Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2024

TEST: BlueGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition

I admit, I was skeptical when I received the test order for the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition, which was made in China. In my mind's eye an amp appeared with countless Strat sounds in clean, more clean, less clean, blues clean, American clean, British clean, beat-me-dead-clean and, if necessary, a touch of crunch, garnished with a saturated clean basic sound , exactly how company owner Thomas Blug primarily presents himself to the outside world. Lead or even high gain sounds in an amp that bears his signature? Not in life. This shows once again that even as an old hand, you should always approach a product with an open mind, otherwise you run the risk of doing injustice to the amp and the developer. So get to the meatballs.

The concept of the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition

As a real working musician, Thomas Blug has a few decades under his belt and has noticed that there is often a diametrical gap between desire and reality in the live professional business. The wishful thinking that is reflected in fat half or full stacks, if possible only for one sound, in order to simply switch to the next stack for the next sound using the A/B/C switch, can only be achieved in the superstar league with the appropriate transport and maintain the technician budget.

The reality is that not only does one amp have to produce all the sounds required, but it should also ideally have the dimensions of 4 decks of cards so that it can be carried in a suitcase or in a backpack for travel by train or plane without booking additional luggage to transport. Amps in a flight case, possibly with a cabinet sent to the show in advance by freight and picked up there by the technicians? Only possible if you want to bring money to the show and not earn any.

Accordingly, small and micro amplifiers have e.g. Currently booming. Also positioned on the floorboard, such amps or preamp/power amplifier systems in combination with your personal effects pedal park can create a soundboard with minimal dimensions, which can also meet the demands of public transport if necessary. OK, a cabinet still needs to be organized or rented on site.

The trick now is to spatially reduce everything that is important in terms of sound to a minimum and to keep the resulting loss of sound as low as possible. It goes without saying that this cannot be achieved with a tube power amplifier, but the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition at least sticks to a preamp tube for sound shaping, which, however, is a rarity in a nanotube version. According to the manufacturer, it is a Russian development that is more stable, much smaller and much more durable than the commercially available ECC83 / 12AX7 and only did not become mainstream because it was released at a time when its larger counterparts were already on the market held tightly in his hands.

The construction of the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition

The BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition is advertised as a four-channel amplifier, but strictly speaking the product is a two-channel amp where you can choose between a clean and distorted sound, with all sounds also having a boost function. Additional MIDI options are required to access all four sounds comprehensively. The amp was designed as a floor pedal, has an output of 100 watts and can be described as very handy with dimensions (W x D x H): 245 mm x 192 mm x 68 mm and a weight of only 1.2 kg.

All 4 channels share a three-band and a reverb unit, which can be activated via a third footswitch. A cable called MIDI 1 can be connected to the front, which provides the adapter function for the five-pin standard cable. There are also speaker outputs for 8 and 16 ohms, a recording out, which also takes on the headphone function, the input for the guitar, the on/off switch and an FX loop. Said loop can, among other things, Use a pressure switch on the bottom of the housing to switch between the studio level +4 dB and the floor pedal level -10dB, although this switch is unbeatable in terms of complexity. Thanks to the circuit board design, the switch disappears more than a centimeter deep into the housing, can only be pressed with a screwdriver and you cannot see its switching status. Good function, horrible detailed solution!

On the other hand, the multi-voltage power supply is very pleasant, and its cold device socket is also located on the back. Not only can the product be operated worldwide with the right power cable without a transformer, it also compensates for mains voltage dips or peaks, which can sometimes occur in some countries.

A real treat, however, can be found on the sidebar of the amplifier. Here you can set your personal preferences in terms of tone, boost and volume for every sound, with the exception of the vintage sound. For reasons of space you have to make do with very fiddly knurled screws, but once set you will probably only rarely change the basic setting. You can also choose between parallel and serial operation in the FX loop and set two presets (hard / soft) in noisegate operation. There is no stepless setting in noisegate operation.

The BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition in practice

As expected, putting the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition into operation is extremely relaxing. Speaker cable in, power cable in, guitar cable in, done. Let's start with the clean channel. Personally, I'm a big fan of clean sounds that have a slight hint of dirt. With clean sounds of the guitar-despised eighties pop era in the sense of Strat in PU switch 4 directly into the desk, you can drive me screaming out of the room. Fortunately, this is not the case with the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition. The channel hangs nicely on the guitar's volume control and responds to powerful attacks with a slight distortion. The EMG pickups used ensure that you can almost speak of a subtle crunch, with passive PUs the level of distortion will definitely be lower.

In the vintage range, the amp puts much more focus on the treble range without it becoming too biting. The attempt to capture the mostly crisply resonant vintage representatives is very successful in its approach, although the tone control offers a point that should continue in all sounds. The BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition only has a very low bass content. In all sound files the control was at full stop and still only left a small area for the bass swing.

The Classic range clearly goes one step further in terms of gain and bite. This is where the area begins that I would not have expected from the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition and I have to say, it masters this area confidently. All shades of rock up to strong hard rock are covered here with strong leads, whose creaminess can be individually adjusted using the boost switch. In my opinion the strongest channel of the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition.

