Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2024

TEST: LD Systems WS 1000 HHD2

 In view of the fact that radio microphones have long since established themselves as a standard on the stages of the West, as in all areas of the consumer sector, it was only a matter of time before relevant companies turned the price screw by manufacturing in low-wage countries into areas that are almost considered science Fiction can be dismissed.

While the world market leaders such as Sennheiser and AKG will not go below the ominous price range of around 600 euros for a handheld/receiver combination, there are various competitors who have set themselves the target of the up-and-coming young band with the hard-pressed “small wallet”. To ensure wireless freedom on stages.

The manufacturer LD Systems offers its WS 1000 HHD2 double microphone set for a street price of just under 460 euros, a price at which the competition doesn't even start with a single microphone. Let's see to what extent LD Systems can assert itself against its mostly European competitors with its product from Chinese factories.

In terms of sales, the product continues to be sold through the company Adam Hall GmbH, which some of the readers may still know from their busy activity with flight case accessories.


The package includes two handheld transmitters WS1000MD, a WS1000 double receiver, two antennas, two antenna extensions for rack operation, a power supply for the receiver unit, a set of 19 inch rack brackets, four batteries for the transmitters and an operating manual. The receiver unit can also be operated in stand-alone mode without a rack bracket and has four small but non-slip feet on the underside of the housing. The housing is made of sufficiently strong sheet steel and is flawlessly processed.

In terms of transport, the entire system is delivered in a sturdy plastic hard case, equipped with foam to secure the components. The case can even be secured with two locks against unintentional opening thanks to two holes on the sliding locks. However, you can see that LD Systems uses standardized foam milling (one size fits all), so some components such as the receiver unit fit precisely into the recess, while the power supply unit has to be tightly squeezed into the foam at its height. A disadvantage of mass production.

For signal transmission, the WS 1000 HHD2 works with 160 switchable frequencies in the UHF band in the 790,850 - 813,800 MHz range. The receiver is designed in two identical versions with regard to the two reception modules; functions such as the antenna display or displays such as the output level are designed twice. The two displays on the front are equipped with sufficiently large letters and numbers and ensure that the individual information is easy to read even from a distance. The final elements are the power switch on the left side of the front panel and an adjustable headphone output on the right side.

On the back of the housing, in addition to the two antenna connections, there is a balanced XLR output per channel. If the situation requires it, you can also connect both channels to a single output; a balanced XLR and an unbalanced jack output are also available for this purpose. The threshold of the mute level can be readjusted in the event of any interference signals using two recessed trimming screws. The receiver comes with a 12 volt power supply, but the system also accepts voltages up to 18 volts as long as they deliver 500mA of current.

In order to generate a clear assignment of frequencies when using multiple systems, the receiving part in the middle of the front panel has an infrared sensor, which is programmed via the respective transmitter. Using an additional WS100AD Antenna Distributor, 4 receiving units can be connected together to share just one pair of antennas.

The handhelds, which are visually reminiscent of Shure microphones, have a small display on which, in addition to the channel indicators, the battery and infrared indicators also show their status. The product is powered by two standard AA batteries. The gain can also be readjusted using a small trim potentiometer. Unfortunately, the slider is very smooth and cannot be locked, so there is a latent risk of unintentionally deactivating the microphone.


After activating the products, the transmitter and receiver can be found within a few seconds, as the integrated frequency scanner automatically searches for a free frequency to transmit the signal. This makes handling easier when operating multiple systems in parallel. The subsequent transmission test did not disappoint either. Even a distance at which the signal had to overcome two reinforced concrete ceilings of a 1960s house (lots of steel - lots of shielding!) did not result in any loss of signal.

In terms of sound, the microphone also tries to emulate its visual model acoustically, although it doesn't quite achieve the balance of the original. All in all, the product leaves a good impression, especially since a high-quality filter on the console can help suit your personal taste. As is so often the case, however, when it comes to prices in Asian production, it is difficult to find a real point of criticism here, as the dumping sales price would put even moderately serious shortcomings into perspective.

In terms of weight, the handhelds are in the middle range. An experienced singer will have no problems with the product, although a two-hour performance with a lot of use of the arm should not be underestimated. The advantage of using AA batteries is that, due to the omnipresent use of the energy dispenser, replacement batteries can be found in every supermarket if necessary, which is not necessarily the case with 9 volt blocks.


With the WS 1000 HHD2, LD Systems is bringing a product onto the market that has a good price/performance ratio and, with two handhelds, is entering a market segment that has so far been rather rudimentary. Both radio links work perfectly and have a high level of clarity and good workmanship.

In terms of sound, the product is convincing, even if it lacks the ultimate polish for the top league. However, in view of the sales price, this area is put into perspective again. If you are looking for two radio links in just one housing, you should give the WS 1000 HHD2 a try.


Additional Informations:

In the realm of professional audio solutions, LD Systems Audio stands as a symbol of innovation, reliability, and uncompromising quality. From humble beginnings to global recognition, LD Systems has continually pushed the boundaries of audio technology, delivering cutting-edge products that meet the diverse needs of musicians, sound engineers, and audio enthusiasts worldwide. Join us as we embark on a comprehensive exploration of the rich history and evolution of LD Systems Audio, tracing its journey from inception to prominence in the competitive landscape of pro audio.

