Donnerstag, 7. März 2024

TEST: Eastwest Library

 The story is as old as music itself. Whenever man found an object from which he could produce a melodic or rhythmic sound, he was already looking for how he could expand or supplement this sound. Similar to a pedal nerd on the “the journey is the destination” trip, whose search for the ultimate tone has become more important than actually finding the ultimate tone.

While the synthesizer exploded the imagination of musicians in the 1970s, it was the sampler boom of the 1980s that finally forced any form of sound or noise into a song. In order to be able to access this type of music storage, people remembered the DIN plugs, which the older ones among you will still know from dad's Braun stereo system. 5 conductors in a small space, as expected a German invention, which was far superior to the Japanese Cinch Armada, but only looked a fraction as cool.

However, with the newly introduced MIDI interface, this type of connector experienced a new career. Now it was just a matter of finding the right, preferably polyphonic instrument that would drive the sampler. The decision was made quickly. A guitar, with its diverse modulation options such as vibrato, benings and the possibility of an inaccurately played tone, was quickly ruled out, while the keyboard could only be easily tamed with the volume parameter. From then on, everything associated with “electronic” music was firmly in the hands of keyboardists.

Why this history lesson? Well, the following test report has something of a Mars expedition, which means that we are moving in terrain that is not designed for our nature. If we survive in it, new worlds and unexpected sounds will open up for the guitarist, but first we have to explore the “hostile environment”. Well, how do we get into the macrocosm of sampler management?

Preparations and mechanical modifications

First of all, you have to work on your own instrument, which cannot be used in its original way. To control a sampler, you need a hexaphonic pickup, which is placed as close as possible to the bridge of the guitar. The pickup, which has six individual outputs, does not like large amplitudes in the string vibration, hence the installation close to the bridge. In our case, this is done by the Fishman Triple Play, a combination of pickup, mounting frame and controller, which transmits the data from a guitar transmitter converted into MIDI signals via Bluetooth. The regular pickups can still be used independently of MIDI data dispensers.

The pickup can either be attached to the bridge using various frames or glued to the top of the guitar. The controller, on the other hand, is attached to the strap attachment pin via a magnetic holder and can be used at 2 different angles for both flattop and archtop guitars. The controller receives its operating voltage from an internally installed battery, which is charged via an included power supply.

On the other hand, a USB stick serves as a receiving unit for the computer, which must be paired with the controller at the beginning of the collaboration. The operating systems are Windows 7 and the already quite old OSX 10.7. accepted, but you should also keep an eye on the database used in terms of minimum requirements. The scope of delivery also includes the Triple Play software package, which can be operated both as a host and as a plug-in, for example as a VST or AU plugin. The system also includes some sample packages such as Sample Tank 2.5 and Amplitube, so that you have even more options to choose from in addition to the sample files from Logic or Cubase.

Host or plugin?

We use the EastWest MIDI Guitar Series as our database, which under Volume 1 offers an extensive library of classic instruments that have been specially tailored to the Fishman pickup. I also included some sounds from Eastwest Keys and Percussion Volume 5 in the sound examples.

First you have to be clear about the operating mode. In the Triple Play program, the database is operated as a host and can be used in the studio or live as a normal sound generator. By using the hexaphonic and electromagnetic pickups separately, it is entirely possible to play a regular set with your guitar using the internal pickups and, as an acoustic change, to use the data banks in addition to or instead of the internal pickups. More on this later.

Alternatively, Tripleplay can also be used as a plugin in Logic or Cubase; the formats VST2 / AU and AAXnative are supported. When recording, only the MIDI data is recorded, which feeds the plugin during playback. Important: The database only works in 64-bit mode on the Mac; the sounds are not recognized in the 32-bit version.


First of all, as a guitarist, you have to completely restart your musical program. Everything that you have laboriously practiced and developed over the course of your training, such as expressive playing with great dynamics, deadnotes or harmonics of any color, must first be banished from your playing and the focus on absolutely even and very clean playing place. It's best to close everything from the Stevie Ray Vaughan camp tightly away and listen to a few Alan Holdsworth records on the right side.

In particular, resonating strings are pure horror for the system. Dampening noises are quickly interpreted as sound-active MIDI events and create disturbing sounds in the background. Similar to some tapping protagonists, it is advisable to place a damping ring near the saddle. This problem can be limited by activating the mono mode, but multitones can no longer be played in this mode.

Furthermore, as already mentioned, it is important to play very cleanly. Rock'n'Roll attitudes are completely out of place here, as they only lead to uncontrolled mud in the end result. Last but not least, you have to keep in mind which instrument you are currently playing and what it sounds like in its natural habitat. Violins, for example, rarely play power chords and the frequency response of a trombone only sounds realistic within a specific range. So you should already have a certain level of familiarity with the sampled instruments before you start working.

You should also bring some time, as converting the guitar and extensively installing the software with download managers, authorizations, optimization and understanding of the system can take 2 days or more. Mind you, we're talking about guitarists. What cold coffee means to electronic producers still needs to be understood and processed by the classic woodworm.


Here we come to the highlight of the test report. Without a doubt, the sounds optimized for the Fishman Triple Play prove to be of consistently high quality. Not only were the individual instruments sampled with several dynamic levels, attention was also paid to the seating position in the orchestra and this was taken into account in the panorama and depth grading. Although some instruments that sound aggressive to biting, such as trumpets, have a touch of artificiality in the high registers, the basic sound of the individual instruments can be seen as soft and natural.

The same can be said about the Keyboards Library. Representing an extensive selection of realistic and deliberately alienated sounds, a church organ, a Steinway grand piano and a clavinet / spinet provide a very good idea of the quality of the instruments. A complete list would go far beyond the scope of this test; there are no real qualitative outliers to report.


With the EastWest MIDI Guitar Series, the manufacturer offers a lot for the money with the database optimized for Fishman Triple Play Wireless Guitar Controller. The consistently excellent-sounding instruments impress with their high level of detail and very good depth.

If you want to expand your sonic horizons and are not afraid of making profound changes to your playing technique, you should definitely try out the combination of controller and database.


Additional Informations:

The realm of music production has undergone significant transformations over the years, with technological advancements playing a pivotal role in shaping its landscape. Among these advancements, the emergence and evolution of sample libraries have revolutionized how musicians, composers, and producers create music. From humble beginnings to the sophisticated libraries of today, the journey of sample libraries is a fascinating narrative that mirrors the evolution of music technology and production techniques.

Origins of Sampling:
The roots of sampling can be traced back to the mid-20th century when experimental musicians and composers began manipulating recorded sounds for artistic expression. Early pioneers like Pierre Schaeffer and Karlheinz Stockhausen explored the concept of musique concrète, which involved manipulating and rearranging recorded sounds to create new compositions. These early experiments laid the groundwork for what would eventually become the art of sampling.

Early Sampling Instruments:
In the 1960s and 1970s, advancements in technology led to the development of early sampling instruments such as the Mellotron and the Fairlight CMI. The Mellotron used tape loops to reproduce pre-recorded sounds of various instruments, allowing musicians to access a wide range of sounds in a single instrument. Similarly, the Fairlight CMI (Computer Musical Instrument) introduced digital sampling technology, enabling users to record, manipulate, and play back audio samples with unprecedented flexibility.

The Rise of Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs):
The 1980s saw the emergence of digital audio workstations (DAWs), which further democratized music production by bringing powerful recording and editing capabilities to home studios. Software such as Pro Tools, Cubase, and Logic Pro provided musicians with intuitive interfaces for recording, arranging, and mixing music. With the integration of sampling capabilities into these DAWs, musicians gained access to vast libraries of digital samples, laying the foundation for the sample-based production techniques that would become prevalent in popular music.

The Birth of Sample Libraries:
As digital technology continued to advance, dedicated sample libraries began to emerge in the 1990s. Companies like EastWest, Spectrasonics, and Native Instruments pioneered the development of high-quality sample libraries, offering musicians access to realistic instrument sounds, orchestral arrangements, and electronic textures. These libraries were often distributed on physical media such as CDs or DVDs, with users loading the samples into their DAWs for use in their compositions.

Expansion of Sample Library Content:
With the advent of the internet and broadband connectivity, the distribution of sample libraries underwent a significant shift. Companies began offering downloadable libraries, allowing users to access vast collections of samples instantly. This led to an explosion of content, with sample libraries covering a wide range of musical genres, instruments, and production styles. From orchestral ensembles to vintage synthesizers, the diversity of sample library content expanded rapidly, empowering musicians to explore new sonic possibilities.

Advancements in Sampling Technology:
The past two decades have seen continuous advancements in sampling technology, driven by innovations in software and hardware development. Improved sampling algorithms, advanced scripting languages, and sophisticated sound design tools have enabled sample library developers to create more realistic and expressive virtual instruments. Techniques such as round-robin sampling, velocity layers, and dynamic articulations have enhanced the realism and playability of sampled instruments, blurring the line between virtual and acoustic sound sources.

Integration with Virtual Instruments:
In addition to standalone sample libraries, virtual instruments have become increasingly popular in modern music production. These instruments combine sampled sounds with advanced synthesis techniques, offering musicians unprecedented control over sound shaping and manipulation. Sample-based synthesizers such as Omnisphere, Kontakt, and Serum have become staple tools in the arsenals of producers and composers, allowing for the creation of intricate soundscapes, intricate melodies, and dynamic rhythms.

