Donnerstag, 28. März 2024

TEST: ESI uniK Plus

 OK, I admit it, I'm a fan of product care. In my opinion, it simply makes more sense to optimize a product that is running well in the second or third attempt and to respond to customer suggestions than to repeatedly bring new product series onto the market in comparatively short time intervals. Those responsible for ESI probably thought of the same and brought the ESI uniK 05 plus, the successor to the normal 05 series, onto the market.

In order to justify the four letters behind the product name to the user, much more than just optical cosmetics was carried out, but everything in order.


The monitor looks pretty. The combination of the colors black and copper in combination with the matt, rounded front is definitely pleasing to the eye. The type designations and the white lettering on the back are also in this color, which creates a touch of corporate identity. Tastefully! The box comes with 4 rubber feet, which are not only intended to decouple the housing, but can also adjust the angle of inclination upwards and downwards using appropriate screw axes.

ESI really doesn't make it easy for itself, as the monitor series, with a retail price of around €189 and Chinese production, is in a broad segment of competitors in the budget class. In order to stand out from the competition, you need a lot of special features to get the buyer's attention. With the dimensions (W x H x D): 190 x 265 x 210 mm and a weight of just under 4.4 kilograms, they are still in the normal range and the beautiful, copper-colored 5 inch Kevlar woofer is not too noticeable either very out of the norm, but wait, the tweeter doesn't just differ visually from the usual dome tweeters.

extravagant tweeter

Anyone who feels briefly reminded of the competitor ADAM Audio is ahead. As with the aforementioned competitor, the ESI uniK 05 plus uses a ribbon tweeter, the equivalent of a ribbon microphone. As with the microphone version, the tweeter is characterized by extremely good impulse behavior due to its very low mass. Unfortunately, the tweeter also shares the same problems as a ribbon microphone. Both are known for their high sensitivity to external mechanical influences. In order to protect the tweeter as comprehensively as possible, ESI not only placed a steel grille on the front, but also installed a fine-meshed net, which is also intended to counteract moisture and fine dirt.

upgraded back

In order to reinforce the difference to its predecessor, ESI has dedicated the Plus variant in particular to optimizing the room acoustics. The product has an unusually large selection of optimization points in this price range, starting with a two-band tone control, which has an amplification factor of +/- 5 dB each. The preamplifier, on the other hand, even allows +/- 14 dB, which means the system can be adapted to pretty much any output voltage. What is really unusual, however, is the “Character” control, which allows you to seamlessly raise or lower the entire frequency spectrum from approx. 50 Hz by +/- 6 dB. The manufacturer refers to these control paths as “Smooth” or “Bright”

Due to the recessed arrangement of the potentiometers, all settings are made using a mini slotted screwdriver, which was included in the box. Applicable signals can be fed in via XLR or TRS via the combination socket, which should be sufficient for 90 percent of all applications. The switchable standby function saves energy and puts the box into sleep mode after several minutes without a signal. A ground lift is also available for ground loops or inadequate power supply abroad.

ESI has come up with another special feature for the reflex opening. The opening again on the top edge of the housing can be completely closed with a tightly fitting foam plug. This is to ensure that the speaker is not prone to the infamous booming frequencies in the bass range when placed near a wall, or even worse in a corner of the room. Interesting detailed solution.


According to the enclosed operating instructions, the ESI uniK plus has a frequency response of 49 Hz - 25 kHz. Even if the values do not allow for a real evaluation, you can still see the system's preferences. No one expects “real” bass from a 5-inch bass speaker without subwoofer support, but you should keep in mind that in this case an approximately linear bass transmission only begins at around 70 Hz. Therefore, please do not give in to the misconception that the system can reproduce bass guitars, kick drums or electronic instruments in the bass range in a balanced manner.

I also strongly advise against misusing the two-band tone control as a booster in the bass range; unfortunately the limits of physics cannot be exceeded. Increasing it using the bass control only resulted in more choking in the impulse behavior, which even the fast and stiff Kevlar speaker couldn't absorb. If you don't succumb to this malpractice, you will get a well-defined bass tone that can be located very well, but nothing more. The system cannot develop a real punch.

There are no complaints to note in the midrange. Rather, I liked that the crossover frequency of 3.2 kHz was well chosen and that the infamous center hole did not appear in the crossover. In terms of sound, the box tends to produce a tight reproduction without too much harshness, but also without the flattering effect that is reserved for the next higher price ranges. The stereo imaging of the system, on the other hand, is excellent; if the speakers are positioned optimally, nothing is left to be desired in terms of depth and location behavior.

Yes, and then there is the highlight of the system, the treble reproduction of the ribbon tweeter. I would like to do this again show an analogy to the ribbon microphone. Just as the sound of the microphone type of the same name divides users into two camps, this type of tweeter will also cause never-ending discussions. As expected, the tweeter is characterized by extremely fast reproduction and is also largely responsible for the very good stereo positioning.

