Montag, 4. März 2024

TEST: Dynaudio Core 59

The Danish manufacturer Dynaudio should be known to almost every studio operator in the upper and top class. According to research, installed in well over 10,000 professional recording studios worldwide and an OEM audio supplier of sound systems from Volvo and Volkswagen, you can rarely avoid the brand as soon as you have to earn your living in the studio. In addition to digital signal processing, the company has recently also been using digital crossovers, such as those used in the Dynaudio Core 59 we tested. Here we go!

The construction of the Dynaudio Core 59

As soon as you unpack the Dynaudio Core 59, it quickly becomes clear that we are not dealing with a near-field monitor. With dimensions of 380 mm x 550 mm x 390 mm and a weight of 25 kg, we are clearly dealing with a midfield monitor due to the total power of up to 1150 watts. With a retail price of just under 2,700 euros per box, the digital 3-way monitor sets corresponding scent marks that will in most cases exceed the budget of a project studio anyway.

The housing is made of black painted MDF panels and is impeccably manufactured. In general, the box made in Denmark leaves a very good impression at first glance. As is generally the case with Dynaudio, all drivers for the Dynaudio Core 59 are made by hand in Denmark, whereby the tweeter/midrange combination, which is mounted on its own circular element, can be rotated as desired. This means that horizontal operation can be carried out easily in both left-hand and right-hand operation or even “headstand operation”. In order to perfectly position the included stick-on rubber feet and hold them at their assigned point, there are corresponding recesses on both sides, the bottom and also the top, to accommodate the adhesive feet.

To protect the tweeter against transport damage, there is a bright yellow plastic cover on the tweeter that is held magnetically from the outside during transport. The above 1150 watts are made up of 500 watts each for the 9.5-inch bass and the 5-inch midrange driver plus 150 watts for the tweeter, with the high frequency range and especially the midrange having an unusually high headroom. According to the manufacturer, the frequency response is 42 Hz to 21 kHz, the crossover frequencies were set at 385 Hz and 21 kHz.

Dynaudio expressly points out in its manual that the system must first be played in and that it will achieve its final sound after around 12 hours of continuous operation. Please ignore an overemphasis on the highs and a “stiff” sound at the beginning of operation.

The back of the Dynaudio Core 59

As expected, the input and filter section of the Dynaudio Core 59 is very extensive, especially since the system has both analog and digital inputs and additional DSP functions. According to the performance class, only XLR was installed as an analogue input; you won't find TRS or even RCA. Digital is also set to XLR as both input and output, with the system being designed up to 192 kHz and singlewire AES3. There is no sample rate conversion internally; instead, the DSP adopts the supplied sample rates 1:1. A switch called “Digital Channel” also controls the right/left positioning of the box in digital mode. There is also a BNC connection for word clock installed. The additional USB port does not allow further calibration of the system, but is only intended for maintenance work. When using the analog inputs, the box works continuously at 192 kHz.

You can now adjust your working level perfectly to the incoming and outgoing currents using two sliders called “Analogue Input Sensitivy” and “SPL Level”. Four holes were also provided for a VESA mount, although I can hardly imagine that anyone would want to operate these giants in flight. Desktop operation is also almost impossible; appropriate tripods are provided for operation, but you never know what kind of ideas users will come up with. The Dynaudio Core 59 has a multi-voltage power supply, which enables worldwide operation. The most important power cables with the corresponding power plugs are included with the system. The Dynaudio Core 59 does not have a real on/off switch; only an auto standby mode can be activated using a slider. Finally, there is a cold device plug, a number of cooling fins and an extensive filter section, which we now want to look at in more detail.

The filter section

Despite the targeted user group of professional operation, the Danes have committed themselves to a kind of plug-and-play with reduced editing options for the Dynaudio Core 59, although the DSP orientation would allow a much more intensive approach to the processor department. The following settings can be activated using the slider:

Position 1: You can choose between “free-standing”, “on the wall” and “in the corner”, where Dynaudio uses the 50 cm rule as a basis. Less than 50 cm from a wall means “Wall”, less than 50 cm from 2 walls means “Corner”. The processor calculates the corresponding overlays and reduces the bass range using several filters.