The Future of Sample Libraries:
As technology continues to evolve, the future of sample libraries looks promising. Advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning are poised to revolutionize how samples are created, manipulated, and integrated into music production workflows. Real-time audio processing, adaptive sampling techniques, and interactive interfaces are just a few of the innovations that hold the potential to redefine the possibilities of sample-based music production.

The evolution of sample libraries in music represents a journey marked by innovation, creativity, and technological advancement. From the early experiments of musique concrète to the sophisticated virtual instruments of today, sample libraries have transformed the way musicians create, compose, and produce music. As technology continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, the future of sample libraries holds endless possibilities for musicians and creators alike.

Montag, 4. März 2024

TEST: Dynaudio Core Sub

Subwoofers have long since found their way not only in ambitious budget studios with limited space, but also in the control rooms of large high-end studios, as they offer the possibility of not losing orientation even in bass-focused productions below the 70 Hz mark. Anyone who also considers the retail price of 3,529 euros will immediately notice that the target customer group for the Dynaudio Core Sub will definitely not be a budget studio. This test will show to what extent the Danish flagship manufacturer can make bass dreams come true with in-house Danish production in its Pro Series.
The construction of the Dynaudio Core Sub
The gods of transport vetoed the product before it was put into operation. Against the weight of 48 kg, a 4x12" guitar box lifts like a shopping bag. As if that wasn't enough, the woofer is also delivered in a screwed (!) wooden box on a pallet, which ensures excellent transport protection, but with a transport weight of 60 kg, it has finally reached the limit of a one-man transport. Only with a massive transport trolley and with the help of all torque laws was I able to roll the woofer from A to B and free it from its wooden shell using a cordless screwdriver. By the way, you won't find any recessed grips or carrying handles.
Once you have finally balanced the woofer where you want it, the comparatively compact housing with dimensions (W x H x D): 390 mm x 514 mm x 365 mm shines with an impressive exterior. 4 pcs. 9 inch woofers, 2 each. placed on the side walls deliver a total of 1000 watts (2x 500 watts) at a frequency range of 15 - 200 Hz (+/- 3dB) and a maximum level of 120 dB.
The Dynaudio Core Sub is designed as an active subwoofer and was specifically designed as a low-frequency supplement for the new Core family from Dynaudio (Core 7, Core 47 and Core 59). As is almost always the case, the Dynaudio Core Sub is made by hand in Denmark, which also explains the ambitious retail price.
The woofer was designed without a bass reflex opening, which makes it sound tighter and more direct. The powder-coated MDF housing is completely closed and can therefore only rely on the direct radiation from the speakers. The choice of 9 inches as the speaker size speaks volumes. Similar to the very popular 4x10" bass speakers in the live sector, comparatively small but multiple speakers ensure enough speed for impulse peaks, but also have enough vibration surface to be able to reproduce even very low frequencies.
The backside
Like the entire Core series, the back offers an extensive selection of control options. In terms of input technology, the woofer only offers 2 XLR sockets, analog and AES3. In the digital area, the system works with 24 bits and 192 kHz, with both the right and left channels being transmitted over just one cable. You can use the corresponding sliders to sum the stereo signal or choose one of the two channels. There is also a digital XLR output for daisy chain operation. A word clock input also offers the possibility of external control.
Similarly, with the Dynaudio Core Sub, compromises have to be made in terms of summing capabilities. If the corresponding monitor controller does not have a corresponding sub output, things look bad, or you can buy a second Dynaudio Core Sub directly. Dynaudio is probably also toying with this solution, especially since the core components can be easily stacked on the woofer thanks to the troughs that were placed at the factory, thus forming two small towers. However, all towers without corresponding tripods are significantly too low in most listening situations. So you need some very sturdy tripods that can carry really heavy loads.
As with the other core components, the Dynaudio Core Sub also adapts to the sample rate supplied via the internal DSP and also uses different IIR filters, which makes conversion obsolete. However, the woofer always runs at 192 kHz via the analog XLR input. Likewise, the built-in USB port is only designed for maintenance work; it does not offer the option of accessing the woofer control.
The Core Series woofer also offers the optimal alignment depending on the placement of the system using several sliders. In general, you can choose between the categories of free-standing, close to a wall and placement in a corner, each of which describes the distance to the corresponding walls. There is also the Anechoic / Stuffit option, which comes into play when placed freely in the room or when installed in a wall. Speaking of carrying, the system is VESA mount compatible. However, given the 48 kg, you can easily imagine what dimensions the frame needs to have and, above all, which dowels need to be inserted into the wall mount.
The Dynaudio Core Sub has auto power management and three sliders for the desired volume, which are labeled “Analogue Input Sensitivity”, “SPL” and “Attenuation”.
The Dynaudio Core Sub in practice
As already mentioned, moving the Dynaudio Core Sub is no joy, especially since there are no recessed grips or other carrying aids. However, what is then pushed out of the housing with the first signals present makes up for any torture that you had to endure beforehand. The woofer has an indescribable punch, which turns out to be extremely dry in every respect without any booming or ringing. I have rarely heard such a “direct” bass as with this system.
Due to the high power reserves, there is never even a hint of saturation, which particularly benefits the impulse behavior. No unwanted compression, no pressing, nothing. Instead, you are almost in the PA sector, where you can clearly feel the physical perception of the very low frequencies. Instruments such as the bass, deep pads or the universally referenced kick receive a completely new value in the mix.
Of course, the perfect placement of the woofer in the studio is a challenge. Unfortunately, simply putting it in the room and leaving is not that easy to achieve in this performance class. Particularly in small to medium-sized control rooms, the system can give the feeling that it wants to “explode” the room. By using the different filters, you can do a lot of work on the “problem areas” of the control room, but ultimately you cannot avoid a minimum size and, above all, perfect room acoustics with regard to modes, etc. This woofer shows the acoustic weak points of the personal workspace with ruthless honesty. Even if you can still talk about various points in your environment, with this woofer you will not be able to avoid professional room acoustics. However, anyone who spends the money on one or maybe even two core woofers will probably hardly run their productions in the converted basement.
The fixation on the digital solution when it comes to stereo management remains questionable. Dynaudio seems to be of the firm opinion that the analogue operating mode is fixed at 2 pieces. Dynaudio Core Sub is based, or a correspondingly high-quality controller takes over bass management in terms of R/L summing. You can be of this opinion, but you don't have to. Certainly, with a certain willingness to invest or with the right client, it should be possible to keep all components used at the appropriate level, but I would still like to see a corresponding feature in this price range, if only to be able to guarantee the appropriate flexibility.
With the Dynaudio Core Sub, the Danish manufacturer has reached the end of the line in terms of sound. It is difficult to find a weak point in the system given the massive accumulation of excellent points such as impulse behavior, headroom, processing and concept. If anything, it would be the somewhat neglected treatment of the analog summing that gives rise to a hint of flaw, although the problem can be remedied with an appropriate controller.
Even the ambitious price is in very good relation to the value delivered. Anyone who is prepared, with the help of a good friend, to play “the big woofer hauling” for an afternoon with the help of a good friend for the optimal placement in the control room, will in return receive a massive collection of all the positive properties that a subwoofer in the high-end range has to offer.

Additional Informations:

**The Early Years**

Dynaudio was founded in 1977 by Wilfried Ehrenholz and Jørgen Larsen. Both men were passionate about music and audio, and they shared a dream of creating loudspeakers that would reproduce sound with absolute accuracy.

Ehrenholz was a trained engineer, and he had a deep understanding of the technical aspects of loudspeaker design. Larsen, on the other hand, was a musician and audiophile, and he had a keen ear for detail.

The two men began their collaboration in a small workshop in Skanderborg, Denmark. They worked long hours, and they were meticulous in their attention to detail. Their first loudspeaker, the Dynaudio 10, was released in 1978.

The Dynaudio 10 was an immediate success. It was praised by critics and audiophiles for its natural sound and its accurate reproduction of music. The success of the Dynaudio 10 helped to establish Dynaudio as a leading manufacturer of high-end loudspeakers.

**The 1980s and 1990s**

In the 1980s and 1990s, Dynaudio continued to grow and innovate. The company released a number of new loudspeaker models, including the Contour series, the Confidence series, and the Evidence series.

Dynaudio also began to expand its international reach. The company opened offices in the United States, Germany, and Japan. Dynaudio loudspeakers were now being sold in over 50 countries around the world.

**The 2000s and 2010s**

In the 2000s and 2010s, Dynaudio continued to be a leader in the loudspeaker industry. The company released a number of new products, including the Focus series, the Evoke series, and the Special Forty series.

Dynaudio also began to develop new technologies, such as the Esotar2 tweeter and the MSP cone material. These technologies helped to improve the performance of Dynaudio loudspeakers even further.


Today, Dynaudio is one of the most respected loudspeaker manufacturers in the world. The company's products are used by audiophiles, musicians, and recording studios around the globe.

Dynaudio is committed to innovation and quality. The company continues to develop new technologies and products that push the boundaries of what is possible in loudspeaker design.

**Dynaudio's Impact on the Audio Industry**

Dynaudio has had a major impact on the audio industry. The company's loudspeakers have been praised by critics and audiophiles for their natural sound, their accurate reproduction of music, and their build quality.

Dynaudio has also been a pioneer in the development of new loudspeaker technologies. The company's Esotar2 tweeter and MSP cone material are just two examples of Dynaudio's innovative technologies.

