Montag, 5. Juni 2023

TEST: Lehle Mono Volume 90

There are products that have a doubly difficult time in their external presentation. On the one hand, they regulate an effect that is usually classified by most users as quite unspectacular and on the other hand, mostly out of ignorance, the statement "I can do that differently" follows at very short intervals. One of these pitiful species is the volume pedal, which is available since the beginning of the electric guitar in many variations on the market, but still has not brought it beyond a discreet insider status. Quote: "I have a volume control on my guitar, I have a volume control on my amplifier, what am I supposed to do with a volume pedal? The man can be helped.


Although the name Lehle has made it to the highest realms in the professional field, such as on Jeff Beck's pedalboard, the name will be rather an unknown quantity to one or the other musician who has little to do with amplifiers that have to be managed in parallel in the studio or on stage. The company, founded by Burkhard Lehle in 1999, specializes in switching, splitting or routing signals with the highest fidelity; as far as I know, there is no active signal processing in the sense of an effects unit.

In addition, the products are designed, manufactured and assembled in Germany, so that one can speak of a real Made in Germany and not like some American companies that have their products built in Mexico, import it back to the U.S., screw together a few individual parts there, and then sell it as Made in the U.S. with a corresponding price premium. Since the beginning of the company, Lehle has stood for German engineering culture, i.e. solid construction with the best individual parts, built for maximum longevity with a corresponding delivery price. Cheap means different, but also sounds different! Well then, why should one put almost 200 euros for an apparent volume control on the table?


When I picked up the packaging of the Lehle Mono Volume 90 for the first time, I suspected that Lehle had used lead batteries from car batteries to pad the packaging. The extremely solidly built from sheet steel pedal brings it to not quite 2 kilograms, a value that is very rarely found in pedals of this size (26 cm x 10 cm x 6.6 cm - L x W x H). If you now think it's a listlessly placed potentiometer, you couldn't be further from reality. We still know the same problem from the first CryBaby generations, which, in parallel to the drop in treble when the volume was reduced, also often drew attention to themselves with dirt on the conductor tracks and an accompanying scratching due to the proximity to the usually dirty stage floor.

Also, the famous Morley solution in the form of a photoelectric sensor was not used, rather Lehle breaks new ground here and builds in the Lehle Mono Volume 90 a magnetic sensor, which makes use of the Hall effect named after Edwin Hall and measures the strength of a magnetic field. The control is completely free of wear and noise, and also allows extremely precise work. The pedal is adjustable in control travel, allowing control from -92 dB to 0 dB. However, you can also enter a minimum volume of up to -90 dB via the Unity knob and set a +10 dB booster via a gain control. A nice feature for low-power vintage pickups.

To drive these active electronics, the Lehle Mono Volume 90 requires an internal operating voltage of 18 volts, which it assembles, and this is what makes it special, from almost any voltage supplier from 9 - 15 volts DC or 7 - 12 volts AC by rectifying, filtering and stabilizing. It's a dream come true compared to the power supply drama that some manufacturers inflict on their customers. For that alone, you'd have to buy the Lehle Mono Volume 90 to beat the other manufacturers to the punch when they come up with their proprietary island solutions again to make a customer dependent on their power supplies. One input, two outputs (dry and FX), done! Oh yes, 2 drill holes in combination with 2 drill slots for sliding the pedal on a floorboard is once again one of these small, but excellent detail solutions, by which you can recognize real engineering art.


Very simple, very short, simply perfect! Everything works, the personal adjustment options are unparalleled, the sound is not changed or colored at any time. Whether as a booster for another channel before the vintage amp, as a volume control for the "violin effect" on the guitar or as a master volume control in the serial FX loop for the brief increase of the volume during the solo (the FOH has been sleeping again ...), everything is fine, everything is perfect! It doesn't get any better than this.


With the Lehle Mono Volume 90, Burkhard Lehle has probably the best volume pedal in this category on the market today. Wear-free, side-noise-free, equipped with innovative and excellent detail solutions, in addition a complete production at a local taxpayer, what please can be done better here?

OK, the color of the Jack-Wolfskin-crepe-sole-for-footwear may not be everyone's cup of tea ;-)

Top mark! Absolutely test!

Additional informations:

- This comprehensive report provides a detailed overview of Lehle Pedals, a renowned company specializing in the design and manufacturing of high-quality guitar and bass pedals. Founded in Germany, Lehle Pedals has gained a reputation for producing innovative, durable, and versatile effects pedals that cater to the needs of professional musicians and enthusiasts alike.

Company Background: Lehle Pedals was established in 1999 by Burkhard Georg Lehle, a passionate musician and electronics engineer. The company is headquartered in Germany and operates with a strong commitment to craftsmanship, attention to detail, and uncompromising quality. Lehle Pedals has become synonymous with excellence in the guitar effects pedal industry.
Product Range: Lehle Pedals offers a diverse range of effects pedals that cater to the specific needs of guitarists and bassists. Their product lineup includes:
Switching and Routing Pedals: Lehle Pedals is renowned for its high-quality switching and routing pedals, which provide seamless signal routing, switching, and blending capabilities. These pedals enable musicians to customize their signal chain and create complex setups with ease, ensuring optimal control over their sound.

b. Overdrive and Distortion Pedals: Lehle Pedals' overdrive and distortion pedals are designed to deliver a wide range of tonal options, from subtle warmth to heavy distortion. These pedals incorporate innovative circuitry and high-quality components, resulting in exceptional sound quality and responsiveness.

c. Modulation and Time-based Effects: The company offers a variety of modulation and time-based effects pedals, including chorus, flanger, phaser, delay, and reverb. Lehle Pedals' modulation and time-based effects provide musicians with rich, immersive sounds, precise control, and versatile sonic possibilities.

d. Compressor and Equalizer Pedals: Lehle Pedals' compressor and equalizer pedals are highly regarded for their transparent and studio-quality sound. These pedals allow musicians to shape their tone, control dynamics, and achieve a balanced sound in any playing situation.

e. Specialty Pedals: Lehle Pedals also produces specialty pedals that address specific needs, such as the Basswitch range designed for bass guitarists. These pedals provide dedicated features and functionalities tailored to the unique requirements of bass players.

