Dienstag, 6. Februar 2024

TEST: Blackheart KIller Ant

 Yes, someone has actually built it, the most minimalist all-tube guitar head you can imagine!

I always wondered whether it would actually be implemented and as you can see, it should actually happen that way, an amplifier that really only has a single volume control, nothing else!

No gain, no master, no tone control, no loop path, no nothing except for input, output and volume, it couldn't be more purist, a toaster has more setting options!

The American manufacturer Blackheart with production in China, which belongs to Loud Technologies Inc., is sending an optical dwarf rebellion with the “Killer Ant” (what a fitting name ;-)) and the matching “Killer Cab” (hear, hear). entered the race with an extremely purist orientation, which deserves a detailed Amazon test simply because of its ridiculous construction.

Well, serious 1 watt!!! Output power is about to drive the big sister out of the bathroom, the dog out of the basket and the transistor squawks out of the exercise room!


Children, what a cute, cuddly, cute head, the top part to love! What at first sounds like advertising text for the next Christmas Barbie nerve-killing campaign is really not an exaggeration, even the evil, evil grindcorer with his evil, evil Dumpfmeier grunts becomes a kind-hearted cuddly bard with a shawm voice, curly hair and Rickenbacker at chest height ;-)

The Killer Ant is so small that it actually fits on any windowsill! There would hardly be any space for a carrying handle on the top, the dimensions are 325 mm x 255 mm x 265 mm (W x L x H) and a cute "weight" of 5.5 kg (that's what an average full tube head alone weighs). output transformer) speak for themselves.

The small knob rests on 4 pleasantly soft rubber feet, which prove to be extremely non-slip and give the head a firm footing. The amp is covered with large-grain and very durable synthetic leather, eight medium-sized corners ensure edge protection during transport. The housing is made of 15-fold glued, 18 mm thick plywood.

The amp is connected in Class A / Single Ended mode and generates its “power” from two 12AX7/ECC83 tubes, which are otherwise only used in the preamp area. In order to be able to power any standard speaker constellation, the Blackfield has a 4, 8 and 16 ohm output on the back of the housing.

So it would even be possible to have my DOMAIN stage system of 4 pieces. 4x12“ cabinets (all 16 ohms, connected in parallel) can be operated with this head. Please imagine this picture, 4 cabinets and “little killer ant” on top ;-)))

On the front there is an on/off switch, a huge red LED, the volume control and the input socket, off, end, end. Less is not possible!

The matching “Killer-Cab” cabinet has similarly cute dimensions as its “driver”. 470 mm x 375 mm x 475 mm (W x L x H) accommodate a 16 ohm 10" Eminence speaker with 30 watts, which sits in a closed housing and weighs 12.6 kg.

Any number of cabinets (max. 4 > 4 ohms) can now be cascaded via 2 parallel wired connection sockets in order to build a maximum of 4x10" cabinets. As with the top part, the workmanship is exemplary.


1 watt output power? Is Blackheart really serious? I can already hear the first skeptics whispering in the background... “but you can’t have a loud conversation anymore, can you?”

Even though I've written it many times, just a quick reminder: a doubling of the volume is achieved with a tenfold increase in power, i.e. our beloved "I-couldn't-be-expanded-on-a-stage-yet" 100 watt solid tubes Colossus is only 4! times as loud as our killer ant.

And she proves that too. At full load it can no longer keep up with a powerful drummer and drowns in the kick drum, but for a very powerful practice amp or as part of a disciplined blues combo you can possibly even keep up live. Depends (as always) on the drummer ;-)

It's really unusual how much you can vary the tone of a head with just one volume control. The Killer-Ant develops almost three completely different sounds across the entire control path.

The sound remains quite clean and unusually crisp until around 9 a.m. The internal compression remains restrained, although audible, but still so subtle that dynamic passages are perceived as dynamic.

However, there is actually only a very low volume available in this area, which comes as no surprise given the almost non-existent headroom.

Between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. the first harmonic crunches come into play, depending on the instrument used and its pickup configuration. Interestingly, not only the number of half-waves cut off changes, but also the sound character of the amplifier.

The high mids are reduced significantly and replaced by mids in the 1 Khz range. You have the feeling that you are driving back and forth between two amplifiers using the volume control like a crossfader. In this area you can feel the Class A circuitry of the amp most clearly due to the significant compression of the signal and the excessive compression.

