was the LPB-1 (Linear Power Booster), which was a simple booster pedal that increased the volume of a guitar's signal.

After the success of the LPB-1, Matthews continued to develop new pedals, including the Muff Fuzz, which later became the Big Muff Pi. The Big Muff Pi was a game-changer in the world of guitar pedals. Its huge, saturated sound and sustain became an essential component of classic rock guitar tone. The pedal was used by guitar heroes like Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour, and Carlos Santana.

Throughout the 1970s, EHX continued to release groundbreaking products, such as the Small Stone phaser and the Electric Mistress flanger. These pedals were widely adopted by musicians and helped shape the sound of popular music during that era.

However, the company faced financial difficulties in the 1980s and was forced to shut down in 1984. Matthews eventually regained control of the company in the 1990s and began producing new pedals, including the Big Muff Pi reissue and the Small Clone chorus, which became popular with grunge and alternative rock musicians in the 1990s.

In recent years, EHX has continued to innovate, producing new pedals like the Pitch Fork, a pitch-shifting pedal that allows guitarists to create harmonies and octave effects, and the Superego+, a synthesizer pedal that produces lush ambient textures.

EHX Pedals

EHX pedals are renowned for their unique sound and versatility. The company has produced some of the most iconic pedals in music history, including the Big Muff Pi, the Small Clone, and the Memory Man.

The Big Muff Pi is perhaps the most famous EHX pedal. It was first released in 1969 and has since become a staple of classic rock guitar tone. The pedal produces a huge, saturated sound with endless sustain and distortion. It has been used by guitar legends like Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour, and Carlos Santana, as well as modern-day guitarists like Jack White and Dan Auerbach.
The Small Clone is another classic EHX pedal. It is a chorus pedal that produces a lush, shimmering sound that can be heard on countless recordings. The pedal was popularized by Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, who used it extensively on the band's landmark album, „Nevermind."

The Memory Man is a delay pedal that has been used by musicians for decades. The pedal produces a warm, analog delay that can create everything from subtle echoes to massive, cascading soundscapes. The pedal has been used by artists like The Edge of U2, Jeff Beck, and many others.

- Floorboard power amps are a popular choice for guitarists who are looking for a compact, portable, and powerful amplifier solution for live performances and recording. These amps are designed to fit into a pedalboard setup and are typically small and lightweight, making them easy to transport to gigs and rehearsals. In this article, we will explore what floorboard power amps are, how they work, and the benefits of using them.

What are floorboard power amps?

Floorboard power amps, also known as pedal amps, are small, lightweight amplifiers that are designed to be used with a guitar pedalboard. They are usually about the same size as a regular guitar pedal and can be easily integrated into a pedalboard setup. They typically have a power output ranging from 20 to 50 watts and are capable of driving a guitar cabinet.
How do floorboard power amps work?

Floorboard power amps work by amplifying the signal that comes from a guitar pedalboard. The signal is typically sent from the guitar to the pedalboard and then to the power amp. The power amp then amplifies the signal and sends it to a guitar cabinet or speaker. This setup allows guitarists to have complete control over their tone and volume without the need for a full-size amplifier.

Benefits of using floorboard power amps

There are several benefits to using a floorboard power amp, including:
Portability: Floorboard power amps are small and lightweight, making them easy to transport to gigs and rehearsals. They can be easily integrated into a pedalboard setup, so there's no need to lug around a bulky amplifier.

Customizability: Floorboard power amps allow guitarists to have complete control over their tone and volume. By using different pedals and settings, guitarists can create a unique sound that is tailored to their playing style.

Affordability: Floorboard power amps are often less expensive than full-size amplifiers, making them a great option for guitarists who are on a budget.

Versatility: Floorboard power amps can be used in a variety of settings, including live performances and recording sessions. They are also compatible with a wide range of guitar cabinets and speakers, so guitarists can easily switch between different setups.

Durability: Floorboard power amps are built to withstand the rigors of touring and live performances. They are typically made from high-quality materials and are designed to last for many years.

Top floorboard power amps

There are several floorboard power amps on the market, each with its own unique features and benefits. Here are some of the top options:

Electro-Harmonix 44 Magnum: The Electro-Harmonix 44 Magnum is a compact and powerful floorboard power amp that delivers 44 watts of power. It has a simple and intuitive interface and can be easily integrated into a pedalboard setup.

Quilter Labs Tone Block 202: The Quilter Labs Tone Block 202 is a high-powered floorboard power amp that delivers 200 watts of power. It has a wide range of tone-shaping controls and is perfect for guitarists who are looking for a versatile and powerful amplifier solution.

Seymour Duncan PowerStage 170: The Seymour Duncan PowerStage 170 is a compact and powerful floorboard power amp that delivers 170 watts of power. It has a simple and intuitive interface and is perfect for guitarists who are looking for a powerful and portable amplifier solution.

Orange Pedal Baby 100: The Orange Pedal Baby 100 is a high-powered floorboard power amp that delivers 100 watts of power. It has a compact and rugged design and is perfect for guitarists who are looking for a reliable and versatile amplifier solution.

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