Sonntag, 18. Februar 2024

TEST: Bugera 1990

 Sometimes it's really difficult to explain to an outsider why product X has almost five times the price of product Y, although at first glance it only differs marginally from the first. Since Germany's consumer circle in particular has been characterized in recent years by the fact that customers focus 90% of their attention on the selling price, a real culture of “cheap, cheaper, cheapest” has established itself. In hardly any other country in the first world is the “stinginess is cool” mentality as important as in the former land of poets and thinkers.

Therefore, the all-tube head from Bugera, with its street price of just under €400, is guaranteed to fall on more than fertile ground in this country. Even if the name suggests that the company is based in the Mediterranean, the price mentioned above makes it clear from the start that the product must be 100 percent designed and manufactured in China, as in no other country on earth can be produced more cheaply.

In terms of company technology, Bugera is a 100 percent Behringer subsidiary. Let's see whether the top part can also convince in terms of sound with a selling price where you can only get a set of power tubes plus an output transformer from other manufacturers.


The Bugera 1990 is a two-channel all-tube head. Three ECC83 in the preamp and 4 pcs. 5881 or 6L6 in the power amplifier do their work here. If necessary, the power tubes can be switched from pentode to triode operation, which results in the power being halved from 120 watts to 60 watts. In addition to a power cable, the amplifier's scope of delivery also includes a 2-way foot switch for channel changing and the on/off function of the built-in reverb device.

In addition to a simple gain control for the clean and lead areas, the 1990 has a four-band tone control and separate master volume and reverb controls for both channels. If a footswitch is not available, the channel can also be changed using a pressure switch on the front of the housing. Unfortunately, all of the rotary controls were not counteracted on the housing, they run relatively sluggishly and there is a lot of play in the control. In my opinion it is only a matter of time before a hairline crack appears in the interior of the amplifier.

The impedance slider on the back of the case is also unpleasantly noticeable due to its awkward guidance and wobbly positioning. Sorry guys, this needs to be remedied, too quickly the wrong tap is on the output transformer and the amp dies with a puff of white smoke. In addition to the power amplifier mode selector switch, the head also has two speaker outputs, a linear and a frequency-corrected line out, an adjustable FX loop and the input socket for the footswitch. Oh yes, I had forgotten the cold appliance plug and main fuse.

If necessary, the power cable can be wound up using two right angle plates. Not a bad idea! The entire case was covered with a very durable synthetic leather, which is close to the textured paint. The whole thing is supported by four medium-soft rubber feet.


Bugera praises the 1990 as a “British Bite”, which initially raises a small question mark regarding the power tube configuration, as the British sound is directly linked to a duet or quartet of EL34 power tubes. In fact, the British orientation only applies to a limited extent; the American 6L6 orientation, which has a rather soft touch, prevails too much.

In the clean channel, the 1990 delivers a very nice, crisp basic sound, which hardly becomes saturated even at high volumes. This means that funky sixteenth-note licks can also be heard in higher volume regions and impress with a neutral and fast attack when you are in pentode mode. In triode mode, the response drops a little and saturates much earlier due to the circuitry, but this doesn't mean a deterioration in the sound, just a different interpretation.

In the lead channel, the preamp goes into the distorted area quite early and only offers rudimentary real crunch sounds. You can clearly feel the focus on a lead channel with high distortion reserves, but this also comes at the expense of dynamics. The distorted sound is quite powerful, especially with a 4x12" cabinet, but very quickly falls into a slightly muddy basic character, which is still quite strongly compressed even when the volume is reduced using the volume potentiometer.

Since the Bugera Hall is not generated via a reverb spiral, the spatial impression of an external effects device is much more massive than you are used to with other amplifiers. Whether you like this reverb is a matter of individual taste, but if you are looking for a typical spring reverb, you won't find it with the 1990. However, anyone who likes something a little more opulent will welcome this orientation.

All in all, the 1990 can be said to have a decent basic sound, although it still ultimately lacks a differentiated, detailed reproduction or even a personal touch.


It wouldn't be fair to give the Bugera a bad report. On the contrary, especially for this price, you would have to give a good certificate even to a product that would sound significantly worse than the one in 1990. With a retail price of probably under €400, where even single-channel Marshalls cost almost three times as much, one can only rationally take one's hat off to such high quality craftsmanship.

Anyone who has ever dealt with the free market economy either professionally or privately can understand that something has to be left behind with such an “unrealistic” price comparison. It's not about small structural defects, but rather about wage costs, social security contributions and environmental protection, which, as is well known, take little or no place in China.

Even if the customer gets a hell of a lot of amplifiers for a hell of a lot of money, I personally find such a low sales price questionable, but everyone has to decide for themselves. Personally, I honestly can't explain how an amplifier in this category can be built profitably for this course. If you were to price the amp 50% higher and mention in the product description that you pay 30% of the retail price to protect the worker and protect the environment, the amp would be an absolute blast!

Sound files: Jackson Kelly XL, Bugera 1990, Marshall 260 Watt 4x12", SM57, TLAudio Dual Valve Preamp, Mackie VLZ console, Protools 888 converter.


Additional Informations:

The story of Bugera Amps is a fascinating journey through innovation, passion for music, and the relentless pursuit of tone perfection. Founded as a part of the MUSIC Group (now Music Tribe), Bugera has become synonymous with high-quality, affordable tube amplifiers that capture the essence of vintage sound while incorporating modern features. This detailed exploration dives into the origins, development, and defining moments of the Bugera brand, shedding light on its commitment to bringing exceptional sound to musicians worldwide.

