Dienstag, 20. Februar 2024

TEST: Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis

 It's the same thing with signature instruments. The ultimate for the manufacturer is a guitar that represents the ultimate in mainstream in terms of shape and design and is also played by a well-known musician in all styles of music. The problem is, this guitar already exists in the form of the Les Paul, which, in collaboration with Gibson, brought almost the best-selling guitar of all time onto the market in 1952, only topped by Leo Fender's ingenious budget option, the Stratocaster. But what if neither the manufacturer of the instrument nor the artist supported has overcome insider status? This doesn't have to mean anything, as you can see with the Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis.

Who is Bea Mensis?

I have to admit that until today I was completely unaware of Chapman Guitars and only realized that the company was based in the UK when I saw the print on the box. This fact alone is a special feature, because in contrast to what is probably the richest history when it comes to all-tube amps, there is comparatively almost nothing happening on the island when it comes to instrument making. I would even dare to say that the UK is probably one of the lowest places in the EU rankings when it comes to electric guitar making, maybe even the last. OK, Luxembourg... But maybe Chapman Guitars can change that.

I was surprised to see that the Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis was listed under “Signature Instruments” on the manufacturer's website, only to find out that the artist supported was not called Bea Mensis, but rather Rabea Massaad, which I didn't know either said. A look at YouTube showed a stocky gentleman with a fuzzy head and revealed that he was a member of a band called “Dorje” (that doesn’t tell me anything either…). Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any live performances by the band anywhere, although I could find some playalongs by Rabea Massaad for the studio recordings. Well, a name-dropping bandwagon looks different, which is perhaps why the artist's name doesn't even appear in the instrument's type designation.

The construction of the Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis

A look at the box in which the instrument was delivered reveals a very interesting instrument that you can never tell was made in Indonesia. The retail price of €749 also seems incredibly inexpensive if you rely on the first impression. When it comes to the body, it becomes clear very quickly who was the inspiration here, although the telephoto copy only shows the rough outline of the instrument. In contrast to the almost lumpy-looking original, the Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis has several tasteful shapes in the armrest, stomach rest and cutaway area.

Weighing just under 3.2 kilograms, the instrument is within the average weight range and should not put too much strain on even the most delicate of souls. The body is made of alder and has a flamed maple top. In combination with the natural binding, a visually appealing design. The color of the body is described by the manufacturer as “transparent black”, but to me it is more of a grayish blue. Well, it's all a matter of definition. By the way, the finish is matt, which once again means that it's best to always carry a microfiber cloth with you in your gig bag/guitar case. 15 minutes of playing time and the entire body is covered in fingerprints. Unfortunately it cannot be prevented, but if you have the foresight, a polishing cloth is included in the scope of delivery.

The neck with the attached reversed headstock is made of maple, although the dark coloring suggests the “roasted” treatment, which has recently become very popular with maple necks. According to the specs, the fingerboard is made of ebony, although it is a comparatively bright version that varies greatly in color. The manufacturer is very reserved with fingerboard markings; only a curved infinity symbol was embedded in the 12th fret. Otherwise, you only have the inlays on the side of the neck for orientation. The neck is screwed four times and the base of the neck has been rounded off for better handling in the high registers.

Two in-house humbuckers are used as pickups, with the neck pickup being designed in the form of mini rails. Both pickups are switched via a 3-way switch, while the tone control also allows switching to single coil mode using the push-pull version. When it comes to hardware, the Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis relies on a hardtail with strings passed through the body and 6 locking mechanisms manufactured in-house. The belt pins are once again from Schaller. All hardware is considered black, but is a dark nickel.

The Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis in practice

When you pick up the Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis for the first time, the guitar appears quite “feminine”, i.e. everything is a touch “rounder” than other instruments in this class. Especially when you consider the original stick from the USA, which, as Keith Richard shows you here https://youtu.be/AJ_P1vfZYo4, can easily get even a pushy fan off his feet.

What also catches the eye from the first notes is the excellent vibration behavior that the Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis exhibits, which is probably largely due to the roasted neck. The often used “twäng”, which has been associated with this body shape for decades, is also sufficiently present, although not quite to the same extent as in a good version of the original. But you should also keep in mind that this instrument was not designed for country sounds, but is more interested in heavy music.

Particular attention should be paid to the Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis pickups, which in my opinion will be very polarizing. The bridge pickup must be considered dominating everything. The Chapman Henchman pickup is not only a ceramic pickup with a very high DC resistance of 15 kOhm, it is also comparatively high-pitched, which is really surprising given the high number of windings. Everyone has to find out for themselves whether they like this sound, but you quickly run the risk of developing an unpleasant circular saw sound very quickly, especially if you work with speaker simulations that tend to drift into scratchiness, as you do in the following Video by Rabea Massaad can be heard very well.


Detached from personal taste, the neck pickup with its comparatively moderate 8.5 kOhm hardly has a chance, especially since the pickup lacks a bit of character, which is really difficult in the immediate vicinity of the “rough block” in the bridge position. Interestingly, the bridge pickup leaves an exceptionally good impression in the clean area. The sound is extremely voluminous and can also be convincing in the subtle crunch range, but only in humbucker mode. If you switch the pickup to single coil, the pickup quickly becomes unpleasantly biting and thin. Especially with the Chapman humbuckers, it is once again obvious how difficult it is to build a split pickup that is convincing in both humbucker and single-coil operation. With a good all-tube amp, however, you can also generate very good sounds from the unusual pair.

