Dienstag, 6. Februar 2024

TEST: Blackstar Dept. 10

 Anyone who just brings a “normal” booster / overdrive / distortion / fuzz pedal onto the market these days has a very difficult time in this extremely oversaturated market. There is probably no market that, in addition to the top dogs such as Boss, MXR or Ibanez, also has countless small and micro providers on the scene. Nowadays you are looked at strangely if you use products from the big names and don't poach in the global boutique market. What, on the other hand, is still relatively rare is a vacuum tube in the form of a pedal, which is used as standard in the all-tube amplifier segment when it comes to half-wave cuts. This is due to the higher circuit complexity and the greater sensitivity of the product, but it can also have sound reasons, as many high-gain amplifiers, especially those from the high-price range, already offer a veritable distortion capacity with a tube sound. Nevertheless, the manufacturer Blackstar offers the Blackstar Dept. 10 Dual Distortion offers such a pedal, which, according to the product name, is also used in the area of high gain and is one of three representatives of the Dept. 10 series out.

Structure and conception of the Blackstar Dept. 10 Dual Distortion

The Blackstar Dept. made in China 10 Dual Distortion is not just designed as a regular distortion pedal, but also offers extensive signal management features that go far beyond the standards of an in/out pedal. In addition to regular operation, the pedal offers three additional outputs that allow the product to be used in various situations. The focus here is particularly on the musician who no longer looks for the stage, but prefers to make music at home on his PC and requires a direct feed of the signal without the sound conversion of a loudspeaker.

The three options refer to an unbalanced jack output, a balanced XLR output and a USB connection. The two “Cab Rig” outputs can be used to choose between three different cabinet/loudspeaker simulations using a mini switch on the front and feed them directly into a console/interface. The USB output can be edited again on the PC using Blackstar software, which uses various in-house IRs if necessary.

The Blackstar Dept. 10 Dual Distortion has a total of 4 different voicings in the hardware area, 2 of which can be accessed in real time using 2 foot switches. Each 2 voicings (Clean / Crunch and OD1 / OD2, selected via Miniswitch) share a gain and a volume control. What all four sounds have in common is the three-band tone control and the Blackstar “ISF” circuit. This circuit is intended to enable a continuously adjustable tonal tendency between an “American sound” and a “British sound”, whereby the response behavior in the midrange is of course primarily processed here. Anyone hoping to be able to get the tonal differences between a pair of 6L6 or EL 34 power tubes in a small pedal will unfortunately be disappointed.

As the visual centerpiece, the ECC83 preamp tube sits enthroned in the upper, middle area of the panel. For reasons of protection, it has been recessed into the housing except for the mirrored area with which it protrudes from the housing. As is well known, preamp tubes are by no means as sensitive as power tubes, but I recommend greater care with regard to knocks and shocks than is possible in the semiconductor segment.

As a useful feature, especially in the microphone-less homerording area, Blackstar has installed a serial FX loop on the front of the pedal. This means you can place your most popular modulation or spatial effects in the signal chain and, if necessary, offer them directly when fed directly into the PC.

In my opinion, there were two small tactile errors on the visually very appealing pedal. On the one hand, the pleasantly stiff rotary controls at the bottom are located very close to the two pressure switches, so that you can only really use the outer tip of your foot for the switching process, as you want to press down the ISF or bass control on the right or left side of the shoe, which is what can lead to a tricky switching process. Furthermore, although the tube is protected by the bracket above it, the tip of the tube, which is pulled during the cooling process during production, can be damaged by a shoe at an unfavorable angle. If a second bracket had been attached at a 90 degree offset and the entire structure had been rotated by 45 degrees, all functions would have been retained and the tube would have been guaranteed to be untouchable.

For operating voltage, the pedal is powered by the included 9V power supply, which generates an impressive current flow of 500 mA. Should you visit the Blackstar Dept. If you want to operate a dual distortion pedal on your floorboard using a multi-voltage power supply, you should check whether the power supply even has an output of this magnitude. The pedal itself rests on 4 good rubber feet, which provide a comparatively good grip in standalone operation, even on a smooth surface. The pedal, which weighs just under 630 grams, is also very well made and gives a trustworthy impression in terms of durability.

The Blackstar Dept. 10 Dual Distortion in practice

A pedal like the Blackstar Dept. 10 Dual Distortion can be operated in 4 different ways. 1.) Classically directly in front of the amp, 2.) In the return path of the amp's serial FX loop, 3.) via the cab rig outputs directly into the P.A. and 4.) into the PC via USB. To put it bluntly, the pedal is unfortunately only convincing in one of the four areas, but in this area it really impresses in all respects.

Let's just start with point 1.). You can immediately tell that the pedal was primarily designed for this area. In order to be able to use the full bandwidth, the pedal must be switched to a clean channel, or you have to turn the gain range down very much. With the same channel, you can easily upgrade your single-channel amp to a three-channel amp, as you can essentially initiate 2 additional channels using 2 of the 4 voicings. By properly matching the amp and pedal, you can actually achieve very high-quality sounds, especially in the high gain range. Despite very strong distortion reserves, the pedal still remains comparatively transparent even at high settings and doesn't muddy everything. In addition, the pedal maintains its tube attack and compression behavior very well, as you would otherwise only expect from high-quality all-tube amps. An all-round successful, high-quality sound with a clear focus on the high gain range.

