Donnerstag, 21. März 2024

TEST: Engl E670FE

 It is truly rare enough that a manufacturer or a product range from Germany has achieved world fame in its segment. The same can be attributed to the Engl company, which has succeeded with its guitar amplifiers, which are predominantly built on an all-tube basis and are entirely developed and built in Germany. If you want to define the tonal weight class “Boliden”, the Engl company is clearly part of it with its product packages and has actually managed to define and establish the typical Engl sound, especially in the high gain range. I have often asked myself whether the company from Tittmoning will once again be able to go one step further in terms of flexibility in the 4-channel heavyweight class in the style of Powerball or Savage, something that has always been denied up to now. However, with the Engl E670FE available for testing, the manufacturer adds a fifth channel and, with the Founders Edition, makes explicit reference to the company's founder and namesake, Edmond Engl.

The concept of the Engl E670FE

When you look at the Engl E670FE amplifier for the first time, the typical Engel trademarks immediately appear. The front of the housing is dominated by the classic Engl lettering, the steel bars, which protect the interior of the amplifier as well as provide a view of the innards of the 5 12AX7 / ECC83 preamp tubes and the four output tubes, which are very pretty are underlit in red and are available in the variations 6L6 or EL34. A 100 watt amplifier of this performance class naturally also comes with a corresponding weight. At 22.5 kg, it requires strong arm/shoulder muscles to balance the product onto a corresponding 412 cabinet. For the few musicians who still have the privilege of a full stack, they may also have 4 hands to raise.

The workmanship of the amplifier is typically Engl, which means that the quality of the workmanship is more than just appropriate for the Made in Germany label. The housing is designed to a very high quality, with a durable imitation leather cover, with four metal corner protectors taking over their function in the normal frame. The amp sits on four solid rubber feet, so that the amp can be easily placed over any carrying handle, should you actually use a 2x12 cabinet.

Declaring the amplifier as a pure all-tube amplifier would certainly not do justice to the extensive functions of the amplifier. Rather, we have to talk about a guitar control center that offers pretty much all the flexibility that is possible today in the form of a top part. Anyone who has already dealt with an Engl amplifier is aware that the front of the amplifier, with its countless variation options within the individual channels, guarantees maximum tonal flexibility on the one hand, but somewhat less experienced musicians are left screaming on the other hand can beat. 22 mini pressure switches alone enable the amplifier to be controlled at the touch of a finger. However, all functions can also be taken over by a MIDI bar, which can only be recommended, especially due to the sound possibilities.

Anyone who has ever dealt with the 4-channel Engel amplifiers will probably find their way around the front panel of the Engl E670FE quite quickly. Engl has more or less combined two channels, which is reflected in the fact that the clean and crunch channels and the two lead channels 1 and 2 each share a tone control, with two different treble controls in both areas gives. The amplifier also works with various contour, bright and frequency shift options in order to adapt the respective sound to your personal preferences.

Two channels each share a reverb control, with each channel having a separate volume control within the channel management. In the master area there are two differently switchable presence controls as well as two switchable master volumes, for example to temporarily turn the amp louder during a solo passage. The product also has several bass boost switches in the form of depth boost and mega low punch and a general switch between modern and classic mode.

The back of the Engl E670FE

As impressive as the front of the amplifier is, the real eye-opener for the expert is on the back of the amplifier. In addition to the standards such as MIDI IN and MIDI OUT and a corresponding adjustment to the special Engl MIDI strips, regular foot switches can also be connected. There is also the threshold control of the noise gate on the back, which allows you to continuously adjust the level at which the noise suppression is activated. However, the first aha effect comes from the amplifier's effect loops, which produce a fairly large murmur with the number 3.

There is one serial and two parallel loop paths, with the parallel loop paths having a corresponding balance controller. By the way, as a little tip, if you have an amplifier with a reverb spiral and are perhaps annoyed that the amplifier doesn't have a loop-in path, it does have a loop-in path. Each reverb spiral is connected to a parallel FX loop, so if you set your pedal to 100% wet in the effect portion, you can mix in your effect accordingly.

Above the effect loops there is now also the new fifth channel, which has been named Tube Driver. This is a deliberately spartan pure tube amplifier route, in which all the sound technical tricks that come into play in the other four channels have been deliberately left out. The channel only consists of a level, bass, middle, treble and sensitivity controls plus a small contour switch. The channel is intended so that if the amplifier is used in some form by different musicians, for example in relatively stationary operation, and a musician brings an extensive effects board with them, they can be integrated into the Engl's sound path without any major problems.

As is well known, distortion, booster and overdrive pedals in particular like to work with amplifiers whose sound options are quite spartan, which is, among other things, one reason why most old Marshall models and similar amplifiers can handle all the boost pedals very well, while Ultra-modern and sophisticated amplifiers tend to have weaknesses here. However, the extent to which an Engl user will ever work with boost and overdrive pedals remains to be seen. For my part, I almost exclusively meet English amplifier players who tell me “Overdrive? Distortion? I don't need it, I'm playing an English amplifier.

It is possible to control additional power amplifiers via a line output if you really want to make an entire wall of 412 cabinets shake or implement a wet-dry-wet setup. There is also a power tube monitor in the form of a red LED, which indicates the failure of a power tube. In this case, however, you can still finish the gig with two power tubes. Finally, on the right side you will find five different speaker outputs, which, with the circuit options 1x16 Ohm, 2x16 Ohm, 1x8 Ohm, 2x8 Ohm and 1x4 Ohm, exploit the entire range of circuit options from half to full stack. It couldn't be better!

