Posts mit dem Label animalrescue werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen
Posts mit dem Label animalrescue werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2016

so who’s hugging who? Giving Livi a big hug for the day....

so who’s hugging who? Giving Livi a big hug for the day. #axelritt #the_real_ironfinger #dog #maltesermix #animalshelter #animalrescue #hug #bighug

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Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

saved from a Spanish killing station and arrived today. We...

saved from a Spanish killing station and arrived today. We welcome the new Ritt family member LIVI! A real cutie! #animalshelter #axelritt #the_real_ironfinger #killingstation #spain #dog #animalrescue

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