Freitag, 2. Juni 2023

TEST: Lake People G109 - HPA RS 02

 If you take a look at the current high-end league of the headphone amplifier sector, you will quickly notice that, in contrast to the elements to be amplified, the headphones, there is a comparatively very manageable market of suppliers. Besides the top dog SPL, which takes the pole position with its Phonitor series, the name Violectric appears again and again on the following places. As many users already know, this is the line of the Lake People team around mastermind Fried Reim, which is designed for the hi-fi / consumer area and primarily covers the pro area with the Lake People products. In the price segment around the 500 € then appear several products from the LP stable. From the portfolio, we now have the amplifiers Lake People G109-P and Lake People HPA RS 02 for testing, which could already earn several very good reviews on the net.

The concept behind the Lake People headphone amplifiers

Lake People's headquarters are located in Constance on Lake Constance, which easily reveals the background of the company's name. As one of a few manufacturers, Lake People not only produce their products entirely in Germany, but also try to stay in the German territory in the area of suppliers, if possible even buy regionally. Along with this, the concept of "high quality, high selling price" once again runs through the manufacturer's catalog. In this respect, any price discussion is obsolete, either one is prepared to pay a corresponding price for corresponding quality or not. The customer has the choice. In return, the customer naturally expects an extra in workmanship and sound, which has to be proven in the course of the test.

The construction of the Lake People headphone amplifiers

With the G-series, Lake People has long had a firm foothold in the headphone field, product names such as G93, G95, G97 or G100 have left their scent marks both in the HiFi, as well as in the Pro area. As a further development, the G109-P (Pro) is now available, which is also available in an "S" version (standard). Differences arise only in the input section on the back of the housing, whereby the P version has a pair of XLR jacks in addition to 2 RCA inputs. However, the RCA inputs have priority, meaning that if the RCA input is busy, the XLR jacks are switched off. While we are on the back, cold device plug, additional grounding point, done. Simple, clear, well-arranged.

The Lake People HPA RS 02, on the other hand, has only one RCA input, but is capable of looping the incoming signal through via a pair of RCA outputs. There is the possibility of three different operating modes, which can be configured internally in the housing via jumpers:

1.) Passive loop-through (factory setting) - The signal from the inputs is present at the jacks and can be routed from the inputs to another device. This is done passively, the device does not need power, the Lake People HPA RS 02 does not need to be switched on.

2.) Active loop-through (without volume control) - The actively buffered input signal is present at the output jacks at the same volume and can be routed through cables several meters long.  However, the Lake People HPA RS 02 must be switched on for this.

3.) Active cut-through (with volume control) - The output signal at the sockets is influenced in its level by the loudspeaker control of the device. This is very helpful in combination with active monitors.

In contrast to the stainless steel cabinets with silver fronts used in the past, both the Lake People G109-P and the Lake People HPA RS 02 use two aluminum half-shells along with front and rear panels, which have also been anodized black. The almost 900 gram heavy cabinets also appear visually very discreet and can be easily integrated into any studio, or living room. In addition to a large, gridded knob, both protagonists have 2 headphone outputs, which, however, can only be adjusted together in the volume. The volume controls come from ALPS, are also made of aluminum and leave a very high-quality impression.

There is also a small difference in the foot area of the two amplifiers. While the Lake People G109-P with inconspicuous, black rubber feet generates very good adhesion even on smooth surfaces, the Lake People HPA RS 02 provides a clear consumer touch with its 4 foam feet under plastic plates in hi-fi style.

The eternal problem of headphone impedance

Every professional headphone user knows the problem and everyone has an opinion about it. We're talking about the tiresome topic of headphone impedance, and I'll be careful not to stir up the trench warfare again, especially since the Lake People products have a very pleasant solution for the different ohm numbers at the start. The solution is hidden inside the Lake People G109-P by means of jumpers, while the Lake People HPA RS 02 has it in the form of mini switches on the back of the housing.

Both products have the possibility of adjusting the volume of the headphones, which partly have an ohm number of 8 - 2000 ohms and efficiencies of 85 - 115 dB/mW, accordingly via corresponding pre-gain switches. Thereby one can choose between 3 different values (-12 dB, 0 dB, +6 dB) with the Lake People G109-P, with the Lake People HPA RS 02 even between 5 different values (-12 dB, -6 dB, 0 dB, +6 dB, +12 dB), whereby the external accessibility with the Lake People HPA RS 02 offers a clearly higher comfort.

The Lake People headphone amplifiers in practice

First of all, it was necessary to create a reference setup that reproduced various monitoring situations in the studio. As reference headphones I again used my Beyerdynamics T1 2nd Generation (600 Ohm), which has already done an excellent job for many years and to which I have become accustomed. As a second pair of headphones I used a Live Pro 4 system adapted by Inear with new Cerumen filters, which I have also been using for years.

In order to have a direct comparison to another headphone amplifier, the two amplifiers had to compete against an SPL Phonitor Mini (switched off matrix, headphone impedance 0.18 ohms), which is only slightly above the Lake People products in terms of retail price and thus represented an adequate competitor. Various recorded instruments such as drums, guitars (clean and high gain), funk loops, several classical piano concerts and some current rock / pop productions via Spotify Premium in HD quality were used as sound material. All amplifiers were set to 0 dB from the input impedance.

In a direct A/B comparison with each other, one could make out almost no sonic difference between the Lake People HPA RS 02 and the Lake People G109-P. If you screw the very fine fuse into your ear, you can describe the sound of the Lake People G109-P as a bit finer in resolution, with a subtly stronger compression, while the Lake People HPA RS 02 is a bit rougher to work with. However, both resolve very well and reproduce the entire frequency spectrum very well. The two volume controls work evenly, no jumps in the control path were noticeable. Switching the products on and off also worked flawlessly, the corresponding protection circuits did not cause any crackling or pop noises.

In direct comparison to the SPL Phonitor Mini, however, both Lake People products drew the short straw. Whether this is due to the 120 V technology of the Phonitor, I may not judge, but the fact is that the Phonitor reproduces the sound image much more open and dynamic. Especially strong dynamic jumps can be absorbed by the Phonitor with an increased headroom, while the Lake People products compress a bit more.

However, one must keep in mind that these are only very minor differences and the Lake People amplifiers by no means suffer a sonic defeat. On the contrary, both products convince with a neutral sound that can acoustically reproduce all music genres equally well. However, if you take into account the fact that you get the legendary Matrix circuit on top for just under 10% extra cost with SPL, the Phonitor seems to be the better choice economically.


With the products Lake People HPA RS 02 and Lake People G109-P, the Constance-based company has two very good headphone amplifiers of the upper class at the start. Both products convince with a very good sound, excellent workmanship and the best components. Almost identical in terms of sound, everyone has to set their priorities individually, to what extent the connection periphery or the accessibility of the preamplification parameters seem more important.

Additional informations:

Lake People Audio is a prominent and innovative company in the field of audio technology. Since its establishment, the company has garnered a reputation for delivering high-quality audio equipment and solutions. This report aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Lake People Audio, covering various aspects such as its history, products, technological advancements, market position, and future prospects.

Company Overview: Lake People Audio was founded in Germany in 1986 by Fried Reim, an experienced audio engineer and entrepreneur. The company started as a small-scale operation but quickly gained recognition for its commitment to precision and audio fidelity. Today, Lake People Audio has become a well-established brand, catering to professional audio engineers, musicians, and discerning audiophiles worldwide.

Product Range: The product range offered by Lake People Audio is diverse and caters to different audio needs. The company specializes in the design and manufacture of audio amplifiers, headphone amplifiers, digital-to-analog converters (DACs), and audio interfaces. Lake People Audio's products are known for their exceptional sound quality, reliability, and attention to detail.

3.1 Amplifiers: Lake People Audio's amplifiers are renowned for their transparency and accuracy. The company offers a variety of amplifiers, including headphone amplifiers, power amplifiers, and preamplifiers. These amplifiers are designed to deliver clean and uncolored audio reproduction, making them suitable for both studio use and high-end home audio setups.

3.2 Headphone Amplifiers: Lake People Audio is highly regarded for its headphone amplifiers, which are widely considered among the best in the industry. Their headphone amplifiers are designed to drive a wide range of headphones, from low-impedance models to demanding high-impedance headphones, with exceptional clarity and power.

3.3 Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs): Lake People Audio's DACs are designed to convert digital audio signals into high-fidelity analog signals. The company's DACs incorporate advanced circuitry and components to ensure accurate conversion and minimal signal degradation. These DACs support various input formats, including USB, SPDIF, and AES/EBU, making them versatile solutions for audio enthusiasts and professionals.

3.4 Audio Interfaces: Lake People Audio also manufactures audio interfaces that facilitate the seamless integration of audio equipment with computers and digital audio workstations (DAWs). Their interfaces offer low-latency audio processing, multiple input/output options, and high-resolution audio capabilities, catering to the needs of recording studios, home studios, and live sound applications.

Technological Advancements:
Lake People Audio continuously invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of audio technology. The company incorporates state-of-the-art components, advanced circuitry, and innovative designs into its products. Lake People Audio's commitment to technological advancements ensures that their products consistently deliver exceptional audio quality and performance.

Market Position:
Lake People Audio has established a strong presence in the professional audio industry. Their products are highly regarded by audio professionals, recording studios, and musicians worldwide. The company's reputation for uncompromising audio quality and attention to detail has earned them a loyal customer base. Lake People Audio's products are distributed globally through authorized dealers, online platforms, and direct sales channels.

Customer Support and Satisfaction:
Lake People Audio places great emphasis on customer satisfaction. The company provides excellent customer support, offering technical assistance, product information, and warranty services. Their commitment to customer satisfaction has contributed to a positive brand image and customer loyalty.

