Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2024

TEST: Maäg Audio EQ4M

 It's the eternal battle of hardware versus software, analog manual work versus total recall, maximum sound output versus budget planning and in most cases budget planning wins. This is not surprising since, as we all know, the music industry and the associated sources of income have changed massively in recent years. However, this should not be understood as a judgment at all, because there are suitable buyers for both the hardware and the software solutions, although it is only important to find out in which area you are or would like to be. Today we once again have a battleship in the form of a 1U 19 inch version, which is available both as a software plugin and as a “half” 500 version. We're talking about the MÄAG EQ4M.

The construction of the MÄAG EQ4M

The MÄAG EQ4M is a stereo equalizer that has an identical right and left channel. The individual channels work with 2 x 6 bands each, which are divided into the groups 40 Hz, 160 Hz, 650 Hz as a bandpass and 2.5 kHz as a shelving filter. On the left and right sides of the frequency spectrum there is a control called SUB, which starts at 10 Hz and is diametrically opposed to the legendary Air band. The Air Band offers 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 kHz as operating frequencies.

Both the individual channels and the two air bands can be switched independently of one another. To better fix the setting and also to make it easier to remember the result, the potentiometers are all gridded. All bands offer boost/cut ranges of +15 dB and -4.5 dB with a center position at 0 dB. For the input level, both channels each offer a gridded gain control, which has two LEDs. As always, we have the control that the color green indicates that a signal is present, red indicates that the peak level has been reached.

Now many readers will immediately ask themselves why the manufacturer offers frequency ranges that are both far below and far above human hearing ability. 10 Hz or 40 kHz are out of the question, but even 20 kHz can actually only be heard by a newborn and the hearing range decreases very quickly with age. What needs to be taken into account, however, is that even if the core frequency is above or below human hearing ability, the sound range radiates into the human audible range.

This means that you perceive the deep bass and extreme highs more as colors or physical experiences than as actually entering the audible range of the music. One could almost speak of a slightly psychoacoustic perception, which, however, increases the quality of the auditory impression many times over and makes a recording appear somewhat “noble” or “finer” to a certain extent.

The processing of the MÄAG EQ4M

The product, developed and manufactured in the USA, once again demonstrates the very high quality of MÄAG-Audio in terms of workmanship. The equalizer sits in an extremely solid housing, is excellently manufactured and even small details such as the routing of the pressure switches, the countering of the individual controls on the front panel and the general high quality of the internal components show once again why MÄAG has such an excellent reputation in all of them years.

The steel sheet of the front panel alone is almost 3 mm thick and easily manages to support the product, which is not exactly light, even at a right angle, without any kind of twisting or bending occurring despite the powerful torque of the 22 cm deep housing .

The classic MÄAG blue with the color alignment of the control knobs, on the other hand, will in all probability still be polarizing. Personally, I really like the strong blue, but I also understand that there are people who will have problems with this “subtly” British color scheme, especially in combination with the Villa Kunterbunt knob department. As always, it's all a matter of taste.

The back of the MÄAG EQ4M

The tactile quality of the product is of course continued on the back. For the right / left In / Out channels we find lockable Neutrik sockets in XLR design, a cold device socket and a really nice, stiff on-off switch, so that even switching the product on and off is really fun.

The MÄAG EQ4M in practice

To put it bluntly, I couldn't make an A/B comparison with the software/plugin version of the EQ4M. All I could hear was footage from the internet of an engineer comparing the two products against each other. You could hear subtle differences, but I wouldn't presume to derive any kind of reference from a YouTube recording.

However, I am relatively sure that this product also has the same sound reproduction as other high-end outgear producers, such as SPL or similar, where the parallel software solution sounds very good, but in terms of detail, Resolution and headroom most likely cannot keep up with the hardware solution.

Speaking of headroom, the MÄAG EQ4M has a headroom of +29 dBu and is therefore above the version of two 500 elements connected together to form a stereo channel, which, as far as I know, “only” has a headroom of +24 dBu. To what extent this subtlety differs in sound, everyone has to find out for themselves. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make an A/B comparison here either, but my experience tells me that a subtle difference can probably be noticed. However, I dare not say to what extent this affects the final signal quality.

But how does the Mark EQ4M equalizer sound in practice? To put it in a word, excellent! It's really hard to still get excited when I'm working on a band pass after so long doing my job as a sound engineer, but I have to admit, this product really makes my eyes light up.

I'm not even talking about the Air Band, which leaves behind a legendary sound character and, with its extremely fine resolution, has something almost three-dimensional about it. But even in the midrange, the tone control works discreetly yet effectively and manages to leave an incredibly balanced sound despite the fixed bands, which cannot be changed. And this applies to almost every instrument that you feed in, although the EQ can particularly score points with the drums and choirs. Unfortunately, I couldn't find out what Q factor the bandpass filters were set at the factory, but they sound incredibly “musical”. Effective and discreet at the same time, a really difficult undertaking, but one that the MÄAG EQ4M masters very well.

