Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2024


 Russia, a country full of contrasts. Politically a deep black spot in the world political situation and environmentally blessed with tons of legacy issues, the country also produces artists of the genius of Peter Tchaikovsky or detailed technical solutions on a world-class level, see space travel. But the guitar sector has also benefited from Eastern know-how in the last few decades; until a few years ago, for example, Russian tubes were the only remaining standard components available for professional use.

Why did the Russians have the best tubes for years? Well, tubes are the only electrical components that can withstand an EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) from a nuclear bomb detonated in the atmosphere without damage, and during the Cold War, Russia invested huge amounts of money in optimizing tube technology. Tubes exist with an estimated lifespan of 100 years, but that's another story.

But what seems to be inherent in all Russian products is a touch of military suitability, combined with mostly very robust and high-quality workmanship. During the Iron Curtain era, many artists and technicians were forced to live with what socialism had to offer, which gave rise to a history of product longevity with sometimes slightly quirky detailed solutions. Owners of previous Petersburg amps know what I mean. This extremely appreciable penchant for durability, which is in contrast to the Western disposable mentality, seems to radiate even into small products, as can be seen in the AMT SS 30 I have, an almost tiny guitar preamp for floorboard use.


The AMT SS-30 is a three-channel guitar preamp in stompbox format. The small box is very sturdy, the housing is made of thick folded sheet metal and rests on 4 pleasantly soft rubber feet, which provide a secure grip even on smooth surfaces. The dimensions of the product remain less than two packs of cigarettes, but it combines a huge number of connections and switches in this marginal space.

The SS-30 is operated in front of a clean and neutrally set guitar amplifier, the return of the FX loop (better!), a power amplifier with a connected box or, due to a frequency-corrected separate output, in front of an active monitor or a mixer. In order to ensure that the product always has sufficient headroom in signal management, the preamp is operated with two 9V batteries or alternatively an external 18V power supply. In its extremely “clear” operating instructions (2 stapled DIN A4 sheets), AMT recommends operation with batteries, as external power supplies are not very trustworthy. In fact, high-quality 18V power supplies are not easy to find, but should be preferred if possible for environmental reasons alone.

Changing the battery itself is extremely easy. By loosening a knurled screw on the front housing, a slotted metal flap opens, which reveals two battery slots and a view of the inside of the device. Despite the tight space, only the best quality was delivered in terms of workmanship. The circuit boards are neatly installed, the soldering points are precise, everything is nicely tidy and blessed with maximum efficiency in terms of space utilization.

You can choose between the three sound modes Clean, Crunch and Drive using two powerful foot switches. Despite the small dimensions, a total of 12 (!) knobs plus 3 pressure switches for sound shaping were accommodated on only half (!) of the surface. The clean section has a complete 3-band tone control consisting of high, mid and low plus a gain and a level control. Gain and Level also each have the Crunch and Drive channels, but share a common three-band tone control.

The fact that all controls are comparatively easy to reach despite the narrowness is due to the very narrow potentiometer heads, which all protrude upwards from the housing like small projectiles. In order to secure the potentiometer axes against unintentional breakage due to clumsy trampling by the user, a steel bracket was welded between the mode switch and the controller. Looks simple, does its job quite effectively but without any complaints.

However, we are not yet finished when it comes to flexibility. The SS-30 also has its own FX loop and the option of connecting the product to an external MIDI footswitch from the same company called AMT FS-2MIDI via a mini jack socket in order to integrate it into a MIDI network . The SS-30 also has two outputs, a standard output for the power amplifiers and a frequency-corrected one for the mixer.


And then the tester starts pondering. It would be a great thing if you could fit a full-sized amp in a side pocket of a gig bag. Playing shows with just a guitar under your arm and maybe 2 cables? Weren't there also suitable dwarf power amplifiers? Maybe just ask your colleague at the gig if you can use the 4x12” and the lugging is over? The voltage increases. So let’s get to it.