Future Prospects:
As the audio industry continues to evolve, Lake People Audio is well-positioned to capitalize on emerging trends and technologies. The company's dedication to innovation and commitment to audio quality will likely drive future product development. With a solid reputation and a loyal customer base, Lake People Audio is poised for sustained growth and continued success.

Lake People Audio's commitment to delivering exceptional audio solutions, coupled with its technological advancements and market position, makes it a leading player in the audio industry. The company's amplifiers, headphone amplifiers, DACs, and audio interfaces are highly regarded for their sound quality, reliability, and precision. Lake People Audio's dedication to customer satisfaction and its focus on innovation position the company for a promising future in the ever-evolving audio technology landscape.

TEST: Lake People G111

The headphone amplifier market is booming like never before. While a few years ago it was common practice in home recording to use the built-in headphone amplifier of the mixing console or interface for occasional sessions after 10 p.m. in the rented apartment for the monitoring area, the status that a high-quality headphone is ultimately useless without the qualitatively suitable headphone amplifier has also established itself in the budget range. Better headroom, lower clipping and a general relaxedness of sound allow for a much better impression of the material being monitored and guarantee better results for additionally longer sessions without fatigue. One of the strongest names in this segment for years is Lake People, based at Lake Constance, who have launched an amplifier in the highly competitive 500 Euro league with their Lake People G111, which is also their most expensive model to date.

The concept behind Lake People headphone amplifiers

As one of a few manufacturers, Lake People not only make their products entirely in Germany, but they also try to stay in the German territory in the area of suppliers, if possible even buying regionally. Along with this, the concept of "high quality, high selling price" once again runs through the manufacturer's catalog.
Even though the Lake People G111 is still comparatively moderate compared to the top dogs, for example SPL, some people might flinch a bit at a sales price of 488 Euros. In return, however, you should always keep in mind that the company consistently pursues its value chain within Germany and you always strengthen the domestic economy with the purchase of a Lake People product, an immensely important factor in my eyes.

The construction of the Lake People G111

With the G-series, Lake People has long had a firm foothold in the headphone field, product names such as G93, G95, G97 or G100 have left their scent marks both in the HiFi, as well as in the Pro area. With the Lake People G111, the company continues its path consistently, both in the positive, and in my eyes with partly "unusual" detail solutions.

The first impression after I peeled the product out of the packaging is excellent. The product is made of aluminum and is visually in the same league as MacBook and co. The case rests on four excellent rubber feet, the mixture of which enables perfect adhesion on smooth surfaces. Even on the glass top of my desk, the amplifier stood as if firmly glued! Excellent.

The case itself consists of a total of 4 elements, a top, a bottom and a front panel plus rear, both of which are screwed to the top and bottom with four Allen screws each. Easy and quick access to the inner workings of the Lake People G111 will later prove to be an important part of practical operation. The amplifier is rated for 230 volts line voltage, though Lake People points out that the product itself should work fine in a range of 190 - 240 volts. If one wishes to operate the product on a different continent, it is possible to operate the product at a mains voltage of 115 volts through internal re-soldering.

The front of the Lake People G111 is very spartan. Besides the On / Off switch, there are two parallel headphone jacks and an Alps RK 27 potentiometer as a volume control on the panel. The well-established potentiometer once again leaves an excellent impression with its heavy-duty detent and ensures a smooth regulation. Also pleasant is the placement of the On / Off switch on the front of the cabinet, so you escape the dislocated fumbling around on the back, provided you have the amplifier tightly integrated into your studio setup.

On the rear panel, the Lake People G111 shows its compatibility with the consumer sector by including two unbalanced RCA jacks in addition to two lockable balanced XLR jacks. The respective input is selected with a small push switch. The amplifier is completely channel separated to eliminate crosstalk of any kind.

The eternal problem of headphone impedance

Now we come to a special feature of the Lake People G111. Every professional headphone user knows the problem and everyone has an opinion about it. We are talking about the tiresome topic of headphone impedances, although the trench warfare of recent years has largely died down, if only because various manufacturers such as Beyerdynamic deliver their reference product T1 with different impedance values. I don't want to go into the advantages and disadvantages of the different concepts here, but the fact is that a professional headphone amplifier is always faced with the problem of being able to feed all products as evenly as possible with the necessary volume.

Here Lake People has a solution ready, which can be seen both positive and negative. First the positive. To counter the problem of varying headphone impedances, the Lake People G111 has a so-called Pre-Gain, which makes it possible to adjust the amplification power to the respective headphones. The input signal is attenuated, respectively amplified in 6 dB steps in 5 stages (-12 dB, -6 dB, 0 dB, +6 dB, +12 dB) and thus allows a selection in advance, so that the volume control of the amplifier does not have to be operated constantly in the stop range left or right in case of extreme impedance values.

On the other hand, if you are now looking for the respective switches, for example in the form of DIP switches on the housing, you will unfortunately be disappointed and have to deal with the negative part of the pre-gain circuit. The corresponding pre-gain switching can only be done inside the case by moving a jumper, where five different settings are available. Once you have opened the case, you can also directly consider whether you want to deactivate the ground lift, which is also accomplished by moving a jumper and incidentally reveals the very clean processing in addition to the voluminous and low-radiation toroidal transformer.

To open the case, you need a TORX T10 or a 2.5 mm Allen key, which was not included with the product. P. S. Actually self-explanatory, but here again for safety, before the housing is opened, UNCONDITIONALLY disconnect the power cord, there is DANGER OF LIFE!

With all comprehensibility towards mechanical safety and various engineering considerations, opening the case for the purpose of changing the headphone impedance will certainly make one or the other user shy away from the purchase. Even if you don't change your reference headphones every day, you can assume that one or the other co-producer might bring along his own favorite for the purpose of listening, or you might change between different headphones yourself. There is certainly a solid reason why technically perfect engineers, as they undoubtedly work at Lake People, have decided on such a solution, but a user-friendly solution, such as one could implement with push buttons or DIP switches, looks different.

For the technophiles, here are a few measurements of the product:

Frequency response: 0 Hz - 150 kHz (-3 dB)
Input sensitivity: +6 dBu

Input sensitivity: 10 kOhm

Max. Output level: 600 Ohm - 600 mW - 18.9 V / 300 Ohm - 1050 mW - 17.8 V / 100 Ohm - 1760 mW - 13.2 V / 32 Ohm - 1400 mW - 6.7 V

Dynamic range (SNR): > 129 dBA

THD+N (@ -1 dBFs): < -102 dB

Crosstalk: < -110 dB

The Lake People G111 in practice

First of all, it was necessary to create a reference setup that reproduced various monitoring situations in the studio. The reference headphones were again my Beyerdynamics T1 2nd Generation (600 ohms), which has done an excellent job for many years and to which I have become accustomed. The second pair of headphones I used was an Inear Live Pro 4 system with new Cerumen filters, which I have also been using for years. The third headphone was the AKG K-240, a very simple headphone from the consumer sector.

In order to have a direct comparison to another headphone amplifier, the Lake People G111 had to hold its own against an SPL Phonitor Mini (switched off matrix), which is no longer in the manufacturer's portfolio, but was in the same league in terms of retail price at the time and thus represented an adequate competitor. Various instruments such as drums, guitars (clean and high gain), funk loops, several classical piano concerts and some current rock/pop productions via Spotify Premium in HD quality were used as sound material.

The Lake People G111 sounds quite excellent on its own right from the first notes. The reproduction is very dynamic, very dry and decidedly "crisp". The basic sound is very balanced, a touch nicely coloring, but still neutral enough to pass as a real reference. Strong dynamic jumps are compensated by the amplifier with a very large headroom, so that it never came to a "pressed" playback.

In direct comparison to the SPL Phonitor Mini, as expected, only very small differences emerged, not really a surprise for 2 devices of this quality level. Sonically, the two products are very close to each other, whereby the SPL reproduces the high mids a bit stronger. Whether one or the other reproduction is more appealing is purely a matter of taste, there is no sonic advantage or disadvantage in this regard.


With the Lake People G111, the Constance-based company has an excellent headphone amplifier in its portfolio, both in terms of sound and workmanship. If you don't mind the complex pre-gain adjustment and are looking for a high-quality headphone amplifier, you should definitely test the product.

Additional informations:

Lake People Audio is a prominent and innovative company in the field of audio technology. Since its establishment, the company has garnered a reputation for delivering high-quality audio equipment and solutions. This report aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Lake People Audio, covering various aspects such as its history, products, technological advancements, market position, and future prospects.

Company Overview: Lake People Audio was founded in Germany in 1986 by Fried Reim, an experienced audio engineer and entrepreneur. The company started as a small-scale operation but quickly gained recognition for its commitment to precision and audio fidelity. Today, Lake People Audio has become a well-established brand, catering to professional audio engineers, musicians, and discerning audiophiles worldwide.

Product Range: The product range offered by Lake People Audio is diverse and caters to different audio needs. The company specializes in the design and manufacture of audio amplifiers, headphone amplifiers, digital-to-analog converters (DACs), and audio interfaces. Lake People Audio's products are known for their exceptional sound quality, reliability, and attention to detail.

3.1 Amplifiers: Lake People Audio's amplifiers are renowned for their transparency and accuracy. The company offers a variety of amplifiers, including headphone amplifiers, power amplifiers, and preamplifiers. These amplifiers are designed to deliver clean and uncolored audio reproduction, making them suitable for both studio use and high-end home audio setups.

3.2 Headphone Amplifiers: Lake People Audio is highly regarded for its headphone amplifiers, which are widely considered among the best in the industry. Their headphone amplifiers are designed to drive a wide range of headphones, from low-impedance models to demanding high-impedance headphones, with exceptional clarity and power.