Dynaudio's impact on the audio industry is undeniable. The company's loudspeakers have set the standard for performance and quality. Dynaudio is a company that is truly passionate about music and audio, and it is a company that is committed to making the best loudspeakers in the world.

**Some of Dynaudio's Most Famous Loudspeakers**

* Dynaudio 10 (1978)
* Dynaudio Contour 1.3 (1984)
* Dynaudio Confidence C4 (1991)
* Dynaudio Evidence Temptation (1998)
* Dynaudio Focus 110 (2006)
* Dynaudio Evoke 50 (2012)
* Dynaudio Special Forty (2017)

**Dynaudio's Key Technologies**

* Esotar2 tweeter
* MSP cone material
* Jupiter woofer
* AirCirculation system
* Dynaudio Directivity Control (DDC)

**Dynaudio's Awards and Accolades**

* Stereophile Product of the Year (1986, 1992, 1998, 2006, 2012, 2017)
* The Absolute Sound Product of the Year (1991, 1998, 2006, 2012, 2017)
* What Hi-Fi? Product of the Year (1993, 1999, 2007, 2013, 2018)
* EISA Award (1995, 2000, 2008, 2014, 2019)

**Dynaudio's Future**

Dynaudio is a company that is constantly looking to the future.

**Beyond the Products: A Culture of Craftsmanship**

Dynaudio's story isn't just about products. It's about a deep-rooted culture of craftsmanship and a relentless pursuit of audio excellence. This dedication manifests in several ways:

* **In-House Driver Production:** Unlike many speaker manufacturers who source drivers from external suppliers, Dynaudio remains one of the few companies that design and build their own drivers. This allows them to exert complete control over every aspect of the sound, ensuring each component perfectly complements the others.
* **Hand-Assembly in Denmark:**  Dynaudio loudspeakers are meticulously hand-assembled in their factory in Skanderborg, Denmark. This allows for close attention to detail and quality control that's difficult to replicate in mass production.
* **Material Innovation:**  Dynaudio is known for its innovative use of materials.  The now-legendary MSP (Magnesium Silicate Polymer) cone material, for example, offers a unique combination of lightness, stiffness, and internal damping, resulting in a clear, natural sound.
* **Sophisticated Engineering:** From advanced tweeter designs like the Esotar2 to the ingenious AirCirculation system for airflow management, Dynaudio's engineering team pushes boundaries to achieve optimal performance.

**Beyond Hi-Fi: Professional Audio and Car Audio**

While Dynaudio is synonymous with high-end home audio, their expertise extends beyond living rooms. Dynaudio Acoustics, a subsidiary established in 1997, caters to the demanding needs of professional audio engineers. Their studio monitors are revered for their accuracy and neutrality, making them a critical tool for music production, mixing, and mastering.

Dynaudio also offers a range of car audio solutions. Their in-car speaker systems are designed to deliver exceptional sound reproduction even in the challenging acoustic environment of a vehicle.

**Dynaudio and the Audiophile Community**

Dynaudio has fostered a strong connection with the audiophile community. Their loudspeakers are often praised for their ability to reveal subtle details in music, allowing listeners to truly appreciate the artistry of recordings.  Dynaudio regularly interacts with audiophiles through events, online forums, and collaborations with audiophile publications.

**Looking Ahead: Embracing the Future of Audio**

Dynaudio recognizes that the way people experience music is evolving. While they remain committed to the core principles of high-fidelity sound, they are also embracing new technologies. Their recent foray into wireless speakers with the Xeo series demonstrates their willingness to adapt without compromising on sound quality.

As the audio landscape continues to change, Dynaudio is well-positioned to maintain its position at the forefront. Their dedication to innovation, craftsmanship, and a deep understanding of what truly matters to music lovers ensures a future filled with even more remarkable audio experiences.

This extended version delves deeper into Dynaudio's philosophy, the craftsmanship behind their products, and their commitment to different segments of the audiophile world. It also highlights their adaptability and willingness to embrace new technologies.

TEST: Dynaudio Core 59

The Danish manufacturer Dynaudio should be known to almost every studio operator in the upper and top class. According to research, installed in well over 10,000 professional recording studios worldwide and an OEM audio supplier of sound systems from Volvo and Volkswagen, you can rarely avoid the brand as soon as you have to earn your living in the studio. In addition to digital signal processing, the company has recently also been using digital crossovers, such as those used in the Dynaudio Core 59 we tested. Here we go!

The construction of the Dynaudio Core 59

As soon as you unpack the Dynaudio Core 59, it quickly becomes clear that we are not dealing with a near-field monitor. With dimensions of 380 mm x 550 mm x 390 mm and a weight of 25 kg, we are clearly dealing with a midfield monitor due to the total power of up to 1150 watts. With a retail price of just under 2,700 euros per box, the digital 3-way monitor sets corresponding scent marks that will in most cases exceed the budget of a project studio anyway.

The housing is made of black painted MDF panels and is impeccably manufactured. In general, the box made in Denmark leaves a very good impression at first glance. As is generally the case with Dynaudio, all drivers for the Dynaudio Core 59 are made by hand in Denmark, whereby the tweeter/midrange combination, which is mounted on its own circular element, can be rotated as desired. This means that horizontal operation can be carried out easily in both left-hand and right-hand operation or even “headstand operation”. In order to perfectly position the included stick-on rubber feet and hold them at their assigned point, there are corresponding recesses on both sides, the bottom and also the top, to accommodate the adhesive feet.

To protect the tweeter against transport damage, there is a bright yellow plastic cover on the tweeter that is held magnetically from the outside during transport. The above 1150 watts are made up of 500 watts each for the 9.5-inch bass and the 5-inch midrange driver plus 150 watts for the tweeter, with the high frequency range and especially the midrange having an unusually high headroom. According to the manufacturer, the frequency response is 42 Hz to 21 kHz, the crossover frequencies were set at 385 Hz and 21 kHz.

Dynaudio expressly points out in its manual that the system must first be played in and that it will achieve its final sound after around 12 hours of continuous operation. Please ignore an overemphasis on the highs and a “stiff” sound at the beginning of operation.

The back of the Dynaudio Core 59

As expected, the input and filter section of the Dynaudio Core 59 is very extensive, especially since the system has both analog and digital inputs and additional DSP functions. According to the performance class, only XLR was installed as an analogue input; you won't find TRS or even RCA. Digital is also set to XLR as both input and output, with the system being designed up to 192 kHz and singlewire AES3. There is no sample rate conversion internally; instead, the DSP adopts the supplied sample rates 1:1. A switch called “Digital Channel” also controls the right/left positioning of the box in digital mode. There is also a BNC connection for word clock installed. The additional USB port does not allow further calibration of the system, but is only intended for maintenance work. When using the analog inputs, the box works continuously at 192 kHz.

You can now adjust your working level perfectly to the incoming and outgoing currents using two sliders called “Analogue Input Sensitivy” and “SPL Level”. Four holes were also provided for a VESA mount, although I can hardly imagine that anyone would want to operate these giants in flight. Desktop operation is also almost impossible; appropriate tripods are provided for operation, but you never know what kind of ideas users will come up with. The Dynaudio Core 59 has a multi-voltage power supply, which enables worldwide operation. The most important power cables with the corresponding power plugs are included with the system. The Dynaudio Core 59 does not have a real on/off switch; only an auto standby mode can be activated using a slider. Finally, there is a cold device plug, a number of cooling fins and an extensive filter section, which we now want to look at in more detail.

The filter section

Despite the targeted user group of professional operation, the Danes have committed themselves to a kind of plug-and-play with reduced editing options for the Dynaudio Core 59, although the DSP orientation would allow a much more intensive approach to the processor department. The following settings can be activated using the slider:

Position 1: You can choose between “free-standing”, “on the wall” and “in the corner”, where Dynaudio uses the 50 cm rule as a basis. Less than 50 cm from a wall means “Wall”, less than 50 cm from 2 walls means “Corner”. The processor calculates the corresponding overlays and reduces the bass range using several filters.

Position 2: Here you can compensate for the placement in relation to the installation of the box, with the positions “Soffit” (wall installation), “Desk” (placement on a meter bridge with compensation for desk reflections) and “Anechoic” (free-standing on tripods etc. etc.) can choose.

Sound Balance: You can preset the basic sound of the system using the positions “Bright”, “Neutral” and “Dark”. “Bright” relies on a treble emphasis at 20 kHz (+1.5 dB) with a simultaneous cut at 20 Hz (-1.5 dB). In “Dark” the opposite occurs, i.e. -1.5 dB at 20 kHz and + 1.5 dB at 20 Hz. In the “Neutral” position, the tone controls remain untouched, as expected.

Bass Extension: A high-pass filter that should be activated in subwoofer operation. A corner frequency could not be determined, but experience shows that with the 3-way design it will probably be between 70 - 90 Hz.

The Dynaudio Core 59 in practice

First you have to find the final position of the boxes and decide on how to “stick them on rubber”. As much as you may appreciate the flexibility in terms of 16 adhesive points at first glance, committing to one adhesive side with rubber feet is not really what you would expect from a product that costs just under 2,700 euros. Permanently installed rubber pads on all relevant sides would be a penny investment and should actually be part of the basic equipment here.

