Freitag, 2. Juni 2023

TEST: LD Systems CURV 500 TS

A generation change has taken place. Whether it's the comparatively good transportability or whether it's more about the improved radiation behavior in the high frequency range, the P.A. columns with partially installed mini line arrays are firmly on the advance. The consistently aesthetically designed column design is just about to overtake the classic in the form of the 15/1 high stand solution or the vintage solution in the form of the 15/3 variant. Thanks to Class D power amplifiers, peak variants in the four-digit wattage range are not uncommon and make it possible for even small bands to provide a clear city festival with sound under their own power. Column pioneer LD Systems could rise with the MAUI series in recent years to the first league and now brings with the LD Systems CURV 500 TS another product in the active P.A. class on the market, which increasingly relies on curves and curves.

The concept of the LD Systems CURV 500 TS

In principle, columns P.A.'s and satellite systems make use of the same principle, which is also used in more and more recording studios. We are talking about the satellite / subwoofer solution, where the power-consuming frequencies below approx. 150 Hz are delivered to the woofer area and the typical stereo triangle is formed exclusively via the satellites. In the studio sector, however, the stereo signal is often combined in the woofer to form a mono signal, while in the live sector an even distribution of the bass is usually aimed for.

The LD Systems CURV 500 TS also follows the satellite solution and divides the signal into a woofer, which works with a 15-inch speaker at a maximum of 700 watts, and up to 4 satellites, which deliver up to 300 watts in an array. Two of these systems to the right and left of the stage thus provide a peak of 2 KW, which allows acoustic illumination beyond small pub gigs. The system itself works monophonic, for stereo operation a second system must be purchased.

The scope of delivery includes a distance rod for the satellites, all the cabling for the components and the powerCON power cable. Praiseworthy that LD Systems has dispensed with the cold device plug in this performance class and has installed the withdrawal-proof variant.

The construction of the LD Systems CURV 500 TS

The LD Systems CURV 500 TS is designed as a pure P.A. component, an internal mixing console, as it is often found in the performance class below, was omitted in this system. In my eyes, this is a perfectly understandable step, since in the 1 KW power class upwards, you almost always have an external console at the start. In addition to an XLR input, there is an XLR out for daisy chain operation, the connection socket for the satellites, mains connection, master volume and a volume control for the woofer volume, done! As a special feature is a pressure regulator on the back to note, which optimizes depending on the number of satellites the radiation pattern selbiger.

To transport the system safely, the manufacturer offers various sleeves, bags and cases, which are worth looking at. Especially the satellite section tends to end up as a cube box, which quickly becomes noticeable in a diminishing look, especially since the surface of the satellites is much more sensitive compared to the subwoofer.

The subwoofer of the LD Systems CURV 500 TS

As always in this performance class, there is always the haptic challenge detached from the sound of the bass range. The woofer, which is made of 18 mm birch plywood and measures 600 mm x 437 mm x 587 mm, leaves a solid impression and defies many an external impact with its polyurea coating, but the weight of 35.5 kg proves to be a real challenge in terms of transportability. A single person quickly comes to the limit in terms of assembly, so I strongly recommend ordering the optionally offered trolley, which can be attached to the woofer, for back reasons.

In terms of workmanship, there is absolutely nothing to criticize about the woofer, all screws, corners and strips are optimally processed, individual parts such as feet, etc. can be easily replaced. For a more voluminous reproduction, a comparatively small, rectangular bass reflex port was placed in each corner, probably to keep the dimensions of the woofer as compact as possible. If you remove the grille, you get a view of the woofer's inner workings, which underpins the above impression. Even a vibration damping sealing tape is used.

The satellites of the LD Systems CURV 500 TS

That the designation "Curv" in the product name was not chosen without ulterior motives becomes apparent at the latest when analyzing the satellite system. A total of up to 4 satellites, 2 single satellites and 2 double satellites each. Double satellites are maneuvered by an adapter piece for the distance rod either into a straight or beveled radiation plane. A single satellite has a 4 inch driver with 3 tweeters of 1 inch each on a vertical rail. The duplex version doubles the number of tweeters accordingly.

For a simple but effective connection, both in mechanical and electrical form, provide the so-called Smart-Link rails, where the individual satellites are slid over each other and snap into place accordingly. The included Smart-Link adapter, which is always positioned first on the spacer bar, then decides the angle of the satellite construction by means of two openings located on the bottom of the adapter. The dimensions of the single satellites are 12 cm in cube, resulting in a maximum array length of 72 cm (2x single, 2x double).

The LD Systems CURV 500 TS in practice

The application possibilities of the LD Systems CURV 500 TS are manifold. Starting with a commercial DJ performance, through the electrical field to the classic band constellation. However, an array system always has the same advantages and disadvantages, from which the LD Systems CURV 500 TS is not completely spared. Let's start with the advantages.

As expected, the woofer with its high power reserves comes with a lot of headroom. The bass is very well defined and doesn't falter even at high volumes. Both in music and speech reproduction, the bass (with high-pass for speech, of course) is well reproduced and provides the necessary pressure.

The flexibility in terms of satellite use also makes itself positively felt. At a trade show presentation or a seminar, 2 satellites are usually enough to bring the speech intelligibility to a good level, especially since the inclination of the lower satellites at full extension only really become noticeable when placed on a "real" stage from about 1 meter upwards. As expected, the system throws in the high frequency range significantly further than a comparable 12/1 or 15/1 construction, which is known to be the parade discipline of the array systems. Especially in terms of speech or vocal intelligibility, the system scores immensely, while the basic sound of the system is comparatively balanced. Why only comparatively?