3.3 Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs): Lake People Audio's DACs are designed to convert digital audio signals into high-fidelity analog signals. The company's DACs incorporate advanced circuitry and components to ensure accurate conversion and minimal signal degradation. These DACs support various input formats, including USB, SPDIF, and AES/EBU, making them versatile solutions for audio enthusiasts and professionals.

3.4 Audio Interfaces: Lake People Audio also manufactures audio interfaces that facilitate the seamless integration of audio equipment with computers and digital audio workstations (DAWs). Their interfaces offer low-latency audio processing, multiple input/output options, and high-resolution audio capabilities, catering to the needs of recording studios, home studios, and live sound applications.

Technological Advancements:
Lake People Audio continuously invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of audio technology. The company incorporates state-of-the-art components, advanced circuitry, and innovative designs into its products. Lake People Audio's commitment to technological advancements ensures that their products consistently deliver exceptional audio quality and performance.

Market Position:
Lake People Audio has established a strong presence in the professional audio industry. Their products are highly regarded by audio professionals, recording studios, and musicians worldwide. The company's reputation for uncompromising audio quality and attention to detail has earned them a loyal customer base. Lake People Audio's products are distributed globally through authorized dealers, online platforms, and direct sales channels.

Customer Support and Satisfaction:
Lake People Audio places great emphasis on customer satisfaction. The company provides excellent customer support, offering technical assistance, product information, and warranty services. Their commitment to customer satisfaction has contributed to a positive brand image and customer loyalty.

Future Prospects:
As the audio industry continues to evolve, Lake People Audio is well-positioned to capitalize on emerging trends and technologies. The company's dedication to innovation and commitment to audio quality will likely drive future product development. With a solid reputation and a loyal customer base, Lake People Audio is poised for sustained growth and continued success.

Lake People Audio's commitment to delivering exceptional audio solutions, coupled with its technological advancements and market position, makes it a leading player in the audio industry. The company's amplifiers, headphone amplifiers, DACs, and audio interfaces are highly regarded for their sound quality, reliability, and precision. Lake People Audio's dedication to customer satisfaction and its focus on innovation position the company for a promising future in the ever-evolving audio technology landscape.

TEST: Lake People G105 MKII

The manufacturer Lake People, based on Lake Constance, has been producing high-quality microphone, headphone and phono amplifiers as well as A/D and D/A converters for decades, which are handcrafted in Germany. German components are used in the production of the devices and the label "Made in Germany" is thus taken seriously in every respect. In this article, we will introduce the Lake People G105 MKII studio headphone amplifier. As expected, the G105 MKII is the successor of the successful G105. In this review, we will try to uncover important information on whether it is worth upgrading to the G105 MKII. But this article should also contain helpful information for anyone who is generally thinking about buying a new headphone amplifier.

The scope of delivery of the Lake People G105 MKII

The scope of delivery of the Lake People G105 MKII headphone amplifier is clearly arranged, but nevertheless carefully put together. The device is delivered in a sturdy folding box, which is lined with nubby foam to ensure safe transportation. Also included is a matching power cable, so the amplifier is ready to go right out of the box. A detailed user manual in two languages is also included. This contains easy-to-understand instructions on all the functions of the product and beyond, as well as detailed explanations of all the controls and an overview of the technical specifications of the device.

The case of the Lake People G105 MKII

The housing of the Lake People G105 MKII headphone amplifier consists of a matte black anodized aluminum construction, including the front and rear panels. The bottom of the unit is equipped with four very good non-slip rubber feet to ensure stable and secure placement on any surface. Compared to its predecessor, the new version of the G105 MKII has an impressive length of about 19 cm, which is an increase of 4.5 cm. The controls are located on the front of the device. On the left, the volume and balance controls are positioned, both equipped with high-quality aluminum caps of 25 mm in diameter. The enlarged caps compared to the MKI version allow for more precise fine-tuning of the controls. In the center is a toggle switch that selects between three modes of operation, "Mono", "Stereo" and "Phase". The Lake People G105 MKII has two 6.35 mm stereo jack sockets, for which a split function can be activated via a pushbutton switch.

The rear panel of the Lake People G105 MKII offers two RCA jacks for connecting unbalanced stereo channels. However, feeding with balanced signals is also possible using two XLR inputs. By simply switching between the pairs of jacks, switching between input sources is effortless. It should be noted that all inputs are tuned to line level and each provides a ground screw for safe operation. Power is provided by a standard IEC socket, which is removable for quick and easy access to the fuse behind it.

Technology and technical values

Looking at the inner workings of the Lake People G105 MKII, it quickly becomes clear that some technical changes have been made to the MKI version. In contrast to the previous version, which still relied on two smaller transformers, a single large transformer is now used, which provides the internal operating voltage in contrast to the usual +/- 15V with +/- 25V. This voltage boost is said to allow potentially higher amplitudes and generate greater headroom.

Particularly noteworthy about the Lake People G105 MKII is its pregain function, which allows for optimal adjustment of the internal preamplification to the varying impedance of the connected headphones. For this purpose, only some connectors inside the amplifier need to be reconnected, allowing better use of the volume control's travel. In doing so, it is possible to adjust the pregain of the two headphone outputs independently for each of the two stereo outputs.

The new version of the device also offers even greater versatility in the selectable gain levels. While the pregain of the previous model was adjustable in three steps at -4 dB, +8 dB and +14 dB, the MKII now offers five steps between -6 dB, 0 dB, +6 dB, +12 dB and +18 dB. According to the manufacturer, the G105 MKII reaches up to 100 kHz in terms of playback range, well above what is still within the perceptible range.

The Lake People G105 MKII in practice

The precise placement of the really very good rubber feet on the Lake People G105 MKII guarantees a stable grip on smooth surfaces such as a glass plate. This makes it a breeze to connect plugs or press buttons without the device slipping uncontrollably. A clear mechanical click is heard when the amplifiers are switched on, which underlines the excellent quality of the components. The haptic feedback of the push button switch further reinforces this impression. The retention fuses of the XLR sockets on the back of the unit are also a sign of the thoughtful and careful design. These precautions ensure that the connected cables are securely and reliably fixed at all times and cannot be pulled out unintentionally.

Settings inside on the circuit board

If you want to optimally adapt the G105 MKII to the load impedance of the selected headphones, you have to deal with setting the pre-amplification. To do this, the top two case screws must be removed from the front and rear of the amplifier, which may be a bit awkward due to the necessary use of Torx and Allen screw driver profiles. On higher-end headphone amplifiers, small slide switches on the rear panel are common instead of internal jumpers, which is more flexible but also results in a higher cost to the buyer. Once the case is opened, however, rearranging the connectors is very easy, helped by the detailed instruction manual. These adjustments are also required for the internal jumpering of the Ground Lift feature.

When pre-gain and ground lift are set correctly, the control travel and resulting resolution of the volume control can be better utilized, and hum loops are also avoided. The control runs continuously and with smooth resistance, while the balance control is conveniently gridded. The toggle switch for selecting the operating mode also clicks into place with high quality, and the engagement of the jack plugs of the headphone feed lines is particularly rich and strong. Handling is consistently high-quality and pleasant, although the front panel is quite sensitive and therefore scratches and unsightly deposits can easily occur during handling.

When switching from stereo to mono mode, it is positively noticeable that Lake People takes care of the necessary level balancing instead of simply adding both levels. When the G105 MKII's familiar split feature is enabled, the two outputs each output the left and right channels, allowing two channels to be amplified separately in the studio. When the split feature is used in conjunction with mono mode, the balance control can be used to adjust the individual output volumes of the two headphone jacks.

Most notably, the Lake People G105 MKII features a Phase mode that causes the polarity of the right channel to be reversed. This feature can be used as an excellent phase check. If instruments in the mix are particularly weak or possibly even inaudible, checking the phase of the instrument in question can remedy the situation. Thus, the Lake People G103 MKII act not only as a headphone amplifier, but also as an excellent mixing tool.

In stereo mode, the product presents itself from its best side. The stereo width of the signal is remarkable, the sonic depth gradation very good. The basses are reproduced cleanly, detailed and differentiated, the signal appears overall structured, factual and without any colorations that could alienate the signal. Even at high gain levels and strong impulses, the signal remains free of distortions. The output signal is always clear and defined depending on the headphones and the selected preamplification. Even when using headphones with comparatively low impedance, there was no inherent noise in the sound. The entire sonic performance of the headphone amplifier continues the high-quality general impression, which already started with the very good manufacturing quality, the manifold features and the general handling.


The Lake People G105 MKII headphone amplifier proves to be an excellent workhorse for audiophile users. The model scores with a to-the-point scope of delivery and a design of matte-black metal housing, which gives the device an aura of value and robustness. The professional feel of the controls underscores the serious appearance of the headphone amp. The low-noise, finely resolved and objective sound image puts the crown on the whole thing.

The high-quality controls and the various modes (stereo, phase and mono) with level adjustment make the model a recommendable headphone amp for professional studio users. In addition, it serves as a useful mixing and editing tool. With the Lake People G105 MKII, demanding users have a headphone amplifier at their disposal, which offers individual adjustment to the respective headphones and at the same time has an excellent sound quality.

Additional informations:

Lake People Audio is a prominent and innovative company in the field of audio technology. Since its establishment, the company has garnered a reputation for delivering high-quality audio equipment and solutions. This report aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Lake People Audio, covering various aspects such as its history, products, technological advancements, market position, and future prospects.

Company Overview: Lake People Audio was founded in Germany in 1986 by Fried Reim, an experienced audio engineer and entrepreneur. The company started as a small-scale operation but quickly gained recognition for its commitment to precision and audio fidelity. Today, Lake People Audio has become a well-established brand, catering to professional audio engineers, musicians, and discerning audiophiles worldwide.

