Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023

TEST: Kustom 72 Coupe

Let's be honest, who can really completely absolve themselves of the fact that they would rather disregard a product, no matter how outstanding it is in terms of its audiophile capabilities, presented in a trivial, perhaps even soporific packaging, than in a correspondingly "gaudy" visual appearance.

Especially since we are dealing here with the vast realm of the guitar empire, which, as we all know, from the slender guitar neck to the imposing fullstack, reveals itself as a pure all-rounder in terms of phallic symbols. Where do you think the expression "guitar jizz" comes from? ;-)) Aren't some guitarists live more like playing with themselves anyway......... let's leave that better.

When it came to converting the rather purpose-bound and sometimes drearily standing in the corner and "rehearsal room-muffle" amplifier into a spacy eye-catcher with visually high entertainment value, there was only one official name in the sixties: KUSTOM!

The company, founded in 1966 by Bud Ross, used whole truckloads of Naugahyde, a kind of artificial leather borrowed from hot-rod vehicle construction, which, lined with foam, was used both as a seat in the tuning car sector and as all-round chassis cladding for the Kustom amps.

It was a joy to see the amps shining from the main stage in the most upbeat fruit jelly colors of the season, red, blue or silver, all in metallic paint of course. Space cowboys of all countries unite, Gary Glitter in pure culture!

Incidentally, Bud Ross is said to have been a real bon vivant and also a passionate gambler. Legend has it that he lost his company in a poker game.....

The Kustom 72 Coupe Combo that I have for testing partly picks up the optical highlights mentioned above, but in the same breath has undergone some changes with regard to the technology used.

If in the mid-sixties solid-state was still the weapon for the modern sound, Kustom anno 2008 comes up with solid valve technology in its top product line.


The 72 Coupe is a "fullsize" all-tube combo (686 mm wide - 495 mm high - 270 mm deep) with an official weight of 28.5 kg. It has an output volume of 72 watts, which can really hold its own within any band, with a power consumption of 300 watts. Those are efficiencies, huh ;-)) Like an internal combustion engine.

The amp is driven by a combination of 4 pcs. 12AX7 vials in the preamp and 4 pcs. 6L6GC vials as power tubes.

Visually, Kustom has scaled back the exalted appearance of 40 years ago by a few calibers, so from the opulent all-around glam rock faction only a dignified leatherette front strip in black remains, which is still unparalleled.

Included is an elaborately crafted footswitch, which accesses the channel selection, a volume boost function for the two channels and the FX section, and the matching stereo jack cable.

Kustom installs two Eminence-made 12-inchers in the combo, which are rated at 8 ohms and feature an aluminum dome tweeter. Wired in series, the factory impedance of the two speakers is 16 ohms.

The amp is dual-channel, with each channel capable of two volume levels. Both channels have an identically designed control assignment in terms of volume, respectively master, whereby the volume controls work as push / pull pots and have a bright switch for treble boost.

Both channels share a standard three-band tone control consisting of bass, mids and treble. This is followed by the control option for the built-in Accutronics reverb spiral, which is adjustable both in intensity and Kustom-typical in timbre.

In terms of FX, the Kustom 72 has, in addition to the old-school reverb, two more nice vintage effects, their sign tremolo and vibrato, adjustable in speed and intensity.

Finally, flush right on the top of the combo you will find the all-tube-typical toggle switches On/Off, or Standby and a powerful purple light, which provides information about the operating status of the device.

On the rear side, there are two speaker outs and an impedance selector switch, which allows the total resistance to be switched to 4, 8, or 16 ohms.

From left to right we find the following controls, sockets and switches: a mini-switch, which controls the use of the footswitch regarding the FX-section (vibrato/tremolo or reverb), the footswitch socket, a speaker-emulated direct out as XLR-plug together with ground lift and its own volume control, the volume control of the boost effect (located behind the FX-loop) and the send and return socket of the tube-buffered FX-loop.


Anyone who has ever carried an all-tube "2x12" combo knows what's coming next. Should you buy a combo amp for reduced weight reasons compared to a head/cabinet, you are completely out of place here. The almost 30 kg, which tug at only one hand, want to be stemmed, especially since the combo has no wheels, but this will again have a positive effect on the life of the power tubes.

Twice rolled the combo over cobblestones, possibly in warm operating condition, best still with a few small things like cable case and guitar case stacked on top for convenience, means the final end of the power tubes due to the "vibration factor".

