Freitag, 22. März 2024

TEST: Engl Retro 50

 There are only a few German manufacturers who can hold their own in the amplifier sector against the seemingly overpowering competitors from the USA and the UK, and what's more, can sometimes even give them a run for their money. The story is too powerful, the accumulation of well-selling artist names under the respective labels is too large, if it weren't for the Engl company, founded in 1985 by Edmund Engl and based in Tittmoning, Upper Bavaria.

Through a consistent model policy and a complex development history, the manufacturer was able to earn a place in the upper league of amplifier construction and, with only a few competitors, occupies the front row in the metal sound storm area. Life is good here, as this style of music can count on a loyal group of users with comparatively stable sales. However, Engl would not be Engl if one were to rest on such laurels and become dependent on one market segment.

So what could be more obvious than to open up to the counter-trend and advance into previously unimagined regions. The diametrical orientation to the high-gain metal area is retro, or vintage, which means bony, dry, honest, biting and, above all, uncomfortable, coupled with maximum assertiveness. But we are curious to see whether the 50 watt version of the Retro Head series, which like all of its colleagues is consistently developed and built in Germany, can successfully poach in foreign regions.


Like almost all other heads, the Engl Retro 50 comes in the typical briquette shape, this time with the dimensions width 708 mm x height 260 mm x 270 depth mm and a reasonable weight of just under 20 kilograms. Equipped with 4 pieces. ECC83 (12AX7) in the preamp and 2 pieces. EL 34 in the A/B push-pull power amplifier is based on a very popular design known from many other manufacturers. Four strong rubber feet, eight corner protectors and a hard-wearing synthetic leather are part of the standard equipment and don't exactly make for bright looks, but Engl wouldn't be Engl if you didn't have a few little tricks on board when it came to its visual appearance.

Your head is visually quite crisp, but you're missing that special kick? Or would you also like to be able to “change” your head every now and then? No problem with the Retro 50, as you get a total of 3 different front panels in Shadow Black, Rocking Red and Vintage Vanilla. Simply swap the clip fasteners supplied and vary the look depending on your personal taste or occasion. Nice idea. Regarding the cabinet connection options, the standard 1x 16 ohm, 2x 8 ohm and 2x 4 ohm are offered, which cover the entire combination range.

The Retro is designed with two channels (gain, treble, middle, bass, volume), with all channel controls being present exactly twice. However, as expected, the channels are designed differently when it comes to gain. A gain boost acting on both channels expands flexibility, a bright switch in channel 1 boosts the highs if necessary, and a tone control in channel 2 boosts the low-mids. At first glance everything is quite simple, but a look at the back of the top reveals further special features that Engl always keeps up his sleeve.

The head has a serial/parallel loop path (balance can be adjusted), a switchable noise gate and a second master volume control, all of which can be switched via a total of three stereo jack sockets. There is also a foot switch connection for the in-house Engl pedals in the form of an S.A.C. ports. The artist is happy about so many individual management options. The general workmanship corresponds to real Made-in-Germany guidelines, which means flawless, enriched with a few small extras such as optical power amplifier monitoring.


Where it says retro, there should also be vintage in it, which means that anyone who is looking for the ever-popular, very soft English sound here will probably be quite frightened at the first notes they hear from this head. Ohhh, that comes out of the speakers in a really bony and honest way, the whole man is in demand. Personally, I don't even know this form of sound from the Engl company. Here you can't hide behind the nicely compressed basic design of the head, here it's hard to reveal what finger exercises have been neglected in recent times.

If you miss a note halfway through due to an unclean fingering or an imperfect vibrato, then you'll hear it. There's no good-natured 6L6 to catch you in a motherly manner, there's an EL34 that's going to kick you in the ass and call for a report. The reward for this sergeant-like design of the product is also gun-by-foot. Woe betide you, you hit the note perfectly, then you will be rewarded with an almost sweet sound development. The amp responds extremely quickly and leaves behind a distinctive sound that can be easily located in the band structure. Woe betide the bandmate who competes against you with a chorus-filled fabric softener sound at the same volume, he has no chance, the Retro 50 is guaranteed to be heard more clearly. Unfortunately, you can hear your gambles all the more clearly, but that remains a question of personal preparation.

With his top, Engl succeeds very well in maintaining the assertiveness of a Plexis or a JTM 45 and yet making it a bit more flexible in order to leave the AC/DC channel in the direction of gain if necessary. The infamous scratching of the aforementioned protagonists was also skilfully avoided, subtly defused and yet not neutered. Anyone who has dealt with the adjustment of an amplifier's tone control knows how difficult it is to find the exact middle ground. Bite but don't annoy, press but don't make you uncomfortable, assert yourself but without a middle nub, the Retro 50 manages all of this with excellent quality.