Product Range: The product range offered by Lake People Audio is diverse and caters to different audio needs. The company specializes in the design and manufacture of audio amplifiers, headphone amplifiers, digital-to-analog converters (DACs), and audio interfaces. Lake People Audio's products are known for their exceptional sound quality, reliability, and attention to detail.

3.1 Amplifiers: Lake People Audio's amplifiers are renowned for their transparency and accuracy. The company offers a variety of amplifiers, including headphone amplifiers, power amplifiers, and preamplifiers. These amplifiers are designed to deliver clean and uncolored audio reproduction, making them suitable for both studio use and high-end home audio setups.

3.2 Headphone Amplifiers: Lake People Audio is highly regarded for its headphone amplifiers, which are widely considered among the best in the industry. Their headphone amplifiers are designed to drive a wide range of headphones, from low-impedance models to demanding high-impedance headphones, with exceptional clarity and power.

3.3 Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs): Lake People Audio's DACs are designed to convert digital audio signals into high-fidelity analog signals. The company's DACs incorporate advanced circuitry and components to ensure accurate conversion and minimal signal degradation. These DACs support various input formats, including USB, SPDIF, and AES/EBU, making them versatile solutions for audio enthusiasts and professionals.

3.4 Audio Interfaces: Lake People Audio also manufactures audio interfaces that facilitate the seamless integration of audio equipment with computers and digital audio workstations (DAWs). Their interfaces offer low-latency audio processing, multiple input/output options, and high-resolution audio capabilities, catering to the needs of recording studios, home studios, and live sound applications.

Technological Advancements:
Lake People Audio continuously invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of audio technology. The company incorporates state-of-the-art components, advanced circuitry, and innovative designs into its products. Lake People Audio's commitment to technological advancements ensures that their products consistently deliver exceptional audio quality and performance.

Market Position:
Lake People Audio has established a strong presence in the professional audio industry. Their products are highly regarded by audio professionals, recording studios, and musicians worldwide. The company's reputation for uncompromising audio quality and attention to detail has earned them a loyal customer base. Lake People Audio's products are distributed globally through authorized dealers, online platforms, and direct sales channels.

Customer Support and Satisfaction:
Lake People Audio places great emphasis on customer satisfaction. The company provides excellent customer support, offering technical assistance, product information, and warranty services. Their commitment to customer satisfaction has contributed to a positive brand image and customer loyalty.

Future Prospects:
As the audio industry continues to evolve, Lake People Audio is well-positioned to capitalize on emerging trends and technologies. The company's dedication to innovation and commitment to audio quality will likely drive future product development. With a solid reputation and a loyal customer base, Lake People Audio is poised for sustained growth and continued success.

Lake People Audio's commitment to delivering exceptional audio solutions, coupled with its technological advancements and market position, makes it a leading player in the audio industry. The company's amplifiers, headphone amplifiers, DACs, and audio interfaces are highly regarded for their sound quality, reliability, and precision. Lake People Audio's dedication to customer satisfaction and its focus on innovation position the company for a promising future in the ever-evolving audio technology landscape.

Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023

TEST: Kustom 72 Coupe

Let's be honest, who can really completely absolve themselves of the fact that they would rather disregard a product, no matter how outstanding it is in terms of its audiophile capabilities, presented in a trivial, perhaps even soporific packaging, than in a correspondingly "gaudy" visual appearance.

Especially since we are dealing here with the vast realm of the guitar empire, which, as we all know, from the slender guitar neck to the imposing fullstack, reveals itself as a pure all-rounder in terms of phallic symbols. Where do you think the expression "guitar jizz" comes from? ;-)) Aren't some guitarists live more like playing with themselves anyway......... let's leave that better.

When it came to converting the rather purpose-bound and sometimes drearily standing in the corner and "rehearsal room-muffle" amplifier into a spacy eye-catcher with visually high entertainment value, there was only one official name in the sixties: KUSTOM!

The company, founded in 1966 by Bud Ross, used whole truckloads of Naugahyde, a kind of artificial leather borrowed from hot-rod vehicle construction, which, lined with foam, was used both as a seat in the tuning car sector and as all-round chassis cladding for the Kustom amps.

It was a joy to see the amps shining from the main stage in the most upbeat fruit jelly colors of the season, red, blue or silver, all in metallic paint of course. Space cowboys of all countries unite, Gary Glitter in pure culture!

Incidentally, Bud Ross is said to have been a real bon vivant and also a passionate gambler. Legend has it that he lost his company in a poker game.....

The Kustom 72 Coupe Combo that I have for testing partly picks up the optical highlights mentioned above, but in the same breath has undergone some changes with regard to the technology used.

If in the mid-sixties solid-state was still the weapon for the modern sound, Kustom anno 2008 comes up with solid valve technology in its top product line.


The 72 Coupe is a "fullsize" all-tube combo (686 mm wide - 495 mm high - 270 mm deep) with an official weight of 28.5 kg. It has an output volume of 72 watts, which can really hold its own within any band, with a power consumption of 300 watts. Those are efficiencies, huh ;-)) Like an internal combustion engine.

The amp is driven by a combination of 4 pcs. 12AX7 vials in the preamp and 4 pcs. 6L6GC vials as power tubes.

Visually, Kustom has scaled back the exalted appearance of 40 years ago by a few calibers, so from the opulent all-around glam rock faction only a dignified leatherette front strip in black remains, which is still unparalleled.

Included is an elaborately crafted footswitch, which accesses the channel selection, a volume boost function for the two channels and the FX section, and the matching stereo jack cable.

Kustom installs two Eminence-made 12-inchers in the combo, which are rated at 8 ohms and feature an aluminum dome tweeter. Wired in series, the factory impedance of the two speakers is 16 ohms.

The amp is dual-channel, with each channel capable of two volume levels. Both channels have an identically designed control assignment in terms of volume, respectively master, whereby the volume controls work as push / pull pots and have a bright switch for treble boost.

Both channels share a standard three-band tone control consisting of bass, mids and treble. This is followed by the control option for the built-in Accutronics reverb spiral, which is adjustable both in intensity and Kustom-typical in timbre.

In terms of FX, the Kustom 72 has, in addition to the old-school reverb, two more nice vintage effects, their sign tremolo and vibrato, adjustable in speed and intensity.

Finally, flush right on the top of the combo you will find the all-tube-typical toggle switches On/Off, or Standby and a powerful purple light, which provides information about the operating status of the device.

On the rear side, there are two speaker outs and an impedance selector switch, which allows the total resistance to be switched to 4, 8, or 16 ohms.

From left to right we find the following controls, sockets and switches: a mini-switch, which controls the use of the footswitch regarding the FX-section (vibrato/tremolo or reverb), the footswitch socket, a speaker-emulated direct out as XLR-plug together with ground lift and its own volume control, the volume control of the boost effect (located behind the FX-loop) and the send and return socket of the tube-buffered FX-loop.


Anyone who has ever carried an all-tube "2x12" combo knows what's coming next. Should you buy a combo amp for reduced weight reasons compared to a head/cabinet, you are completely out of place here. The almost 30 kg, which tug at only one hand, want to be stemmed, especially since the combo has no wheels, but this will again have a positive effect on the life of the power tubes.

Twice rolled the combo over cobblestones, possibly in warm operating condition, best still with a few small things like cable case and guitar case stacked on top for convenience, means the final end of the power tubes due to the "vibration factor".

All roadies and stagehands have always wondered why my amp flight cases, despite being heavy, all have no wheels. This is the answer.

Well, let's start with the clean channel of the Kustom, called "Rhythm" from the factory. What we get here, even with a neutral tone orientation, is truly one of the best clean sounds I've heard in a long time!

Very clear and a "pearliness" of the sound additionally supported by the treble emphasis of the aluminum domes makes this channel an absolute highlight, really outstanding. Deep, warm and refined with the softness of the 6L6 quartet.

The tube buffered FX path also leaves an excellent impression. The tremolo / vibrato unit produces a very condensed sound that clearly scores in terms of character and originality.

The Accutronics reverb also reveals the typical coil spring sound, which can be additionally tamed very nicely in its in-house harshness in the decay if required by the Tone control.

In the Lead channel, on the other hand, the 72 Coupe moves diametrically to its counterpart from the rhythm department in terms of sound. The complete basic characteristic of the channel can be described as "vintage low treble", sometimes even the adjective "musty" flashes briefly.

In terms of old-school crunch sound, this channel with its "bristly", sometimes "scratchy" interpretation is the right contact, but modern leads and cutting riff attacks are looked for in vain in this lead channel.


Despite great history and unique optics, Kustom has not yet been able to land the really big hit, which may have been due on the one hand to the "American-overbred" look of the sixties and the then brand new, but today rather "second-row" transistor technology.

With the Coupe series, this could change, but the 72 has a clean sound, which, although sonically differently conceived, in its value can certainly hold a candle to the clean superfather Fender.

Visually still independent, albeit in a slightly more discreet form, the Kustom also scores with a very good workmanship, a tasteful layout and the amplifier is also not only as today generally designed in the U.S., but also built there.

An independent amp with character!

Additional informations:

- Kustom Amplifiers is a renowned company specializing in the design, manufacturing, and distribution of guitar amplifiers and related equipment. With a rich history spanning several decades, the company has established itself as a prominent player in the musical instrument industry. This report provides a detailed overview of Kustom Amplifiers, covering various aspects such as history, product range, technologies, reputation, and future prospects.

History and Background Kustom Amplifiers was founded in 1965 by Bud Ross, a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for music and electronics. Ross aimed to create amplifiers that offered guitarists a distinct sound and unique aesthetics. The company quickly gained popularity and became a symbol of the emerging counterculture music scene of the 1960s. Over the years, Kustom Amplifiers expanded its product line and gained a loyal following among professional musicians and enthusiasts alike.