All roadies and stagehands have always wondered why my amp flight cases, despite being heavy, all have no wheels. This is the answer.

Well, let's start with the clean channel of the Kustom, called "Rhythm" from the factory. What we get here, even with a neutral tone orientation, is truly one of the best clean sounds I've heard in a long time!

Very clear and a "pearliness" of the sound additionally supported by the treble emphasis of the aluminum domes makes this channel an absolute highlight, really outstanding. Deep, warm and refined with the softness of the 6L6 quartet.

The tube buffered FX path also leaves an excellent impression. The tremolo / vibrato unit produces a very condensed sound that clearly scores in terms of character and originality.

The Accutronics reverb also reveals the typical coil spring sound, which can be additionally tamed very nicely in its in-house harshness in the decay if required by the Tone control.

In the Lead channel, on the other hand, the 72 Coupe moves diametrically to its counterpart from the rhythm department in terms of sound. The complete basic characteristic of the channel can be described as "vintage low treble", sometimes even the adjective "musty" flashes briefly.

In terms of old-school crunch sound, this channel with its "bristly", sometimes "scratchy" interpretation is the right contact, but modern leads and cutting riff attacks are looked for in vain in this lead channel.


Despite great history and unique optics, Kustom has not yet been able to land the really big hit, which may have been due on the one hand to the "American-overbred" look of the sixties and the then brand new, but today rather "second-row" transistor technology.

With the Coupe series, this could change, but the 72 has a clean sound, which, although sonically differently conceived, in its value can certainly hold a candle to the clean superfather Fender.

Visually still independent, albeit in a slightly more discreet form, the Kustom also scores with a very good workmanship, a tasteful layout and the amplifier is also not only as today generally designed in the U.S., but also built there.

An independent amp with character!

Additional informations:

- Kustom Amplifiers is a renowned company specializing in the design, manufacturing, and distribution of guitar amplifiers and related equipment. With a rich history spanning several decades, the company has established itself as a prominent player in the musical instrument industry. This report provides a detailed overview of Kustom Amplifiers, covering various aspects such as history, product range, technologies, reputation, and future prospects.

History and Background Kustom Amplifiers was founded in 1965 by Bud Ross, a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for music and electronics. Ross aimed to create amplifiers that offered guitarists a distinct sound and unique aesthetics. The company quickly gained popularity and became a symbol of the emerging counterculture music scene of the 1960s. Over the years, Kustom Amplifiers expanded its product line and gained a loyal following among professional musicians and enthusiasts alike.

Product Range Kustom Amplifiers offers a comprehensive range of guitar amplifiers and related equipment to cater to the diverse needs of guitarists. Their product line includes amplifiers for various purposes, including practice amps, stage amps, and high-performance tube amps. Additionally, Kustom Amplifiers manufactures a wide range of speaker cabinets, effects pedals, and other accessories to complement their amplifiers. Their products are known for their robust construction, reliability, and versatility, making them suitable for different genres and playing styles.

Technologies and Innovation Kustom Amplifiers has always been at the forefront of technological innovation in the guitar amplifier industry. They have consistently incorporated cutting-edge technologies and features into their products to enhance sound quality and user experience. Over the years, the company has introduced advancements such as solid-state circuitry, hybrid amplifier designs, and digital effects integration. Kustom Amplifiers continues to push boundaries by integrating modern digital modeling technology, Bluetooth connectivity, and USB recording capabilities into their amplifiers.
Reputation and Industry Recognition Kustom Amplifiers has built a strong reputation for delivering high-quality amplifiers that meet the demands of professional guitarists. Their products are known for their distinctive sound characteristics, reliability, and affordability. Kustom Amplifiers has received industry recognition through numerous awards and endorsements from renowned musicians. The brand's iconic aesthetics, including the signature "tuck and roll" vinyl coverings, have become synonymous with their amplifiers and contribute to their distinctive appeal.

Customer Support and Warranty Kustom Amplifiers prioritizes customer satisfaction and offers comprehensive support services. They provide technical assistance, user manuals, and online resources to help customers optimize their amplifier settings and troubleshoot any issues. Additionally, the company offers warranty coverage on their products, ensuring that customers can rely on their equipment for years to come.