### The Genesis of Bugera

Bugera's story begins in the early 2000s, a time when the quest for authentic, vintage tube amp tones was clashing with the realities of modern production costs and technological advancements. At the heart of Bugera's inception was the vision of Uli Behringer, founder of the MUSIC Group. Behringer, an accomplished musician and sound engineer, recognized a gap in the market for high-quality tube amplifiers that were accessible to the average musician. The primary goal was to recreate the rich, warm tones of classic amps from the 1960s and 1970s without the exorbitant price tag or the maintenance challenges that often accompanied vintage gear.

### Crafting the Sound

To achieve this ambitious goal, Bugera assembled a team of skilled engineers and craftsmen passionate about music and sound. This team embarked on a journey to dissect what gave vintage tube amps their characteristic warmth and depth. They studied classic circuit designs, vacuum tube technology, and the nuances that contributed to the legendary sounds of rock, blues, and jazz. Bugera's approach was both reverent and innovative; they sought not only to replicate classic tones but also to refine and enhance them for contemporary musicians.

### The Technology Behind the Tone

At the core of Bugera amps are high-quality vacuum tubes, which are essential for producing the amp's signature sound. Bugera's commitment to quality led them to source the best tubes from around the world and to implement rigorous testing procedures to ensure reliability and performance. However, Bugera's innovation wasn't limited to just utilizing traditional tube technology. The company also integrated modern features like built-in reverb, effects loops, and multiple channels, offering musicians greater flexibility and control over their sound.

### The Launch and Evolution

Bugera officially entered the market in the mid-2000s, making a bold statement with its initial product lineup. The brand quickly gained attention for its Vintage series, which captured the essence of classic British and American tube amps. The V5, V22, and V55 models, in particular, were praised for their authentic tones, versatility, and affordability, making high-quality tube sounds accessible to a wider audience.

Following the success of the Vintage series, Bugera expanded its offerings with the Infinium technology. This innovative feature extended the life of power tubes and allowed for easier maintenance, addressing one of the common concerns associated with tube amp ownership. The Infinium technology not only reflected Bugera's commitment to innovation but also its dedication to improving the musician's experience.

### Overcoming Challenges

Bugera's journey has not been without its hurdles. Early on, the brand faced challenges related to quality control and reliability. However, Bugera took these challenges seriously, implementing stringent quality assurance processes and continuously improving its designs. This commitment to excellence helped Bugera rebuild trust with musicians and establish itself as a reliable brand in the competitive world of guitar amplification.

### The Present and Future

Today, Bugera stands as a testament to the power of passion and innovation in the pursuit of musical excellence. The brand's product lineup has grown to include a wide range of amplifiers, from compact practice amps to powerful heads and combos suitable for live performances and recording. Bugera continues to push the boundaries of tube amp technology, incorporating features like smartphone integration and digital modeling to meet the evolving needs of modern musicians.

### Nurturing the Community and Expanding the Reach

As Bugera's product line and reputation for quality grew, so did its community of dedicated users. From bedroom guitarists to touring professionals, musicians of all levels found something to love in Bugera amps. This diverse user base has been instrumental in shaping the brand's direction, with feedback and artist endorsements fueling further innovation and refinement of Bugera products. The company's engagement with its community, through social media, forums, and music trade shows, has helped it stay connected to the needs and desires of musicians, ensuring that its products continue to resonate with and inspire its audience.

### Embracing Technological Advancements

In an era where digital modeling and solid-state technology continue to advance, Bugera has skillfully navigated these changes by integrating modern features into its tube amps without sacrificing the authentic tube tone that is its hallmark. This blend of old and new has allowed Bugera to appeal to a broad spectrum of musicians, from purists seeking the unadulterated sound of a vintage tube amp to tech-savvy players looking for the convenience and versatility of modern features.

### Sustainability and Future Directions

As environmental sustainability becomes increasingly important in the manufacturing and music industries, Bugera has begun to explore how it can contribute to a more sustainable future. This includes examining more eco-friendly production methods, reducing waste, and ensuring that products are built to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Looking forward, Bugera is committed to balancing its passion for vintage sound with a responsibility to the planet, ensuring that its amplifiers can be enjoyed by generations to come.

### Education and Empowerment

Recognizing the importance of education in the music community, Bugera has invested in resources and initiatives to help musicians better understand and utilize their gear. From comprehensive online tutorials and manuals to interactive workshops and clinics, Bugera aims to empower users to explore and maximize the potential of their amplifiers. This educational approach not only helps musicians achieve their desired sounds but also fosters a deeper connection between the player and their instrument.

### The Legacy of Bugera

The legacy of Bugera is not just in the products it creates but in the impact it has on the music world. By making high-quality tube amplification more accessible, Bugera has played a role in democratizing the pursuit of great tone, allowing more musicians to express themselves through their sound. The brand's journey from a vision to a respected name in the music gear industry exemplifies the transformative power of innovation, dedication, and a deep love for music.

### Conclusion

As Bugera looks to the future, it remains guided by the principles that have shaped its past: a commitment to quality, innovation, and the music community. With each new product and initiative, Bugera continues to write its story, one that resonates with the timeless appeal of tube amplification and the endless pursuit of sonic perfection. In a world where music continues to evolve, Bugera stands as a beacon for those who seek the warmth, depth, and soul of the classic tube sound, ensuring that this cherished sonic heritage continues to inspire and elevate the music of tomorrow.

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