Montag, 29. Januar 2024

TEST: Behringer Europower EPQ 2000

 How spoiled you are now. When the parcel service handed me the Behringer Europower EPQ 2000 for testing, I was actually surprised at first by its relatively high weight. Thanks to switching power supplies, competing products tend to be in the 4 kilogram range, so the EPQ 2000 is a bit surprising with its 7 kilograms.

How much I would have appreciated 7 kilograms in the days of conventional toroidal transformer equipment, which was the standard a few years ago. Today something like that is almost considered heavy. Let's see, maybe it's due to the massive design of the product.


The EPQ 2000, built in China, comes with standard 2U dimensions and leaves a robust impression at first glance. The solid sheet steel is neatly screwed together, has screwing options on the back of the rack and has double sheet metal guides on the front of the rack wings. In terms of performance, the stereo power amplifier offers RMS information of 2x 700 watts/4 ohms, 2x 500 watts/8 ohms and in bridge mode 1400 watts at 8 ohms. Unfortunately, 2 ohm stereo operation or 4 ohm bridge operation is not provided. Even though this impedance is relatively rarely used in the consumer sector, I think it's a shame to have to do without this feature.

As with other Europower power amplifiers in the higher power range, Behringer also uses Accelerated Transient Response (ATR) technology for the EPQ 2000, which promises better power output in relation to the components used and an accelerated transient response. Visually, Behringer adapts to the general trend of recent years. The brushed aluminum frame used on the front, in combination with the flawless workmanship, has almost no resemblance to the sometimes coarse black of the earlier power amplifier decades. The main sheet metal frame was finished in anthracite.

The solid screwed side wings and the 19 inch screw options on the back, which are common with powerful power amplifiers, give the product the necessary stability in the rack. Even if the product is primarily operated in a rack, it is still possible to use the power amplifier in stand-alone operation. Four soft rubber feet ensure good slip resistance on flat surfaces.

The front of the product is characterized by two intake openings, which are responsible for cooling the product. The power amplifier is cooled exclusively via air circulation, which sucks in the air from the back and removes it from the front. In addition to two level controls and a three-digit LED display, which provides information about the signal display functions, -10 dB, -20 dB, 0 dB (white LEDs) and the use of the internal limiter (blue LED), there are no other displays on the front. The on/off switch, which is surrounded by a blue ring during startup, is also located on the front.

On the back, the product has all standard inputs and outputs with small deductions. On the output side, only Speakon and bare wire are used; you won't find any jack sockets. The screw caps of the bare wire are protected with a plastic cover when the product is delivered.

On the input side, however, in addition to the standard jack or XLR, RCA plugs (one per channel) are also available. The product is delivered in stereo mode from the factory. Of course, operation in bridge mode or crossover mode is also possible, with the latter separating at a fixed frequency of 100 Hz. Channel 1 supplies the frequency range below the specified crossover frequency, channel 2 supplies the range above.

The internally installed limiter can be deactivated using a slider on the back. The product also has amplifier protection against short circuits, open outputs and thermal overload. Furthermore, the connected loudspeaker is protected against direct current.


Behringer assumes that the buyer of the EPQ 2000 is familiar with the operation and connection of power amplifiers; there is no other explanation for the lack of any operating instructions. The 13-language leaflet marked as “operating instructions” is limited to warranty descriptions and performance data, which in my opinion is too thin a basis when performance in the kilowatt range is required. At least a simple formulation of Ohm's law and error-free handling of the bare wire should be described in a supplementary sheet, otherwise damage to the components used may occur.

When you start using the product, you will first notice the loud fan noise in standby mode. This is negligible in rack operation under or behind the stage of a rock club, but in sensitive areas such as theater operations, voice recordings or studio operations, this noise may be a few levels too loud. Everyone should test in advance to what extent this point is relevant. There were no problems with the product in test operation. Handling and functionality were all within the acceptable range, and there were no misfires or problems of any kind.


With the Europower EPQ 2000, Behringer is bringing a very inexpensive consumer amplifier with good performance data onto the market. The product, built in China, is well made, looks good and will find its buyers if you can live with one or two limitations.

The lack of 2 ohm operation and a loud fan noise are a few negative points that each user has to decide for themselves whether these are relevant to them or not. In any case, it should be a reasonably experienced user who is not connecting a power amplifier for the first time. A simple operating manual costs cents and, in my opinion, should not be missing from any power amplifier delivery.


Additional Informations:

Behringer, established in 1989 by Uli Behringer, has made a significant impact in the audio industry by creating high-quality, budget-friendly audio equipment. This approach was groundbreaking, as it filled a vital gap in the market where professional audio equipment was typically expensive and out of reach for many aspiring musicians and audio engineers.

Uli Behringer's vision was to make professional audio equipment more accessible. He began this journey with the Behringer Studio Exciter Type F, a product designed to enhance audio quality without breaking the bank. This product set the tone for what Behringer would become known for: good quality audio gear at an affordable price.

Behringer's range of products expanded rapidly. The company began producing mixers, amplifiers, loudspeakers, and microphones, each characterized by affordability and functionality. For example, Behringer's mixers were particularly well-received in the market. They offered features that were typically only available in high-end equipment, such as multiple input and output options, advanced equalization controls, and robust build quality, all at a fraction of the cost of their competitors.