Well, the disadvantage of the column principle will probably always be the famous low midrange reproduction. No matter how hard you try, without an appropriate midrange driver the frequency gap between the woofer and the tweeter will always be more or less present. Where the woofer can no longer reach and the satellites still can't, a frequency dip is inevitably created, which is more or less noticeable depending on the instruments.

The LD Systems CURV 500 TS also has to face this physical fact, but is undoubtedly one of the representatives that master this fact much better than other competing products. The woofer is flexible enough in the day to be able to set accents in the mid-range and catches the low-mid hole very well. Ultimately, everyone has to find out for themselves whether their music is adequately reproduced on an array system. In any case, there are enough reasons for such a solution.


The LD Systems CURV 500 TS is an excellent small P.A. on array basis on the market. The combination of high performance, flexible concept, very good workmanship and extremely powerful sound convinces all along the line and can be used in a wide variety of areas.

Whether in the DJ, electro and rock/pop area, the system scores with a great flexibility with very compact dimensions and also knows how to master pure voice reproduction such as trade fair use, seminar or forum sound reinforcement without any problems.

Additional informations:

LD Systems is a renowned company in the field of professional audio technology, offering a wide range of high-quality audio products and solutions. This comprehensive report aims to provide a detailed analysis of LD Systems, covering its history, product portfolio, technological innovations, market position, and future prospects.

Company Overview:
LD Systems was established in Germany in 2002 and has rapidly grown to become a leading global provider of professional audio equipment. The company was founded on the principles of innovation, reliability, and superior sound quality. With a strong focus on research and development, LD Systems has consistently pushed the boundaries of audio technology, catering to the needs of musicians, audio professionals, and event organizers worldwide.

Product Range:
LD Systems offers a diverse range of audio products designed to meet the requirements of various applications, from live performances and concerts to corporate events and installations. The company's product portfolio includes portable PA systems, active and passive loudspeakers, wireless microphone systems, mixing consoles, in-ear monitoring systems, and accessories.

3.1 Portable PA Systems:
LD Systems' portable PA systems are known for their excellent sound quality, ease of use, and portability. These systems are ideal for small to medium-sized venues, providing powerful and clear sound reinforcement. LD Systems' portable PA systems incorporate advanced features such as built-in mixers, wireless connectivity, and integrated battery-powered options, making them versatile solutions for a wide range of applications.

3.2 Loudspeakers:
LD Systems offers a comprehensive selection of active and passive loudspeakers suitable for various settings, including concerts, clubs, theaters, and houses of worship. The company's loudspeakers are engineered to deliver exceptional sound reproduction, precise dispersion patterns, and robust build quality. LD Systems' loudspeakers are available in different configurations, including line arrays, point source systems, and subwoofers, ensuring flexibility for any audio setup.

3.3 Wireless Microphone Systems:
LD Systems' wireless microphone systems provide reliable and interference-free audio transmission for performers, presenters, and public speakers. The company's wireless systems offer a range of options, including handheld, lavalier, headset, and instrument transmitter systems. LD Systems employs advanced wireless technology to ensure stable connections, excellent audio quality, and ease of use, making them suitable for both professional and educational applications.

3.4 Mixing Consoles:
LD Systems' mixing consoles are designed to meet the demands of audio engineers and sound technicians. These consoles combine intuitive control interfaces with powerful signal processing capabilities. LD Systems offers a range of mixing consoles, from compact models for small-scale applications to full-featured digital consoles for large-scale productions. These consoles provide precise control over audio signals, extensive routing options, and integrated effects, enabling professionals to achieve superior sound quality.

3.5 In-Ear Monitoring Systems:
LD Systems' in-ear monitoring systems offer a personalized and immersive listening experience for musicians and performers on stage. These systems provide clear and accurate audio monitoring, eliminating the need for traditional stage monitors. LD Systems' in-ear monitoring systems include wireless transmitters and receivers, earphones, and accessories, ensuring reliable and high-fidelity audio reproduction during live performances.

Technological Innovations:
LD Systems places a strong emphasis on technological innovation to remain at the forefront of the audio industry. The company invests in research and development to integrate cutting-edge technologies into its products. LD Systems' innovations include advanced digital signal processing, wireless transmission technologies, lightweight and durable materials, and energy-efficient designs. These innovations enhance the overall performance, reliability, and user experience of LD Systems' audio solutions.

Market Position:
LD Systems has established a prominent position in the professional audio market. The company's commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation has earned it a loyal customer base and strong brand recognition. LD Systems' products are distributed worldwide through a network of authorized dealers, ensuring global availability and support. The company's reputation for delivering high-quality audio solutions has made it a preferred choice for professional audio users across various industries.

Customer Support and Satisfaction:
LD Systems places great importance on customer satisfaction and provides comprehensive customer support services. The company offers technical assistance, product training, and warranty services to ensure customer satisfaction throughout the product lifecycle. LD Systems' commitment to customer support has contributed to its positive reputation and long-term customer loyalty.

Future Prospects:
With a solid foundation in the professional audio industry and a focus on technological innovation, LD Systems is well-positioned for future growth. The company's dedication to delivering high-quality audio products, coupled with its ability to adapt to emerging trends and market demands, ensures its continued success. LD Systems' expansion into new markets and continued investment in research and development will drive its future prospects.

LD Systems' commitment to innovation, superior sound quality, and customer satisfaction has positioned it as a leading player in the professional audio technology industry. The company's extensive product range, technological advancements, and global market presence make it a preferred choice for musicians, audio professionals, and event organizers worldwide. With a focus on continuous improvement and future-oriented strategies, LD Systems is poised for sustained growth and continued success in the dynamic audio technology market.

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