Starting as usual with the clean channel, the SS-30 performs very well. Even without tubes, the product has a pleasantly high degree of warmth and suppleness. The tone control works smoothly, the clean boost is subtle. Due to their corrugation, the narrow pot heads are actually easy to reach and operate at any time, despite the narrow overall concept.

With a slight tendency towards bass, it goes over into the crunch or drive channel, although the topic of crunch might have to be redefined here. Anyone who only suspects subtle distortions here is wrong. Even without the additional drive boost, the SS-30 is able to push powerful leads and massive power chords out of the floor when turned right and can adjust your personal sound taste with the two switches Tone Shift and Crunch Bright.

With the Drive Channel, the pedal can increase the level of distortion again, but only by a marginal amount. What's nice, however, is that the separate gain and level controls allow you to give the third channel an additional volume boost, which can be advantageous in solo passages, for example.


Small, smaller, AMT. The Russian company's SS-30 is particularly suitable for musicians who are looking for a small, handy and very well-made preamp. Designed as a stompbox, the product can fit even in the smallest gig bag and with a suitable combination of power amplifier and box or, if necessary, directly into the console, the necessary sound reinforcement can be provided.

It has rarely been so easy to transport and manage a preamp.


Additional Informations:

AMT Electronics, a distinguished name in the world of musical equipment, particularly known for its high-quality guitar pedals, preamps, and other audio processing equipment, stands as a beacon of innovation and craftsmanship in the Russian electronics industry. This comprehensive article aims to explore the various facets of AMT Electronics, including its history, product line, technological innovations, market presence, and future prospects.

### Introduction

**Background:** Established in Russia, AMT Electronics has gained international recognition for producing guitar pedals and audio equipment that blend traditional craftsmanship with modern technology.

### History and Development

1. **Foundation and Early Years:**
   - *Origins:* Founded in [Insert Year], the company started as a small-scale operation focused on creating guitar effects units.
   - *Growth:* AMT Electronics quickly gained a reputation for its high-quality sound and sturdy construction.

2. **Expansion Over the Years:**
   - *Product Line Diversification:* From its initial focus on guitar pedals, the company expanded to include preamps, cabinet simulators, and more.
   - *Global Reach:* Despite its Russian roots, AMT Electronics has established a significant presence in the global market.

### Key Products and Innovations

1. **Guitar Pedals:**
   - *Distortion Pedals:* Known for their rich, dynamic range and versatility.
   - *Overdrive Pedals:* Highly sought after for their warm, tube-like overdrive tones.

2. **Preamps and Cabinet Simulators:**
   - *SS-11 and SS-20 Series:* These have become staples for guitarists seeking a portable yet powerful solution for both studio and live settings.
   - *Cabinet Simulators:* Offer guitarists the ability to replicate various speaker cabinet sounds in a compact, pedal format.

3. **Custom and Signature Series:**
   - *Collaborations with Artists:* AMT Electronics has collaborated with various artists to create signature pedals, catering to specific tonal preferences.

### Technological Advancements and Manufacturing

- **Innovation in Design:** The company is known for its continuous innovation, integrating new technologies while maintaining the integrity of classic analog tones.
- **Quality Manufacturing:** Emphasis on high-quality components and sturdy build, ensuring reliability and durability.

### Market Presence and Brand Perception

- **Domestic Market:** In Russia, AMT Electronics is revered for its contribution to the music scene, supporting both professional and amateur musicians.
- **International Recognition:** The brand has been well-received internationally, with a strong following in Europe, the USA, and Asia.

### Challenges and Opportunities

- **Market Competition:** Facing competition from both established global brands and emerging boutique pedal makers.
- **Opportunities for Growth:** Growing interest in unique, boutique pedals offers significant opportunities for expansion and innovation.

### Corporate Responsibility and Community Engagement

- **Supporting Music Education:** AMT Electronics is involved in supporting music education initiatives, providing equipment and resources for budding musicians.
- **Environmental Considerations:** The company is conscious of its environmental impact, adopting sustainable practices in manufacturing and packaging.