In terms of playing technology, however, the instrument is convincing across the board. The neck, defined as a C-shape, is extremely easy to hold in the hand, the attack and release behavior in combination with a very good attack is exceptionally good and, as already mentioned, the sustain is far above what you would normally expect from a screw-on neck construction may. Here you are almost at the full neck level, which really impressed me. Otherwise there is really nothing wrong with this instrument. However, I would be interested to know how they manage to deliver such high manufacturing quality for such a price in Indonesia.


With the Chapman Guitars ML3 Std Bea Mensis, the British manufacturer offers a lot of instrument for the money. For less than 800 euros you get an instrument which, if manufactured outside of a low-wage country, would in many respects cost a four-digit sum in the ambitious price segment.

The workmanship is excellent, the individual components are very good, and the visual presentation is appealing. Everyone has to find out for themselves to what extent they can get used to the sound of the built-in pickups. In my opinion, there might still be some room for improvement here, but this is a purely subjective opinion without any general validity.


Additional Informations:

Chapman Guitars, a prominent name in the world of electric guitars, has captivated musicians worldwide with its blend of quality craftsmanship, innovative design, and community-driven ethos. Founded by British guitarist and YouTube personality Rob Chapman, the company has carved out a unique niche in the competitive guitar market. Let's delve into the captivating story of how Chapman Guitars came to be, tracing its origins, pivotal moments, and enduring impact on the music industry.

**Origins and Vision**

The story of Chapman Guitars begins in the early 2010s when Rob Chapman, a seasoned guitarist and entrepreneur, recognized a gap in the market for high-quality, affordable instruments that catered to the needs and preferences of modern players. Armed with a vision to democratize the guitar-making process and empower musicians to express themselves creatively, Chapman set out to create a brand that prioritized innovation, accessibility, and community engagement.

**Crowdfunding and Collaborative Design**

One of the defining moments in Chapman Guitars' history came with the launch of its first guitar model, the ML-1, through a crowdfunding campaign on the popular platform, Kickstarter. Embracing a collaborative approach to design, Chapman invited his online community of guitar enthusiasts to provide input and feedback throughout the development process, ensuring that the final product reflected the collective wisdom and expertise of its future users.

The campaign was a resounding success, surpassing its funding goal and garnering widespread attention within the guitar community. This early triumph solidified Chapman Guitars' reputation as a brand that valued transparency, inclusivity, and customer engagement, setting the stage for future endeavors and collaborations.

**Innovative Design and Quality Craftsmanship**

Central to Chapman Guitars' appeal is its commitment to innovative design and meticulous craftsmanship. Drawing inspiration from classic guitar models while incorporating modern features and improvements, Chapman guitars offer a perfect balance of vintage charm and contemporary performance.

From the versatile ML-1 to the sleek and ergonomic ML-3, each Chapman model is carefully engineered to meet the diverse needs and preferences of today's guitarists. Whether it's the resonant tonewoods, precision hardware, or hand-wired electronics, every aspect of a Chapman guitar is crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring exceptional playability, tone, and reliability.

**Community Engagement and Endorsements**

At the heart of Chapman Guitars is its vibrant and passionate community of musicians, affectionately known as the "Chapman Family." Through social media platforms, online forums, and community events, Chapman has fostered a sense of camaraderie and belonging among guitar enthusiasts, encouraging collaboration, creativity, and mutual support.

Moreover, Chapman Guitars has collaborated with prominent artists and musicians to develop signature models that reflect their unique playing styles and sonic preferences. From the versatile ML-1 Rob Scallon signature model to the high-performance ML-2 Norseman designed in collaboration with guitarist and composer Rabea Massaad, these signature guitars showcase the brand's commitment to innovation and artistic expression.

**Expansion and Global Reach**

Over the years, Chapman Guitars has expanded its product line to include a diverse range of instruments, amplifiers, and accessories, catering to guitarists of all skill levels and musical genres. From affordable entry-level guitars to premium custom-shop models, Chapman offers something for everyone, ensuring that players can find their perfect instrument within the Chapman lineup.

Furthermore, Chapman Guitars has established a strong global presence, with distribution channels spanning across Europe, North America, Asia, and beyond. Through strategic partnerships with retailers, distributors, and online platforms, Chapman has made its products accessible to musicians worldwide, further cementing its status as a leading player in the guitar industry.

**Legacy and Future Endeavors**

As Chapman Guitars continues to evolve and grow, its commitment to innovation, community engagement, and quality craftsmanship remains unwavering. From its humble beginnings as a passion project to its current status as a global brand, Chapman Guitars has stayed true to its founding principles while embracing new opportunities and challenges along the way.

Looking ahead, the future of Chapman Guitars appears bright and promising, with a dedicated team of designers, craftsmen, and musicians working tirelessly to push the boundaries of guitar design and performance. With a loyal fan base, a spirit of creativity and collaboration, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, Chapman Guitars is poised to leave an indelible mark on the music industry for years to come.

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