Some people will rub their eyes in surprise and take a second look to see whether the name Engl is actually on the logo. Once you have played the first note, you may not believe that this vintage-influenced sound is actually generated by Germany's flagship brand of soft metal sound. Once again, Engl shows how sophisticated and competent their engineers approach the conception of an amplifier and are able to go beyond their core competence and produce excellent products that are diametrically opposed to their external perception.

The Retro 50 is an adornment of its sound design and rightly deserves its model name. The difficult task of peppering a vintage tone with modern elements without one or both worlds becoming tonally irrelevant has been achieved brilliantly here and deserves high recognition.


Additional Informations:

Engl Amplifiers, a renowned name in the world of guitar amplification, has been at the forefront of producing high-quality, versatile amplifiers since its inception. Founded by Horst Langer in Germany in the early 1980s, Engl has consistently pushed the boundaries of amplifier design and innovation, catering to the diverse needs of guitarists across various genres. With a commitment to craftsmanship, tonal excellence, and technological advancements, Engl has garnered a loyal following among musicians worldwide. Let's delve into the extensive product range offered by Engl Amplifiers, encompassing a diverse array of amplifiers tailored to different playing styles and preferences.

**Savage Series:**

The Savage series embodies Engl's pursuit of delivering aggressive and high-gain tones suited for modern metal and hard rock genres. Models like the Savage 120 and Savage 60 offer a potent blend of raw power, tight response, and articulate distortion, making them a preferred choice among metal shredders and heavy riff enthusiasts. These amplifiers feature versatile EQ controls, built-in noise gates, and switchable voicing options, allowing players to sculpt their ideal metal tones with precision.

**Powerball Series:**

Catering to the demands of progressive metal and high-gain aficionados, the Powerball series delivers a potent combination of sonic versatility and crushing distortion. Amplifiers such as the Powerball II and Powerball E645 offer four distinct channels, each meticulously voiced to cover a wide spectrum of tones ranging from crystal-clear cleans to searing lead tones. With features like adjustable presence controls, assignable FX loops, and programmable MIDI functionality, the Powerball series empowers guitarists to explore new sonic territories with ease.

**Fireball Series:**

The Fireball series embodies Engl's commitment to delivering uncompromising tone and performance in a streamlined package. Models like the Fireball 100 and Fireball 25 offer a simplified yet potent platform for achieving high-gain excellence, making them ideal choices for modern rock and metal players seeking a no-nonsense amplifier with a focused sonic character. With features like built-in reverb, tight/loose voicing switches, and responsive EQ controls, the Fireball series delivers punchy, aggressive tones that cut through any mix with authority.

**Ironball Series:**

For players in search of portable yet powerful amplification solutions, the Ironball series offers a compact and gig-friendly option without sacrificing tone or versatility. The Ironball E606 and Ironball E606/2 amplifiers pack a punch with their 20-watt all-tube designs, delivering a wide range of tones suitable for studio recording and live performance alike. Despite their small footprint, these amplifiers boast features like built-in power attenuators, selectable gain stages, and onboard reverb, making them versatile tools for guitarists on the go.

**Classic Series:**

Drawing inspiration from iconic vintage amplifiers of yesteryears, the Classic series pays homage to timeless tones while incorporating modern features for enhanced flexibility and reliability. Models like the Classic 50 and Classic 60 offer a blend of vintage warmth and modern functionality, making them suitable for a wide range of musical styles from blues and rock to country and beyond. With tube-driven spring reverb, selectable output wattages, and responsive tone controls, the Classic series delivers authentic vintage tones with modern convenience.

**Invader Series:**

Designed to meet the demands of today's most discerning metal guitarists, the Invader series stands as a testament to Engl's dedication to sonic innovation and engineering excellence. Amplifiers like the Invader 150 and Invader 2 E642/2 offer an expansive palette of high-gain tones, featuring multiple channels, customizable voicing options, and studio-grade effects loops for unparalleled sonic versatility. Whether it's bone-crushing rhythm tones or soaring lead sounds, the Invader series provides the tools necessary to dominate the stage or studio with confidence.

**Signature Series:**

In collaboration with some of the world's most celebrated guitarists, Engl has developed a range of signature amplifiers tailored to the unique preferences and playing styles of renowned artists. From the Steve Morse Signature to the Marty Friedman Inferno, these amplifiers offer a glimpse into the sonic world of legendary musicians, providing fans and players alike with access to their signature tones and sonic signatures. With meticulous attention to detail and input from the artists themselves, the Signature series amplifiers capture the essence of their namesake's sound while offering modern features and reliability.


Engl Amplifiers' diverse product range caters to the needs and preferences of guitarists across all genres and playing styles, from aggressive metal and hard rock to vintage blues and beyond. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and sonic excellence, Engl continues to push the boundaries of amplifier design and performance, earning the trust and admiration of musicians worldwide. Whether you're a bedroom enthusiast, studio professional, or touring musician, there's an Engl amplifier ready to unleash your sonic potential and elevate your playing to new heights.

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