Product Range Kustom Amplifiers offers a comprehensive range of guitar amplifiers and related equipment to cater to the diverse needs of guitarists. Their product line includes amplifiers for various purposes, including practice amps, stage amps, and high-performance tube amps. Additionally, Kustom Amplifiers manufactures a wide range of speaker cabinets, effects pedals, and other accessories to complement their amplifiers. Their products are known for their robust construction, reliability, and versatility, making them suitable for different genres and playing styles.

Technologies and Innovation Kustom Amplifiers has always been at the forefront of technological innovation in the guitar amplifier industry. They have consistently incorporated cutting-edge technologies and features into their products to enhance sound quality and user experience. Over the years, the company has introduced advancements such as solid-state circuitry, hybrid amplifier designs, and digital effects integration. Kustom Amplifiers continues to push boundaries by integrating modern digital modeling technology, Bluetooth connectivity, and USB recording capabilities into their amplifiers.
Reputation and Industry Recognition Kustom Amplifiers has built a strong reputation for delivering high-quality amplifiers that meet the demands of professional guitarists. Their products are known for their distinctive sound characteristics, reliability, and affordability. Kustom Amplifiers has received industry recognition through numerous awards and endorsements from renowned musicians. The brand's iconic aesthetics, including the signature "tuck and roll" vinyl coverings, have become synonymous with their amplifiers and contribute to their distinctive appeal.

Customer Support and Warranty Kustom Amplifiers prioritizes customer satisfaction and offers comprehensive support services. They provide technical assistance, user manuals, and online resources to help customers optimize their amplifier settings and troubleshoot any issues. Additionally, the company offers warranty coverage on their products, ensuring that customers can rely on their equipment for years to come.

Future Outlook With a legacy spanning several decades, Kustom Amplifiers has firmly established itself as a reputable brand in the guitar amplifier market. The company's commitment to innovation and adapting to evolving industry trends positions them well for future success. Kustom Amplifiers continues to expand its product range, incorporating emerging technologies and addressing the evolving needs of guitarists. With a dedicated customer base and a strong presence in both professional and amateur music communities, Kustom Amplifiers is poised for continued growth and relevance in the industry.

Kustom Amplifiers has been a significant player in the guitar amplifier market, renowned for their unique sound, innovative designs, and commitment to customer satisfaction. With a rich history, diverse product range, technological advancements, and a solid reputation, Kustom Amplifiers remains a trusted choice for guitarists seeking reliable and high-quality amplification solutions. As the company continues to innovate and adapt, it is poised to shape the future of guitar amplification and maintain its position as a leader in the industry.

- Combo guitar amplifiers are a popular choice among guitarists due to their convenience, portability, and versatility. These amplifiers combine the amplifier head and speaker cabinet into a single unit, making them a compact and all-in-one solution for amplifying electric guitars. This report provides a detailed overview of combo guitar amplifiers, covering various aspects such as their design, features, advantages, popular models, and considerations for choosing the right combo amplifier.

Design and Features Combo guitar amplifiers typically consist of two main components: the amplifier head and the speaker cabinet. The amplifier head contains the preamp, power amp, and control knobs, allowing guitarists to adjust settings such as volume, gain, tone, and effects. The speaker cabinet houses one or more speakers, which play a crucial role in projecting the amplified sound.

Combo amplifiers come in various sizes and power ratings to suit different needs. They range from small practice amps with low wattage suitable for home use or intimate performances to larger, higher wattage models designed for stage performances. Combo amplifiers may also feature built-in effects such as reverb, delay, and modulation, eliminating the need for additional effects pedals.

Advantages of Combo Amplifiers Combo guitar amplifiers offer several advantages that make them popular among guitarists:
Portability: The all-in-one design of combo amplifiers makes them easy to transport, making them ideal for musicians who frequently travel or perform at different venues.
Convenience: With the amplifier head and speaker cabinet combined, combo amplifiers eliminate the need for separate components and cables, simplifying the setup process.
Affordability: Combo amplifiers often provide a cost-effective option compared to purchasing separate amplifier heads and speaker cabinets.

Versatility: Combo amplifiers are available in various sizes and power ratings, allowing guitarists to find a model that suits their playing style, venue size, and desired sound.
Popular Combo Amplifier Models The market offers a wide range of combo guitar amplifiers from various manufacturers, each with its own unique characteristics and features. Some popular models include:

Fender Hot Rod Deluxe: Known for its warm tone and versatility, this 40-watt combo amp has become a staple in many guitarists' arsenals.

Vox AC30C2: This iconic amplifier offers the classic British sound, with its distinctive chime and overdrive capabilities. It is favored by many rock and indie guitarists.

Marshall DSL40CR: A versatile 40-watt combo amp from the renowned Marshall brand, known for its powerful tone and wide range of overdrive options.

Roland JC-40 Jazz Chorus: This solid-state combo amp is highly regarded for its clean and shimmering tone, particularly popular among jazz and pop guitarists.

Considerations for Choosing a Combo Amplifier When selecting a combo guitar amplifier, several factors should be taken into account:

Wattage: Consider the power requirements based on your playing environment, whether it's for home practice, small gigs, or larger venues.

Sound and Tone: Each combo amplifier has a unique sonic character. Try different models to find one that suits your playing style and desired sound.

Effects and Features: Determine whether you need built-in effects or specific features such as a headphone output, line inputs, or an effects loop.

Speaker Configuration: Consider the number and size of speakers in the combo amplifier.

Different configurations produce different tonal characteristics and projection.
Budget: Set a budget and explore options within that range, considering both the quality and features of the combo amplifier.

Combo guitar amplifiers provide a convenient and versatile solution for amplifying electric guitars. With their compact design, portability, and various features, they have become a popular choice among guitarists of all skill levels. Understanding the design, advantages, popular models, and considerations for choosing the right combo amplifier will help guitarists make informed decisions when selecting the best amplifier to meet their needs. Whether for practice, recording, or live performances, combo guitar amplifiers offer a reliable and all-in-one solution for amplifying the rich and diverse tones of electric guitars.

TEST: Kustom KU 12 J

Creedence Clearwater Revival. Logically, everyone knows them. No one, regardless of age, gender or social background, who has not heard at least one song of the band around the brilliant songwriter and singer John Fogerty on the radio or as a soundtrack in a Hollywood production.

The circle of people who should have seen the band live once, on the other hand, is much more manageable. Thanks to YouTube, however, one can compensate for the flaw of late birth and will find a truly unique guitar and bass backline in the band's old videos. If you look closely, you'll see heads and cabinets wrapped in an eye-catching "faux leather foam plush application," THE visual eye-catcher from the Kustom company.

The fusion of amp technology and HotRod outfit was started in the mid-sixties by company founder Bud Ross and was the absolute standout in terms of looks.

For many years I heard nothing from the company, until it suddenly presented itself again in the spotlight with a completely revised product range. For the test I have an inexpensive combo, the 12 Gauge J, a practice amplifier, which can come up with a few interesting features. As with almost all items in this price segment and also more and more in the upper middle class, so also here, "Designed In USA" - "Made In China"..............


The 12 Gauge J is a fairly handy amp (461 mm width - 432 mm height - 254 mm depth) with a weight of 11.9 kg. It has an output volume of 16 watts, which sounds quite moderate at first, but in the course of the test turned out to be quite serious final volume.

The first impression after unpacking the device is quite positive, the amp makes a neatly processed impression and comes up with a few visually appealing details. The imitation leather used seems resistant, and 8 plastic corners also protect against knocks on the edges.

Only the plastic carrying handle exhales very strongly, within a short time the whole room smells of solvents or plasticizers. Even after 2 weeks of testing, the hands still smell very strong when you have transported the amplifier. The amplifier unit is accessible from the top, similar to many combos from the sixties.

By the way, who knows why almost all combos from that era made their amplifier unit accessible from the top and the labeling could only be read from the back?.....Well, at that time, due to the lack of powerful P.A. sound reinforcement as well as professional microphones, one stood behind(!) the combo on stage. The main sound level went into the audience, the own monitoring was taken over by the combo open to the back. Finished! Nix 6 monitor ways with separate stage mix and alone 4 channels with the F.O.H. only for a guitar occupy, those were the days, my friend! ;-)

One of the main problems with practice amps is usually the speaker size of the combo. If you don't try to get to grips with the combos, which are usually equipped with 10", 8" or even 6.5" speakers, with emulation solutions in the timbre, small speakers are usually annoying, especially in the distorted range, due to their design, with an overemphasis of the highs and a harsh, respectively edgy sound.

To counter this problem, the company Kustom has given the 12 Gauge, as the name suggests, a 12" speaker, a rather unusual feature in this price range. The brand is an in-house manufactured 8 ohm speaker, also made in China.

The speaker is mounted on the back and is protected from the front by a soft covering fabric against external influences. A visual parallel to Marshall's twisted paper covering solution is certainly recognizable, but Kustom has decided to use plastic.

A flexible, soft speaker protection has the advantage over a rigid grille that it absorbs light to medium shocks and then returns to its original position. A rigid grille already has dents here or is at least scratched. Only with a very strong impact against the speaker can the grille show its strengths, because in this case the soft covering material would tear.

The Gauge 12 has a two-channel design. Both channels share a three-band tone control. While the clean channel only has a volume control, the lead channel was given the usual gain and volume controls. Unfortunately, the channel change can only be made manually by means of a small push button, the connection of an external footswitch is not possible.

As a small FX section, a delay / reverb unit was built in, where you can select one effect at a time with a push button and mix it to the original signal continuously. An On/Off switch and a large blue LED complete the upper control front. All controls are equipped with very nice chrome heads, which gives the front panel a very noble flair.

As additional connection jacks, the 12 Gauge has an external speaker out, a line out, a headphone jack and a jack for feeding external sound sources such as MP3 players, workstations, etc.. All connections are in 6.35 mm jack. As with most combos of this type, the jacks have been routed out of the bottom of the case, which means a bit of fiddling while connecting the cables, but in return protects the plugs from accidental kinking.


