Montag, 4. März 2024

TEST: Dynacord PM 502

Children, if this continues, we will soon have power amplifiers of 2 × 2000 W in a housing the size of an iPad. The amount of power that is now housed in the smallest housings thanks to switching power supplies would have been absolutely unthinkable a few years ago. This development has helped the once unpopular power mixer to flourish again. Who doesn't remember with horror the always underpowered 2 x 80 watt or even worse 1 x 100 watt Quaker rehearsal room, which were always on the verge of direct current extinction due to their design and the associated constant overload.

This can easily be forgotten these days. Power mixer, The Next Generation aims to breathe new life into the epitome of wanting but not being able to. A modern representative of this genre is the Dynacord PM 502. The company, which now belongs to the Bosch Group and was the German answer to America's all-rounder Peavey decades ago, is preparing to use the latest technology and the unusual emblem "Made In Germany" to replace a relic of the old ones times to gain new popularity and new uses. In addition, with the resounding success of their Powermate series, Dynacord has accumulated a stable cushion of know-how to be able to think outside the box.

Let's see whether Dynacord manages to maintain the fast, simple and uncomplicated nature of the basic power mixer design and take it to a new level. Because we can all agree on one thing: the idea of simply laying a few speaker cables in the back and plugging in a microphone or something similar on the other side without having to do any further cabling or other major setting work is more than just tempting.


The Dynacord PM 502 is a stand-alone device that can output 2 x 450 W RMS / 2 x 600 W at 4 ohms thanks to a Class-D power amplifier. The product concept is primarily tailored to installations in bistros, small clubs, lounges, boutiques, hotel bars and lobbies as well as churches, mosques and other similar applications. An integrated MP-3 player, which is powered via a USB port accessible on the front, makes it easy to play audio recordings stored on a USB stick or hard drive in MP3 and WAV formats. In addition, the product is particularly suitable for entertainers, DJs and small bands who are looking for a light and compact solution for the stage and rehearsal room.

What I personally really like is the flexibility in terms of setup options. The product can be operated as a desktop device in a slightly inclined position or screwed into the rack using an optionally available 19 inch frame. In terms of weight and dimensions, the product scores enormously with just 5 kg and dimensions of 395 mm x 244 mm x 241 mm. Even delicate women's hands can lift this mixer into the trunk without any additional help if necessary.

A special feature right at the beginning: in addition to the usual loudspeaker configuration, which in this case is operated via 2 Speakon sockets, the Dynacord PM 502 also has a so-called 100 V direct drive option, in which 100 V or 70 V loudspeaker lines are also available with high impedance Installation can be supplied, such as those often installed in churches or mosques. As expected, the product, in accordance with the Made-In-Germany banner, has all the necessary protective circuits that guarantee the highest level of operational safety.

In the mixer part, the product has five combination microphone/line inputs from Neutrik, which can optionally be supplied with 48 V phantom power. A corresponding pressure switch of tiny dimensions is located below the sockets. And yes, finally after a long time you will find lockable sockets again! One would have thought that there would be no more deliveries in the music industry. An integrated limiter and the very helpful talkover function (ducking) make it easier to announce messages (“Mrs. Müller, please dial 219, Ms. Müller please…”). For the purpose of sound tuning, all channels have a three-band sound control, which operates at 60 Hz, 2.4 kHz and 12 kHz as the center frequency. There are also 3 stereo inputs available either in the form of a jack or RCA / USB, also equipped with the same tone control.

While the microphone channels have continuous gain controls, the stereo channels can only be adjusted using a Hi/Lo pressure switch to determine the input sensitivity. However, since the stereo signals present usually have their own volume control, this shortcoming is negligible. However, all channels have in common an effect send regulator, an aux return and a level control. On the back of the Dynacord PM 502 there is a USB brand 2 in / 2 out with a real Asio driver for the purpose of feeding in digital signals.

The Dynacord PM 502 can show off its real strengths in the master area. Up to three separate rooms can be individually provided with sound and tuned via a respective seven-band master equalizer. Even a delay line was integrated into the master output B to compensate for delays of up to 50 meters. Here someone has finally thought through how to avoid classic deficits in routing options during the development process. The effects area includes 32 different programs, which include the classic standards in the form of spatial and modulation effects. All programs are editable and can also be operated with a foot switch if necessary. There is also a headphone connection on the front, but unfortunately it is only designed as a mini jack.


If you get a product like the Dynacord PM 502 on the table, there is always the “danger” that the practical test will be comparatively short, simply because the expectations you had in advance can be transferred 1:1 to practice. After switching on the product, it becomes apparent within a very short time that “unfortunately” everything can be implemented and operated exactly as expected during the training phase.