In terms of sound, the Dynaudio Core 59 appears to be very neutral at first listening impression. No over-presence in highs, mids or even bass, rather a tight, clear basic sound that fulfills exactly the purpose that a studio monitor in the top league has to fulfill. The system has a very differentiated sound, which makes splitting the adjacent material into its sound aesthetics much easier than the “Schönfarbener” group, which at first impression “presses” and “pops” more, but upon closer listening, the analysis of the material becomes easier significantly more difficult.

In particular, the bass portion of the system was very “dry”, in my opinion perhaps even a little too reserved. There is no real bass boost, only in “Dark” mode (no, it is not an Apple product…) you can direct the basic sound a little more towards bass fixation, but without ultimately reaching the “musical” bass range.

Ultimately, this range remains a matter of taste, especially since the mids and highs are extremely relaxed due to the immense power reserves. The midrange is particularly pleasing, especially since the popular scoop characteristic was deliberately omitted. For middle-heavy instruments, such as B. Electric guitars are a real blessing, but you should always keep in mind, especially in the mixdown, that only a few monitors on the consumer side have such a present midrange reproduction.

The dimensions of the system itself actually determine the area of application, but the sound impression also manifests the whole thing. Anyone who drives the Dynaudio Core 59 in the nearfield range of 50 - 70 cm is not doing themselves any favors in terms of sound. The high-mid/treble range seems too intrusive, and the sound that develops at this distance is too tense. Only when you move the system into its actual area of responsibility, the midfield, can the box show its true strengths. The swirling of the increased air content takes a lot of tension out of the signal and delivers a significantly rounder sound with excellent balance, even with difficult source material.

Interestingly, the Dynaudio Core 59 has the “Loud” factor based on its performance specifications, but not the “Very Loud” record company A&R show-off mode. One may doubt whether these modes are still important these days, but the fact is that 500 watts in the bass range in the P.A. Sector feels different than in the studio.


With the Dynaudio Core 59, the Danish company has a top performer in its ranks who cuts an excellent figure in the upper league. The system is very well-rounded, the sound is excellently balanced and there are lots of options in the digital input area. Small downsides such as the stick-on rubber feet and a bass range that was designed exclusively for lowering can hardly detract from the excellent overall impression.


Additional Informations:

Subwoofers play a crucial role in any audio system, providing the foundation for deep, powerful bass that can transform the listening experience. Among the many manufacturers in the market, Dynaudio stands out for its commitment to audio excellence and innovation. In this comprehensive article, we'll delve into the world of Dynaudio's subwoofers, exploring their technology, design philosophy, and the unique features that set them apart from the competition.

Foundational Principles:
Dynaudio's approach to subwoofer design is rooted in a deep understanding of acoustics and a relentless pursuit of sonic perfection. From the outset, the company's engineers set out to create subwoofers that not only deliver impressive bass extension but also integrate seamlessly with Dynaudio's renowned loudspeakers to create a cohesive and immersive listening experience. This commitment to synergy and sonic purity informs every aspect of Dynaudio's subwoofer lineup.

Technological Innovation:
At the heart of Dynaudio's subwoofers lie cutting-edge technologies and advanced engineering solutions aimed at achieving unparalleled bass performance. One of the standout features of Dynaudio's subwoofers is their driver technology. Dynaudio employs proprietary MSP (Magnesium Silicate Polymer) driver cones in many of its subwoofers, known for their exceptional stiffness-to-weight ratio, low resonance, and precise bass reproduction. This allows Dynaudio subwoofers to deliver tight, articulate bass with remarkable clarity and detail.

Another key innovation found in Dynaudio's subwoofers is their amplifier technology. Dynaudio's amplifiers are meticulously designed and engineered to complement the characteristics of their drivers, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Whether it's a Class D amplifier with sophisticated DSP (Digital Signal Processing) capabilities or a traditional Class AB amplifier with robust power delivery, Dynaudio's amplification solutions are tailored to extract the maximum potential from their subwoofers.

Design Philosophy:
In addition to technological innovation, Dynaudio's subwoofers boast a design philosophy that prioritizes both form and function. From the elegant curves of the cabinet to the premium finishes and materials used, every aspect of Dynaudio's subwoofers is crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Beyond aesthetics, Dynaudio's cabinet design plays a crucial role in optimizing bass performance. Through careful engineering and acoustic modeling, Dynaudio's cabinets are precisely tuned to minimize unwanted resonances and maximize bass output, resulting in a clean, impactful bass response that enhances the overall listening experience.

Integration and Versatility:
One of the hallmarks of Dynaudio's subwoofers is their versatility and compatibility with a wide range of audio systems. Whether used in a stereo setup for music listening or as part of a home theater system for immersive movie playback, Dynaudio's subwoofers seamlessly integrate with existing components to deliver a cohesive and immersive audio experience. Advanced connectivity options, including high-level inputs, low-level inputs, and wireless connectivity, ensure compatibility with virtually any audio source or system configuration, while intuitive controls and settings allow users to tailor the sound to their preferences with ease.

Real-World Performance:
While technical specifications and design features are essential considerations, the true measure of a subwoofer's performance lies in its real-world sonic capabilities. Dynaudio's subwoofers excel in this regard, delivering bass that is not only deep and powerful but also remarkably precise and well-defined. Whether reproducing the thunderous explosions of a blockbuster movie or the subtle nuances of a double bass in a jazz ensemble, Dynaudio's subwoofers excel in capturing the full spectrum of low-frequency sounds with unparalleled accuracy and realism.

Customer Satisfaction and Reviews:
The success of Dynaudio's subwoofers is evident not only in their technical prowess but also in the satisfaction of countless customers and enthusiasts around the world. Positive reviews and testimonials from users praise Dynaudio's subwoofers for their exceptional build quality, performance, and reliability, cementing their reputation as some of the finest in the industry. Whether in professional recording studios, high-end home theaters, or dedicated listening rooms, Dynaudio's subwoofers consistently earn praise for their ability to elevate the listening experience to new heights.

In conclusion, Dynaudio's subwoofers represent the pinnacle of bass excellence, combining cutting-edge technology, meticulous design, and uncompromising performance to deliver a truly exceptional audio experience. Whether you're a discerning audiophile, a professional sound engineer, or simply a lover of great music and movies, Dynaudio's subwoofers offer a level of bass reproduction that is second to none. With a legacy of innovation and a commitment to excellence, Dynaudio continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in subwoofer design, ensuring that music and movies are heard and felt with breathtaking clarity and realism.

TEST: Dynaudio BM12

 Maybe it's due to the climatic conditions, but the Scandinavians always have a very successful hand when it comes to near-field monitors. In addition to the top dog Genelec, the Danish manufacturer Dynaudio in particular has developed an excellent reputation in the professional league over the last 35 years. The consistently airy sound in combination with a high level of attention to detail are the typical key points of the company's products, which is also reflected in the corresponding price. With the Dynaudio BM12 mkIII we have the largest version of the mkIII series for testing, which is also supported by the Dynaudio BM14 S II as a subwoofer.

A retail price of just under 4,000 euros is due for the entire package, which will prompt the interested user to consider whether this price difference to the competitors is actually reflected in the added value in sound.


Dynaudio BM12 mkIII

The Dynaudio BM12 mkIII is an active 2-way near-field monitor. In contrast to its competitors, you cannot always determine the size of the woofer from Dynaudio's product name. The housing measuring 328 mm x 234 mm x 369 mm (D x W x H) contains a 200 mm (8 inch) MS polymer woofer and a 28 mm soft dome tweeter (1.1 inch). , whereby the system was designed as a bass reflex and the reflex opening is on the back. The two speakers are separated at 1500 Hertz with 6 db/oct. According to the factory specifications, the frequency response of the system is 38 Hz to 21 kHz.

In terms of performance, the low frequency range has 100 watts and the tweeter has 50 watts, which reflects a clear preference in terms of power ratio in favor of the high frequency range. Both speakers are actively operated in terms of crossover and have corresponding Class D power amplifiers. In terms of weight, the Dynaudio BM12 mkIII weighs a hefty 12.5 kilograms, which significantly minimizes the swinging of the housing, but does not make the system easier to handle.

To protect the tweeter from mechanical damage, a three-part star was placed in front of the tweeter. The characteristic air slots, which are embedded in the dome of the woofer and are intended to reduce the compression of the internal air volume, are also represented. The real wood veneered MDF housing itself has beveled housing edges to minimize air noise from the woofer.

On the back there is a very clear number of inputs (1x XLR) and, next to the power plug, a nice collection of filters and volume controls. Starting with a high pass, which can be switched to flat, 60 Hz or 80 Hz, there is a level switch to the right, which, depending on the signal strength, can switch the signal unprocessed, -10 dB or +4 dB. Below there are 2 shelving filters, which can switch the bass levels to either flat, +2 dB, -2 dB, -4 dB or the highs +1 dB or -1 dB. In between we have a mid-notch filter, which intervenes with either -2 dB or -4 dB.

Each speaker is delivered factory-fitted with the IsoAcoustics isolation stand, which allows for acoustic decoupling as well as alignment to your personal sitting position. A real asset when you consider that most of the competition only includes simple foam rubber in their products, if at all.

Dynaudio BM14S II

As with the BM12, you shouldn't be fooled by the name BM14S. The Dynaudio BM14S II is an active and closed subwoofer with integrated stereo bass management based on a 12 inch speaker. With dimensions of 412 mm x 350 mm x 350 mm (D x W x H), the woofer fits under almost any work console, but with a weight of just under 19 kilograms, you will hardly be able to move the product once you have placed it.

