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Posts mit dem Label ipadapp werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Dienstag, 13. Juni 2017

working on the #hughesandkettner #grandmeister36 programmings...

working on the #hughesandkettner #grandmeister36 programmings for some new #monstergroove songs. There will be some extraordinary groovy songs on the list. #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger #ipadapp

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Samstag, 10. September 2016

doing the programming of the #grandmeister36 with the #ipadapp...

doing the programming of the #grandmeister36 with the #ipadapp for the #gravedigger #usatour . I created the sounds with my Grandmeister at home and copied the sounds to the #hughesandkettner heads in the USA. It works perfect! #axelritt #the_real_ironfinger #blindguardian (hier: The Orpheum)

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