When it comes to flexibility, the Dynacord PM 502 is really hard to beat. I sat down for a moment and thought about whether there was a sound system configuration that would not be able to handle the product well, or even very well. I really couldn't think of anything. Starting with pure speech playback such as presentations, possibly with subtle background music, which discreetly disappears in the adjustable talkover area, through permanent installation in bars, halls and entrance areas to the typical rehearsal room setup or even club sound system with monitor path, the Dynacord PM 502 really masters every constellation .


With the Dynacord PM 502, Germany, the flagship for power mixers, has brought an excellent all-rounder onto the market. When it comes to flexibility, design and workmanship, I am currently unaware of any other product that is extremely practical and puts the Made-In-Germany rating in the light that stands for the extra class tick.

A real top product in its class and definitely recommended!


Additional Informations:

Dynacord stands as a titan in the world of professional audio, renowned for its innovative solutions, unwavering quality, and commitment to excellence. The company's journey from its modest beginnings to its current status as a global leader in pro audio equipment is a testament to its pioneering spirit, technological prowess, and dedication to meeting the evolving needs of musicians, sound engineers, and audio professionals. This comprehensive article traces the rich history, milestones, and enduring legacy of Dynacord, highlighting its pivotal role in shaping the landscape of professional sound reinforcement.

Founding and Early Years:
The story of Dynacord dates back to 1945 when the company was founded in Straubing, Germany, by electrical engineer Kurt Heidemann and entrepreneur Arnold Kegel. In its formative years, Dynacord focused primarily on manufacturing amplifiers and public address systems for a variety of applications, including theaters, cinemas, and public events.

In 1956, Dynacord made a significant breakthrough with the introduction of the Echocord, one of the world's first tape echo machines. This innovative device revolutionized the world of audio effects, allowing musicians and sound engineers to create rich, immersive soundscapes previously unattainable with traditional recording techniques.

Expansion and Innovation:
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Dynacord continued to expand its product range and innovate in the field of audio technology. The company introduced a series of groundbreaking products, including the Corus line of mixing consoles, the VRS reverb system, and the CLS series of loudspeakers, each pushing the boundaries of what was possible in sound reinforcement.

One of Dynacord's most significant achievements during this period was the development of the Variodyn® compression system, a pioneering technology that revolutionized dynamic range control in live sound and recording applications. The Variodyn® system, first introduced in 1969, offered unprecedented flexibility and precision, allowing sound engineers to achieve greater clarity, punch, and impact in their mixes.

In the 1980s, Dynacord further solidified its reputation for innovation with the introduction of the PowerMate series of powered mixing consoles. Combining a mixer, power amplifier, and effects processor into a single compact unit, the PowerMate revolutionized the way live sound systems were designed and deployed, offering unmatched convenience, flexibility, and performance.

Global Reach and Recognition:
As Dynacord's product lineup expanded and its reputation for quality and innovation grew, the company began to establish a global presence, with distribution networks spanning Europe, North America, Asia, and beyond. From small clubs and theaters to large-scale stadiums and arenas, Dynacord's pro audio solutions became synonymous with reliability, performance, and sonic excellence.

Throughout the decades, Dynacord has garnered numerous awards and accolades for its contributions to the world of professional audio. From industry publications to trade shows and exhibitions, Dynacord's products have consistently been recognized for their innovation, craftsmanship, and superior sound quality.

Moreover, Dynacord's commitment to customer satisfaction and technical support has earned the company a loyal following of audio professionals who rely on its products day in and day out. Whether it's a touring musician, a sound engineer, or a rental company, Dynacord's pro audio solutions continue to set the standard for excellence in the industry.

Evolution and Adaptation:
In recent years, Dynacord has continued to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of the professional audio market. The company has embraced new technologies such as digital signal processing (DSP), networked audio, and wireless connectivity, enabling it to offer state-of-the-art solutions for modern sound reinforcement applications.

One example of Dynacord's commitment to innovation is the introduction of the SONICUE sound system software platform. Developed in collaboration with Electro-Voice, SONICUE provides intuitive control and optimization of Dynacord's amplifiers, loudspeakers, and signal processors, allowing users to achieve optimal performance with ease.

Additionally, Dynacord has expanded its product lineup to include solutions for a wide range of applications, including live sound, installed sound, broadcast, and recording. Whether it's a compact portable PA system for small venues or a sophisticated line array system for large-scale events, Dynacord offers a comprehensive range of products to suit every need and budget.

The history of Dynacord is a testament to the company's unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. From its humble beginnings in post-war Germany to its current status as a global leader in professional audio, Dynacord has remained at the forefront of technological advancement, shaping the way we experience sound in the modern world.

As Dynacord continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in sound reinforcement, one thing remains constant: its dedication to providing audio professionals with the tools they need to create unforgettable sonic experiences. Whether it's a concert, a conference, or a worship service, Dynacord's pro audio solutions continue to set the standard for excellence, reliability, and performance.

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