Future Outlook With a legacy spanning several decades, Kustom Amplifiers has firmly established itself as a reputable brand in the guitar amplifier market. The company's commitment to innovation and adapting to evolving industry trends positions them well for future success. Kustom Amplifiers continues to expand its product range, incorporating emerging technologies and addressing the evolving needs of guitarists. With a dedicated customer base and a strong presence in both professional and amateur music communities, Kustom Amplifiers is poised for continued growth and relevance in the industry.

Kustom Amplifiers has been a significant player in the guitar amplifier market, renowned for their unique sound, innovative designs, and commitment to customer satisfaction. With a rich history, diverse product range, technological advancements, and a solid reputation, Kustom Amplifiers remains a trusted choice for guitarists seeking reliable and high-quality amplification solutions. As the company continues to innovate and adapt, it is poised to shape the future of guitar amplification and maintain its position as a leader in the industry.

- Combo guitar amplifiers are a popular choice among guitarists due to their convenience, portability, and versatility. These amplifiers combine the amplifier head and speaker cabinet into a single unit, making them a compact and all-in-one solution for amplifying electric guitars. This report provides a detailed overview of combo guitar amplifiers, covering various aspects such as their design, features, advantages, popular models, and considerations for choosing the right combo amplifier.

Design and Features Combo guitar amplifiers typically consist of two main components: the amplifier head and the speaker cabinet. The amplifier head contains the preamp, power amp, and control knobs, allowing guitarists to adjust settings such as volume, gain, tone, and effects. The speaker cabinet houses one or more speakers, which play a crucial role in projecting the amplified sound.

Combo amplifiers come in various sizes and power ratings to suit different needs. They range from small practice amps with low wattage suitable for home use or intimate performances to larger, higher wattage models designed for stage performances. Combo amplifiers may also feature built-in effects such as reverb, delay, and modulation, eliminating the need for additional effects pedals.

Advantages of Combo Amplifiers Combo guitar amplifiers offer several advantages that make them popular among guitarists:
Portability: The all-in-one design of combo amplifiers makes them easy to transport, making them ideal for musicians who frequently travel or perform at different venues.
Convenience: With the amplifier head and speaker cabinet combined, combo amplifiers eliminate the need for separate components and cables, simplifying the setup process.
Affordability: Combo amplifiers often provide a cost-effective option compared to purchasing separate amplifier heads and speaker cabinets.

Versatility: Combo amplifiers are available in various sizes and power ratings, allowing guitarists to find a model that suits their playing style, venue size, and desired sound.
Popular Combo Amplifier Models The market offers a wide range of combo guitar amplifiers from various manufacturers, each with its own unique characteristics and features. Some popular models include:

Fender Hot Rod Deluxe: Known for its warm tone and versatility, this 40-watt combo amp has become a staple in many guitarists' arsenals.

Vox AC30C2: This iconic amplifier offers the classic British sound, with its distinctive chime and overdrive capabilities. It is favored by many rock and indie guitarists.

Marshall DSL40CR: A versatile 40-watt combo amp from the renowned Marshall brand, known for its powerful tone and wide range of overdrive options.

Roland JC-40 Jazz Chorus: This solid-state combo amp is highly regarded for its clean and shimmering tone, particularly popular among jazz and pop guitarists.

Considerations for Choosing a Combo Amplifier When selecting a combo guitar amplifier, several factors should be taken into account:

Wattage: Consider the power requirements based on your playing environment, whether it's for home practice, small gigs, or larger venues.

Sound and Tone: Each combo amplifier has a unique sonic character. Try different models to find one that suits your playing style and desired sound.

Effects and Features: Determine whether you need built-in effects or specific features such as a headphone output, line inputs, or an effects loop.

Speaker Configuration: Consider the number and size of speakers in the combo amplifier.

Different configurations produce different tonal characteristics and projection.
Budget: Set a budget and explore options within that range, considering both the quality and features of the combo amplifier.

Combo guitar amplifiers provide a convenient and versatile solution for amplifying electric guitars. With their compact design, portability, and various features, they have become a popular choice among guitarists of all skill levels. Understanding the design, advantages, popular models, and considerations for choosing the right combo amplifier will help guitarists make informed decisions when selecting the best amplifier to meet their needs. Whether for practice, recording, or live performances, combo guitar amplifiers offer a reliable and all-in-one solution for amplifying the rich and diverse tones of electric guitars.

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