Visually in the same outfit as the Dynaudio BM12 mkIII, it also represents an optimal visual complement, especially since it starts exactly where the two satellites run out of breath towards the bottom due to their design, with a frequency response of 18 Hz - 250 Hz. For visual reasons, the cube has been given a textile covering, which also offers protection against dirt and accidental kicks. In terms of performance, the Dynaudio BM14S II delivers 300 watts at 4 ohms and therefore offers enough reserves for small to medium-sized studios.

All woofer connections are located on the back. The user is advised to never lay the power cable. In contrast to the standard 3-pin power plug, the Dynaudio BM14S II only comes with a two-pin power plug without a separate grounding wire in the HD housing style. Not really a problem, but rather inconvenient to use. Next to the gain control there is a slider that activates the practical auto standby mode. After a long break without signal flow, this mode activates the power saving mode. To the right, the phase of the signal can be reversed if necessary. You can also connect several woofers in series via a slave out using a daisy chain.

You can limit the crossover frequency between 50 Hz and 150 Hz using a stepless low pass. If necessary, the satellites can be decoupled at 60 Hz or 80 Hz via an adjacent high pass, which, in conjunction with the low pass of the Dynaudio BM14S II, results in optimal frequency management. All inputs and outputs are in XLR, with 2 inputs and outputs generating a typical stereo setup, while an LFE input is available for a surround setup.


In order to get a better picture of the individual performance, the Dynaudio BM12 mkIII were initially operated without a subwoofer. Arranged in a neat stereo triangle, the typical Dynaudio sound is immediately revealed, which has kept the company in the front row of all major recording studios for so long. The sound is very finely resolved, completely unpretentious and absolutely neutral in all areas. Due to the low coloration of the basic sound, all musical styles can be analyzed equally well, which leads to great flexibility in terms of application.

Interestingly, the deep bass range is comparatively subtle from around 80 Hertz, but this can be compensated for with the appropriate controls on the back of the housing. One almost gets the impression that the satellites were designed for the Dynaudio subwoofer area, and not just when it comes to tuning the crossover frequencies. In collaboration with the Dynaudio BM14S II, the system can then deliver its full performance. After the correct balance of volume and crossover frequency (in my case approx. 55 Hz) has been found, the entire frequency range can also be assessed for club operation.

The deep bass reproduction always remains tight even at high volumes and does not slide into a wobbling murmur. Simply setting the optimal relationship to the satellites means a constant listening/crawling/turning/crawling workflow without remote control, which must first be completed for each room. However, once you have done this, you quickly realize that the result is worth the effort.


With the Dynaudio BM12 mkIII box, the Danish manufacturer has an absolute top product in its ranks. Especially when combined with the Dynaudio BM14S II subwoofer, the user receives a high-end product that scores with excellent playback properties. Even if the price of the setup will keep some users at bay, one should not forget the range of sound the system offers and that the competition's high-quality Isopads already reach three-digit prices.

Very clear purchase recommendation!


Additional Informations:

Dynaudio stands as a titan in the world of audio engineering, revered for its precision, craftsmanship, and commitment to sonic perfection. The story of Dynaudio's genesis is one of passion, innovation, and relentless pursuit of audio excellence. From humble beginnings to global recognition, this article delves deep into the enthralling narrative of how Dynaudio came to be.

Founding Vision:
The roots of Dynaudio trace back to the early 1970s in Skanderborg, Denmark, where a group of audio enthusiasts shared a common dream – to create speakers that could faithfully reproduce music with unparalleled accuracy and fidelity. Their vision was clear: to merge cutting-edge technology with a profound understanding of acoustics to deliver an audio experience that transcended expectations.

At the heart of Dynaudio's inception were Wilfried Ehrenholz, Tage Nielsen, and Ejvind Skaaning – three individuals driven by a shared passion for audio innovation. Each brought unique expertise to the table: Ehrenholz, an engineer with a penchant for precision; Nielsen, a visionary with an ear for sound; and Skaaning, a master craftsman with an eye for detail. Together, they formed the formidable trio that would lay the foundation for Dynaudio's success.

Early Struggles and Breakthroughs:
The journey towards creating world-class speakers was fraught with challenges. Limited resources, technical hurdles, and fierce competition posed formidable obstacles along the way. Yet, it was precisely these challenges that fueled Dynaudio's determination to push boundaries and defy conventions. Through tireless experimentation and unwavering perseverance, the team made significant breakthroughs in speaker design and manufacturing techniques.

Key Milestones:
Dynaudio's ascent to prominence was marked by several key milestones that underscored its commitment to innovation and excellence. In 1977, the company introduced its first commercial product, the Dynaudio System 1 – a revolutionary speaker that garnered widespread acclaim for its unparalleled sound quality and precision engineering. This groundbreaking achievement set the stage for Dynaudio's future success, laying the groundwork for a legacy of excellence that would endure for decades to come.

Expansion and Global Reach:
As Dynaudio's reputation grew, so too did its ambitions. The company expanded its product lineup, introducing a diverse range of speakers catering to audiophiles, professionals, and enthusiasts alike. With each new release, Dynaudio reaffirmed its commitment to uncompromising quality and innovation, earning accolades and awards from industry experts and enthusiasts worldwide. Today, Dynaudio stands as a global leader in high-end audio, with a presence in over 80 countries and a reputation for excellence that transcends borders.

Innovations and Technologies:
Central to Dynaudio's success are its relentless pursuit of innovation and its unwavering dedication to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in audio engineering. From advanced driver technology to proprietary cabinet designs, Dynaudio's speakers are the epitome of precision and craftsmanship. The company's relentless pursuit of sonic perfection has led to the development of groundbreaking technologies such as MSP (Magnesium Silicate Polymer) driver cones, Dynaudio Directivity Control (DDC), and Dynaudio's legendary Esotar tweeters – innovations that have redefined the benchmarks for audio performance and fidelity.

Commitment to Quality:
At the heart of Dynaudio's ethos is a steadfast commitment to quality that permeates every aspect of its operations. From meticulous driver design to rigorous testing and quality control, Dynaudio's dedication to excellence is evident in every speaker that bears its name. Each product is crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, ensuring a level of performance and reliability that is second to none. It is this unwavering commitment to quality that has earned Dynaudio the trust and admiration of audio enthusiasts and professionals worldwide.

Legacy and Influence:
Dynaudio's impact on the world of audio engineering extends far beyond its product lineup. The company's legacy of innovation and excellence has inspired generations of audio enthusiasts, engineers, and industry professionals. Its contributions to speaker design and technology have helped shape the landscape of high-end audio, setting new standards for performance, accuracy, and fidelity. From recording studios to concert halls, Dynaudio speakers are revered for their unmatched clarity, precision, and realism – a testament to the company's enduring legacy and influence.

The story of Dynaudio is a testament to the power of passion, innovation, and perseverance. What began as a shared vision among a group of audio enthusiasts has blossomed into a global powerhouse synonymous with audio excellence. Through decades of relentless dedication and unwavering commitment to quality, Dynaudio has cemented its place as a true icon in the world of high-end audio. As the company continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in audio engineering, one thing remains certain – the legacy of Dynaudio will endure for generations to come, inspiring awe and admiration in audiophiles and music lovers around the world.

TEST: Dynacord PM 502

Children, if this continues, we will soon have power amplifiers of 2 × 2000 W in a housing the size of an iPad. The amount of power that is now housed in the smallest housings thanks to switching power supplies would have been absolutely unthinkable a few years ago. This development has helped the once unpopular power mixer to flourish again. Who doesn't remember with horror the always underpowered 2 x 80 watt or even worse 1 x 100 watt Quaker rehearsal room, which were always on the verge of direct current extinction due to their design and the associated constant overload.

This can easily be forgotten these days. Power mixer, The Next Generation aims to breathe new life into the epitome of wanting but not being able to. A modern representative of this genre is the Dynacord PM 502. The company, which now belongs to the Bosch Group and was the German answer to America's all-rounder Peavey decades ago, is preparing to use the latest technology and the unusual emblem "Made In Germany" to replace a relic of the old ones times to gain new popularity and new uses. In addition, with the resounding success of their Powermate series, Dynacord has accumulated a stable cushion of know-how to be able to think outside the box.

Let's see whether Dynacord manages to maintain the fast, simple and uncomplicated nature of the basic power mixer design and take it to a new level. Because we can all agree on one thing: the idea of simply laying a few speaker cables in the back and plugging in a microphone or something similar on the other side without having to do any further cabling or other major setting work is more than just tempting.


The Dynacord PM 502 is a stand-alone device that can output 2 x 450 W RMS / 2 x 600 W at 4 ohms thanks to a Class-D power amplifier. The product concept is primarily tailored to installations in bistros, small clubs, lounges, boutiques, hotel bars and lobbies as well as churches, mosques and other similar applications. An integrated MP-3 player, which is powered via a USB port accessible on the front, makes it easy to play audio recordings stored on a USB stick or hard drive in MP3 and WAV formats. In addition, the product is particularly suitable for entertainers, DJs and small bands who are looking for a light and compact solution for the stage and rehearsal room.

What I personally really like is the flexibility in terms of setup options. The product can be operated as a desktop device in a slightly inclined position or screwed into the rack using an optionally available 19 inch frame. In terms of weight and dimensions, the product scores enormously with just 5 kg and dimensions of 395 mm x 244 mm x 241 mm. Even delicate women's hands can lift this mixer into the trunk without any additional help if necessary.

