Freitag, 19. Januar 2024


 What hasn't already been written, discussed and philosophized about headphones, as you can use them to get every conceivable gradation of quality, from the cruel "earphones" at iPod level that are barely tolerable for voice messages, to the almost perfect, three-dimensional sound reproduction thanks to dummy head recordings in terms of listening pleasure.

While the “healthy middle range of quality” on headphones is now almost exclusively used by instrumentalists in the studio for recording compositions, the gap in quality awareness among end users is becoming ever wider, similar to the income situation of Germans. While in one corner a conscious ear for frequencies is actually no longer present, the other corner takes a diametrical path towards maximum upgrades in terms of materials, sound behavior, impulse fidelity and wearing comfort.

A product from the second category is the AKG K702, a pair of headphones which, according to the manufacturer, are only equipped with the best components, but are also in the high-price segment with an impressive RRP of just under €400. The test will show whether the “Made In Austria” headphones, which are in the top weight class, the reference class, are worth their price.


The K702 is a dynamic headphone designed with an open design. This means that despite using the headphones, the ambient noise can be heard to a large extent. The advantage lies in the communication with the “outside world”, which can be made much easier from a psychological and practical perspective than with closed systems.

The disadvantage of an open design, for example, is that a drummer will prefer closed headphones to record his parts due to the very high sound level of his instrument. In general you can say, “the louder your instrument, the more closed” (forgive me for this outrageous illustration).

The K702 has a commercially available shape, but what immediately catches the eye is, in addition to the elaborate headband construction, the oversized ear capsules, which should provide one or two surprises during the test.

In terms of technical data, the K702 is in the green zone in all categories, or even far beyond it. For example, a frequency response of 10 - 39,800 Hertz is more suitable for the “higher, faster, further” group and provides 50% of the human hearing with measurement data beyond the hearing threshold.

With a nominal impedance of 62 ohms, the K702 is pleasingly low and can therefore make full use of its sensitivity of 105 db SPL / V. Its weight of 235 g is moderate due to the complex construction, but can be described as light for the components it offers.

The headphones have the standard 6.3 mm jack plug, which can be converted into a 3.5 mm mini jack plug by simply unscrewing the top cover. Both connectors are gold-plated and thus ensure optimized signal flow.

An unusual but very useful feature is the headphones' detachable cable. Finally, when storing or transporting the product, you can store or transport the cable separately and you don't always have to resort to the terrible "I'll wrap you around an earpiece" or the infamous "knot solution with pre-programmed cable break". Since I've been working with headphones, the cable problem has always annoyed me, so you can't praise such a comparatively simple feature enough!

A very complex “cable solution” leads to optimal placement of the headphones on the head. The padded leather strap is optimally placed on the head using two threads on each side using a return system on the two guide rails and thus adapts to almost any head shape.


During the first use, the large ear capsules are immediately noticeable in terms of wearing comfort. On the one hand, you have the very pleasant effect that, due to the fact that the entire ear is free under the capsule without any pressure point, there is no blood congestion in the auricle, even after long periods of use. Who doesn't know the annoying itching that occurs after a while with almost every pair of headphones due to the difficult blood supply to the outer ear.

The unpleasant side effect, however, is that the ear capsules (at least with my face shape) now rest on the cheekbones due to their size and exert a slight pressure from the outside in. Not overly strong, but at least enough to give my brain a brief “what’s that” effect. However, this is a purely subjective impression that cannot be generalized. Every face is different, so an individual comparison must be made. This is probably just a matter of habit.

In terms of sound, the K702, like many devices in the higher quality range, initially comes across as a bit “brittle” or “angular”. Where did that come from? Well, a reference device must be able to do one thing above all else: the neutral reproduction of a signal without the oh-so-popular “whitewashing effect”.

While the majority of “instrumentalist headphones” with their soft, over-present bass, slightly lowered high-mids and defused high-frequency range are primarily intended to provide a “feel-good” effect for the artist and an associated increase in performance, a reference Product to face the unvarnished truth and reproduce every dented frequency curve in all its “tonal ugliness”.

Therefore, any experienced headphone user will at first listen to the K702 have a slight over-presence in the mid to high mid range. However, this is primarily due to the frequencies being reproduced as linearly as possible and is initially interpreted as “harsh” or “sharp” due to the hypersensitivity of human hearing in the midrange.

In addition, the light neodymium magnets have a faster response and do not “swallow up” the high frequency range as quickly as their sometimes slower relatives, which also contributes to the present sound. If you know how to integrate these behaviors into your listening behavior, the experienced sound engineer/sound engineer will find the K702 to be a highly impulse-fidelity headphone that is not disturbed by high sound pressure and unexpected level peaks.


The AKG K702 has fulfilled its claim to be a reference class! Processing, construction and detailed solutions are at the highest level and ensure a long service life and practical handling.

If you have become familiar with the sonic characteristics of the K702, or if you have already sensitized yourself to the point where you know how to interpret the frequency curve and the impulse behavior tonally correctly, you have a tool with the K702 The top class is available, which fulfills its function to the fullest extent and with the highest quality!


Additional Informations:

The Intricate Genesis and Significance of the AKG Company Name

AKG, a revered name in the realm of audio equipment, is not merely an acronym; it is a symbol of audio excellence, rooted in history and innovation. The name "AKG" carries a story that encapsulates the essence of the company's commitment to audio technology. In this extensive article, we will embark on a comprehensive journey into the origins, evolution, and profound significance of the AKG company name.