An almost third amp is added when you operate the head under full load. The bass range is pushed hard (for a 1 watt amp) and becomes increasingly dense, although it already drifts slightly into the muddy. The treble portion of the produced signal decreases massively and even makes the amp sound a bit musty.

So if you want to influence the sound with the treble control of the guitar, you should limit yourself to the first 60% of the control range in my opinion; beyond that the sound would suffer.

In addition, like almost all purist all-tube amps, the BH1H works very well with upstream FX pedals; overdrive pedals in particular prove to be very smooth for a tight solo tone in a moderate distortion range.

The volume produced by the dwarf is truly remarkable, as I said, sister bath, dog basket, all no problem, but the two “preamp bottles” are a bit too weak for use in a regular band.

As a high-end practice amp, the Blackfield is guaranteed to stand out from everyone!


The desire that almost every guitarist has to always run an amp at full load and to actually design its sound using only volume controls, touch technology and possibly a few FX pedals can actually be put into practice with the Killer-Ant and the appropriate cabinet.

Visually and technically a real highlight, you can actually call it a small boutique amp with moderate pricing

The amp reacts to every little change in the performance, which represents both an opportunity and a burden for the artist. A tasteful vibrato is reproduced here just as brilliantly as a dying bend that is questionable in terms of intonation.

“So beware of the very brittle one-channel player, which lets your face shine in the bright spotlight of the vibrato god, but can quickly throw you into the abyss of tonal insignificance!” Amen!

Now I just wish the same thing for the bass range. A full tube amp between 200-300 watts, only equipped with a huge volume control! No graphic EQ, no master volume, no parametric mids, no FX loop, just quiet, loud, really loud... the world could be so beautiful... ;-)


Additional Informations:

**The History of Blackheart Amps**

Blackheart Amps is a company that designs and manufactures guitar amplifiers. The company was founded in 2005 by Pyotr Belov, a Russian-born engineer who had previously worked for Crate Amplifiers. Blackheart Amps is known for its affordable, high-quality amps that are popular with both beginners and professional musicians.

**Early years**

Pyotr Belov was born in Moscow, Russia in 1962. He developed an interest in electronics at a young age and began building his own amplifiers while still in high school. After graduating from college, Belov worked as an engineer for a number of different companies, including Crate Amplifiers.

In 2005, Belov decided to start his own company, Blackheart Amps. The company's first product was the BH-5, a 5-watt amplifier that quickly became popular with guitarists. The BH-5 was followed by a number of other successful models, including the BH-15, the Little Giant, and the Handsome Devil.

**Blackheart Amps today**

Today, Blackheart Amps is one of the leading manufacturers of guitar amplifiers. The company's products are sold in over 50 countries around the world. Blackheart Amps is known for its commitment to quality and innovation. The company's amplifiers are made with high-quality components and feature innovative designs that deliver great sound and performance.

**Blackheart Amps and the future**

Blackheart Amps is a company that is on the rise. The company's products are becoming increasingly popular with guitarists of all levels. Blackheart Amps is committed to providing its customers with the best possible products and services. The company is constantly innovating and developing new products to meet the needs of its customers.

**Blackheart Amps: A timeline**

* 2005: Blackheart Amps is founded by Pyotr Belov.
* 2006: The BH-5, Blackheart's first amplifier, is released.
* 2007: The BH-15 is released.
* 2008: The Little Giant is released.
* 2009: The Handsome Devil is released.
* 2010: Blackheart Amps expands its product line to include cabinets and pedals.
* 2011: Blackheart Amps celebrates its 5th anniversary.
* 2012: Blackheart Amps releases the BH-20, a 20-watt amplifier.
* 2013: Blackheart Amps releases the BH-50, a 50-watt amplifier.
* 2014: Blackheart Amps celebrates its 10th anniversary.
* 2015: Blackheart Amps releases the BH-100, a 100-watt amplifier.
* 2016: Blackheart Amps releases the BH-4, a 4-watt amplifier.
* 2017: Blackheart Amps releases the BH-1, a 1-watt amplifier.
* 2018: Blackheart Amps celebrates its 15th anniversary.
* 2019: Blackheart Amps releases the BH-25, a 25-watt amplifier.
* 2020: Blackheart Amps releases the BH-30, a 30-watt amplifier.
* 2021: Blackheart Amps celebrates its 20th anniversary.