In return, the tweeter sounds significantly sharper than the average dome tweeter, which allows the user to reach for the high-mid control relatively quickly and also reduces fatigue while listening. A considerable amount of listening time is necessary to get used to the system's frequency curve. Unfortunately, it is not the “whispering” highs above 10 kHz that would possibly lead to excessive shimmering, but rather the “biting” high-mids above the 4 kHz limit, to which the human ear is already hypersensitive.

However, if you are aware of these points and have adjusted your hearing accordingly, you can work with the ESI uniK plus in a very practical way. The plus points clearly outweigh the negatives and make the system a good second/third listening device or a high-quality first listening device at the DAW station in the project studio.


With the ESI unik plus, the system receives a high-quality upgrade compared to its predecessor. A lavish sound control in combination with several well thought-out detailed solutions makes the visually sophisticated box a real asset in the project studio.

Everyone has to decide for themselves whether they like the sound of the ribbon tweeter, but the comparatively harsh tweeter reproduction is matched by extreme impulse fidelity and excellent stereo positioning.

Definitely worth checking out in person!


Additional Informations:

ESI Audio, also known as Electronic Sounds Inc., stands as a testament to the ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit that drives the world of professional audio. Since its inception, ESI has been committed to delivering cutting-edge audio solutions that empower musicians, producers, and audio engineers to unleash their creative potential. Let's embark on a journey through the captivating history of ESI Audio, tracing its origins, key milestones, and enduring legacy in the realm of pro audio.

**Founding Years:**

The story of ESI Audio begins in the late 1990s, amidst a burgeoning digital revolution that was reshaping the landscape of music production and recording. In 1999, a team of passionate audio enthusiasts and engineers came together with a shared vision: to develop innovative audio interfaces and solutions that catered to the evolving needs of the modern music industry.

Founded in Germany, ESI Audio quickly established itself as a pioneering force in the realm of digital audio technology. Drawing upon the country's rich tradition of engineering excellence and precision craftsmanship, the company set out to redefine the standards of audio quality, performance, and affordability.

**Innovations and Breakthroughs:**

From the outset, ESI Audio distinguished itself through a relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence. The company's early product offerings, including audio interfaces, MIDI controllers, and studio monitors, garnered acclaim for their superior sound quality, robust build, and intuitive design.

One of ESI's notable contributions to the industry was the development of the renowned U24 XL USB audio interface, which quickly became a staple in home studios and professional setups alike. With its compact form factor, low-latency performance, and versatile connectivity options, the U24 XL exemplified ESI's commitment to delivering practical, user-friendly solutions that didn't compromise on audio fidelity.

**Expansion and Global Reach:**

As demand for ESI's products grew, the company expanded its reach beyond the European market, establishing distribution networks and partnerships across the globe. With offices and representatives in key markets such as North America, Asia, and South America, ESI Audio solidified its position as a leading player in the international pro audio landscape.

The company's commitment to customer satisfaction and support further enhanced its reputation, earning the trust and loyalty of musicians, producers, and audio professionals worldwide. Whether it was providing technical assistance, software updates, or user guides, ESI demonstrated a steadfast dedication to ensuring that its customers could make the most of their audio solutions.

**Diversification and Adaptation:**

In response to the ever-evolving needs of its clientele, ESI Audio diversified its product portfolio to encompass a wide range of audio solutions tailored to different applications and environments. From portable audio interfaces for mobile recording to studio-grade monitors for professional mixing and mastering, ESI's catalog continued to expand, offering something for every stage of the audio production process.

Moreover, ESI remained at the forefront of technological advancements, embracing emerging trends such as wireless connectivity, digital signal processing, and immersive audio formats. By staying ahead of the curve and anticipating industry trends, ESI ensured that its products remained relevant and cutting-edge in a rapidly evolving market.

**Legacy and Future Outlook:**

Today, ESI Audio stands as a beacon of innovation, quality, and reliability in the world of professional audio. With a diverse lineup of products that cater to the needs of musicians, producers, and audio engineers across the globe, ESI continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in sound recording, production, and playback.

As the company looks towards the future, it remains committed to its core principles of innovation, excellence, and customer satisfaction. With an unwavering focus on advancing technology, expanding its product range, and maintaining the highest standards of quality, ESI Audio is poised to continue shaping the future of audio for years to come.

In conclusion, the journey of ESI Audio is a testament to the transformative power of passion, creativity, and ingenuity. From its humble beginnings to its current standing as a global leader in pro audio, ESI's story serves as an inspiration to aspiring innovators and audio enthusiasts alike. With a legacy built on innovation, excellence, and a relentless pursuit of perfection, ESI Audio remains firmly entrenched in the annals of audio history, leaving an indelible mark on the world of sound.

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