After switching on the amplifier, the bright blue LED shows the operating status of the amp. One has at the moment anyway the feeling that many manufacturers try to break away from the classic red LED. To avoid confusion between the popular channel colors green and orange, many manufacturers therefore opt for blue.

All potentiometers run very smoothly under a slightly increased force. Optics usually have their price, for example the black orientation points on the pots can hardly be seen after 2 meters in average lighting conditions. But since this is a practice amp that will most likely never climb a big stage anyway, this point is negligible.

The clean channel is once again a strength of this transistor amp. Chords and single lines come out clear and crisp. The very effective tone control has to be mentioned here. While with many amps in this price range you can only change nuances in the frequency range, the tone control of the Gauge 12 manages to conjure up neat bumps in a frequency diagram.

The speaker does its job routinely, although of course you have to make some sacrifices in the sound culture, the speaker tends a little to nasal and squawking. I am quite sure that the amplifier will gain in tonal quality with a higher quality transducer.

In the distorted channel, the transparency and sharpness of the sound can be described as adequate. Distortion levels from light crunch to powerful distortion are adjustable, and the sound improves significantly with increasing volume. Once the speaker's voice coil gets to work properly, the amp loses much of its brittleness, which it still possesses at typical practice volumes.


I admit it's a mystery to me personally how you manage to sell a product like the Kustom Gauge 12 J at a retail price of MSRP €110 while paying for manufacturing, shipping from the other side of the globe, transportation within Germany plus commissions for distribution and retail, and still make a profit.

Rarely have I had an amp in my hand that offers so much "Value For Money". If you're looking for an inexpensive practice amp with the more "grown-up" sound of a 12-incher, you'll find this Kustom amp a decent workhorse.

Additional informations:

- Kustom Amplifiers is a renowned company specializing in the design, manufacturing, and distribution of guitar amplifiers and related equipment. With a rich history spanning several decades, the company has established itself as a prominent player in the musical instrument industry. This report provides a detailed overview of Kustom Amplifiers, covering various aspects such as history, product range, technologies, reputation, and future prospects.

History and Background Kustom Amplifiers was founded in 1965 by Bud Ross, a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for music and electronics. Ross aimed to create amplifiers that offered guitarists a distinct sound and unique aesthetics. The company quickly gained popularity and became a symbol of the emerging counterculture music scene of the 1960s. Over the years, Kustom Amplifiers expanded its product line and gained a loyal following among professional musicians and enthusiasts alike.

Product Range Kustom Amplifiers offers a comprehensive range of guitar amplifiers and related equipment to cater to the diverse needs of guitarists. Their product line includes amplifiers for various purposes, including practice amps, stage amps, and high-performance tube amps. Additionally, Kustom Amplifiers manufactures a wide range of speaker cabinets, effects pedals, and other accessories to complement their amplifiers. Their products are known for their robust construction, reliability, and versatility, making them suitable for different genres and playing styles.

Technologies and Innovation Kustom Amplifiers has always been at the forefront of technological innovation in the guitar amplifier industry. They have consistently incorporated cutting-edge technologies and features into their products to enhance sound quality and user experience. Over the years, the company has introduced advancements such as solid-state circuitry, hybrid amplifier designs, and digital effects integration. Kustom Amplifiers continues to push boundaries by integrating modern digital modeling technology, Bluetooth connectivity, and USB recording capabilities into their amplifiers.
Reputation and Industry Recognition Kustom Amplifiers has built a strong reputation for delivering high-quality amplifiers that meet the demands of professional guitarists. Their products are known for their distinctive sound characteristics, reliability, and affordability. Kustom Amplifiers has received industry recognition through numerous awards and endorsements from renowned musicians. The brand's iconic aesthetics, including the signature "tuck and roll" vinyl coverings, have become synonymous with their amplifiers and contribute to their distinctive appeal.

Customer Support and Warranty Kustom Amplifiers prioritizes customer satisfaction and offers comprehensive support services. They provide technical assistance, user manuals, and online resources to help customers optimize their amplifier settings and troubleshoot any issues. Additionally, the company offers warranty coverage on their products, ensuring that customers can rely on their equipment for years to come.

Future Outlook With a legacy spanning several decades, Kustom Amplifiers has firmly established itself as a reputable brand in the guitar amplifier market. The company's commitment to innovation and adapting to evolving industry trends positions them well for future success. Kustom Amplifiers continues to expand its product range, incorporating emerging technologies and addressing the evolving needs of guitarists. With a dedicated customer base and a strong presence in both professional and amateur music communities, Kustom Amplifiers is poised for continued growth and relevance in the industry.

Kustom Amplifiers has been a significant player in the guitar amplifier market, renowned for their unique sound, innovative designs, and commitment to customer satisfaction. With a rich history, diverse product range, technological advancements, and a solid reputation, Kustom Amplifiers remains a trusted choice for guitarists seeking reliable and high-quality amplification solutions. As the company continues to innovate and adapt, it is poised to shape the future of guitar amplification and maintain its position as a leader in the industry.

- Combo guitar amplifiers are a popular choice among guitarists due to their convenience, portability, and versatility. These amplifiers combine the amplifier head and speaker cabinet into a single unit, making them a compact and all-in-one solution for amplifying electric guitars. This report provides a detailed overview of combo guitar amplifiers, covering various aspects such as their design, features, advantages, popular models, and considerations for choosing the right combo amplifier.

Design and Features Combo guitar amplifiers typically consist of two main components: the amplifier head and the speaker cabinet. The amplifier head contains the preamp, power amp, and control knobs, allowing guitarists to adjust settings such as volume, gain, tone, and effects. The speaker cabinet houses one or more speakers, which play a crucial role in projecting the amplified sound.

Combo amplifiers come in various sizes and power ratings to suit different needs. They range from small practice amps with low wattage suitable for home use or intimate performances to larger, higher wattage models designed for stage performances. Combo amplifiers may also feature built-in effects such as reverb, delay, and modulation, eliminating the need for additional effects pedals.

Advantages of Combo Amplifiers Combo guitar amplifiers offer several advantages that make them popular among guitarists:
Portability: The all-in-one design of combo amplifiers makes them easy to transport, making them ideal for musicians who frequently travel or perform at different venues.
Convenience: With the amplifier head and speaker cabinet combined, combo amplifiers eliminate the need for separate components and cables, simplifying the setup process.
Affordability: Combo amplifiers often provide a cost-effective option compared to purchasing separate amplifier heads and speaker cabinets.

Versatility: Combo amplifiers are available in various sizes and power ratings, allowing guitarists to find a model that suits their playing style, venue size, and desired sound.
Popular Combo Amplifier Models The market offers a wide range of combo guitar amplifiers from various manufacturers, each with its own unique characteristics and features. Some popular models include:

Fender Hot Rod Deluxe: Known for its warm tone and versatility, this 40-watt combo amp has become a staple in many guitarists' arsenals.

Vox AC30C2: This iconic amplifier offers the classic British sound, with its distinctive chime and overdrive capabilities. It is favored by many rock and indie guitarists.

Marshall DSL40CR: A versatile 40-watt combo amp from the renowned Marshall brand, known for its powerful tone and wide range of overdrive options.

Roland JC-40 Jazz Chorus: This solid-state combo amp is highly regarded for its clean and shimmering tone, particularly popular among jazz and pop guitarists.

Considerations for Choosing a Combo Amplifier When selecting a combo guitar amplifier, several factors should be taken into account:

Wattage: Consider the power requirements based on your playing environment, whether it's for home practice, small gigs, or larger venues.

Sound and Tone: Each combo amplifier has a unique sonic character. Try different models to find one that suits your playing style and desired sound.

Effects and Features: Determine whether you need built-in effects or specific features such as a headphone output, line inputs, or an effects loop.

Speaker Configuration: Consider the number and size of speakers in the combo amplifier.

Different configurations produce different tonal characteristics and projection.
Budget: Set a budget and explore options within that range, considering both the quality and features of the combo amplifier.

Combo guitar amplifiers provide a convenient and versatile solution for amplifying electric guitars. With their compact design, portability, and various features, they have become a popular choice among guitarists of all skill levels. Understanding the design, advantages, popular models, and considerations for choosing the right combo amplifier will help guitarists make informed decisions when selecting the best amplifier to meet their needs. Whether for practice, recording, or live performances, combo guitar amplifiers offer a reliable and all-in-one solution for amplifying the rich and diverse tones of electric guitars.

TEST: Eve audio SC 3070

Regardless of the industry, whoever dares to "penetrate" a closed product system either has to rattle a lot to draw attention to his product, or he convinces with exceptional qualities and has staying power. For the Berlin-based loudspeaker manufacturer Eve Audio, the second is undoubtedly true, as the company around founder Roland Stenz has left behind plenty of scent marks in the high-end studio monitor sector since its founding in 2011. Anyone who messes with the top dogs of the industry in the style of Genelec, Neumann and Dynaudio must indeed expect a lot of headwind, but Roland Stenz probably got the necessary tenacity in his GDR education in the field of radio and television technology up to the shareholder of ADAM Audio GmbH. With the EVE Audio SC3070, we have a comparatively compact midfiled monitor as the newest member of the company portfolio for testing.

The construction of the EVE Audio SC3070

As with almost all Eve Audio products, the EVE Audio SC3070 has DSP technology built in, the construction of which we will read about later. The monitor has a three-way system, but not as often used in pure column arrangement was installed, but with a linear arrangement in the tweeter and midrange with external placement of the Tietöner. Due to the design, there is therefore always a left and a right box version, this should be considered when buying. With a price of €1,699 each, Eve Audio therefore also bumps directly into the Neumann KH 310 A category, which are known to have a very good reputation and are a worthy competitor.