Under point 2.) it is immediately apparent that the tone control is not designed for operation as a preamp in conjunction with the FX loop of the power amplifier. The sound is extremely musty and not at an appropriate level even with the treble control turned all the way up. However, this point is not really relevant, as in my opinion only very few pedals work really well in this setup, especially the Metal Zone from Boss.

However, the sound is even worse in cab or USB mode. The sound is very brittle, dull and miles away from the excellent, classic operation described under point 1.). The Blackstar engineers still have to put a lot of work into preparing the IRs if they want to keep this feature in the next generations. Once again, unfortunately, all you can find on the computer is a nice UI, the sound output of which is unfortunately diametrically opposed. In my opinion, Blackstar didn't do themselves any favors with this design of the pedal.

It might have been better to save on the additional features and in return to lower the price of €282, which is a proud price despite being made in China. This way the pedal would have left a very good impression and probably received better reviews overall. Unfortunately, I find myself forced to turn the “Very Good”, which is more than deserved in normal operation, into a “Good” because the additional playback functions unfortunately do not do the product justice.

For the Cab Rig sound files I switched between the three different cabinet simulations


The Blackstar Dept. 10 Dual Distortion Pedal leaves an ambivalent impression. If you are looking for an excellent-sounding, classic distortion pedal with a tube character for your floorboard, this pedal is the right choice thanks to its all-round successful alignment. A wide range with very good high gain sounds, coupled with very good workmanship, represent real value for the retail price.

In return, the signal extensions offered such as Cab Rig and the in-house Blackstar software via USB are of inferior quality and unfortunately detract immensely from the overall impression of the otherwise excellent-sounding pedal. If you want to buy the pedal, you should keep these points in mind.


Additional Informations:

Blackstar Amplification is a British company that has quickly risen to prominence in the world of guitar amplification. Founded in 2007, the company's journey is a fascinating story of innovation, determination, and a deep passion for music. In this detailed exploration, we delve into the origins, challenges, and successes that have defined Blackstar Amps, showcasing its impact on musicians around the globe.

### The Founding Quartet

Blackstar Amplification was established in Northampton, England, by four friends and former colleagues: Ian Robinson, Bruce Keir, Paul Hayhoe, and Richard Frost. These individuals shared not only a profound passion for music but also extensive experience in the amplifier industry, having worked at Marshall Amplification. Their tenure at Marshall provided them with invaluable insights into amp design, manufacturing, and the music industry at large. However, it was their collective vision of creating innovative, versatile amplifiers that led them to branch out and form their own company.

### The Philosophy Behind Blackstar

From its inception, Blackstar was driven by a philosophy to take guitar amplification further than it had gone before. The founders aimed to address the limitations they perceived in existing amplifiers and to introduce features that would offer musicians unprecedented tonal flexibility. They focused on developing products that could cater to a wide range of genres and playing styles, from pristine cleans to heavily distorted tones.

### Early Days and Challenges

The early days of Blackstar Amplification were marked by intense research and development. Working out of a small garden shed, the team dedicated themselves to creating prototypes that embodied their vision. One of the major challenges they faced was breaking into a market dominated by established brands. The founders knew that to make an impact, they needed to offer something genuinely innovative.

### The Breakthrough: The Artisan Series

Blackstar's breakthrough came with the launch of the Artisan series of hand-wired amplifiers. These amps were praised for their craftsmanship, attention to detail, and, most importantly, their versatile sound. The Artisan series demonstrated Blackstar's commitment to quality and innovation, quickly earning the company respect and recognition within the music community.

### Innovation as a Hallmark: The HT Series

Building on the success of the Artisan series, Blackstar continued to innovate with the introduction of the HT series. These amplifiers featured the patented ISF (Infinite Shape Feature) control, allowing musicians to shift seamlessly between American and British amplifier characteristics. This level of tonal flexibility was groundbreaking and became a hallmark of Blackstar's approach to amplifier design.

### Expanding the Range

As the company grew, so did its product range. Blackstar ventured into various segments of the market, including digital modelling amps with the ID:Series and portable amplification solutions with the Fly 3 mini amp. Each product line carried Blackstar's signature focus on versatility and tone. The company also embraced technology, incorporating features like USB connectivity and built-in effects, making their amps more adaptable to the needs of modern musicians.

### Global Recognition and Artist Endorsements

Blackstar's commitment to quality and innovation quickly earned it a global customer base and the respect of professional musicians. The company has garnered endorsements from a diverse array of artists across different genres, including Gus G (Firewind, Ozzy Osbourne), Neal Schon (Journey), and James Dean Bradfield (Manic Street Preachers). These endorsements have further cemented Blackstar's reputation as a manufacturer of choice for both aspiring musicians and professionals.

### Challenges and Opportunities

Like any company, Blackstar has faced its share of challenges, including navigating the competitive landscape of guitar amplification and responding to the changing dynamics of the music industry. However, the company has consistently viewed these challenges as opportunities to innovate and refine their products.

### The Future

Looking forward, Blackstar Amplification continues to focus on innovation, with a keen eye on the evolving needs of musicians and the possibilities offered by new technologies. The company's dedication to listening to its user base and responding with innovative solutions suggests a bright future ahead.

### Conclusion

The story of Blackstar Amplification is one of passion, innovation, and resilience. From its humble beginnings in a garden shed to becoming a globally recognized brand, Blackstar has remained dedicated to enhancing the musical expression of guitarists around the world. As the company continues to evolve and expand its product line, its core philosophy of pushing the boundaries of guitar amplification remains unchanged, promising exciting developments for musicians everywhere.

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