Montag, 5. Februar 2024

TEST: Bettermaker Mastering Limiter 2

 If I were to award a prize to the product that is most often misunderstood and misadjusted in the mastering chain in terms of signal flow, apart from pumping compressors it would most likely be the limiters. All too often they are misused to iron out mistakes made during recording or in the mix in some way, which results in a corresponding sound. This can even reach into the multi-million dollar range, such as with Metallica's “Death Magnetic”, where the final product is tonally unbearable due to completely excessive gain settings. On the other hand, if you use a product like the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 and set a retail price of €3,890 on the table, you will most likely earn your living with mastering and deal with the worst mistakes that can occur in the recording and mixdown process. have set apart. This test is intended to show to what extent the purchase of an outgear product is worthwhile compared to the internally installed plugins.
The construction of the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2
The Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 is manufactured in Poland, which is no longer as surprising as it was a few years ago, as several established manufacturers now come from the same country. The product, which is 2 U high and comes in matt black, weighs just 5.5 kg, which is a bit surprising given its massive exterior. There are 17 small ventilation slots on each side of the housing to dissipate the device's waste heat. This should be taken into account when installing in a rack in order not to risk heat build-up and thus the functionality of the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2.
The exterior of the product is dominated by two endless rotary controls for the input and output levels, with two further menu-dependent endless rotary controls with push-button functions allowing additional quick access to the menu. On the left is the on/off switch, which offers a nice HAL 9000 effect during boot-up, while underneath is the slightly smaller Engage switch for activating the effect.
The back of the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 has been reduced to the most important connections in terms of connections. We find right / left in / out in XLR connectors, plus a USB port and the power plug. To counteract any hum loops, a ground lift switch was also installed on the back. What personally disappoints me greatly is the use of an external power supply for the product. I fully understand that if you are on a budget, you have to make one or two compromises regarding the price of the components. But if, like here, you're just under the 4000 euro limit, in my opinion something like that shouldn't be used, especially since the power cable is comparatively short at just under 90 cm.
The menu navigation of the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2
The pivotal point of the product's menu navigation is a high-resolution colored touch display in the middle of the front panel, which has a size of 11 x 6.5 cm. The Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 turns out to be a hybrid 2-channel limiter with a digitally controlled VCA, which has both plugin control and a preset memory with 399 locations, with the signal path being completely analog. Although the product has an almost extensive menu navigation, many functions are almost self-explanatory. This is a big advantage, especially when you have a product with as much flexibility as the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter 2.0. The special feature of the product is that you can set all functional steps both on the hardware device itself and on the appropriate DAW plug-in with a very beautifully designed interface.
The basic functions of the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 consist of both the clipper and the limiter functions. As is well known, a clipper consistently cuts the level at a certain level, while the limiter “pushes back” the signal through its “lookahead” function. Both functions have their areas of application and should be viewed independently of each other. Furthermore, the product offers two different saturation methods to add more overtones to synthetic sounds/productions, if necessary with the help of an internal EQ. It's also very nice that the product can be used both in the classic stereo range and in the M/S matrix.
When it comes to metering, the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 offers a very wide range of visual support. The system offers, among other things, information about input, output and gain reduction, several analog meter simulations such as VU, PPM, RMS, peak with peak hold display, LUFS meter with short term, integral, loudness range, view in time, a K Meter (LU or VU meter with a shifted “0 dB” reference point), a 30 band FFT analyzer, a goniometer and a correlation meter. All meters have their own windows and can also be changed quickly on the touch display with just a few pressure points.
For fans of technical specs, here is a quick list of the technical measurement data of the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2:
Maximum gain reduction: 20 dB- Input adjust range: 0..+20dB- Output adjust range: -10..+12dB- Makeup gain: automatic with trim (-/+8dB range; only available with clipper enabled)- Attack time : 0.1 – 250ms- Release time: 2ms – 2s + IREL (intelligent release)- sidechain HPF: off or 20-200Hz (2nd order)- sidechain mid boost: off or 8dB @ 2kHz or 7kHz- metering ADC range: 70dB- power saving mode available- mid/side mode available, true bypass (relays) available- connection: balanced XLR (audio), USB type B (PC/MAC), 5.5/2.1 center positive 12V only socket- Maximum input level: +24 dBu (balanced with 48kΩ input impedance)- Maximum output level: +27 dBu (balanced with 50Ω + 50Ω output impedance)- Nominal audio level: +4 dBu- Frequency response: 6 Hz – 27kHz (-0.5 dB, ISO-R40 sweep) - Frequency flatness: +/- 0.1 dB (20Hz – 20kHz, ISO-R40 sweep)- Dynamic range: 107 dB (20kHz bandwidth, +24dBu)- THD+N ratio: 0.05% (20kHz bandwidth, +4dBu, 1kHz)- THD ratio: 0.03% (+4dBu, 1kHz)- CMRR: > 80dB (20Hz – 20kHz, IEC 60268-3)- Crosstalk: > 76dB (20Hz – 20kHz, +18dBu, channel to channel)

The Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 in practice
Imagine if you had to shell out almost €4,000 for a plugin, what would be your expectations? Probably so big that it would definitely be unreachable. The decisive factor for the area of ​​application of the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 is the question of whether the differences to the common limiter / clipper plugin solutions are in a range where you are inclined to put the said amount on the table in order to use your product Mastering step to miss the decisive kick.
First of all, I have to point out that the menu navigation has been designed to be very clear for the experienced sound engineer. All areas are intuitively accessible, the menu navigation is clear, the setting options are comprehensive and yet you never feel like you are desperately searching to finally find the final parameter somewhere in the menu. The individual pages are indeed very tastefully designed, the touchscreen is very finely adjusted and responds to even the lightest of touches. The hardware controls run smoothly, but still very precisely due to the subtle gridding, especially since the respective parameters are also shown in their value on the display.
What you immediately notice from the first notes is the very large headroom that the product has, which leads to a very relaxed and neutral reproduction. In contrast to many plug-in solutions, which, depending on the quality, sound a bit “pressed” or sometimes “dull”, the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 has a very clear and relaxed basic sound. The analog signal routing also contributes to this, as it works much more “good-naturedly” than many digital solutions. What I personally really like are the three different approaches in the form of clipper, limiter and saturation, which each take a completely different approach to sound and, depending on the area of application, offer clear advantages over the other algorithms, as you can clearly see from the attached sound files .
All in all, the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2 is an excellent mastering limiter that will definitely find its fans in the pro area of mastering studios. Everyone has to decide for themselves to what extent the impressive price of €3,890 can be justified. The fact is that you get a top-class device, but whether it is economically viable is another matter.
With the Bettermaker Mastering Limiter V2, the Polish company has a top-class hardware limiter in its portfolio, which can be seamlessly integrated into any DAW operation due to the different operating modes and the plug-in connection. If you want to squeeze the most out of your mix in terms of sound and are not afraid of investing heavily in your studio, you should definitely give the product a try.


Additional Informations:

Bettermaker, a boutique audio equipment manufacturer, stands out in the pro-audio gear landscape for its unique blend of analog sound quality with digital control precision. Emerging from a background deeply rooted in music production and engineering, Bettermaker has carved a niche for itself among audio professionals who seek the warmth and character of analog audio processing without sacrificing the convenience and recallability of digital systems.

### The Genesis of Bettermaker

Bettermaker was founded in Poland by Marek Walaszek, a seasoned sound engineer and producer who saw an opportunity to merge the analog and digital realms in a way that had not been done before. His vision was clear: to create audio processing equipment that brings together the best of both worlds—the tactile, immediate response and sonic richness of analog gear, coupled with the flexibility, precision, and recall capabilities of digital control. This vision was born out of practical necessity; in the digital age, where workflow efficiency and project recallability are paramount, traditional analog gear posed limitations that Bettermaker sought to overcome.

### The Bettermaker Product Line

Bettermaker's product range is distinguished by its innovative approach to design and functionality. The lineup includes equalizers, compressors, and mastering devices, all of which feature the brand's signature hybrid technology.

- **C502V Compressor**: A notable entry in their lineup is the C502V compressor, a unit that draws inspiration from classic VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier) designs but is enhanced with digital recall and plugin control. This allows users to save settings and recall them instantly, a boon for mixing engineers working on complex projects.

- **EQ232P MkIII**: Another standout product is the EQ232P MkIII, an analog equalizer with digital recall capabilities. It pays homage to the legendary Pultec EQP-1A and MEQ-5 equalizers, providing users with the sought-after Pultec sound while adding the convenience of digital recall. The EQ232P MkIII is a favorite among mastering engineers for its musicality and versatility.

- **Mastering Limiter**: The Bettermaker Mastering Limiter combines analog sound quality with digital control, featuring a backlit touchscreen for parameter adjustments. It offers a range of limiting modes and a unique color section, allowing users to impart different sonic characteristics and textures to their masters.

### Innovation and Digital Integration

A defining feature of Bettermaker products is their seamless integration with digital audio workstations (DAWs). Each unit can be controlled via a dedicated plugin, providing a visual interface for adjusting parameters that are directly linked to the analog hardware. This integration simplifies the workflow, allowing for instant recall of settings and automation of parameter changes within the DAW, a feature particularly valuable in the context of mixing and mastering.

### Craftsmanship and Quality

Bettermaker takes pride in the craftsmanship and build quality of its products. Each unit is designed and manufactured in Poland with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring not only sonic excellence but also durability and reliability. The use of high-quality components and materials is evident in the performance and longevity of their gear.

### The Bettermaker Philosophy

At the heart of Bettermaker's philosophy is a commitment to enhancing the creative process for audio professionals. By bridging the gap between analog warmth and digital convenience, Bettermaker addresses the needs of modern music production and post-production workflows. Their products are not merely tools but partners in the creative process, designed to inspire and facilitate artistic expression.

### The Impact on the Audio Industry

Bettermaker's contributions to the audio industry have been recognized with several awards and accolades, solidifying its reputation as a pioneer in hybrid audio processing technology. The company's innovative approach has influenced the market, encouraging other manufacturers to explore the integration of analog and digital technologies.

### Looking Forward

As Bettermaker continues to evolve, the company remains focused on innovation, exploring new ways to enhance audio processing and workflow efficiency. With an eye on the future, Bettermaker is poised to continue its journey of creating groundbreaking audio equipment that meets the demands of professionals around the world.

In conclusion, Bettermaker represents a unique fusion of analog depth and digital precision, embodying the evolution of audio processing equipment in the digital age. Its products offer audio professionals the best of both worlds, combining the irreplaceable character of analog gear with the convenience and flexibility of digital control. As the audio industry continues to evolve, Bettermaker's commitment to quality, innovation, and the art of sound ensures that it will remain at the forefront of audio technology, shaping the way we think about and interact with professional audio equipment.

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