Founding Vision:
The story of LD Systems Audio begins in the early 2000s when Adam Hall Group, a leading manufacturer and distributor of professional audio and lighting equipment, recognized the need for a dedicated brand focused on providing high-quality sound reinforcement solutions at affordable prices. With a clear vision and a commitment to innovation, LD Systems was born, poised to disrupt the market with its blend of cutting-edge technology, ergonomic design, and exceptional value.

Early Innovations:
In its formative years, LD Systems Audio distinguished itself through a series of groundbreaking innovations and product releases. From portable PA systems and powered speakers to wireless microphone systems and in-ear monitoring solutions, LD Systems quickly established itself as a go-to choice for musicians, DJs, event organizers, and audio professionals seeking reliable, high-performance audio equipment. One of the brand's early successes was the Maui Series, a line of compact column PA systems that redefined portability and versatility in live sound reinforcement.

Market Expansion and Global Reach:
Buoyed by the success of its initial product offerings, LD Systems Audio wasted no time in expanding its presence in domestic and international markets. Strategic partnerships with distributors, dealers, and retailers enabled the brand to penetrate new territories and reach a wider audience of audio enthusiasts and professionals. With a growing network of authorized resellers and service centers spanning continents, LD Systems solidified its position as a global leader in pro audio, earning the trust and loyalty of customers around the world.

Commitment to Quality and Innovation:
Central to LD Systems' ethos is a steadfast commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation in every aspect of product development and manufacturing. The brand's dedicated team of engineers, designers, and audio experts work tirelessly to push the boundaries of technology, incorporating the latest advancements in acoustics, electronics, and materials science into every LD Systems product. Rigorous quality control processes and exhaustive testing protocols ensure that LD Systems equipment meets the highest standards of performance, durability, and user satisfaction.

Endorsements and Industry Recognition:
As LD Systems Audio continued to expand its product portfolio and global footprint, the brand garnered widespread recognition and acclaim from industry professionals, musicians, and audio enthusiasts alike. Endorsements from renowned artists and performers further solidified LD Systems' reputation as a trusted provider of pro audio solutions. From small clubs and theaters to major concert venues and festivals, LD Systems equipment became synonymous with reliability, versatility, and superior sound quality, earning accolades and awards from industry publications and organizations.

Continued Evolution and Innovation:
As the audio industry evolves and technology advances, LD Systems Audio remains at the forefront of innovation, continually refining and expanding its product lineup to meet the evolving needs of customers. Whether it's developing wireless microphone systems with advanced digital signal processing, designing compact line array systems for touring and installation applications, or incorporating smart features and connectivity options into its products, LD Systems continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in pro audio.

Expansion and Product Diversification:
As LD Systems Audio solidified its position in the professional audio market, the brand embarked on a journey of continuous expansion and product diversification. Recognizing the diverse needs of musicians, DJs, event organizers, and audio professionals, LD Systems expanded its product lineup to encompass a wide range of audio solutions tailored to various applications and environments. From portable PA systems and active speakers to subwoofers, mixers, amplifiers, and accessories, LD Systems left no stone unturned in its quest to provide comprehensive audio solutions for every stage and venue.

One notable addition to LD Systems' product portfolio was the CURV 500 series, an innovative modular array system that revolutionized the concept of portable line arrays. Featuring a unique curvilinear array design and flexible configuration options, the CURV 500 series offered exceptional coverage, clarity, and scalability, making it ideal for a wide range of live sound applications, from small clubs and houses of worship to outdoor events and corporate functions.

Global Distribution and Brand Recognition:
As LD Systems Audio continued to expand its product offerings and global footprint, the brand focused on strengthening its distribution network and enhancing brand recognition in key markets around the world. Strategic partnerships with distributors, dealers, and rental companies enabled LD Systems to establish a strong presence in Europe, North America, Asia, and beyond, ensuring that customers had access to its products and support services wherever they were located.

Through targeted marketing initiatives, trade show participation, and sponsorship of industry events, LD Systems bolstered its brand visibility and reputation, further solidifying its position as a trusted provider of professional audio solutions. Endorsements from leading artists, bands, and DJs helped raise awareness of LD Systems products and underscored their performance capabilities in real-world applications, contributing to the brand's growing popularity and success.

Customer-Centric Approach and Support:
At the heart of LD Systems Audio's success lies a customer-centric approach to product development, service, and support. From the design phase to post-purchase assistance, LD Systems is committed to delivering an exceptional customer experience at every touchpoint. The brand's dedicated customer support team is on hand to provide technical assistance, troubleshooting, and product recommendations, ensuring that customers receive prompt and personalized attention to their inquiries and concerns.

Furthermore, LD Systems places a strong emphasis on education and training, offering resources such as user manuals, tutorials, and online forums to help customers maximize the performance and functionality of their audio equipment. Whether it's setting up a sound system, optimizing speaker placement, or fine-tuning audio settings, LD Systems is committed to empowering customers with the knowledge and tools they need to achieve optimal results in any audio application.

Looking Ahead:
As LD Systems Audio looks to the future, the brand remains steadfast in its commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. With a focus on pushing the boundaries of audio technology, expanding its product lineup, and enhancing its global reach, LD Systems is poised to continue shaping the landscape of professional audio for years to come. Whether it's powering concerts, events, worship services, or corporate presentations, LD Systems remains dedicated to providing cutting-edge audio solutions that inspire creativity, elevate performances, and exceed expectations. As the journey of LD Systems Audio unfolds, one thing is certain: the brand's passion for innovation and sonic excellence will continue to resonate with musicians, audio professionals, and enthusiasts around the world, driving the evolution of live sound and studio recording for generations to come.

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