Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2024

TEST: Aphex 204

 APHEX! A name like Donnerhall! At least if, like me, you have been dealing with studio technology for over two decades or sometimes have to sit down. “Donnerhall?” the younger readers will suspect, “what is so incomparable about the company name?”

I dare say that EVERYONE has heard the name Aphex at least over 1000 times in their life, even if in such a subtle way that they are not aware of it. In the eternal top ten studio list, the experienced sound engineer will seamlessly place the American manufacturer in the “eternal best list” alongside more illustrious names such as Nieve, Studer, Focusrite and Eventide based on a single product alone.

We're talking about the Aural Exciter, a product that was born from a radio and television technician's accidentally miswired circuit and was given the final shine for decades as the last link in the cumulative chain of countless hits in world history. At the end of the seventies and beginning of the eighties, the device was so popular that you could only rent it for an hourly price of 30 dollars (!). Purchasing it was forbidden for fear of a copy of the circuit technology! One can imagine that only the big players in entertainment and broadcast technology had the necessary budget to secure this exquisite sound.

In times of the mass phenomenon of music, even legends cannot avoid revising their product range so as not to gather dust in the memories of yesterday. Aphex is now bringing a new edition of the 104 onto the market under the product name 204, which has several improvements compared to the previous model. Interestingly, Apex still manufactures its products in the USA and, like almost all of its colleagues, did not succumb to the temptation to move its production cities to the country without human, animal and environmental protection, China. Respect!


The Aphex 204 looks pretty, with its front made of brushed aluminum, framed in a height unit. The product is designed completely in stereo, all control elements are designed twice, so that you can also use it in mono. However, a link switch, which would be useful for mastering a stereo file, for example, is missing.

The Aphex 204 contains two trademarks with which the manufacturer manifested its reputation among sound engineers. In addition to the Aural Exciter, which is responsible for the upper frequency range, there is also the so-called “Big Bottom”, which, who would have thought, covers the bass range. Due to the fact that the product does not increase the frequency range in terms of performance like a shelving filter, the big bottom circuit also provides a kind of protection circuit for the low bass range.

You can increase the subjective bass response without destroying the bass speaker by overloading it. A sensible setup, especially when it comes to sound reinforcement with small speakers. Background sound systems, demonstrations or broadcasting in general will benefit immensely from this circuit.
On the front, a channel is divided into two areas each with three controls. The Big Bottom is divided into the areas “Drive” (effect level), “Tune” (starting frequency) and “Mix” (dry/wet mixing ratio). The Aural Exciter works in a similar way, which can also be controlled via “Tune”, “Mix” and “Harmonics” (number of overtones). Each channel also has its own bypass switch.

On the back, the product has consistently symmetrical signal routing, either via lockable XLR plugs or jacks. Two slightly wonky slide switches allow you to choose between the home recording level -10 dB or the studio level +4 dB. The device is cleanly processed and gives no cause for criticism.


OK, what does an Aural Exciter actually do with the signal? The magic word is “Harmonics” or in German “overtones”, although in this case you can also bring a few “undertones” into play. The sound of an instrument is defined by its number of overtones and undertones. In general, one can say that the aggressiveness or sharpness of a tone increases with the number of overtones. For example, a trumpet with a high number of overtones sounds sharper than an oboe, which has comparatively few overtones. By the way, a clean sine wave does not occur in nature, but can only be created artificially with an oscillator.

This means that the Aural Exciter (some competitors also like to call their products “enhancers” or “expanders”, thanks to trademark protection laws...) can breathe additional “freshness” into a signal by generating frequencies that are not (yet) present during the recording process were. This is not an equalizer or shelving filter function that simply boosts previously defined frequencies, but rather the tonal source material is analyzed and “harmoniously supplemented” accordingly.

If you switch on the device and use the unspectacular “everything at 12 o’clock” setting as a basis, even with this insignificant basic setting, it suddenly becomes clear why, in those days and even today, a murmur goes through the rooms as soon as the device is activated . If you're ever in danger of never wanting to put a product down, that's the case with the Aphex 204! The audiophile addictive nature that this product creates within seconds is unbelievable! Every signal that is fed to the aphex experiences a very special kind of refreshment.