Innovation and Quality: Lehle Pedals prides itself on innovation and the relentless pursuit of excellence in product design and quality. The company's pedals are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, utilizing premium components and robust construction. Lehle Pedals' commitment to innovation is reflected in the incorporation of advanced circuitry, unique features, and user-friendly designs in their products.

Endorsements and Recognition: Lehle Pedals has gained recognition and endorsements from numerous professional musicians and industry experts. Renowned artists across different genres appreciate the reliability, versatility, and sonic excellence of Lehle Pedals' products. These endorsements validate the company's commitment to delivering exceptional quality and performance.

Customer Satisfaction and Support: Lehle Pedals places great importance on customer satisfaction, providing comprehensive pre-sales and after-sales support. The company's commitment to excellence extends beyond the product itself, as they offer personalized assistance, troubleshooting, and technical advice to ensure that customers have the best possible experience with their pedals.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Lehle Pedals has established itself as a leading manufacturer of high-quality guitar and bass pedals. The company's dedication to craftsmanship, innovation, and customer satisfaction has positioned it as a trusted brand in the music industry. With a diverse range of pedals catering to different musical styles and applications, Lehle Pedals continues to empower musicians with top-notch effects that enhance their creativity and sonic expression.

- This comprehensive report provides an extensive overview of guitar effects pedals, a crucial component of the modern guitarist's toolkit. Guitar effects pedals offer a wide range of sonic possibilities, allowing musicians to shape and enhance their guitar tones to create unique and expressive sounds. This report explores the various types of guitar effects pedals, their functionalities, and their impact on the music industry.

Types of Guitar Effects Pedals: a. Distortion and Overdrive Pedals: Distortion and overdrive pedals are among the most popular types of guitar effects pedals. They add varying degrees of gain and saturation to the guitar signal, creating a distorted or overdriven sound. These pedals are commonly used in rock, metal, and blues genres to achieve gritty, aggressive, or warm tones.

b. Modulation Pedals: Modulation pedals include chorus, flanger, phaser, and tremolo effects. These pedals modulate the guitar signal, altering its frequency, phase, or amplitude. Modulation effects add depth, movement, and texture to the sound, often used to create swirling, swirling, and ethereal tones.

c. Time-based Effects Pedals: Time-based effects include delay and reverb pedals. Delay pedals create echo-like repetitions of the guitar signal, while reverb pedals simulate the natural reverberation of different spaces. These effects add spatial depth, ambiance, and atmosphere to the guitar sound.

d. Filter and Wah Pedals: Filter and wah pedals modify the frequency response of the guitar signal. Filter pedals emphasize or cut specific frequency ranges, allowing guitarists to create unique tonal variations. Wah pedals, controlled by rocking a foot pedal, create a sweeping, vocal-like effect by selectively emphasizing certain frequencies.

e. Dynamics and Compression Pedals: Dynamics and compression pedals help control the dynamics of the guitar signal. Compression pedals even out the volume levels of the guitar signal, resulting in a more balanced sound. They are often used to add sustain, enhance attack, or tighten the guitar sound.

f. Octave and Pitch-shifting Pedals: Octave and pitch-shifting pedals alter the pitch of the guitar signal. These pedals can add lower or higher octaves to the original sound, create harmonies, or produce unique pitch-shifting effects, opening up creative possibilities for guitarists.
Impact on the Music Industry: Guitar effects pedals have had a profound impact on the music industry, shaping the sounds of countless genres and revolutionizing the way guitarists approach their instrument. These pedals have allowed musicians to explore new sonic territories, express their creativity, and push the boundaries of traditional guitar playing. From iconic guitar solos to experimental sonic landscapes, the use of effects pedals has become an integral part of modern music production and live performances.

Technological Advancements: Guitar effects pedals have evolved significantly in terms of technology and design. The advancement of digital signal processing (DSP) has led to the development of digital effects pedals, which offer greater versatility, flexibility, and a wide range of effects in a compact form. Digital pedals often incorporate programmability, multiple presets, and connectivity options for seamless integration with other gear.

Selection and Integration: The selection and integration of guitar effects pedals depend on personal preferences, musical style, and the desired sonic palette. Guitarists often create pedalboards, a setup consisting of multiple pedals connected in a specific order. This arrangement allows for easy access and control over the effects chain, ensuring efficient and intuitive operation during performances.

Market and Manufacturers: The market for guitar effects pedals is diverse and competitive, with numerous manufacturers offering a wide range of options to cater to different needs and budgets. Well-known companies in the industry include Boss, MXR, Electro-Harmonix, TC Electronic, Strymon, and many others. These manufacturers continually innovate and introduce new pedals, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in terms of sound manipulation.

Conclusion: In conclusion, guitar effects pedals play a pivotal role in shaping the sonic landscape of modern guitar music. These pedals offer a wide array of creative possibilities, allowing guitarists to craft unique tones and express their musicality. With advancements in technology and a vibrant market, the world of guitar effects pedals continues to evolve, providing guitarists with an ever-expanding toolbox for sonic exploration and artistic expression.

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