1. The Visionary Founders:
   To unravel the true essence of the AKG name, we must first delve into the visionary minds behind the company's inception. In 1947, Dr. Rudolf Görike and Ernst Pless, two Austrian engineers with a profound passion for audio technology, embarked on a remarkable journey to redefine the audio equipment industry. Their shared vision laid the foundation for what would become the AKG brand.

2. The Birth of AKG:
   At the heart of the AKG name lies an acronym - "AKG" stands for "Akustische und Kino-Geräte," which translates to "Acoustic and Cinema Equipment" in English. The selection of this name was not arbitrary; it was a deliberate choice that beautifully encapsulated the essence of the company's mission and aspirations.

3. Deciphering the Name:
   "AKG" signifies more than just a name; it is an embodiment of purpose. "Akustische" signifies "Acoustic," underlining the core essence of AKG's commitment to the realm of sound and audio technology. "Kino-Geräte," translated as "Cinema Equipment," highlights the company's initial focus on providing top-notch audio solutions for movie theaters, emphasizing the founders' ardent desire to elevate the cinematic experience through audio innovation.

4. Pioneering Innovation:
   AKG set forth on its journey with a profound commitment to innovation and quality. The company rapidly garnered recognition for its high-quality microphones, headphones, and other audio equipment, ushering in a new era in sound reproduction technology.

5. Global Expansion:
   AKG's relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation transcended national boundaries. The brand quickly gained international acclaim, solidifying its position as a global pioneer in audio technology.

6. Musical Influence:
   AKG microphones played an instrumental role in shaping the music and recording industry. Iconic musicians such as The Beatles and Frank Sinatra entrusted their studio recordings to AKG microphones, highlighting the brand's indispensable role in the world of music.

7. AKG and Samsung:
   In 1993, AKG became a part of the Samsung Group, a South Korean conglomerate with a global presence. This strategic alliance enabled AKG to continue its legacy of innovation while leveraging Samsung's worldwide reach and resources to propel the brand even further.

The name "AKG" transcends mere nomenclature; it is a testament to a storied history of dedication, passion, and innovation. From its humble origins in Vienna, Austria, as "Akustische und Kino-Geräte," AKG has evolved into a globally acclaimed brand synonymous with unparalleled sound quality and revolutionary audio solutions. The name "AKG" remains a beacon of the visionary spirit of its founders and the unwavering commitment to providing extraordinary audio experiences to both professionals and enthusiasts alike.


The Austrian audio industry boasts a storied history of innovation and craftsmanship, contributing significantly to the global landscape of sound technology. From the early pioneers of audio equipment to modern-day innovations, this comprehensive article will take you on a journey through the evolution of the Austrian audio industry, highlighting key milestones, prominent figures, and its enduring impact on the world of sound.

1. The Pioneering Years:
   The roots of the Austrian audio industry can be traced back to the late 19th century when inventors and engineers began experimenting with sound reproduction technology. One of the earliest contributors was Ernst Siemens, who patented the carbon microphone in 1877, a groundbreaking invention that played a pivotal role in early telephone communication.

2. Founding of AKG Acoustics:
   A milestone moment in the history of Austrian audio technology occurred in 1947 when Dr. Rudolf Görike and Ernst Pless established AKG Acoustics in Vienna. The company quickly gained recognition for its high-quality microphones and headphones, setting new standards in sound reproduction.

3. Neumann's Impact:
   Georg Neumann, a renowned Austrian inventor, and engineer founded Neumann Microphones in 1928. His innovative microphone designs, such as the U 47 and U 87, became industry standards, favored by musicians, broadcasters, and studios worldwide.

4. Innovations in Loudspeakers:
   The Austrian audio industry made significant contributions to loudspeaker technology. Companies like Prosonic and T+A Elektroakustik produced world-class loudspeakers that earned acclaim for their precise sound reproduction.

5. Expansion of Austrian Audio Brands:
   Austrian audio brands expanded their reach globally, with their products being used in diverse applications, from recording studios to live performances. AKG's microphones were adopted by iconic musicians, while Neumann's studio microphones became a staple in professional recording studios.

6. Integration of Technology:
   Austrian audio companies embraced technological advancements, incorporating features such as noise-canceling technology, wireless connectivity, and digital signal processing into their products to meet the demands of modern consumers.

7. AKG's Acquisition by Samsung:
   In 1993, AKG was acquired by the Samsung Group, a South Korean conglomerate. This partnership enabled AKG to access greater resources and expand its presence in the global audio market while maintaining its commitment to quality and innovation.

8. Modern-Day Innovations:
   The Austrian audio industry continues to innovate in the 21st century. Companies like Austrian Audio, a successor of AKG, specialize in cutting-edge microphones and headphones, carrying forward the legacy of Austrian excellence in audio technology.

9. The Legacy of Excellence:
   The Austrian audio industry's legacy is marked by a commitment to excellence, precision, and innovation. Austrian-made audio equipment continues to be synonymous with top-tier quality and reliability, earning the trust of professionals and enthusiasts worldwide.

The history of the Austrian audio industry is a testament to the nation's enduring dedication to pushing the boundaries of sound technology. From pioneering inventors and iconic brands like AKG and Neumann to modern-day innovations, Austria's contribution to the world of audio equipment is profound and enduring. As we continue to witness advancements in sound technology, the Austrian audio industry stands as a beacon of excellence, shaping the way we experience and appreciate sound in our lives.

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