Position 2: Here you can compensate for the placement in relation to the installation of the box, with the positions “Soffit” (wall installation), “Desk” (placement on a meter bridge with compensation for desk reflections) and “Anechoic” (free-standing on tripods etc. etc.) can choose.

Sound Balance: You can preset the basic sound of the system using the positions “Bright”, “Neutral” and “Dark”. “Bright” relies on a treble emphasis at 20 kHz (+1.5 dB) with a simultaneous cut at 20 Hz (-1.5 dB). In “Dark” the opposite occurs, i.e. -1.5 dB at 20 kHz and + 1.5 dB at 20 Hz. In the “Neutral” position, the tone controls remain untouched, as expected.

Bass Extension: A high-pass filter that should be activated in subwoofer operation. A corner frequency could not be determined, but experience shows that with the 3-way design it will probably be between 70 - 90 Hz.

The Dynaudio Core 59 in practice

First you have to find the final position of the boxes and decide on how to “stick them on rubber”. As much as you may appreciate the flexibility in terms of 16 adhesive points at first glance, committing to one adhesive side with rubber feet is not really what you would expect from a product that costs just under 2,700 euros. Permanently installed rubber pads on all relevant sides would be a penny investment and should actually be part of the basic equipment here.

In terms of sound, the Dynaudio Core 59 appears to be very neutral at first listening impression. No over-presence in highs, mids or even bass, rather a tight, clear basic sound that fulfills exactly the purpose that a studio monitor in the top league has to fulfill. The system has a very differentiated sound, which makes splitting the adjacent material into its sound aesthetics much easier than the “Schönfarbener” group, which at first impression “presses” and “pops” more, but upon closer listening, the analysis of the material becomes easier significantly more difficult.

In particular, the bass portion of the system was very “dry”, in my opinion perhaps even a little too reserved. There is no real bass boost, only in “Dark” mode (no, it is not an Apple product…) you can direct the basic sound a little more towards bass fixation, but without ultimately reaching the “musical” bass range.

Ultimately, this range remains a matter of taste, especially since the mids and highs are extremely relaxed due to the immense power reserves. The midrange is particularly pleasing, especially since the popular scoop characteristic was deliberately omitted. For middle-heavy instruments, such as B. Electric guitars are a real blessing, but you should always keep in mind, especially in the mixdown, that only a few monitors on the consumer side have such a present midrange reproduction.

The dimensions of the system itself actually determine the area of application, but the sound impression also manifests the whole thing. Anyone who drives the Dynaudio Core 59 in the nearfield range of 50 - 70 cm is not doing themselves any favors in terms of sound. The high-mid/treble range seems too intrusive, and the sound that develops at this distance is too tense. Only when you move the system into its actual area of responsibility, the midfield, can the box show its true strengths. The swirling of the increased air content takes a lot of tension out of the signal and delivers a significantly rounder sound with excellent balance, even with difficult source material.

Interestingly, the Dynaudio Core 59 has the “Loud” factor based on its performance specifications, but not the “Very Loud” record company A&R show-off mode. One may doubt whether these modes are still important these days, but the fact is that 500 watts in the bass range in the P.A. Sector feels different than in the studio.


With the Dynaudio Core 59, the Danish company has a top performer in its ranks who cuts an excellent figure in the upper league. The system is very well-rounded, the sound is excellently balanced and there are lots of options in the digital input area. Small downsides such as the stick-on rubber feet and a bass range that was designed exclusively for lowering can hardly detract from the excellent overall impression.


Additional Informations:

Subwoofers play a crucial role in any audio system, providing the foundation for deep, powerful bass that can transform the listening experience. Among the many manufacturers in the market, Dynaudio stands out for its commitment to audio excellence and innovation. In this comprehensive article, we'll delve into the world of Dynaudio's subwoofers, exploring their technology, design philosophy, and the unique features that set them apart from the competition.