A special feature right at the beginning: in addition to the usual loudspeaker configuration, which in this case is operated via 2 Speakon sockets, the Dynacord PM 502 also has a so-called 100 V direct drive option, in which 100 V or 70 V loudspeaker lines are also available with high impedance Installation can be supplied, such as those often installed in churches or mosques. As expected, the product, in accordance with the Made-In-Germany banner, has all the necessary protective circuits that guarantee the highest level of operational safety.

In the mixer part, the product has five combination microphone/line inputs from Neutrik, which can optionally be supplied with 48 V phantom power. A corresponding pressure switch of tiny dimensions is located below the sockets. And yes, finally after a long time you will find lockable sockets again! One would have thought that there would be no more deliveries in the music industry. An integrated limiter and the very helpful talkover function (ducking) make it easier to announce messages (“Mrs. Müller, please dial 219, Ms. Müller please…”). For the purpose of sound tuning, all channels have a three-band sound control, which operates at 60 Hz, 2.4 kHz and 12 kHz as the center frequency. There are also 3 stereo inputs available either in the form of a jack or RCA / USB, also equipped with the same tone control.

While the microphone channels have continuous gain controls, the stereo channels can only be adjusted using a Hi/Lo pressure switch to determine the input sensitivity. However, since the stereo signals present usually have their own volume control, this shortcoming is negligible. However, all channels have in common an effect send regulator, an aux return and a level control. On the back of the Dynacord PM 502 there is a USB brand 2 in / 2 out with a real Asio driver for the purpose of feeding in digital signals.

The Dynacord PM 502 can show off its real strengths in the master area. Up to three separate rooms can be individually provided with sound and tuned via a respective seven-band master equalizer. Even a delay line was integrated into the master output B to compensate for delays of up to 50 meters. Here someone has finally thought through how to avoid classic deficits in routing options during the development process. The effects area includes 32 different programs, which include the classic standards in the form of spatial and modulation effects. All programs are editable and can also be operated with a foot switch if necessary. There is also a headphone connection on the front, but unfortunately it is only designed as a mini jack.


If you get a product like the Dynacord PM 502 on the table, there is always the “danger” that the practical test will be comparatively short, simply because the expectations you had in advance can be transferred 1:1 to practice. After switching on the product, it becomes apparent within a very short time that “unfortunately” everything can be implemented and operated exactly as expected during the training phase.

When it comes to flexibility, the Dynacord PM 502 is really hard to beat. I sat down for a moment and thought about whether there was a sound system configuration that would not be able to handle the product well, or even very well. I really couldn't think of anything. Starting with pure speech playback such as presentations, possibly with subtle background music, which discreetly disappears in the adjustable talkover area, through permanent installation in bars, halls and entrance areas to the typical rehearsal room setup or even club sound system with monitor path, the Dynacord PM 502 really masters every constellation .


With the Dynacord PM 502, Germany, the flagship for power mixers, has brought an excellent all-rounder onto the market. When it comes to flexibility, design and workmanship, I am currently unaware of any other product that is extremely practical and puts the Made-In-Germany rating in the light that stands for the extra class tick.

A real top product in its class and definitely recommended!


Additional Informations:

Dynacord stands as a titan in the world of professional audio, renowned for its innovative solutions, unwavering quality, and commitment to excellence. The company's journey from its modest beginnings to its current status as a global leader in pro audio equipment is a testament to its pioneering spirit, technological prowess, and dedication to meeting the evolving needs of musicians, sound engineers, and audio professionals. This comprehensive article traces the rich history, milestones, and enduring legacy of Dynacord, highlighting its pivotal role in shaping the landscape of professional sound reinforcement.

Founding and Early Years:
The story of Dynacord dates back to 1945 when the company was founded in Straubing, Germany, by electrical engineer Kurt Heidemann and entrepreneur Arnold Kegel. In its formative years, Dynacord focused primarily on manufacturing amplifiers and public address systems for a variety of applications, including theaters, cinemas, and public events.

In 1956, Dynacord made a significant breakthrough with the introduction of the Echocord, one of the world's first tape echo machines. This innovative device revolutionized the world of audio effects, allowing musicians and sound engineers to create rich, immersive soundscapes previously unattainable with traditional recording techniques.

Expansion and Innovation:
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Dynacord continued to expand its product range and innovate in the field of audio technology. The company introduced a series of groundbreaking products, including the Corus line of mixing consoles, the VRS reverb system, and the CLS series of loudspeakers, each pushing the boundaries of what was possible in sound reinforcement.

One of Dynacord's most significant achievements during this period was the development of the Variodyn® compression system, a pioneering technology that revolutionized dynamic range control in live sound and recording applications. The Variodyn® system, first introduced in 1969, offered unprecedented flexibility and precision, allowing sound engineers to achieve greater clarity, punch, and impact in their mixes.

In the 1980s, Dynacord further solidified its reputation for innovation with the introduction of the PowerMate series of powered mixing consoles. Combining a mixer, power amplifier, and effects processor into a single compact unit, the PowerMate revolutionized the way live sound systems were designed and deployed, offering unmatched convenience, flexibility, and performance.

Global Reach and Recognition:
As Dynacord's product lineup expanded and its reputation for quality and innovation grew, the company began to establish a global presence, with distribution networks spanning Europe, North America, Asia, and beyond. From small clubs and theaters to large-scale stadiums and arenas, Dynacord's pro audio solutions became synonymous with reliability, performance, and sonic excellence.

Throughout the decades, Dynacord has garnered numerous awards and accolades for its contributions to the world of professional audio. From industry publications to trade shows and exhibitions, Dynacord's products have consistently been recognized for their innovation, craftsmanship, and superior sound quality.

Moreover, Dynacord's commitment to customer satisfaction and technical support has earned the company a loyal following of audio professionals who rely on its products day in and day out. Whether it's a touring musician, a sound engineer, or a rental company, Dynacord's pro audio solutions continue to set the standard for excellence in the industry.

Evolution and Adaptation:
In recent years, Dynacord has continued to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of the professional audio market. The company has embraced new technologies such as digital signal processing (DSP), networked audio, and wireless connectivity, enabling it to offer state-of-the-art solutions for modern sound reinforcement applications.

One example of Dynacord's commitment to innovation is the introduction of the SONICUE sound system software platform. Developed in collaboration with Electro-Voice, SONICUE provides intuitive control and optimization of Dynacord's amplifiers, loudspeakers, and signal processors, allowing users to achieve optimal performance with ease.

Additionally, Dynacord has expanded its product lineup to include solutions for a wide range of applications, including live sound, installed sound, broadcast, and recording. Whether it's a compact portable PA system for small venues or a sophisticated line array system for large-scale events, Dynacord offers a comprehensive range of products to suit every need and budget.

The history of Dynacord is a testament to the company's unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. From its humble beginnings in post-war Germany to its current status as a global leader in professional audio, Dynacord has remained at the forefront of technological advancement, shaping the way we experience sound in the modern world.

As Dynacord continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in sound reinforcement, one thing remains constant: its dedication to providing audio professionals with the tools they need to create unforgettable sonic experiences. Whether it's a concert, a conference, or a worship service, Dynacord's pro audio solutions continue to set the standard for excellence, reliability, and performance.

TEST: DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG

 There is a type of amplifier that has actually become very rare within the amplifier sector in recent years. We are talking about the so-called single-channel amplifiers, of which the Marshall types 2203 and 2204 are probably the best-known protagonists. These are amplifiers that can ultimately only produce a single sound, which cannot be switched between different gain levels or similar using a footswitch. In return, however, you get a sound that is usually groundbreaking and, in the case of Marshall, for example, has made world history in terms of guitar sound. The DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG is just such an amplifier and has interesting details in several respects.

Who is Eric Gales?

I have to admit, to my shame, that before I got the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG amplifier to test, I had never heard of Eric Gales in my life. Fortunately, the Internet makes it very easy to bring your knowledge up to date. In particular, it made me think that if a company like DV Mark brings a signature amplifier onto the market, the artist in question should represent a certain amount of value as an advertising medium, so some research was indeed urgently needed. The result was an independent artist who, not only because he was left-handed, with his combination of guitar and vocals was latently reminiscent of his great role models Jimi Hendrix and Albert King.

However, as already mentioned, the special thing about his signature amplifier is the fact that it is a single-channel amplifier, which ultimately only represents a kind of large, neutral-sounding power amplifier, especially since Eric Gales uses the different distortion levels plus all the effects such as delay, reverb, modulation effects etc. via pedals. It was also important to him that the amplifier be as light as possible, have as small dimensions as possible and sound good with any cabinet that you might find in the local club or that is provided by a rental company. For example, you can reduce the cost of additional luggage on flights by using a floorboard, on which you can also place the amplifier itself, depending on the size and load.

The construction of the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG

Given the specifications mentioned above, it is not really surprising that the amplifier weighs less than 2 kg and has dimensions (width by depth by height) of 200 mm by 221 mm by 70 mm. The amplifier is manufactured in Indonesia and was developed in Italy by the company DV Mark, which has the same parent company as the very well-known bass manufacturer Markbass. It is actually very interesting to observe how customers, depending on the company, only commit to a certain product line from a company. The Markbass company has achieved real fame worldwide, while the guitar department under DV Mark remains something of an insider tip. Something similar could or can still be seen with the Marshall company, who built up a legend in the guitar sector, but were punished time and again for their products in the bass sector and, economically speaking, suffered shipwreck with their bass products every time. Oh yes, who knows Ampeg guitar amplifiers? OK, Steve Morse in his early years.