### Future Outlook and Strategy

- **Adapting to Digital Trends:** While maintaining its analog roots, AMT Electronics is also exploring digital technologies to expand its product offerings.
- **Global Market Expansion:** Aiming to strengthen its presence in various international markets through partnerships and enhanced distribution networks.

### Conclusion

AMT Electronics, with its rich history, innovative product line, and commitment to quality, stands as a testament to Russian ingenuity in the field of music technology. The company's blend of traditional analog warmth and modern technological advancements makes it a favorite among musicians worldwide. As it looks to the future, AMT Electronics is well-positioned to continue its legacy of creating groundbreaking audio equipment that resonates with the evolving needs of musicians globally.

The Russian audio floor pedals scene is a fascinating and dynamic segment of the global music equipment industry, marked by a blend of innovative design, technical prowess, and a distinctive cultural flair. This comprehensive article delves into various aspects of this niche yet thriving industry, from its historical development to the current trends, key players, and the unique characteristics that set Russian audio floor pedals apart in the global market.

### Historical Context and Development

1. **Early Beginnings:** The history of Russian audio floor pedals dates back to the Soviet era, where initial developments were often driven by necessity due to the scarcity of Western music equipment. Musicians and technicians often resorted to DIY methods, creating unique sounds and equipment.

2. **Post-Soviet Innovation:** After the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a surge in the availability of technology and information. This period saw the emergence of numerous small-scale manufacturers and enthusiasts who began to explore pedal-making with more sophistication.

### Key Manufacturers and Brands

1. **Sovtek:** Perhaps the most renowned, originally known for producing tubes for audio equipment, Sovtek also gained fame for its Big Muff Pi pedal, favored by musicians worldwide for its distinctive fuzz sound.

2. **Red Sun FX:** A more recent entrant, known for its high-quality, handcrafted pedals that combine classic and modern sounds.

3. **Other Notable Brands:** Include companies like Ego Sonoro, and Spaceman Effects, each contributing uniquely to the Russian pedal scene.

### Technical and Design Innovations

1. **Unique Sound Characteristics:** Russian pedals are often celebrated for their distinctive sounds, ranging from warm, deep distortions to sharp, biting overdrives.

2. **Robust Build Quality:** Many Russian pedals are noted for their durable construction, able to withstand the rigors of heavy touring.

3. **Customizable and Boutique Options:** There's a strong tradition of producing customizable and boutique pedals, catering to musicians seeking unique tones and aesthetics.

### Cultural Influence and Musical Genres

1. **Influence on Various Genres:** Russian pedals have found a place in various music genres, from rock and metal to experimental and indie music.

2. **Cultural Significance:** The pedals often reflect the rich cultural and artistic heritage of Russia, seen in design elements and naming conventions.

### Challenges and Opportunities

1. **Market Challenges:** Russian manufacturers face challenges in terms of international distribution and competition with larger, established Western brands.

2. **Opportunities for Growth:** There's growing interest in unique, boutique pedals in the global market, presenting opportunities for Russian manufacturers.

### The Global Market and Export

1. **International Recognition:** Some Russian pedals have gained cult status among musicians worldwide, praised for their unique tones and build quality.

2. **Export Challenges:** Exporting can be challenging due to regulatory hurdles and logistical issues, but it remains a key goal for many manufacturers.

### The Future of Russian Audio Floor Pedals

1. **Technological Advancements:** Embracing digital technology and new manufacturing techniques while maintaining the distinctive Russian sound character.

2. **Sustainability and Innovation:** Increasing focus on sustainability in manufacturing and continuous innovation to stay competitive in the global market.

### Conclusion

The Russian audio floor pedal scene represents a unique blend of historical development, cultural richness, and technical innovation. While facing challenges, the industry continues to make significant strides, gaining recognition and admiration from musicians and enthusiasts worldwide. With a strong foundation in quality and uniqueness, the future of Russian audio floor pedals looks promising, potentially influencing music and sound creation on a global scale.

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