In terms of application, the equalizer can of course be used in the mastering chain as expected, but the product also leaves a very good impression in the respective subgroup area. If you're still working with a real console, you should really have fun and route the drums together on a subgroup, compress them accordingly and finally run them through the EQ4M and feed them back in. It's a real joy to hear what the equalizer can bring out of this instrument.

When it comes to clean guitars, for example undistorted electric guitars or acoustic guitars, the EQ4 is also convincing. With distorted electric guitars it could be difficult because the midrange was not designed for this. In particular, the MÄAG EQ4M lacks a frequency band between 1 and 2 kHz, which is extremely important for a distorted guitar in terms of assertiveness within the mix. To be fair, it must also be said that the product was definitely not built for high-gain guitars, but rather is aimed at the general frequency range of a signal.


With the MÄAG EQ4M, the American manufacturer has a very hot iron in its portfolio when it comes to sound shaping. The product not only stands for exceptional sound quality, but also for technical sophistication. Its precise sound shaping ability, coupled with the high quality of the construction and components, makes it an outstanding tool in any studio that aims to not only edit recordings, but to truly refine them.

At a time when digital solutions are often at the forefront, the MÄAG EQ4M reminds us that the analog domain still offers unrivaled sound qualities that are essential for producing music at the highest level.


Additional Informations:

In the realm of professional audio engineering, where precision and sonic clarity reign supreme, Maag Audio stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence. The story of Maag Audio's inception is one marked by a relentless pursuit of sonic perfection and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of audio technology.

**Founding Vision**

Maag Audio was founded by Cliff Maag Sr., a visionary audio engineer with a passion for crafting exceptional sound. With over three decades of experience in the industry, Maag Sr. had honed his skills working with top artists and producers, gaining invaluable insights into the nuances of audio processing and signal shaping.

Driven by a desire to create audio tools that would empower engineers and musicians to achieve their creative vision, Maag Sr. set out to establish his own company. In 2009, Maag Audio was born, with a mission to develop innovative audio processors that would deliver unparalleled sound quality and performance.

**Signature Sound**

One of the hallmarks of Maag Audio's products is the distinctive "Air Band" EQ, a revolutionary equalization technology designed to enhance the high-frequency range of audio signals. Developed by Maag Sr. after years of experimentation and refinement, the Air Band EQ quickly became synonymous with the Maag Audio brand, earning praise from engineers and producers worldwide for its ability to add sparkle and presence to any mix.

The Air Band EQ, along with other proprietary technologies developed by Maag Audio, such as the PreQ4 microphone preamp and the EQ4 and EQ2 equalizers, has been integral to the company's success. These innovative tools have been embraced by audio professionals across a wide range of genres, from pop and rock to hip-hop and electronic music, cementing Maag Audio's reputation as a leader in the field of audio processing.

**Collaborative Spirit**

Central to Maag Audio's ethos is a spirit of collaboration and partnership with the audio community. From the outset, Maag Sr. sought to engage with engineers, producers, and musicians to better understand their needs and challenges in the studio. This collaborative approach has informed the development of Maag Audio's products, ensuring that they meet the demands of real-world audio production environments.

Through partnerships with industry luminaries and educational institutions, Maag Audio has been able to foster a vibrant ecosystem of creativity and innovation. By providing access to cutting-edge audio tools and expertise, Maag Audio has empowered a new generation of audio professionals to push the boundaries of what is possible in the studio.

**Global Reach**

Since its founding, Maag Audio has grown from a boutique operation to a globally recognized brand, with a presence in studios and soundstages around the world. From Nashville to New York, Los Angeles to London, Maag Audio's products are relied upon by top engineers and producers to deliver pristine sound quality and unparalleled sonic flexibility.

Maag Audio's commitment to quality and reliability has earned the trust of some of the biggest names in the music industry, including Grammy-winning artists, chart-topping producers, and award-winning engineers. Whether in the studio or on the stage, Maag Audio's products continue to set the standard for excellence in audio processing.

**Looking Ahead**

As Maag Audio looks to the future, the company remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of audio technology and innovation. With a talented team of engineers and designers at the helm, Maag Audio is constantly exploring new avenues for sonic exploration and experimentation.

From refining existing technologies to developing groundbreaking new products, Maag Audio is committed to staying at the forefront of the industry. With a focus on quality, performance, and sonic excellence, Maag Audio continues to inspire and empower audio professionals around the world to create their best work.

In conclusion, the story of Maag Audio is one of passion, innovation, and a relentless commitment to sonic excellence. From its humble beginnings to its status as a global leader in audio processing, Maag Audio's journey is a testament to the transformative power of technology and the enduring allure of great sound. As the company continues to evolve and grow, one thing remains constant: Maag Audio's unwavering dedication to helping engineers and musicians bring their creative visions to life with clarity, precision, and sonic brilliance.

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