Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023

TEST: Mesa Boogie Express 5-25+

 Who would have thought that tuning Fender amps could make you world famous? OK, such a crude statement would really not do justice to Randall Smith, who founded the company Mesa Boogie in 1971. Nevertheless, the hot-rodding of various Fender combos with the main focus on the Princeton was the first big breakthrough of the American and who listens carefully to the legendary Boogie tone, will find one or the other parallel to Fender.

The latest addition to the family is the Express series, which is still very much in vogue as a low-power amp and is both developed and manufactured in the USA. In the test we have the Head Mesa Boogie Express 5:25+, which attracts attention with some very interesting detail solutions.


The first glance immediately reveals which model was the inspiration here. Anyone who has ever had a look at the Mark series will quickly recognize the similarity of the top. Why not, said forefather provided the legendary solo tone, which helped guitarists such as Carlos Santana to their status.

Conceptually, it is a two-channel all-tube top, which was equipped with 5 pieces 12AX7 preamp and 2 pieces EL 84 power amp tubes. Immediately a special feature at the beginning. Both channels can be operated in their output stage circuit independently of each other in these modes:

Single-ended Class A operation / One power tube (single-ended) active with 5 watts of power.
Push-pull Class A operation / both power tubes (push/pull) active with 15 watts output power
Class AB operation / both end tubes active with 25 watts of power

Front panel

With this circuit alone you can give the amp a lot of variation in saturation and compression. The whole thing is switched via two mini-switches on the front panel. Furthermore, the two channels can also be varied in their design via mini-switches. So channel 1 has the modes clean and crunch, while channel 2 comes up with blues and burn. The targeted sounds are self-explanatory.

As an innovation in the Express series, which has been on the market since 2007, the Mesa Boogie Express 5:25+ has the legendary graphic 5-position equalizer for the first time, which names the values 80, 240, 750, 2.2 kHz and 6.6 kHz as center frequencies, can be seen as an extension of the Contour control (referred to here as Depth) and which allows the typical bathtub position of the EQs to be mixed in continuously. Of course, both channels also have a triple tone control and a mix control for the internally installed reverb spiral.

A special feature is also the solo control, which raises the volume of the amplifier during solo passages and relieves the F.O.H. driver of the responsibility of fader movement. By the way, the scope of delivery includes a sturdy 4-way footswitch along with a padded carrying bag, which can take over the switching operations of channel change, reverb, EQ and solo if required. In order to be able to accomplish these switching operations of the amp in the MIDI compound, the same ranges are again at the back as TRS sockets.

Rear panel

Likewise one finds a tube-buffered FX loop and three connection sockets for the boxes on the back beside the cold device plug and the main fuse. Here Mesa has made 2 small thinking errors in my opinion. The mains plug is not led off horizontally to the rear as with most heads, but vertically downwards approx. in the middle of the head. To prevent the tension and vibrations of the cabinet from loosening the plug during the show, the power cord was screwed tightly to the wall with a clip. However, this means that the power cord will either have to be stuffed inside the head during transport, where it will damage the preamp tubes or the reverb coil plugs in the worst case scenario.

Also, the cable can fall out through a wide opening in the bottom of the head. The second possibility is that the cable and plug are carried outside the head during transport, which leads to the fact that it is very likely annoying in the area or but makes it difficult to pack the head in a case. This could have been solved more nicely.

The second point of criticism is the choice of cabinet impedances. You can choose between 1x 8 Ohm, 2x 8 Ohm and once 4 Ohm. OK, almost all 1x12" cabinets run at 8 ohms, but many 2x12" cabinets run at 16 ohms, not to mention the 4x12" cabinets. Even though many modern 4x12" cabinets can be switched to 2x 8 ohms or 1x 4 ohms, older or vintage cabinets run at 16 ohms as expected.

Well, hardly anyone will use this head with a full stack, but a transformer tap at 16 ohms should have every head in my opinion, especially since there would have been enough space on the back for another socket. A malicious who thinks evil, that all Mesa Boogie boxes run as standard on 8, respectively 4 Ohm mono and Long-Time-Competitor Marshall prefers the 16 Ohm variant. The Americans and their proprietary thinking ...


As expected, we start with the clean sound of the head and immediately get to one of the highlights of the amp. Even with rudimentary tone control without any EQ help, the amp sounds extremely fresh, clear and "sparkly". Not only does this sound have a refreshing effervescence, but it also supports the respective alignment of the guitar all the way to the peaks. A Tele sounds like a Tele, a Paula like a Paula, and each in its individual strengths. No "equalizer" mush, but the ultimate promotion of the individual. Outstanding!

With crunch, the amp adds initial distortion to the tone. Very biting, but just at the limit of treble response before it spills over into scratchiness. Very high punch with a lot of bite. Very nice for AOR and classic rock. As expected, the amp also hangs very well on the guitar's volume control and allows for smooth distortion.

Channel 2 doesn't necessarily pick up where channel 1 leaves off in terms of gain. Rather, the interpretation of the channel was shifted more in the direction of warmer and more compressed. While Channel 1 is bursting with highs, Channel 2 is much more restrained in this area. In Blues mode, the first standing lead notes can be reached without dying off too early in the decay phase.

If you call a mode Burn, you know how to set it up. Here comes the classic boogie tone, which has legend status. The tone is brilliantly clear with plenty of sustain. However, one should keep in mind that this tone is a legend in the solo tone, but not in the rhythm section. If you are looking for the Rectifier Hub in the high gain range, you will search long and find nothing.


With the Mesa Boogie Express 5:25+, Mesa has an extremely versatile amp on offer, which, in addition to good cruch sounds, calls a legendary boogie solo tone and an outstanding clean sound its own.

