Montag, 4. März 2024

TEST: DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG

 There is a type of amplifier that has actually become very rare within the amplifier sector in recent years. We are talking about the so-called single-channel amplifiers, of which the Marshall types 2203 and 2204 are probably the best-known protagonists. These are amplifiers that can ultimately only produce a single sound, which cannot be switched between different gain levels or similar using a footswitch. In return, however, you get a sound that is usually groundbreaking and, in the case of Marshall, for example, has made world history in terms of guitar sound. The DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG is just such an amplifier and has interesting details in several respects.

Who is Eric Gales?

I have to admit, to my shame, that before I got the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG amplifier to test, I had never heard of Eric Gales in my life. Fortunately, the Internet makes it very easy to bring your knowledge up to date. In particular, it made me think that if a company like DV Mark brings a signature amplifier onto the market, the artist in question should represent a certain amount of value as an advertising medium, so some research was indeed urgently needed. The result was an independent artist who, not only because he was left-handed, with his combination of guitar and vocals was latently reminiscent of his great role models Jimi Hendrix and Albert King.

However, as already mentioned, the special thing about his signature amplifier is the fact that it is a single-channel amplifier, which ultimately only represents a kind of large, neutral-sounding power amplifier, especially since Eric Gales uses the different distortion levels plus all the effects such as delay, reverb, modulation effects etc. via pedals. It was also important to him that the amplifier be as light as possible, have as small dimensions as possible and sound good with any cabinet that you might find in the local club or that is provided by a rental company. For example, you can reduce the cost of additional luggage on flights by using a floorboard, on which you can also place the amplifier itself, depending on the size and load.

The construction of the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG

Given the specifications mentioned above, it is not really surprising that the amplifier weighs less than 2 kg and has dimensions (width by depth by height) of 200 mm by 221 mm by 70 mm. The amplifier is manufactured in Indonesia and was developed in Italy by the company DV Mark, which has the same parent company as the very well-known bass manufacturer Markbass. It is actually very interesting to observe how customers, depending on the company, only commit to a certain product line from a company. The Markbass company has achieved real fame worldwide, while the guitar department under DV Mark remains something of an insider tip. Something similar could or can still be seen with the Marshall company, who built up a legend in the guitar sector, but were punished time and again for their products in the bass sector and, economically speaking, suffered shipwreck with their bass products every time. Oh yes, who knows Ampeg guitar amplifiers? OK, Steve Morse in his early years.

The amplifier, with its control options, comes across as spartan and purely functional, meaning that there is only a volume control, a three-band tone control and a reverb control that can be switched using a foot switch. No offense, but the Italians have, let’s say, a “golden” relationship with the English language. While it starts with “Bass” and “Mid” and then ends with “Hi” instead of “High”, in any other country in the EU it would probably have gotten a slap in the face during the final inspection. In addition, external sound sources can be fed in for rehearsals via two mini jack sockets on the front via Aux and headphones can be connected via phones.

In terms of performance, the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG uses an MPT power amplifier (Mark Proprietary Technology) to deliver 60 watts into 4 ohms and 50 watts into 8 ohms, which should easily be enough for any club in terms of volume. However, in order not to rely exclusively on solid state, a tube preamp in the form of a 6205 Micro tube was used in order to be able to make the saturation in the preamp area “softer”. On the back of the housing of the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG amplifier we find two loudspeaker outputs connected in parallel, which require a minimum impedance of 4 ohms. So you can easily connect two 112 or 212 speakers, which, as is well known, are usually designed with an 8 ohm. In addition, there is a serial loop path for all effects pedals in the modulation and spatial area and, in addition to the foot switch already mentioned, there is also a voltage control that can be set to the range of 240 volts or 120 volts.
Finally, on the left side there is the familiar cold device socket along with the built-in main fuse in the form of a fine fuse underneath. It's also nice that DV Mark uses very high rubber feet, so that you can easily place the amplifier on any cabinet where the carrying handle is on the top of the housing, which is probably the case with most combo cabinets.

The DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG in practice

Even if or precisely because the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG only has a very limited selection of control options, the product may pose a challenge for some users. Unless you grew up with the 1959 or 1987 Marshall models, you may find the way they work with just a single volume control on an amplifier a bit strange. Anyone who is used to having a separate control for the preamplifier or power amplifier, or sometimes even with a separate gain control, will be a little surprised at first that you can only cause the amplifier to achieve subtle saturation by turning it simply increase the volume. This behavior was practiced on all amplifiers in the early days of rock and roll simply because it was the standard way to build an amplifier. If you wanted more distortion, you had a higher volume, so it's no wonder that almost all guitarists in the 60s were partially to slightly deaf.

However, the tuning of the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG is very successful in this respect and consistently adheres to the “clean” principle. The amp maintains a completely clean sound right up to the maximum volume of the amp, which is exactly what Eric Gales needs for his style of guitar tone. An amplifier that is as neutral as possible and adds very little of its own color to the sound up to high volumes. The basic sound of the amplifier is pleasantly warm and soft due to the components used, such as the tube in the preamplifier. The amplifier is particularly impressive when combined with single-coil pickups, such as the classic Strat set or anything else that has a P90, for example, and cushions the sometimes hard Fender tips of said pickups very well.