The device impresses across the board, especially in the mastering process. Ultimately, everyone has to know for themselves whether they prefer a hardware or software solution for editing their audio material. However, if you prefer the haptic experience, the Aphex 204 is the first choice! I can only recommend deactivating the device regularly, or you will completely lose the feeling for the neutral sound of the source material.


There are not many audio products that add such a distinctive timbre to an output signal that they actually have to be called a trademark. The Aphex Aural Exciter is undoubtedly one of them, as it gives the end product the sound of a real instrument. Often copied and rarely equaled, the product knows how to set standards even 35 years after its market launch, which drives its competitors to the development tables in droves.

Unobtrusively and yet effectively, the product adds exactly the loudness effect to the sound material that the ear canals like to perceive and fortunately has nothing to do with the “bathtub-EQ-GTI-car-stereo-idiot” department. With excellent sound and very good workmanship, the product can only be given the highest score! Respect!


Additional Informations:

Aphex Systems Ltd., more commonly known as Aphex Audio, has carved a distinguished niche in the audio engineering industry. Renowned for its innovative audio signal processing technologies, Aphex Audio has made substantial contributions to the fields of recording, broadcast, live sound, and consumer audio over several decades. This article delves into the intricate details of Aphex Audio's journey, its groundbreaking products, technological advancements, impact on the audio industry, and future prospects.

### Introduction

Aphex Audio's story is one of technological innovation and enduring impact on audio quality. The company's commitment to improving sound has made its products revered among professionals and audio enthusiasts worldwide.

### History and Development

1. **Origins and Evolution:**
   - *Foundation:* Established in the 1970s, Aphex Systems Ltd. began as a visionary venture aimed at elevating audio processing technology.
   - *Growth Over the Years:* Aphex quickly distinguished itself with unique audio enhancement products, gaining a reputation in professional audio circles.

2. **Milestones in Development:**
   - *Innovative Beginnings:* The introduction of the Aural Exciter marked Aphex's entry into the professional audio market, revolutionizing sound enhancement techniques.
   - *Expansion:* Over time, the company diversified its product range, consistently staying ahead of industry trends.

### Key Products and Innovations

1. **Aural Exciter:**
   - *Impact on Audio Processing:* This product became synonymous with the brand, known for its ability to enhance clarity and presence in audio signals without boosting volume excessively.
   - *Evolution of the Product:* The Aural Exciter has undergone several iterations, each improving on the last, to remain relevant in the changing audio landscape.

2. **Compellor:**
   - *Functionality:* As a compressor/leveler/limiter, the Compellor provided unmatched dynamic range control, becoming a staple in broadcasting and studio environments.

3. **Other Notable Products:**
   - *Dominators and Multiband Processors:* These offered essential multi-band compression and peak limiting for mastering and broadcast applications.
   - *IN2:* Representing Aphex's venture into the home studio market, the IN2 is a USB audio interface that integrates high-quality preamps and digital converters.

### Technological Advancements

- **Unique Circuit Designs:** Aphex's innovation in circuit design, such as the "Reflected Plate Amplifier" and "Optical Compressor," contributed significantly to its unique sound enhancement capabilities.

- **Adaptation to Digital Technology:** Embracing digital advancements, Aphex integrated digital processing in its analog products, enhancing functionality and compatibility with modern digital recording environments.

### Industry Impact and Contributions

1. **Influence in Studio Recording:** Aphex's products have left an indelible mark on the recording industry, widely used in the creation of numerous acclaimed recordings.

2. **Significance in Broadcasting:** In broadcasting, Aphex processors are renowned for their reliability and effectiveness in managing audio levels and quality.

3. **Presence in Live Sound Reinforcement:** Aphex gear is also prevalent in live sound applications, where it is prized for its ability to enhance clarity and control in challenging live performance environments.

### Market Presence and Brand Perception

- **Professional Acclaim:** The brand is highly respected in the audio industry for its consistent delivery of quality and reliability.
- **Global Reach:** Aphex's global presence is a testament to its universal appeal and effectiveness in various audio applications.

### Challenges and Opportunities

1. **Competitive Market Dynamics:** Aphex operates in a highly competitive industry, contending with numerous other manufacturers in the audio equipment space.

2. **Keeping Pace with Technology:** Continuously evolving digital audio technologies and consumer trends pose a challenge, necessitating ongoing innovation and adaptation.

### Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability

- **Adherence to Industry Standards:** Aphex maintains a strong commitment to high standards in manufacturing and product development, ensuring quality and reliability.

- **Environmental Responsibility:** The company is conscious of its environmental footprint, striving to implement sustainable practices in its operations.

### Future Outlook and Strategic Direction

1. **Innovation and Product Development:** Aphex is likely to continue investing in research and development to introduce new products that address the evolving needs of the audio industry.

2. **Adapting to Market Changes:** Embracing new digital technologies and audio streaming trends will be crucial for Aphex's sustained success and relevance.

### Conclusion

Aphex Audio stands as a paragon of innovation in the audio engineering industry. Its dedication to enhancing audio quality has cemented its place in various audio domains, from professional studios to live sound settings. Looking ahead, Aphex Audio is poised to continue influencing the world of sound, driven by its legacy of innovation and a deep understanding of audio technology's evolving landscape.

The Aphex Aural Exciter, a groundbreaking audio processing tool, has played a significant role in the evolution of sound engineering since its inception. This detailed article will explore the origins, development, impact, and legacy of the Aphex Aural Exciter, a device that has become a staple in recording studios, broadcast facilities, and live sound venues worldwide.

### Origins and Early Development

1. **Inception of the Idea:**
   - The concept of the Aural Exciter was developed in the early 1970s by Aphex Systems Ltd., a company known for its innovative approach to audio technology.
   - The initial idea was to create a device that could add brightness and vibrancy to audio signals without the harshness associated with equalization.

2. **Prototype and Experimentation:**
   - The first prototype of the Aural Exciter was built in the mid-1970s.
   - Early models were bulky and primarily used in professional settings due to their complexity and cost.

### Technical Breakthroughs

1. **Unique Processing Technique:**
   - The Aural Exciter's primary innovation lies in its ability to enhance harmonics, particularly in the high-frequency range, making the sound more "alive" and clear.
   - Unlike traditional equalizers, it adds synthesized harmonics to the original signal, giving depth and presence to the audio.

2. **Development of the Technology:**
   - Over the years, Aphex refined the technology, making it more compact, user-friendly, and affordable for a broader range of users.

### Impact on the Music and Recording Industry

1. **Early Adoption by Studios:**
   - The Aural Exciter quickly gained popularity in recording studios. It was a secret weapon for many engineers, used on countless hit records throughout the 1970s and 1980s.

2. **Broadcast and Live Sound Applications:**
   - The device also found a place in radio broadcasting and live sound reinforcement, where clarity and intelligibility of speech and music are crucial.

### Evolution and Model Variations

1. **Enhancements and Refinements:**
   - Over time, Aphex introduced various models of the Aural Exciter, each improving upon its predecessor in terms of sound quality, versatility, and ease of use.

2. **Integration with Other Technologies:**
   - Later versions incorporated additional features like optical compression, further expanding the device's capabilities.

### Industry Reception and Legacy

1. **Critical Acclaim and Adoption:**
   - The Aural Exciter has been praised by audio professionals for its unique ability to enhance sound quality without causing fatigue or introducing unwanted noise.

2. **Influence on Audio Processing:**
   - Its success paved the way for the development of other harmonic enhancement tools and influenced various aspects of sound processing in the industry.

### Challenges and Criticisms

1. **Imitation and Competition:**
   - The success of the Aural Exciter led to the emergence of similar products from competitors, creating a new market segment in audio processing.

2. **Varied Reception:**
   - While widely acclaimed, some audio engineers critiqued the device for its potential to be overused, leading to an unnaturally bright sound in recordings.

### Future Prospects and Continual Innovation

1. **Adaptation to Digital Era:**
   - Aphex has continued to innovate, adapting the Aural Exciter technology for the digital age and integrating it into various digital platforms and devices.

2. **Ongoing Influence:**
   - The Aural Exciter remains relevant in modern audio production, testament to its enduring impact on sound enhancement technology.

### Conclusion

The Aphex Aural Exciter's journey from a novel idea to a staple in audio engineering exemplifies the transformative power of innovation in sound technology. Its enduring legacy in the music and broadcasting industries continues to influence how professionals approach audio enhancement, making it a quintessential tool in the art of sound engineering.

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