Let's first take a look at the speaker lineup of the EVE Audio SC3070. According to the claim of a midfiled system, the speaker must have enough headroom to evenly and "relaxed" acoustically illuminate medium-sized rooms, which is taken over by a total of 335 watts per speaker at a maximum SPL of 120 dB per pair, with 185 watts for the 6.5-inch woofer, 100 watts for the 4-inch midrange and 50 watts for the tweeter. As with all Eve Audio speaker cabinets with 3 or more paths, the comparatively generous power rating of the midrange driver is noticeable here, an indication of the focus on very good midrange reproduction, with which other Eve Audio monitors have already scored. The frequency response is specified with 35 - 25000 Hz, the crossover frequencies are at 320 and 2800 Hz.

The corporate identity of the Eve Audio family can already be seen at first glance with regard to the individual speakers. Once again, woofers and midrange drivers consist of a fiberglass-coated honeycomb cone, which due to their low weights react very quickly to impulses, but in combination with a soft suspension still have the necessary torsional stiffness at strong deflections. Equally characteristic of the Eve Audio sound is the RS3 Air Motion tweeter, which is now also very popular in many large studios due to its balanced sound behavior. To protect the tweeter from external influences, a protective grille is included with the speakers, which magnetically adheres to the tweeter surround.

With the dimensions (W x H x D): 340 mm x 250 mm x 310 mm, the system must be described as extremely compact for a midfield system. The weight of 9.8 kg is also comparatively moderate, but one should always keep in mind that the speakers require a proper stand or other appropriately equipped support. A placement on the desktop is not possible for haptic reasons. However, the comparatively large depth of the monitor in relation to its lateral expansion is striking, a fact that will probably be noticeable in the bass reproduction.

The back

The back of the EVE Audio SC3070 is tidy and is limited to the important basic elements along with the bass reflex port, which is located diagonally behind the woofer. In addition to the power socket and the power switch, we also have the option of voltage selection. Via three DIP switches we can choose between two different input sensitivities (+7 dBu / +22 dBu) and the (de-) activation of the internal filters or the volume control. As input connectors there are balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA. All inputs are analog, there is no digital input.

The DSP control

As already mentioned, the EVE Audio SC3070 has an active DSP management, which is reflected in particular in an elaborate sound control. Via a push potentiometer, which is enclosed by an LED ring, several functions can be controlled at once and their settings checked by pressing the button, moving the illuminated LED to the area to be processed and then pressing it again. The following controls are possible:

Activate Standby Mode
Volume Adjustment: The volume setting can be adjusted in steps of 2 to 0.5 dB, depending on the volume range.
Low Filter: A shelving bass boost / bass cut, which boosts or cuts all frequencies below 300 Hz in 0.5 dB steps
High Filter: the same as in the bass range, only all frequencies above 3 kHz
Mid Filter: A bandpass filter that allows boosting/cutting up to 3 dB in 0.5 dB steps at 1 kHz.
Desk Filter: A special frequency processing that compensates for the desktop's radiation pattern by boosting frequencies at 80 Hz and cutting them at 160 Hz, also adjustable in 0.5 dB steps.

Should anyone feel disturbed by the LED wreath, it can also be optically deactivated completely.

The EVE Audio SC3070 in practice

Two points are the first to strike the listener as soon as you hear the first sounds from the speakers. The first is the very powerful bass that can be produced by the speaker even without a subwoofer. Due to the small cabinet dimensions, you really wouldn't expect this strong presence from the monitors, especially as far as the real low bass range below about 80 Hz is concerned. However, those who have already dealt a bit with the Eve Audio portfolio will already know the disproportionately good bass reproduction from the company's near field monitors. Even in the flat EQ setting, the bass range is very well defined and does not require any further adjustment, at least in my rooms. Even heavily bass-heavy productions are transmitted cleanly and accurately, no droning, no unnecessary "thickening" and thanks to the strong power reserves even in medium to higher volumes an accentuated reproduction.

The second point that comes to the fore is the midrange reproduction of the system. Especially if you are characterized by the 2-way near-field monitors, the basic sound of the EVE Audio SC3070 seems a bit "harsh", but this is due to the additional midrange driver. It transmits exactly the frequencies that are often lost due to the crossover frequency in 2-way systems. This significantly better transmission is particularly noticeable in the area of guitars and vocals, so that you need a certain listening time to train your brain to the changed basic sound.

Once this is done, however, the EVE Audio SC3070 proves to be a real game changer for many users, especially in the area of guitar sounds. You won't believe the details you suddenly perceive that remain hidden with various other monitors. In cooperation with the Air Motion Transformer, the box generates a very high resolution and excellent detail.

Eve Audio has also succeeded very well in getting a grip on the higher risk of phase problems that is inherent in the design of 3-way systems. I could not detect any problems during the entire test phase. It almost goes without saying that the system acoustically reproduces the usual parameters such as depth, phantom center, impulse behavior, etc. very well.

All in all, the EVE Audio SC3070 convinces in all areas, it was really not possible for me to find a point of criticism in the construction or the sound. One or the other will possibly criticize the absence of digital inputs, but that's about it.


With the EVE Audio SC3070, the Berlin-based company has another ace up its portfolio sleeve. Anyone who is in the transition area from nearfield to midfield and wants to expand their monitoring fleet with a 3-way system, is absolutely right with the system.

The monitor convinces with a strong bass response, a very good impulse response and last but not least, by the now legendary Eve Audio midrange reproduction, which increases the richness of detail of the sound material many times over.

If you are looking for an extremely compact midfield monitor with outstanding sound characteristics, you should definitely test the EVE Audio SC3070, it's worth it!

Additional informations:

Eve Audio is a prominent company specializing in the design and manufacturing of high-quality professional studio monitors. Founded in 2011, the company has gained recognition for its commitment to delivering exceptional audio reproduction solutions to the audio industry. This report provides a detailed overview of Eve Audio, covering various aspects such as history, product range, technologies, reputation, and future prospects.

History and Background
Eve Audio was established by Roland Stenz, a well-respected audio engineer and speaker designer with extensive experience in the pro audio industry. With a vision to create studio monitors that accurately represent the artist's intentions, Stenz assembled a team of audio professionals and engineers to develop innovative and cutting-edge solutions. Over the years, the company has become synonymous with excellence in speaker design and has earned a reputation for its meticulous attention to detail.

Product Range
Eve Audio offers a diverse range of studio monitors tailored to meet the needs of audio professionals, producers, engineers, and musicians. Their product line includes nearfield, midfield, and main studio monitors, as well as subwoofers and accessories. Each monitor is crafted with precision and utilizes advanced technologies to deliver an accurate, transparent, and detailed sound reproduction.

Technologies and Innovation
Eve Audio prides itself on employing state-of-the-art technologies in their studio monitors. One of their notable innovations is the Air Motion Transformer (AMT) technology, which is integrated into many of their models. The AMT technology provides a higher sound resolution, extended frequency response, and reduced distortion compared to traditional dome tweeters. This innovation has positioned Eve Audio as a leader in the field of studio monitor design.

Additionally, Eve Audio incorporates other advanced technologies such as proprietary DSP (Digital Signal Processing) algorithms, high-quality woofers, and amplifiers to ensure optimal performance and accuracy across their product range.

Reputation and Industry Recognition
Eve Audio has earned an excellent reputation within the audio industry due to the superior quality and performance of their studio monitors. Their products have garnered widespread acclaim from professional audio engineers, producers, and musicians worldwide. Numerous industry experts have praised Eve Audio for their attention to detail, accurate sound reproduction, and exceptional build quality. The company's commitment to customer satisfaction has contributed significantly to their positive reputation.

Customer Support and Warranty
Eve Audio places a strong emphasis on customer support and satisfaction. They provide comprehensive technical support to assist users in setting up and optimizing their studio monitor systems. Additionally, the company offers a generous warranty on their products, ensuring that customers receive reliable and long-lasting equipment.

Future Outlook
As Eve Audio continues to innovate and refine their studio monitor designs, their future prospects appear promising. The company has shown a commitment to staying at the forefront of audio technology, consistently introducing new models and incorporating the latest advancements into their product range. With a growing customer base and increasing recognition in the industry, Eve Audio is well-positioned to continue its success and expand its presence in the global market.

Eve Audio has established itself as a leading provider of high-quality studio monitors, admired for their commitment to precision, innovation, and customer satisfaction. With a strong history, a diverse product range, cutting-edge technologies, and a solid reputation in the industry, Eve Audio is poised to shape the future of professional audio reproduction.

TEST: Eve audio SC 408

When a shipment of monitors is delivered by a shipping company, you know as a tester that something special is about to happen before you even hear the first sound. Theoretically, the 30 kilogram bolides could have been shipped as 2 individual packages, but strapped to a Euro pallet, the two Eve audio SC408 monitors look more than just impressive in their massive outer packaging. To what extent the touch of the monstrous is also reflected in the sound of the construction and how a single person manages to maneuver 30 kg onto a high stand without scratching it will be shown in the upcoming test.

The construction of the Eve audio SC408 test

That the Eve audio SC408s are not the usual near-field suspects in terms of sound and performance, one realizes already during the "unboxing" so popular on the Internet. If I had created a video of the process, you could have a good laugh at how I try to free the 30 kg Wämmser from their high-quality, tight-fitting outer packaging by attempting to lift them out. This attempt can be saved, since the foam persistently remains between the monitor and the box, especially since lifting 30 kg is a very manly department in itself. The only variant that works, as long as you don't want to destroy the outer packaging, was to carefully pull the product out from the side. So far, so good.