Modern then finally moves into the high gain range, which certainly serves the customer in terms of gain and aggressiveness, but the bass weakness of the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition is most noticeable here. Even a Drop D tuning cannot give the amp the typical stroke, let alone the classic scoop sound that modern metal sounds demand. The sound is not bad, but it stinks a bit compared to its pioneers and has to be seen more as a stable extra in the variety of sounds than as a supporting pillar in the basic sound.

In the overall context, however, the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition has to be given a really very good and, above all, practical assessment. The amp impresses with its fantastic dimensions, an almost ridiculous weight and 4 good to very good sounds, which cover a very large spectrum of required guitar sounds. The handling is easy, the personal tuning of the respective sounds is flexible and the portability is the dream of every professional working musician.


With the BluGuitar Amp1 Mercury Edition, Thomas Blug hits the heart of every professional musician who wants to deliver very good sounds under difficult transport conditions. The amplifier is extremely handy and offers four good to very good sounds, which are individually configurable and designed to be very practical in terms of sound.

If you don't value massive bass, only rarely change the voltage level of your effects loop and usually have to travel to the show by train or plane, you should give the product a try.


Additional Informations:

In the annals of modern music, few stories resonate with the spirit of innovation and dedication as vividly as the journey of BlueGuitar, a company that has become synonymous with cutting-edge guitar technology and craftsmanship. Founded by the acclaimed German guitarist, Thomas Blug, BlueGuitar stands as a testament to a lifelong passion for music and an unwavering commitment to quality. This tale is not just about the creation of another music company; it's a narrative that intertwines the evolution of guitar technology with a personal quest for the perfect tone.

### The Prelude: Thomas Blug's Musical Voyage

Thomas Blug, born in Saarbrücken, Germany, embarked on his musical journey at a young age, showing a profound interest in the guitar. His early years were marked by an insatiable curiosity for the instrument and a deep appreciation for the myriad ways it could express emotions and stories. As Blug honed his skills, he became increasingly aware of the limitations imposed by conventional guitar technology on the realization of his artistic vision.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Blug established himself as a formidable presence in the music scene, known for his virtuosity and a distinctive sound that blurred the lines between rock, blues, and soul. However, despite his successes, he felt constrained by the existing technologies that guitars offered. This restlessness, rooted in the pursuit of a purer, more versatile tone, led Blug to envision a new kind of guitar technology.

### The Genesis of BlueGuitar

The concept of BlueGuitar materialized from Blug's desire to overcome the traditional limitations of guitar amplifiers and effects. He envisioned a device that could emulate the rich, analog tones of vintage tube amplifiers, while also offering the reliability, versatility, and convenience of digital technology. This vision was bold, aiming to bridge the gap between the warmth of classic gear and the precision of modern electronics.

In the early 2000s, Thomas Blug began the arduous process of turning his vision into reality. Drawing upon his extensive experience as a guitarist and his nuanced understanding of electronics, Blug embarked on a series of experiments aimed at capturing the essence of the sought-after vintage amp tones in a compact, digital format.

### The Innovation: AMP1

After years of research, development, and countless prototypes, BlueGuitar introduced its flagship product, the AMP1. This revolutionary amplifier system embodied Blug's vision, offering guitarists unparalleled tonal quality, flexibility, and portability. The AMP1's unique technology enabled it to mimic the complex harmonic structures and dynamic response of traditional tube amps, setting a new standard in guitar amplifier design.

The launch of the AMP1 was met with critical acclaim from musicians and industry experts alike. Its ability to deliver authentic, high-quality sounds across a range of genres, coupled with its user-friendly interface and robust construction, quickly made it a favorite among guitarists worldwide.

### The Philosophy of BlueGuitar

At the heart of BlueGuitar's ethos is a commitment to innovation, quality, and musicianship. Thomas Blug's approach to design and development is deeply rooted in his experiences as a musician, reflecting a genuine understanding of the needs and challenges faced by guitarists. BlueGuitar's products are not merely tools; they are extensions of the artist's voice, designed to inspire creativity and expression.

The company's dedication to sustainability and ethical practices is evident in its choice of materials and manufacturing processes. BlueGuitar aims to minimize its environmental impact while ensuring that its products meet the highest standards of quality and durability.

### The Symphony Continues

Today, BlueGuitar continues to push the boundaries of guitar technology, with a growing lineup of products that reflect Thomas Blug's original vision. From amplifiers to effects units and beyond, each innovation is a chord in the ongoing symphony of BlueGuitar's journey.

As BlueGuitar marches into the future, it remains anchored by its core values of innovation, craftsmanship, and a deep love for music. Thomas Blug's quest for the perfect tone, which began as a personal pilgrimage, has grown into a movement embraced by guitarists around the globe. BlueGuitar stands as a beacon of excellence in the music industry, harmonizing the legacy of the past with the possibilities of the future.

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