Foundational Principles:
Dynaudio's approach to subwoofer design is rooted in a deep understanding of acoustics and a relentless pursuit of sonic perfection. From the outset, the company's engineers set out to create subwoofers that not only deliver impressive bass extension but also integrate seamlessly with Dynaudio's renowned loudspeakers to create a cohesive and immersive listening experience. This commitment to synergy and sonic purity informs every aspect of Dynaudio's subwoofer lineup.

Technological Innovation:
At the heart of Dynaudio's subwoofers lie cutting-edge technologies and advanced engineering solutions aimed at achieving unparalleled bass performance. One of the standout features of Dynaudio's subwoofers is their driver technology. Dynaudio employs proprietary MSP (Magnesium Silicate Polymer) driver cones in many of its subwoofers, known for their exceptional stiffness-to-weight ratio, low resonance, and precise bass reproduction. This allows Dynaudio subwoofers to deliver tight, articulate bass with remarkable clarity and detail.

Another key innovation found in Dynaudio's subwoofers is their amplifier technology. Dynaudio's amplifiers are meticulously designed and engineered to complement the characteristics of their drivers, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Whether it's a Class D amplifier with sophisticated DSP (Digital Signal Processing) capabilities or a traditional Class AB amplifier with robust power delivery, Dynaudio's amplification solutions are tailored to extract the maximum potential from their subwoofers.

Design Philosophy:
In addition to technological innovation, Dynaudio's subwoofers boast a design philosophy that prioritizes both form and function. From the elegant curves of the cabinet to the premium finishes and materials used, every aspect of Dynaudio's subwoofers is crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Beyond aesthetics, Dynaudio's cabinet design plays a crucial role in optimizing bass performance. Through careful engineering and acoustic modeling, Dynaudio's cabinets are precisely tuned to minimize unwanted resonances and maximize bass output, resulting in a clean, impactful bass response that enhances the overall listening experience.

Integration and Versatility:
One of the hallmarks of Dynaudio's subwoofers is their versatility and compatibility with a wide range of audio systems. Whether used in a stereo setup for music listening or as part of a home theater system for immersive movie playback, Dynaudio's subwoofers seamlessly integrate with existing components to deliver a cohesive and immersive audio experience. Advanced connectivity options, including high-level inputs, low-level inputs, and wireless connectivity, ensure compatibility with virtually any audio source or system configuration, while intuitive controls and settings allow users to tailor the sound to their preferences with ease.

Real-World Performance:
While technical specifications and design features are essential considerations, the true measure of a subwoofer's performance lies in its real-world sonic capabilities. Dynaudio's subwoofers excel in this regard, delivering bass that is not only deep and powerful but also remarkably precise and well-defined. Whether reproducing the thunderous explosions of a blockbuster movie or the subtle nuances of a double bass in a jazz ensemble, Dynaudio's subwoofers excel in capturing the full spectrum of low-frequency sounds with unparalleled accuracy and realism.

Customer Satisfaction and Reviews:
The success of Dynaudio's subwoofers is evident not only in their technical prowess but also in the satisfaction of countless customers and enthusiasts around the world. Positive reviews and testimonials from users praise Dynaudio's subwoofers for their exceptional build quality, performance, and reliability, cementing their reputation as some of the finest in the industry. Whether in professional recording studios, high-end home theaters, or dedicated listening rooms, Dynaudio's subwoofers consistently earn praise for their ability to elevate the listening experience to new heights.

In conclusion, Dynaudio's subwoofers represent the pinnacle of bass excellence, combining cutting-edge technology, meticulous design, and uncompromising performance to deliver a truly exceptional audio experience. Whether you're a discerning audiophile, a professional sound engineer, or simply a lover of great music and movies, Dynaudio's subwoofers offer a level of bass reproduction that is second to none. With a legacy of innovation and a commitment to excellence, Dynaudio continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in subwoofer design, ensuring that music and movies are heard and felt with breathtaking clarity and realism.

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