The amplifier, with its control options, comes across as spartan and purely functional, meaning that there is only a volume control, a three-band tone control and a reverb control that can be switched using a foot switch. No offense, but the Italians have, let’s say, a “golden” relationship with the English language. While it starts with “Bass” and “Mid” and then ends with “Hi” instead of “High”, in any other country in the EU it would probably have gotten a slap in the face during the final inspection. In addition, external sound sources can be fed in for rehearsals via two mini jack sockets on the front via Aux and headphones can be connected via phones.

In terms of performance, the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG uses an MPT power amplifier (Mark Proprietary Technology) to deliver 60 watts into 4 ohms and 50 watts into 8 ohms, which should easily be enough for any club in terms of volume. However, in order not to rely exclusively on solid state, a tube preamp in the form of a 6205 Micro tube was used in order to be able to make the saturation in the preamp area “softer”. On the back of the housing of the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG amplifier we find two loudspeaker outputs connected in parallel, which require a minimum impedance of 4 ohms. So you can easily connect two 112 or 212 speakers, which, as is well known, are usually designed with an 8 ohm. In addition, there is a serial loop path for all effects pedals in the modulation and spatial area and, in addition to the foot switch already mentioned, there is also a voltage control that can be set to the range of 240 volts or 120 volts.
Finally, on the left side there is the familiar cold device socket along with the built-in main fuse in the form of a fine fuse underneath. It's also nice that DV Mark uses very high rubber feet, so that you can easily place the amplifier on any cabinet where the carrying handle is on the top of the housing, which is probably the case with most combo cabinets.

The DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG in practice

Even if or precisely because the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG only has a very limited selection of control options, the product may pose a challenge for some users. Unless you grew up with the 1959 or 1987 Marshall models, you may find the way they work with just a single volume control on an amplifier a bit strange. Anyone who is used to having a separate control for the preamplifier or power amplifier, or sometimes even with a separate gain control, will be a little surprised at first that you can only cause the amplifier to achieve subtle saturation by turning it simply increase the volume. This behavior was practiced on all amplifiers in the early days of rock and roll simply because it was the standard way to build an amplifier. If you wanted more distortion, you had a higher volume, so it's no wonder that almost all guitarists in the 60s were partially to slightly deaf.

However, the tuning of the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG is very successful in this respect and consistently adheres to the “clean” principle. The amp maintains a completely clean sound right up to the maximum volume of the amp, which is exactly what Eric Gales needs for his style of guitar tone. An amplifier that is as neutral as possible and adds very little of its own color to the sound up to high volumes. The basic sound of the amplifier is pleasantly warm and soft due to the components used, such as the tube in the preamplifier. The amplifier is particularly impressive when combined with single-coil pickups, such as the classic Strat set or anything else that has a P90, for example, and cushions the sometimes hard Fender tips of said pickups very well.

What I actually really like are the very compact dimensions of the product. Especially at a time when every square centimeter needs to be saved in transport, such an amplifier can significantly increase the transportability of the gear in just a few simple steps. The amplifier should even fit into various guitar bags so that it can be transported directly with the guitar. Maybe add a small backpack for the pedalboard and you're good to go, even by public transport if necessary. All in all, I would classify the amplifier in the tradition of the old classic Hiwatt amplifiers. Not in terms of sound, but in terms of concept, these same amplifiers were known for being able to reproduce immense volumes without even remotely leading to a heavy crunch, let alone high-gain distortion.


With the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG, the Italian manufacturer consistently follows the path of a single-channel amplifier, which follows the approach of a high-quality power amplifier for FX pedals rather than that of a flexible amplifier top. The amp is very transport-friendly, delivers a high-quality basic sound and should interest all fans of the Marshall models 1959 and 1987 who are afraid of transporting the cars and are looking for a consistently clean and soft sound.


Additional Informations:

DV Mark stands as a beacon of innovation in the world of guitar amplification, renowned for its cutting-edge technology and commitment to quality craftsmanship. The story of DV Mark's inception is one of passion, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of sonic excellence. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the origins, evolution, and impact of DV Mark, tracing its trajectory from a humble startup to a global leader in amplifier design and manufacturing.

Founding Vision:
The roots of DV Mark can be traced back to Italy in the early 2000s, where a group of passionate musicians and engineers shared a common vision: to create amplifiers that not only delivered unparalleled tone but also embraced the latest advancements in technology. Led by Marco De Virgiliis, a seasoned amplifier designer with a knack for innovation, the team set out to challenge the status quo and redefine the boundaries of guitar amplification.

In 2007, DV Mark was officially founded, marking the beginning of a new era in amplifier design. From the outset, the company's mission was clear: to develop amplifiers that combined the warmth and richness of traditional tube amplifiers with the reliability and versatility of modern solid-state technology.

Innovation and Collaboration:
Central to DV Mark's success is its relentless pursuit of innovation and its commitment to collaboration with musicians at every stage of the design process. Unlike many other amplifier manufacturers, DV Mark actively seeks feedback from artists and incorporates their input into the development of new products.

Through partnerships with world-class guitarists such as Greg Howe, Frank Gambale, and Marco Sfogli, DV Mark has been able to fine-tune its amplifiers to meet the unique needs and preferences of professional musicians. By listening to the feedback of artists who rely on their gear night after night, DV Mark ensures that its amplifiers deliver the performance, reliability, and tone that players demand.

Moreover, DV Mark's collaboration with leading engineers and experts in amplifier design has allowed the company to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. By embracing new technologies such as digital modeling, Class-D amplification, and lightweight materials, DV Mark has been able to create amplifiers that offer unparalleled performance and portability without sacrificing tone or reliability.

Product Development and Expansion:
Since its inception, DV Mark has continued to expand its product lineup, introducing a wide range of amplifiers, cabinets, and accessories to meet the diverse needs of musicians. From compact practice amps to high-powered stage rigs, DV Mark offers solutions for guitarists of all styles and skill levels.

One of DV Mark's most notable achievements is the development of the Multiamp series, a line of digital amplifiers that combine the flexibility of digital modeling with the warmth and responsiveness of analog circuitry. Launched in 2010, the Multiamp series has garnered praise from musicians and critics alike for its realistic amp simulations, intuitive user interface, and studio-quality effects.

In addition to amplifiers, DV Mark has also expanded into other areas of musical instrument manufacturing, including speaker cabinets, pedalboards, and accessories. By offering a comprehensive range of products that complement its amplifiers, DV Mark has positioned itself as a one-stop shop for guitarists seeking professional-grade gear.

Global Reach and Recognition:
Over the years, DV Mark has grown from a small startup to a globally recognized brand, with distribution networks spanning the globe. From Europe to Asia to North America, DV Mark amplifiers can be found in music stores, recording studios, and concert stages around the world.

This global reach is a testament to the universal appeal of DV Mark's products and the company's unwavering commitment to quality and innovation. Whether performing in intimate clubs or headlining major festivals, musicians trust DV Mark amplifiers to deliver the tone, reliability, and performance they need to excel on stage and in the studio.

Moreover, DV Mark's dedication to customer satisfaction has earned the company a loyal following of guitarists who swear by its products. From amateur enthusiasts to seasoned professionals, musicians of all stripes rely on DV Mark amplifiers to inspire creativity and elevate their performance.

The story of DV Mark is a testament to the power of innovation, collaboration, and a shared passion for music. From its humble beginnings in Italy to its global presence today, DV Mark has remained true to its founding vision of creating amplifiers that push the boundaries of sonic excellence.

As the company continues to innovate and expand its product lineup, one thing remains constant: DV Mark's unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and performance. Whether you're a bedroom guitarist, a weekend warrior, or a touring professional, DV Mark amplifiers offer the tone, versatility, and portability you need to take your playing to the next level.

Dienstag, 27. Februar 2024

TEST: Digitech Whammy 4

Only ten years on the market and already a classic! What, after only 10 years, the accolade of the imperishable (if this classification even exists in the pop / rock category...)?

Well, if you actually manage to establish a truly NEW effect, especially in the FX pedal market, which was already saturated to the brim with distortion, modulation and spatial effects, you actually deserve a lot of respect, including from the competition.

We're talking about the Digitech Whammy Pedal, an effect that you have to master as an audiophile, as it appears extremely three-dimensional, but the inexperienced listener initially assumes it is due to the artist's dexterity.

In 2000, thousands of guitarists were racking their brains as to how Tom Morello of RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE managed to use his already exalted guitar work to reach fingerboard heights that came close to the area above the (theoretical) thirtieth fret, without using a bottleneck or other obvious aids .

Or the current Punch and Judy troupe DRAGONFORCE, who, with their Nintendo Metal, alienate their guitar sounds with the help of Pro Tools and the Whammy Pedal, thus presenting many predominantly male/pubescent guitar students with a difficult process of discovery.

Only by listening closely and seeing the action on the fretboard, which is technically insoluble, do the ambitious musician realize that an effects pedal has to be involved. The same product goes by the name Whammy Pedal and hit like a grenade at its time.

DigiTech, which is part of the Harman Group, has now brought Version 4 of the Whammy Pedal onto the market, with the product gaining a few more layers of flexibility compared to its grandfather.

Although based in the USA, the Whammy Pedal 4 is also assembled in China to keep labor costs low.