Already the pure performance data (2 x 250 watt woofer + 250 watt midrange + 50 watt tweeter) together with the dimensions (W x H x D): 710 mm x 330 mm x 440 mm indicate that the target audience of the Eve audio SC408 in this case is not the ambitious home recording studio, but rather one is in the professional field, which is further supported by a retail price of just under 3,000 € per box. Along with that, you should also check your rooms to see if they are at all up to a 1600 watt duo. After all, the Eve audio SC408 is not a nearfield but a midfield monitor. A perfect spatial alignment along with appropriate damping, especially of the low frequencies of the control room, are just as much a basic requirement for the system as a minimum size of the room. Otherwise, there is a risk that the Eve audio SC408 will literally "smash" the acoustics due to its performance. You don't build a Tesla drive into a Mercedes A-Class.

In order to place the monitors optimally in the room, I chose Fame monitor stands this time, which are the only ones in my collection that have a flat, partly foam-covered support surface and place the speakers at a height of about 1 meter. The distance to the monitoring position is 180 cm, the distance to the wall behind it is 200 cm. A Palmer Monicon acts as the master volume control, and all the cabling is from Cordial. The control room is moderately damped with Basotect panels and was covered with a short-pile carpet.

The concept of Eve audio SC408

Interestingly, the Eve audio company was created by Roland Stenz, who used to be the CEO of the Adam Audio company. Although it has only been on the market for a few years, the company already has an extensive catalog, starting with budget nearfield monitors in the 300 euro league, with the tested version being the top dog at the other end of the scale.

The Eve audio SC408 is an active, 4-way midfield monitor that features two 8-inch "Silvertone" fiberglass woofers rated at 250 watts each, a 5-inch midrange driver rated at 250 watts and a 1-inch AMT tweeter rated at 50 watts, and according to the manufacturer, has a frequency response of 30 Hz - 21 kHz. The sound pressure of the system is stated at 118 dB SPL. Considering the installed components, one also takes these values from the manufacturer without hesitation, i.e. an additional subwoofer is not needed. Eve audio calls the system a 4-way system, since 4 different drivers are used. The internal DSPs operate at 192 kHz and control the volume, crossover frequencies and equalizer functions. All speakers are secured with limiters, separating at 250 Hz and 3 kHz. The system was developed in Berlin, where the final acceptance of the system also takes place. The system is built in China.

Front and rear of the Eve audio SC408

On the back, the connection panel welcomes us next to the standard XLR an unexpected RCA input, which I would not have expected here. Via 4 mini switches (one is not assigned) you can lock the DSP functions and select the input level between +7 dBu and +22 dBu. Although in most cases one is well advised with +7 dBu, there are very high levels in some studios, which can then also be compensated in the +22 dBu setting. There is also a ribbed element on the rear panel, which serves to cool the system. It gets warm during operation, but not hot.

Regarding the front, you should first decide whether you want to operate the system horizontally or vertically. From the factory, the system is configured for horizontal operation. However, if you want to position the Eve audio SC408 vertically, you have to rotate the tweeter / midrange array by 90 degrees. This can easily be done in a few minutes. To protect the sensitive tweeter from external influences, you can also attach a protective grille, which adheres magnetically.

The system's control center is located on the top right, as seen from the midrange. Via a push-poti you get to the respective menu, which, if you have enabled editing on the back of the case, edits both the volume and the corresponding filter settings. The control is gridded, i.e. the annoying adjustment of the volume balance between the boxes, which is unfortunately still found especially in the budget class, is fortunately omitted.

In addition to a special desk mode, which defuses the low-mid range, the frequencies can be raised or lowered in 0.5 dB steps via 2 shelving filters (> 300 Hz, < 3 kHz). The optical control is done via a LED ring, which can also be edited in its brightness. If the potentiometer is pressed for longer than 3 seconds, the system goes into standby mode. All settings are automatically saved and automatically loaded at the next activation.

The Eve audio SC408 in practice

While powering on and booting up the system is completely silent, there is a very quiet "discharge pop" when deactivating, but it is so quiet that it is hardly noticed and does not stress the speakers in any way. If you look at the construction of the Eve audio SC408, the two 8-inch woofers naturally catch the eye first, which encourages the expectation of a voluminous bass reproduction. In fact, "what you see is what you get" applies here, meaning that the bass reproduction of the system is beyond criticism.

The bass is tight, well articulated and doesn't tend to be undifferentiated at any volume. Especially at higher volumes, the low frequency range shines, which is not to be neglected, especially in a midfield system. After all, it is important to ensure a clean localization of the signal even at a distance of 4 meters and more, which the Eve audio SC408 succeeds excellently. However, as already mentioned, it is important to pay special attention to the room acoustics and to address the issue of bass traps if necessary. With their massive air movement, the 4 woofers immediately punish any spatial inadequacy with a standing wave, which must be avoided at all costs.

Next, we'll take a look at the high frequency range. All users who have the facial expression of a freshly cut and to be eaten lemon because of the sometimes harsh reproduction can lean back and relax. In contrast to some representatives of the cheaper guild, the trebles in this case almost blend softly, but in any case very restrainedly into the sound picture. There is no trace of harsh or even biting highs, but instead a very fine resolution, which also reproduces the slightest flickering beyond 14 kHz sovereignly.

Now we come to the absolute highlight of the Eve audio SC408, the midrange reproduction. Rarely have I heard a system that generates such a well-structured resolution between 1 - 2 kHz, precisely the range that must be covered by the woofer in a 2-way system. However, this is exactly where the crucial guitar frequencies are, especially when it comes to distorted or high-gain variants. One could even go out on a limb and speak of a system within a system. It is almost frightening what the midrange driver of the Eve audio SC408 reveals in terms of subtleties that are downright swallowed up in comparable systems. Simply outstanding!

In terms of spatial resolution and depth, the Eve audio SC408 also leaves a very good impression, provided you take into account the dimensions of the system. The phantom center is cleanly punctuated, but a minimum distance between the speakers is required for perfect spatial staggering. As already described in detail, we are dealing with a midfield system. It's not that the speakers wouldn't sound adequate at a smaller distance, but you're depriving yourself of a large spatial component that the system generates when perfectly aligned.

The system also has a very good impulse fidelity, whereby the comparatively high weight of the individual speakers certainly has a share in this. Percussive elements or even the quick succession of kick drum beats are easily handled by the system, which manages a clean reproduction even at high to very high volumes. In general, it seems as if the system really "breathes" at a certain volume. This does not mean that the system is not convincing at moderate volumes, but 800 watts per side want to be "tickled" a bit before they can show their full sound.


With the Eve audio SC408, the Berlin company has a product of the absolute top class in the midfield area at the start. Basic sound, processing and concept leave an excellent impression, whereby except for a detaching serial number sticker on the back of the case, not a single minus point could be found.

A special highlight is the midrange reproduction that outshines everything else, which is a clear added value compared to the competition, especially in guitar-heavy productions.

As a rating remains only the highest score, for every professional user, the Eve audio SC408 is a clear enrichment in the studio!

Additional informations:

Eve Audio is a prominent company specializing in the design and manufacturing of high-quality professional studio monitors. Founded in 2011, the company has gained recognition for its commitment to delivering exceptional audio reproduction solutions to the audio industry. This report provides a detailed overview of Eve Audio, covering various aspects such as history, product range, technologies, reputation, and future prospects.

History and Background Eve Audio was established by Roland Stenz, a well-respected audio engineer and speaker designer with extensive experience in the pro audio industry. With a vision to create studio monitors that accurately represent the artist's intentions, Stenz assembled a team of audio professionals and engineers to develop innovative and cutting-edge solutions. Over the years, the company has become synonymous with excellence in speaker design and has earned a reputation for its meticulous attention to detail.

Product Range Eve Audio offers a diverse range of studio monitors tailored to meet the needs of audio professionals, producers, engineers, and musicians. Their product line includes nearfield, midfield, and main studio monitors, as well as subwoofers and accessories. Each monitor is crafted with precision and utilizes advanced technologies to deliver an accurate, transparent, and detailed sound reproduction.

Technologies and Innovation Eve Audio prides itself on employing state-of-the-art technologies in their studio monitors. One of their notable innovations is the Air Motion Transformer (AMT) technology, which is integrated into many of their models. The AMT technology provides a higher sound resolution, extended frequency response, and reduced distortion compared to traditional dome tweeters. This innovation has positioned Eve Audio as a leader in the field of studio monitor design.

Additionally, Eve Audio incorporates other advanced technologies such as proprietary DSP (Digital Signal Processing) algorithms, high-quality woofers, and amplifiers to ensure optimal performance and accuracy across their product range.

Reputation and Industry Recognition Eve Audio has earned an excellent reputation within the audio industry due to the superior quality and performance of their studio monitors. Their products have garnered widespread acclaim from professional audio engineers, producers, and musicians worldwide. Numerous industry experts have praised Eve Audio for their attention to detail, accurate sound reproduction, and exceptional build quality. The company's commitment to customer satisfaction has contributed significantly to their positive reputation.

Customer Support and Warranty Eve Audio places a strong emphasis on customer support and satisfaction. They provide comprehensive technical support to assist users in setting up and optimizing their studio monitor systems. Additionally, the company offers a generous warranty on their products, ensuring that customers receive reliable and long-lasting equipment.
Future Outlook As Eve Audio continues to innovate and refine their studio monitor designs, their future prospects appear promising. The company has shown a commitment to staying at the forefront of audio technology, consistently introducing new models and incorporating the latest advancements into their product range. With a growing customer base and increasing recognition in the industry, Eve Audio is well-positioned to continue its success and expand its presence in the global market.

Eve Audio has established itself as a leading provider of high-quality studio monitors, admired for their commitment to precision, innovation, and customer satisfaction. With a strong history, a diverse product range, cutting-edge technologies, and a solid reputation in the industry, Eve Audio is poised to shape the future of professional audio reproduction.