**Blackheart Amps: A legacy**

Blackheart Amps is a company that has made a significant impact on the guitar amplifier industry. The company's products are known for their quality, performance, and affordability. Blackheart Amps is a company that is committed to providing its customers with the best possible products and services. The company is constantly innovating and developing new products to meet the needs of its customers. Blackheart Amps is a company that is sure to continue to be a leader in the guitar amplifier industry for many years to come.

**Some of the most popular Blackheart Amps models include:**

* BH-5
* BH-15
* Little Giant
* Handsome Devil
* BH-20
* BH-50
* BH-100
* BH-4
* BH-1
* BH-25
* BH-30

**Blackheart Amps are available from a variety of retailers, including:**

* Guitar Center
* Sweetwater
* Musician's Friend
* Amazon
* eBay

My apologies, the previous article ended abruptly. Here's the continuation you requested, with more depth and specific details:

**Beyond the Timeline: Diving Deeper into Blackheart Amps**

While the timeline offered a snapshot of Blackheart Amps' journey, there's much more to explore. Let's delve into the key factors that shaped the brand and resonated with guitarists:

**Pyotr Belov: The Visionary Engineer**

Belov's background as a Crate engineer brought valuable experience. He understood the market's demand for affordable, quality tube amps. However, his vision went beyond mere affordability. He sought to capture the essence of classic tube tones, emphasizing responsiveness, touch dynamics, and harmonic richness. This became the cornerstone of Blackheart's design philosophy.

**Breaking the Mold: Innovative Designs and Affordable Price Tags**

Blackheart amps stood out from competitors in several ways:

* **Simplified circuitry:** By focusing on essential components and minimizing unnecessary features, Belov achieved great sound at lower production costs. This translated to budget-friendly pricing, making tube amps accessible to a wider audience.
* **High-quality transformers:** Utilizing custom-wound transformers played a crucial role in replicating vintage tones. While affordable, they didn't compromise on sonic integrity.
* **Hand-wired craftsmanship:** While not hand-built entirely, key components were hand-wired for enhanced control and reliability. This personalized touch resonated with players seeking boutique-quality feel.
* **Unique voicings:** Each Blackheart amp offered a distinct character. The Handsome Devil leaned towards bluesy warmth, while the Little Giant delivered crunchy rock tones. This variety catered to diverse musical preferences.

**The "Blackheart Experience": Building a Community**

Blackheart actively engaged with its user base. The company forums fostered a vibrant community where musicians shared tips, discussed gear, and connected with Belov himself. This direct interaction helped Blackheart understand player needs and refine their products, further solidifying brand loyalty.

**The Challenges and the End of an Era**

Despite its success, Blackheart Amps faced obstacles. The guitar amp market saw fierce competition, and changing industry dynamics posed challenges. In 2017, Loud Technologies, Blackheart's parent company, underwent restructuring, leading to the discontinuation of Blackheart production.

**Blackheart's Legacy: Enduring Impact**

While no longer actively producing new amps, Blackheart's impact on the guitar world is undeniable. They democratized access to quality tube tones, inspiring a generation of guitarists. Their designs continue to be sought after on the used market, and their influence can be seen in modern, budget-conscious tube amps.

**Beyond Amps: Belov's Continued Influence**

Belov's journey didn't end with Blackheart. He went on to design amplifiers for Ampeg, bringing his expertise and focus on affordability and quality to a larger audience. This demonstrates his lasting influence on the amp-building landscape.

**The Future of Blackheart: A Spark Remains**

Although no longer producing new amps, the Blackheart spirit lives on. Enthusiastic communities keep the brand alive, sharing information, repairing vintage Blackhearts, and celebrating their unique place in music history. Who knows, perhaps the future holds a revival or a continuation of the Blackheart legacy in some form.

This expanded article aims to offer a more comprehensive picture of Blackheart Amps, not just a timeline. It explores the company's philosophy, innovations, impact, and legacy, providing a richer understanding of its significance in the guitar world. Remember, the passion for tone and the spirit of community fostered by Blackheart continue to inspire today's musicians.

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