The bright red pedal has a very solid construction and has excellent stability due to its 1.6 kg weight and four rubber feet, which have a very good “stickiness” on smooth surfaces.

A robust rocker with a non-slip pad and a sturdy true bypass switch also provide a high level of confidence in terms of longevity.

The device is normally placed as the first link in the signal chain between the guitar and the amplifier input, before any distortion that may be used, and has one input and two outputs (dry, wet added).

The wet output is connected to the amp or other mines, the dry out can be fed to a tuner if necessary. This is a nice detailed solution, so if in doubt you can also use “lower quality” tuners for live use, which should not be in the main signal path in normal operation due to the loss of sound with their electronics.

The pedal's different programs can also be managed remotely via a MIDI-in socket. Alternatively, you can select the individual programs using an endless controller. A 9V mains connection, which requires a whopping 1.3 A current flow, completes the connection area.

The Whammy Pedal has a total of 17 presets, which are divided into 3 different function groups:

Function 1: Harmony (a second tone of the same volume is added to the tone played)

Interval 1: Oct up / Oct Dn (pure octave above with pedal pressed, pure octave below with pedal pulled)

Interval 2: 5th Dn / 4th Dn (perfect fourth below with the pedal pressed, perfect fifth below with the pedal pulled)

Interval 3: 4th Dn / 3rd Dn (minor third below with the pedal pressed, perfect fourth below with the pedal pulled)

Interval 4: 5th Up / 7th Up (minor seventh above with pedal pressed, perfect fifth above with pedal pulled)

Interval 5: 5th Up / 6th Up (major sixth above with the pedal pressed, perfect fifth above with the pedal pulled)

Interval 6: 4th Up / 5th Up (perfect fifth above with the pedal pressed, perfect fourth above with the pedal pulled)

Interval 7: 3rd Up / 4th Up (perfect fourth above with pedal pressed, major third above with pedal pulled)

Interval 8: Min 3rd Up / 3rd Up (major thirds above with pedal pressed, minor thirds above with pedal pulled)

Interval 9: 2nd Up / 3rd Up (major third above with pedal pressed, major second above with pedal pulled)

Function 2: Detune (the signal is doubled and slightly to strongly detuned)

Shallow: slight upset

Deep: stronger detuning

Function 3: Whammy (the signal is pitched up or down via the rocker over the set interval)

Interval 1:2 Oct Up (the signal is pitched up two pure octaves)

Interval 2: 1 Oct Up (the signal is pitched up a pure octave)

Interval 3: 1 Oct Dn (the signal is pitched down a pure octave)

Interval 4: 2 Oct Dn (the signal is pitched down two pure octaves)

Interval 5: Dive Bomb (the vibrato use of a Floyd-Rose system is simulated over 3 octaves downwards)

Interval 6: Drop Tune (the signal is shifted down two semitones)


Connected, selected interval and off you go. The first thing you notice is the excellent quality of the sound signal. The processor works very well in terms of sound and lets the signal through with almost no discoloration.

In Whammy mode, the processor also works very quickly; you can hardly notice any latency even when playing fast. In detune mode, the CPU strangely needs a few milliseconds more to reproduce the processed signal, but the computing speed is absolutely sufficient even for faster passages.

The mechanical alignment of the pedal's rocker takes a little getting used to, as its actual control path in whammy mode only begins after about half of the tilting movement. Personally, I would prefer smooth control from the first foot movement, but this is a personal interpretation.

In the Harmony range, however, the rocker works from the first centimeter and therefore allows for finer adjustment than in Whammy mode.

And the effect? Well, as already mentioned, life is comfortable when you have “invented” an effect that is second to none and is of course protected by appropriate patents. If you want Whammy, you need DigiTech, it's simple ;-)

You can achieve both subtle alienation of the signal and completely exaggerated effect passages from the “big pants” department, all in very good audio quality and with the corresponding AHA effect.


The Whammy effect is actually one of the few outstanding effects that have achieved worldwide fame in recent years. Its unique effect parameters still leave the six-string group open-mouthed today and rarely fail to have their effect.

The targeted and well-dosed use of the product enriches the range of effects of the ambitious solo guitarist and is convincing in the right tonal context.

Good workmanship, good sound quality, unique effect, what more could you want?


Additional Informations:

Unraveling the Intricacies of Harmonizer Effects in Music

In the realm of music production and performance, the use of effects pedals has become an indispensable tool for shaping and enhancing sound. Among the vast array of effects available to musicians, harmonizer effects stand out as versatile tools for creating lush, multi-dimensional textures and expanding the sonic palette. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey through the intricate world of harmonizer effects, exploring their origins, technical principles, creative applications, and impact on contemporary music.

I. Origins and Evolution:
The concept of harmonization, or the simultaneous sounding of multiple musical pitches, dates back centuries and has been explored in various forms throughout musical history. Early attempts at creating harmonizer effects can be traced to analog tape-based techniques, where engineers manipulated tape speed and pitch to achieve basic pitch shifting and harmonization effects. However, it was the advent of digital signal processing in the late 20th century that paved the way for the development of sophisticated harmonizer effects with greater precision and flexibility.

II. Technical Principles:
Harmonizer effects operate by altering the pitch of an incoming audio signal in real-time, creating harmonies that follow a predetermined interval or musical scale. This process is achieved through digital algorithms that analyze the incoming audio, generate additional pitches based on the desired harmony, and blend them with the original signal to create a harmonized output. Modern harmonizer pedals often feature a range of controls and parameters, allowing users to adjust parameters such as harmony interval, scale, and mix level to tailor the sound to their liking.

III. Types of Harmonizer Effects:
Harmonizer effects come in various forms, each offering unique features and capabilities suited to different musical contexts and applications. Some common types of harmonizer effects include:
1. Pitch Shifters: Basic pitch-shifting effects that allow users to transpose the pitch of the input signal up or down by a specified interval.
2. Intelligent Harmonizers: Advanced harmonizer effects that analyze the input signal and generate harmonies based on the musical context, allowing for precise control over harmony intervals and scales.
3. Whammy Pedals: Expression pedal-controlled pitch-shifting effects that enable real-time manipulation of pitch and harmony, popularized by the iconic Digitech Whammy pedal.
4. Dual-Voice Harmonizers: Harmonizer effects that generate two simultaneous harmony voices, enabling users to create rich, multi-part harmonies and layered textures.

IV. Creative Applications:
Harmonizer effects offer a wealth of creative possibilities for musicians and sound designers across a wide range of genres and styles. Some common applications of harmonizer effects include:
1. Vocal Harmonization: Adding rich, multi-part harmonies to vocal performances, enhancing vocal arrangements, and creating lush backing vocals.
2. Guitar Harmonization: Generating harmonized guitar lines and melodies to add depth and complexity to guitar solos and riffs.
3. Instrumental Harmonization: Applying harmonizer effects to non-vocal instruments such as keyboards, brass, and strings to create orchestral textures and layered arrangements.
4. Experimental Sound Design: Pushing the boundaries of conventional harmony and exploring avant-garde sonic landscapes through the use of extreme pitch-shifting and modulation effects.

V. Influential Artists and Albums:
Throughout the history of popular music, harmonizer effects have been used by countless artists and producers to create iconic recordings and signature sounds. Some influential examples include:
1. Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys: Wilson's pioneering use of harmonizer effects, particularly on albums like "Pet Sounds," helped define the lush, multi-part vocal harmonies that became synonymous with the Beach Boys' sound.
2. Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin: Page's use of the Eventide Harmonizer on tracks like "Whole Lotta Love" and "Kashmir" introduced innovative pitch-shifting effects to the rock guitar lexicon, paving the way for future generations of guitarists.
3. Imogen Heap: Heap's innovative use of vocal harmonizer effects, particularly on her album "Speak for Yourself," showcased the creative potential of real-time pitch manipulation in contemporary pop music.
4. Radiohead: Radiohead's experimental approach to production and sound design, exemplified on albums like "Kid A" and "Amnesiac," often incorporates harmonizer effects to create otherworldly textures and atmospheres.

VI. Modern Developments and Trends:
In recent years, advancements in technology have expanded the capabilities of harmonizer effects, leading to the development of innovative new pedals and software plugins. Some notable trends and developments in the world of harmonizer effects include:
1. Polyphonic Harmonizers: Pedals and plugins capable of generating multiple harmonized voices simultaneously, enabling users to create complex, choir-like textures and harmonies.
2. Intelligent Harmonization: Algorithms that employ artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze musical context and generate harmonies with greater accuracy and musicality.
3. Integration with DAWs and Digital Workflows: Harmonizer effects that seamlessly integrate with digital audio workstations (DAWs) and recording software, allowing for precise control and automation of harmonized vocals and instruments in the studio.
4. Hybrid Analog-Digital Designs: Pedals that combine the warmth and character of analog circuitry with the flexibility and precision of digital signal processing, offering a unique blend of vintage and modern harmonizer tones.

VII. Conclusion:
In conclusion, harmonizer effects have become essential tools for musicians and producers seeking to explore new sonic territories and enhance their creative output. From their humble origins in analog tape manipulation to their modern-day incarnations as sophisticated digital processors, harmonizer effects have continuously evolved to meet the demands of musicians across genres and styles. Whether used to add depth and complexity to vocal performances, create otherworldly guitar textures, or push the boundaries of experimental sound design, harmonizer effects remain indispensable assets in the musician's toolkit, offering endless possibilities for sonic exploration and artistic expression.