What I actually really like are the very compact dimensions of the product. Especially at a time when every square centimeter needs to be saved in transport, such an amplifier can significantly increase the transportability of the gear in just a few simple steps. The amplifier should even fit into various guitar bags so that it can be transported directly with the guitar. Maybe add a small backpack for the pedalboard and you're good to go, even by public transport if necessary. All in all, I would classify the amplifier in the tradition of the old classic Hiwatt amplifiers. Not in terms of sound, but in terms of concept, these same amplifiers were known for being able to reproduce immense volumes without even remotely leading to a heavy crunch, let alone high-gain distortion.


With the DV Mark Raw Dawg 60 EG, the Italian manufacturer consistently follows the path of a single-channel amplifier, which follows the approach of a high-quality power amplifier for FX pedals rather than that of a flexible amplifier top. The amp is very transport-friendly, delivers a high-quality basic sound and should interest all fans of the Marshall models 1959 and 1987 who are afraid of transporting the cars and are looking for a consistently clean and soft sound.


Additional Informations:

DV Mark stands as a beacon of innovation in the world of guitar amplification, renowned for its cutting-edge technology and commitment to quality craftsmanship. The story of DV Mark's inception is one of passion, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of sonic excellence. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the origins, evolution, and impact of DV Mark, tracing its trajectory from a humble startup to a global leader in amplifier design and manufacturing.

Founding Vision:
The roots of DV Mark can be traced back to Italy in the early 2000s, where a group of passionate musicians and engineers shared a common vision: to create amplifiers that not only delivered unparalleled tone but also embraced the latest advancements in technology. Led by Marco De Virgiliis, a seasoned amplifier designer with a knack for innovation, the team set out to challenge the status quo and redefine the boundaries of guitar amplification.

In 2007, DV Mark was officially founded, marking the beginning of a new era in amplifier design. From the outset, the company's mission was clear: to develop amplifiers that combined the warmth and richness of traditional tube amplifiers with the reliability and versatility of modern solid-state technology.

Innovation and Collaboration:
Central to DV Mark's success is its relentless pursuit of innovation and its commitment to collaboration with musicians at every stage of the design process. Unlike many other amplifier manufacturers, DV Mark actively seeks feedback from artists and incorporates their input into the development of new products.

Through partnerships with world-class guitarists such as Greg Howe, Frank Gambale, and Marco Sfogli, DV Mark has been able to fine-tune its amplifiers to meet the unique needs and preferences of professional musicians. By listening to the feedback of artists who rely on their gear night after night, DV Mark ensures that its amplifiers deliver the performance, reliability, and tone that players demand.

Moreover, DV Mark's collaboration with leading engineers and experts in amplifier design has allowed the company to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. By embracing new technologies such as digital modeling, Class-D amplification, and lightweight materials, DV Mark has been able to create amplifiers that offer unparalleled performance and portability without sacrificing tone or reliability.

Product Development and Expansion:
Since its inception, DV Mark has continued to expand its product lineup, introducing a wide range of amplifiers, cabinets, and accessories to meet the diverse needs of musicians. From compact practice amps to high-powered stage rigs, DV Mark offers solutions for guitarists of all styles and skill levels.

One of DV Mark's most notable achievements is the development of the Multiamp series, a line of digital amplifiers that combine the flexibility of digital modeling with the warmth and responsiveness of analog circuitry. Launched in 2010, the Multiamp series has garnered praise from musicians and critics alike for its realistic amp simulations, intuitive user interface, and studio-quality effects.

In addition to amplifiers, DV Mark has also expanded into other areas of musical instrument manufacturing, including speaker cabinets, pedalboards, and accessories. By offering a comprehensive range of products that complement its amplifiers, DV Mark has positioned itself as a one-stop shop for guitarists seeking professional-grade gear.

Global Reach and Recognition:
Over the years, DV Mark has grown from a small startup to a globally recognized brand, with distribution networks spanning the globe. From Europe to Asia to North America, DV Mark amplifiers can be found in music stores, recording studios, and concert stages around the world.

This global reach is a testament to the universal appeal of DV Mark's products and the company's unwavering commitment to quality and innovation. Whether performing in intimate clubs or headlining major festivals, musicians trust DV Mark amplifiers to deliver the tone, reliability, and performance they need to excel on stage and in the studio.

Moreover, DV Mark's dedication to customer satisfaction has earned the company a loyal following of guitarists who swear by its products. From amateur enthusiasts to seasoned professionals, musicians of all stripes rely on DV Mark amplifiers to inspire creativity and elevate their performance.

The story of DV Mark is a testament to the power of innovation, collaboration, and a shared passion for music. From its humble beginnings in Italy to its global presence today, DV Mark has remained true to its founding vision of creating amplifiers that push the boundaries of sonic excellence.

As the company continues to innovate and expand its product lineup, one thing remains constant: DV Mark's unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and performance. Whether you're a bedroom guitarist, a weekend warrior, or a touring professional, DV Mark amplifiers offer the tone, versatility, and portability you need to take your playing to the next level.

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