The Engl E670FE in practice

To tell the reader something about the classic Engl sound would be to take owls to Athens. It's not for nothing that the Engl sound is an integral part of every hard and heavy guitarist. Even if you don't own an amplifier from this company, you've definitely heard it or tried it out in a music store. The sound is still very independent and offers an extreme boost in the bass range due to the various options available. However, you should be careful with this as you will quickly succumb to the temptation to create an ultra-fat sound, which can be achieved in solo operation At home it creates a very fat sound, but in a band context it quickly reaches frequency ranges that are not intended for the guitar.

As expected, this amplifier also focuses on everything that has to do with gain. Even the channel labeled Crunch can produce heavy rhythm sounds in its maximum gain orientation, which would already be clearly in the high gain range with other amplifier manufacturers. With the two lead channels you can then roughly imagine what ultra-high gain reserves the amplifier already offers. It goes without saying that in practice these sounds can no longer be accessed without a noise gate, but in practice this does not pose any problems because the noise gate works well and can be adjusted very sensitively.

Although most typical Engl players probably won't use the Tube Driver channel very often, for me it is a real highlight of the amplifier. This circuit expands the possible uses of the amplifier many times over, although it may miss the target audience, but for represents real added value for the typical guitarist. For example, anyone who was hesitant about purchasing an Engl amplifier in the past, but didn't want to do without their typical boost and overdrive pedals, can now finally integrate their beloved pedals into their sound concept using this circuit and switch between them as needed Switch back and forth between different sound worlds via midiboard or, if necessary, manually.

All in all, the Engl E670FE has to be said to be probably the best Engl amplifier on the market at the moment. Although this is of course reflected in a retail price of €3,490, in return you also get a sound output that would otherwise require up to 3 all-tube amplifiers and you are contributing to the “Support Your Local Dealer” movement can't be valued highly enough these days.

An outstanding amplifier!


The Engl E670FE is probably currently the best Engl amplifier on the market, which can now reproduce the entire range of guitar sounds with a focus on gain sounds with 5 channels.

An outstanding product in every respect!


Additional Informations:

In the realm of guitar amplification, few names evoke as much reverence and admiration as Edmund Engl. As the founder and driving force behind Engl Amps, Edmund Engl's contributions to the world of music are nothing short of legendary. From humble beginnings to global acclaim, his journey is a testament to passion, innovation, and unwavering dedication to sonic excellence.

**Early Beginnings and Passion for Music:**
Edmund Engl's love affair with music began at an early age, fueled by a deep fascination with sound and its transformative power. Born and raised in Germany, he immersed himself in the vibrant music scene of the 1960s and 70s, drawing inspiration from iconic bands and pioneering guitarists of the era. It was during these formative years that he developed a keen interest in amplifier design and electronics, laying the foundation for his future endeavors.

**The Genesis of Engl Amps:**
In 1983, fueled by his passion and expertise, Edmund Engl founded Engl Amps with a singular vision: to create amplifiers that would elevate the sonic capabilities of guitarists worldwide. Armed with innovative designs and a relentless pursuit of perfection, he set out to redefine the standards of amplifier craftsmanship. The early years were marked by experimentation, as Edmund tirelessly tinkered with circuits, components, and configurations to achieve the elusive perfect tone.

**Innovations and Breakthroughs:**
One of Edmund Engl's most significant contributions to amplifier technology was his pioneering use of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) integration in guitar amplifiers. By incorporating MIDI capabilities into his designs, he revolutionized the way guitarists controlled their rig, offering unprecedented flexibility and control over their sound. This innovation cemented Engl Amps' reputation as a trailblazer in the industry, earning accolades from musicians and critics alike.

**Signature Sound and Artistic Collaboration:**
Central to the success of Engl Amps is its signature sound, characterized by rich harmonics, responsive dynamics, and unparalleled clarity. Edmund Engl's meticulous attention to detail and uncompromising standards ensured that each amplifier bearing the Engl name delivered a sonic experience that surpassed expectations. Furthermore, his collaborations with renowned artists such as Marty Friedman, Steve Morse, and Ritchie Blackmore further enriched the Engl legacy, resulting in signature amplifiers that captured the essence of these iconic musicians' tones.

**Global Recognition and Continued Innovation:**
Over the years, Engl Amps has garnered widespread acclaim, earning the trust and loyalty of musicians across the globe. From professional touring artists to bedroom enthusiasts, players of all levels rely on Engl amplifiers to deliver uncompromising performance in any musical setting. Despite their success, Edmund Engl and his team remain committed to pushing the boundaries of amplifier design, constantly striving for new innovations and advancements to meet the evolving needs of guitarists.

**Legacy and Influence:**
As a visionary entrepreneur and amplifier pioneer, Edmund Engl's impact on the music industry is immeasurable. His relentless pursuit of tone perfection and commitment to quality craftsmanship have left an indelible mark on the world of guitar amplification. Today, Engl Amps stands as a testament to his enduring legacy, inspiring future generations of musicians and amplifier designers to reach for new heights of sonic excellence.

In Edmund Engl, we find not just a master amplifier designer, but a visionary whose passion, innovation, and unwavering commitment to quality have shaped the landscape of guitar amplification. His legacy lives on through Engl Amps, a testament to his enduring influence on the world of music. As guitarists continue to seek the perfect tone, they can rest assured that Edmund Engl's spirit of innovation and dedication to excellence will guide them on their sonic journey.

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