Equipped with a variety of variation possibilities, the amp is one of the most versatile and best-sounding low-power amps that are currently on the market.

Additional Informations:

Mesa Boogie: Redefining the Sound of Rock Amplification
Introduction: Mesa Boogie, also known as Mesa Engineering, is an iconic American company renowned for its high-quality guitar amplifiers and innovative designs. Founded in 1969 by Randall Smith, Mesa Boogie has been at the forefront of amplifier technology, pushing boundaries and shaping the sound of rock music. This comprehensive report explores the rich history, notable achievements, and enduring legacy of Mesa Boogie.
Pioneering Amplifier Designs: Randall Smith's passion for guitar amplification led him to develop groundbreaking designs that would revolutionize the industry. Mesa Boogie introduced the world's first high-gain amplifier, the Mark I, in 1971. This innovative design provided guitarists with a new level of distortion and overdrive, giving birth to the "California sound" that became synonymous with Mesa Boogie amplifiers.

Signature Features and Tone: Mesa Boogie amplifiers are celebrated for their distinctive sound and unique features. The company's trademark "Multi-Watt" power amp technology allows players to adjust the wattage output, providing versatility for different playing environments. Additionally, the inclusion of adjustable graphic equalizers, independent channel switching, and various preamp and power tube options enable guitarists to shape their desired tone with precision.

Versatile Amplifier Models: Mesa Boogie offers a wide range of amplifier models, each catering to different musical styles and preferences. From the legendary Dual Rectifier series, known for its high-gain prowess, to the more vintage-inspired Mark series, and the versatile and compact Recto-Verb and Express series, Mesa Boogie provides options for guitarists across genres such as rock, metal, blues, and jazz.

Endorsements and Influence: Mesa Boogie amplifiers have garnered a loyal following among professional musicians. Numerous legendary guitarists, including Carlos Santana, John Petrucci, Keith Richards, and Eddie Van Halen, have relied on Mesa Boogie amps to shape their signature tones and deliver powerful performances. These endorsements and collaborations have solidified Mesa Boogie's influence and reputation in the music industry.

Studio-Quality Recording and Live Performance: Mesa Boogie amplifiers are renowned for their studio-quality sound reproduction, making them a preferred choice for both recording studios and live performances. The amplifiers' ability to capture the nuances of a player's performance and deliver articulate tones with exceptional clarity has made them a staple in professional studios and on stages worldwide.

Innovation and Technological Advancements: Mesa Boogie has consistently pushed the boundaries of amplifier technology. The company was one of the pioneers in introducing tube-driven effects loops, providing guitarists with greater flexibility in integrating external effects pedals. Mesa Boogie has also embraced digital technology with the introduction of their line of CabClone cabinet simulators and the innovative Rectifier Recording Preamp, combining classic analog sound with modern convenience.

Customization and Handcrafted Excellence: Mesa Boogie's commitment to craftsmanship and customization sets them apart from other amplifier manufacturers. The company offers various options for customizing amplifier configurations, allowing musicians to tailor their amps to their specific preferences. Each amplifier is handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring the highest standards of quality and performance.

Global Reach and Legacy: Mesa Boogie amplifiers have achieved worldwide recognition and are utilized by professional musicians and enthusiasts in every corner of the globe. The company's commitment to innovation, tonal excellence, and meticulous craftsmanship has earned them a lasting legacy as one of the most influential and respected amplifier manufacturers in the history of rock music.

When it comes to comparing the sound of a Mesa Boogie amplifier with other amplifiers, it's important to note that the sonic characteristics of amplifiers can vary significantly based on various factors such as the model, design, and specific components used. However, Mesa Boogie amplifiers have a distinct sonic signature that sets them apart from many other amplifiers on the market.

Mesa Boogie amplifiers are known for their exceptional clarity, tight low-end response, and a rich harmonic complexity. They offer a balanced and focused tone with a generous amount of gain, making them highly suitable for rock, metal, and other high-gain genres. The high-gain channels of Mesa Boogie amps often provide a tight, punchy distortion that retains note definition even at high volume levels.

In comparison to some other amplifier brands, Mesa Boogie amplifiers are often praised for their versatility. They excel at producing both pristine cleans and high-gain distortion, allowing guitarists to cover a wide range of musical styles with a single amplifier. Mesa Boogie amps also have highly responsive EQ controls, allowing players to shape their tone with precision and dial in the desired amount of warmth, presence, and mid-range emphasis.

When compared to more vintage-inspired amplifiers, Mesa Boogie amplifiers often offer a more modern, hi-fi tonal character. While vintage-style amps may have a warmer and smoother tone, Mesa Boogie amps typically deliver a tighter low-end response and a more aggressive, cutting midrange that suits modern rock and metal styles.

It's worth noting that comparing the sound of different amplifiers is subjective and can vary based on personal preferences and playing styles. Some players may prefer the warm, vintage-inspired tones of certain brands, while others may gravitate towards the articulate, high-gain sound of Mesa Boogie amplifiers. Ultimately, it's essential for guitarists to try out different amplifiers themselves to determine which one best suits their playing style and tonal preferences.

Conclusion: Mesa Boogie has significantly shaped the sound of rock music through their innovative amplifier designs, distinctive tones, and commitment to quality craftsmanship. With a legacy spanning over five decades, the company's amplifiers continue to inspire and empower guitarists with their versatility, sonic capabilities, and unwavering dedication to pushing the boundaries of amplifier technology. Mesa Boogie remains a cornerstone of the rock music industry, delivering the power, clarity, and tonal excellence that musicians crave.

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