The key to Behringer's success has been its continuous innovation. The company has invested heavily in research and development, leading to the creation of new technologies that reduce production costs while maintaining quality. This focus on innovation has not only kept Behringer's products affordable but also ensured they meet the evolving needs of their customers.

Manufacturing in China was another strategic move that allowed Behringer to keep its prices low. By leveraging the cost efficiencies available in China, Behringer was able to compete aggressively in terms of pricing, making its products even more accessible to a global audience.

Beyond manufacturing and innovation, Behringer's marketing strategies have played a crucial role in its success. The company has been adept at using the internet and social media to reach and engage with its customer base. This direct line of communication has enabled Behringer to gather valuable feedback, which has been instrumental in shaping both current and future product offerings.

Despite its successes, Behringer has faced challenges, including legal disputes over intellectual property and criticisms regarding the quality of some of its products. However, the company has been proactive in addressing these issues, often using customer feedback as a guide to improve and refine its products.

Recently, Behringer has expanded into synthesizers and electronic music equipment. They have recreated classic synthesizer models, making them available at more affordable prices. This move has been met with mixed reactions. Some in the industry appreciate Behringer's effort to make vintage technology accessible to a wider audience, while others view it as a lack of innovation.

Behringer's impact on the audio industry is profound. By making professional audio equipment more accessible, Behringer has opened doors for a diverse array of users, from hobbyists and amateur musicians to professional recording studios and live sound engineers. Their products are now staples in various audio setups, and the company's commitment to affordability and quality continues to resonate with a broad customer base.

Looking to the future, Behringer shows no signs of slowing down. The company's dedication to innovation, quality, and affordability suggests that it will continue to play a pivotal role in the audio industry. Behringer's ability to adapt to market trends while staying true to its mission of democratizing audio technology positions it as a brand that will continue to shape the landscape of audio equipment for many years to come.

**Behringer Product Pricing: A Comprehensive Overview**

Behringer is a German audio equipment manufacturer that is known for its affordable products. The company offers a wide range of products, including mixers, amplifiers, speakers, microphones, effects pedals, and synthesizers.


Behringer mixers are some of the most popular and affordable mixers on the market. The company offers a wide range of mixers to suit every need, from small home studios to large concert venues.

**Mixer Price Range**

Behringer mixer prices range from around $20 for a 2-channel mixer to around $1,000 for a 64-channel mixer.

**Factors that Affect Mixer Prices**

The price of a Behringer mixer is affected by a number of factors, including:

* **Number of channels:** More channels generally means higher prices. A 2-channel mixer is a good option for a small home studio or for basic live sound applications. A 16-channel mixer is a good option for a larger home studio or for more complex live sound applications. A 32-channel or more mixer is a good option for a professional studio or for large live sound applications.
* **Inputs and outputs:** More inputs and outputs also generally means higher prices. A mixer with a variety of inputs and outputs is a good option for musicians who need to connect a variety of devices, such as microphones, instruments, and effects pedals.
* **Features:** Mixers with built-in effects or digital control are generally more expensive than mixers without these features. Built-in effects can be a great way to add effects to your sound without having to purchase external effects pedals. Digital control can make it easier to control your mixer, especially for complex applications.

**Popular Behringer Mixers**

Some of Behringer's most popular mixers include:

* **Xenyx QX1202USB:** This 12-channel mixer with USB audio interface is a great option for small home studios or live sound applications. It costs around $100.
* **X32:** This 32-channel digital mixer offers a wide range of features and is a popular choice for live sound and studio recording. It costs around $2,000.
* **Midas M32:** This 32-channel digital mixer is a high-end option that offers professional-grade features and performance. It costs around $6,000.


Behringer amplifiers are another popular line of products from the company. Behringer offers a wide range of amplifiers for both live sound and studio use. The company's amplifiers are known for their powerful performance and affordable price.

**Amplifier Price Range**

Behringer amplifier prices range from around $100 for a 100-watt amplifier to around $10,000 for a 10,000-watt amplifier.

**Factors that Affect Amplifier Prices**

The price of a Behringer amplifier is affected by a number of factors, including:

* **Power output:** More power output generally means higher prices. A 100-watt amplifier is a good option for small speakers or for small live sound applications. A 1,000-watt amplifier is a good option for larger speakers or for larger live sound applications. A 10,000-watt amplifier is a good option for very large speakers or for very large live sound applications.
* **Inputs and outputs:** More inputs and outputs also generally means higher prices. An amplifier with a variety of inputs and outputs is a good option for musicians who need to connect a variety of devices, such as speakers, microphones, and effects pedals.
* **Features:** Amplifiers with built-in effects or a DI box are generally more expensive than amplifiers without these features. Built-in effects can be a great way to add effects to your sound without having to purchase external effects pedals. A DI box can be a useful tool for connecting microphones or other instruments to an amplifier.

**Popular Behringer Amplifiers**

Some of Behringer's most popular amplifiers include:

* **Europower EP4000:** This 4000-watt power amplifier is a powerful option for live sound applications. It costs around $500.
* **Ultradrive DDM4000:** This digital mixer with a built-in amplifier is a versatile option for both live sound and studio use. It costs around $1,000.
* **Inuke 1000MP:** This 1000-watt power amplifier is a compact and affordable option for small live sound applications. It costs around $200.

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